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Realisations regarding the one-two punch of the COVID scamdemic...

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posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 08:24 PM

So I've been sketching an outline for a novel - after years writing on here my wife finally convinced me to attempt a fictional narrative regarding some of the topics I've enjoyed discussing on ATS (whether for pleasure or out of a sense of duty to help protect the sanctity of freedom, justice, and peace in our societies, in whatever small way I can).

In the course of writing my notes, I came to realisations regarding the one-two punch of the COVID scamdemic, in the sense that the virus was engineered according to a strict set of desired attributes, and furthermore, the supposed 'vaccine' was engineered to craft a range of particular effects in the people who took it. That sounds obvious but wait a moment and I'll explain further. Youl see they were actually absolute genii in the way they went about this.

Firstly, the virus - and this is the first of three points which I haven't read elsewhere, which I hope may represent useful insights, pieces of the puzzle regarding the methodology and approach of those who are the hidden architects of the whole thing - THE PLAN. The virus was engineered to be completely harmless to almost all people everywhere in the world. There were a couple of interesting 'side effects' of the virus that could cause someone to sit up and take notice that "This isn't quite like the flu - I must therefore have COVID." Hence 'COVID' was identifiable as something different, which definitely existed, yet for most people caused no real harms. I'll come back to that point shortly. Those side effects I refer to included the loss of a sense of taste/smell, but ultimately there would be published a list of 200 symptoms that "..could indicate that you have Long COVID." Quite frankly, it's obvious if they are saying there are up to 200 symptoms, then any time you get ill for any reason could be taken as 'evidence' that you have COVID. You would then take one of those useless PCR tests with their excessive cycling which makes them utterly incapable of providing an accurate result. You would then isolate/ tell everyone you have Long COVID, and at the first opportunity you will go to get a new vaccine/ booster. Here are some of the 200 symptoms:

"...fatigue, post-exertional malaise (where people’s health worsens after physical or mental exertion) and brain fog. Other effects included visual hallucinations, tremors, itchy skin, changes to the menstrual cycle, sexual dysfunction, heart palpitations, bladder control issues, shingles, memory loss, blurred vision, diarrhoea and tinnitus.

....researchers also captured the progression of symptoms over time. “After six months most of the remaining symptoms are systemic – things like temperature regulation, fatigue, post-exertional malaise – and neurological [affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves],”

Guardian Newspaper screeching about COVID - again..

Firstly, it's very obvious that many of those 200 symptoms are actually symptoms of severe health disruption caused by the use of the gene therapy 'vaccines' which the unsuspecting normie will assume are really, really good for them. Specifically, I'm referring to the issues of heart attacks, myocarditis/pericarditis, severe neurological effects, changes to the menstrual cycle, infertility, fibrin-based 'calimari' blood clots, strokes and much more.

Other sources blame the following points of observance when assessing someone's symptomology..

Long COVID likely comprises multiple diseases under one umbrella [EMPHASIS ADDED], said Iwasaki. The task ahead is to disassociate and disentangle the conditions.

Causes of long COVID have eluded clinicians and researchers, but several hypotheses exist.

...viral RNA or protein could be triggering chronic inflammation. Another hypothesis is autoimmunity, noted Iwasaki. An acute respiratory infection can induce autoimmune conditions in some patients. Once this happens, it's very difficult to reverse. “And that could be happening in a subset of long COVID patients.”

AMA - Long COVID: Over 200 symptoms, and a search for guidance

Blatantly, it seems to me, we are dealing not with several diseases under one umbrealla, we are dealing with multiple immune, neurological and inflammatory effects arising from damage caused by a single source - the COVID vaccines. As soon as the mild virus with odd side effects began circling in the community, people rushed to get vaccinated. Bear in mind that most people in the UK and the USA (and elsewhere in the Western world) took advantage of the vaccines when they became available. This means that the source pool of people alleged to have the mythical 'Long COVID' in actual fact have varying degrees of vaccine damage. It is the quintessential pre-bunking, to offer an explanatory excuse for the host of terrible effects caused by the vaccine, to elevate this mystical condition with up to 200 symptoms as the cause rather than the vaccines being the obvious cause - it's absurd. Clearly 'Long COVID' was a cover story planted at the time the virus entered the worldwide community, so that when the terrified populace immediately took the vaccine when it was offered, the damage caused by those vaccines was mostly swept under the carpet as the many and varied symptoms of a supposed 'real illness' named 'Long COVID'.

The other observation I have regarding the virus itself, is that it was deliberately engineered to be very mild, only capable of killing very elderly people, or people with severe co-morbidities (IE disabilities) who were younger. This was done so that if the architects of THE PLAN accidentally were exposed to the virus in the field, they themselves being in rude health due to their general wealth and good living, a situation results in which with the right therapeutics (which they all knew about in advance) they would survive it without even a whiff of actual danger to their lives.


