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South African Turmoil

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posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 05:45 AM
Ok I am bias because I studied Earth Cycles for years and came to a different conclusion about CO2 and the “Global Warming” farce that politicians are forcing on us.

What became very clear is that every government promoting this CO2 BS are in the bag of the “Elite” since a 1970 plan by Rockefeller’s and their multiple foundations

Now I look at my country and wonder what the future holds.

The ANC are corrupt from top to bottom. Obviously they collect by closing down our Coal power stations before the unreliable green agendas were in place. While the countries that are pro “Green” forcing us with sanctions are buying our coal, like France etc (just look at the Richards-bay exports). Yes with freshly printed paper dollars filling pockets.
And after 30+ years of stealing everything still gets deflected by how hard they had under apartheid. Yip the party they blame with the help of the real British culprits are the Boere (farmers) and their National party who ruled for 34 years.
I called it the ABC’s gold fever induced by colonial controllers. And they still do not understand they are expendable tools in the game.

Our supposedly savoir the DA support the green agenda. The smooth talking Steenhuisen made it clear the green agenda is priority. Yip the one visiting and supporting Ukraine against Russia. And you will hear that every Russian ship that visit South Africa are somehow sending weapons to Russia (and that with Denel ran into the ground by external forces) even if they bring us food or maybe “Diesel” for Ergkrom (Eskom). What a snake, forget about a coalition government saving us from corruption while selling us to the Global Agenda (The insect team). The majority of coalition partners are pro “Green Energy”

And then you get the “Kill a Boer” party. The one’s who got loader just after the Victoria Nuland visit. The divide and concur group.

And lastly the UDM which makes the most sense at this point in time but I cannot see a clear anti green agenda.

With that being said;

Divide and concur are playing out worldwide. We will be lucky to see the end of the year with NATO inviting war by dragging America in before Donald Trump come back into power.

(post by kwaka removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

"divide and concur" ... I like that phrase.


posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

Well what a surprise.....everything is the fault of those bastard Brits and Americans and for a bit of novelty the French.

Care to show anything to support that other than opinion based supposition?

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: ICycle2

Divide and concur are playing out worldwide. We will be lucky to see the end of the year with NATO inviting war by dragging America in before Donald Trump come back into power.

Who's going to fight it, millennials or gen z? Ha!Hardly.

They will be kicking and screaming the whole way! Disgruntled and scorned, you wanna arm these militant latte sponges?? Good luck with that!

It only works if there's an incredibly dire reason for young men and women to volunteer their lives, and there simply isn't.

A draft? Again, good luck with that. Very few, and I mean VERY few, are going to acquiesce, join up or "do it for their country". That too comes with its own set of problems.

Draft or conscript illegals? Let's not even go there. We're more likely to get into a tussle with them, right here, nevermind getting them to fight for us "over there". It's just silly.

The aforementioned generations, for the most part, hate this country or hold some very strong opposition to the war machine and "America imperialism". It won't go over well at all.

They've had K-12 re-education at its finest, and College was just their ADC - Advanced Dissident Courses.

It's really going to be hard sell for those that can't go outside because someone might refer to them as what they actually are. You know, he she him her man woman boy girl....smh.. Let's just adjust their meds and arm them too! Smh..

The military was gutted of people who actually gave a damn, and then they doubled down on purposely recruiting "4-F", waiver ridden entitled brats. What could go wrong?

Your real fighters are not going anywhere, no matter if there's a draft or whatever. Their parents and families won't let them go, and frankly, they're smart enough to know it's all BS, so again, good luck with that.

Did I miss anyone? I guess there's the rest of NATO, but they have similar problems in their own countries that have soured their patriots as well.

I hope everyone is enjoying the "new normal" so far. There's more exciting features yet to be revealed, so stay tuned!!

edit on 10-3-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

There may be reason for that concern, although "NATO" is not it.

The danger is that an individual country (or countries) that are NATO members may provoke a crisis to "lock" continued U.S. participation in the defense of Europe. How Article 5 and support of all NATO members would play into that ... hard to say. I can't see, for example, Hungary enthusiastic about going to war if a situation regarding another NATO member nation is questionable as to how a crisis emerged.

IMO, Trump is correct to call out any NATO member nation not pulling their weight for the alliance. But a danger in doing that is that some politician in Europe might think it clever to provoke a crisis with the objective of cementing U.S. participation in whatever follows. Danger, Wil NATOson ...


posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 01:07 PM
South Africa ... isn't that the place that has a slaughter of white farmers going on and invites Hamas to Nelson Mandela celebrations, and then has the audacity to try to drag Israel in front of the ICJ for alleged genocide?

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

IMO, Trump is correct to call out any NATO member nation not pulling their weight for the alliance. But a danger in doing that is that some politician in Europe might think it clever to provoke a crisis with the objective of cementing U.S. participation in whatever follows. Danger, Wil NATOson ...


To which I again ask, who the hell is going to fight it? What pool of candidates in the US is even capable of coping with the rigors of military service?? Our 18-45 year olds are being decimated by fentanyl, and the rest are so twisted up mentally, they're likely to pull a "postal" event when it becomes too overwhelming or hard.

US simply doesn't have a large pool of willing, capable, patriotic and driven individuals to choose from for this agenda. Forcing them will get them networking to find loopholes and anyway they can get out of serving. That's a recipe for disaster on the battlefield.

I know it's a bunch of gaslighting, but what have we seen that contradicts my predictions? Not much. NATO better have plenty of safe spaces on the battlefield and crisis counselors attached to every platoon, lol.


posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

South Africa ... isn't that the place that has a slaughter of white farmers going on and invites Hamas to Nelson Mandela celebrations, and then has the audacity to try to drag Israel in front of the ICJ for alleged genocide?

and has a terrorist organization in charge of it's government. no wonder they are snuggling up to hamis and drag Israel in front of the ICJ.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

It seems we were the blueprint for the rest of the world bud.

Open borders.

Rape and murder capitals of the world.

A corrupt and useless police force, not to mention our joke of a military.

Killing of farmers and running productive farms into the ground.

Talks of 'redistribution of land'.

Race hate politics.

A Nigerian drug dealer in every single suburb in South Africa.

Education standard destroyed with 33% guaranteed as a pass rate during exams.

Remember just before the 2010 world cup how our locals burned 200+ Africans and we still got to welcome the world to our shores because obviously the show must go on and unite the world behind soccer.

Record levels of overt corruption not worried in the least after it became public knowledge we were a captured state.

The DA is the main opposition party in SA. A party created and run by South African Jews for most people who do not support the ANC. People are impressed by them because whenever they win a province the municipal services are better than anywhere else. They are controlled opposition.

Our country has been set up to fail the moment 'democracy' made everything worse for all South Africans.

The Freemasons made sure of that.

The Rothschilds masquerading as Business 4 South Africa during the scamdemic constantly putting pressure on the president to mandate covid vaccines, the compliance between all forms of broadcast and printed media and all big corporations showed me everything I needed to know.

The countries of the West are beholden to their captors, and yes-men have been put into key political positions including controlled opposition.

The West cannot fight for its existence when it doesn't even know who is destroying it from the inside.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Freeborn & 19Bones79

Thanx for your worthy replies

posted on Mar, 22 2024 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

Here's something you might like to read:

Who really controls South Africa

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