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An end to daylight savings time? Please!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: SchrodingersRat
Are you a NY'er, FF?

No. Originally from Connecticut. Now I live in Delaware.

I live about an hour north of NYC on the Hudson river

Around Sleepy Hollow? I've been there. Fun at Halloween.

What part of CT?

I lived in Danbury, CT for 22 years. The area I lived in was right next to a beautiful golf course - rated in the top 25 public courses in the US - Richter Park.

Great place to play golf in the warm weather and take the kids tobogganing and sleigh riding in the winter.

I also worked in Southport, CT for many years too in a very large converted house. Beautiful area, but *so* expensive to buy a home. Homes of the rich and famous. Paul Newman came over one day to introduce himself as he was a neighbor since the part of Southport we were in bordered the part of Westport where he and his wife of 50 years - Joanne Woodward, lived. Newman was an amazing man and is sorely missed.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 09:35 PM
I’m in favor of staying on daylight saving time. I like having an extra hour of sunlight after work. Really though instead of changing the time twice a year, businesses and churches or whatever could change hours of business and operation to suit the most people.

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