1 - Engineered to have unusual mild side effects so that the public would identify the illness in their community due to the novelty of those side effects. IE the loss of taste and smell, perfect candidate as a generally non-harmful yet irritating and IDENTIFIABLE side effect of the very real yet very mild virus.

2 - PRE-BUNKING around the idea of a mythical-yet-allegedly-real condition known as 'Long COVID' was put into effect very early on, in the knowledge that a sub-set of the people infected by COVID would have fatigue involved in their recovery, which can spiral into paraedolia-driven hypochondria after taking the vaccine and suffering a range of weird vaccine damage-driven adverse events manifesting as supposed additional symptoms of the mythical 'Long COVID', especially when up to 200 symptoms can be used as an excuse.

3 - Engineered to be UNUSUALLY MILD as a virus in itself, so that if any of the architects or supporters of THE PLAN were to catch the virus in the field, they could simply rest up for a couple of days and feel better without any long-term effects. When it came to whether or not they got vaccinated (as public figures, for example) then it would be easy to be set up with a corrupt doctor on the payroll who will give them a shot of saline for the cameras.



posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Very well written and thank you for taking the time to put it together.

What is bothering me is where the 5 year numbers are going to be in certain cancers...

Ovarian and testicular come to mind as well as various types of Sarcomas.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 08:39 PM
Here's a question that just popped up in my mind after reading the OP. And I'll admit I don't know the answer, but I think it would be a good question to ask at this particular point in time:

Has anybody been accurately diagnosed as having "Long Covid" but who were not vaccinated against Covid-19?

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

In terms of the architect(s) of this decades long agenda, you may find this interesting as it was given to me as a link, so I pass it around when I can. It's a bit long but make sure you're sitting down:

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Station27

Obviously, all the people who got the post viral syndrome from SARS-2...AKA "long covid" in 2020 and pre-rollout
AND all the people who never got the vaccine and got the post viral syndrome from SARS-2...AKA "long covid".

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Station27

Has anybody been accurately diagnosed as having "Long Covid" but who were not vaccinated against Covid-19?

I stayed away from the medical system on this issue, took me about 3-6 months for my energy levels to return after having a bout of covid, tested positive. Was over the worst in a day or two with my treatment. Similar, but different to past cases of the flu. I did not get a live blood analysis, but expect my red blood cells would of looked all smashed up at the time.

The spike protein has had a lot of R&D go into it over a long time. The furin cleavage site is one similarity with HIV and allows for an attack against the immune system. As ones immune system gets a good bashing, whatever issue that person is fighting against does get a bit stronger, hence so many different complications arising. With a chain of action that can hit an immune cell, can also cause other problems elsewhere.

Bill Gates was on the mark with 10% increase in mortality. It is a tough job trying to kill everyone and get away with it. Need to be slow and steady with lots of distractions along the way.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 11:03 PM
I don't necessarily think the virus was engineered, I think the reason our governments freaked out so much was because they knew for a fact it leaked from the Wuhan lab despite their best efforts to deny it, and they weren't exactly sure how deadly it would be. However, I also think they quickly realized they could exploit the pandemic to destroy the booming economy Trump had created. Even once they fully knew it wasn't very dangerous, they still went all out on the lock down BS.

But as usual, they didn't think more than two steps ahead, and now everything they did is backfiring on them. There's virtually no chance in hell Biden can get re-elected despite their most hopeful delusions, unless they have completely rigged the system from top to bottom. But I don't think they have rigged it all, or it's too obvious if they were to try, so they're going all out on trying to imprison Trump or remove him from the race, which is also equally delusional.

Having said all that, it wouldn't really surprise me if the whole thing was engineered in order to kill off a bunch of people, because that's what seems to be happening, and I find it highly disturbing, despite the fact most people choose to ignore it. I don't really see any logical explanation for how they screwed up the vaccine so badly besides big pharma intentionally making people sick so they can rake in more profits, or even worse, intentionally culling the human population.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I'm writing a novel too and have scattered a little bit of covid drama throughout

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: Station27
Here's a question that just popped up in my mind after reading the OP. And I'll admit I don't know the answer, but I think it would be a good question to ask at this particular point in time:

Has anybody been accurately diagnosed as having "Long Covid" but who were not vaccinated against Covid-19?

Yes. Long covid existed before the vaccines were available.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 09:52 AM
I'd be interested to know how many long Covid sufferers already had pre-existing immune system issues.

I'm not sure if I classify myself as having long Covid syndrome, but I haven't felt ok since getting it two years ago. I recently got over what might have been the most recent strain of Covid, or might have been a very nasty flu. I'm still weak and exhausted a month+ later.

Before I got Covid, I was already battling with auto-immune problems. Tinnitus, hypothyroid, fibromyalgia and vitiligo. Ever since the initial Covid, the vitiligo has spread greatly. My skin itches awfully in the areas where it is actively spreading. My lower arms and hands have lost half pigmentation. The fibro comes and goes and the flare-ups are getting more painful when it happens to the point where I don't want anyone touching me.

All this, plus the herniated discs in my lower back, the arthritis in my hips and back, the sciatica that shifts from left to right side depending on how much I overexert myself, and the scoliosis causing it all is killing me. Not really an exaggeration at this point. Most days, the pain is 7-8/10 even with some sort of pain killer.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

If it wasn't a plan it certainly could look like it was one. I came across this Reddit substack which is weird. As it mentions IgG4 . The only thing at variance with the present happenings is that the full effect kicks in after the fourth shot. Which as we know could be in anything they give you as who would know?

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I didn't say there was no such thing as Long COVID, I just said that it was being used as an obvious cover for post-vaccine adverse events. I know people who have Long COVID, which is generally just fatigue and brain fog in a majority of genuine cases. Where it gets tricky is where they took one or more vaccine shots and then ended up with any combination of a bizarre list of at least 200 moderate to severe 'known symptoms'.

Clearly the vast, vast majority of those supposed Long COVID symptoms are in fact the adverse events arising from the effects of the evil, despicable 'vaccine' bioweapons, which are being disguised as the mythical terrors of Long COVID. Which is actually just mild fatigue and brain fog.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: annonentity

The night after taking the second shot, I had a dream in which I was shown that if I took any more vaccines/ boosters, I woulld literally die, by design. Immediately I began to research the matter properly and of coulrse discovered a rabbit warren of despicable shenanigans which in truth are all part of an intentional effort to cull the human population, as alluded to by another poster above. This was definitely supposed to be deadly, and they desperately hope they'll get away with it, though that looks less and less likely with every passing day, thank God! May the Truth shine like a beacon for all to see, and may the architects of the Plan be lynched by the victims and relatives of those who died or ended up terribly disabled.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

When you go down the rabbit hole and find Doctors with reasonable minds stating verifiable facts, which are so way out on what their take on what is coming down the line . Then you look at the general population it is almost as if a planned cleanout is in its early stages, and it is ready steady go for round two. The reasonableness of the statements is that they are coming from multiple sources. The questions are why was FEMA training people for a "Zombie attack?" Isn't this a bit ridiculous to seemingly waste state funds on, crazy stuff going on in the clown world?

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Since it is so benign, and only kills the aged and infirm, how do you explain the numerous deaths of US armed forces personnel from COVID-19: Nearly 100 Deaths, Half a Million Cases: The Toll from 3 Years of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Military

And what was the scamdemic supposed to achieve? Have any of those proposed schemes happened? I tried to search for 'the goals of the scandemic and plandemic' and aside from 'a cull of humanity', 'enslavement of humanity', and 'the great reset', I haven't found what its specific goals were. Clearly, 'humanity wasn't culled', there has been no 'worldwide economic reset', and neither had humanity been enslaved. Additionally, the WHO, CDC, WEF and Gates/Soros/Elites don't seem to have had any change in their power or wealth.

And if the immunizations were so deadly how do you explain this bloke: German patient vaccinated against Covid-19 217 times?

The scammers were the ones who sold conspiracy based books and films, ran non-free conferences, organized political rallies for their 'crusader' candidates, and/or sold dodgy supplements, not the authorities.

edit on 2024-03-05T17:06:36-06:0005Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:06:36 -060003pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Station27

Has anybody been accurately diagnosed as having "Long Covid" but who were not vaccinated against Covid-19?

I stayed away from the medical system on this issue, took me about 3-6 months for my energy levels to return after having a bout of covid, tested positive. Was over the worst in a day or two with my treatment. Similar, but different to past cases of the flu. I did not get a live blood analysis, but expect my red blood cells would of looked all smashed up at the time.

The spike protein has had a lot of R&D go into it over a long time. The furin cleavage site is one similarity with HIV and allows for an attack against the immune system. As ones immune system gets a good bashing, whatever issue that person is fighting against does get a bit stronger, hence so many different complications arising. With a chain of action that can hit an immune cell, can also cause other problems elsewhere.

Bill Gates was on the mark with 10% increase in mortality. It is a tough job trying to kill everyone and get away with it. Need to be slow and steady with lots of distractions along the way.

Many viruses have furin cleavage sites. The MERS coronavirus spike protein binds to furin much more readily than the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.

Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses

There are no similar sequences between the HIV virus, and the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are genomically, totally dissimilar.

HIV does cleave to furin, but that is not what makes HIV so dangerous. The danger in HIV is that it is a retrovirus, coding for reverse transcriptase that causes its RNA genomic code to be integrated into the host's DNA and causing the viral code to be expressed every time our DNA is transcripted and replicated every time out DNA replicates.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 09:19 PM
It was interesting, the one time I knew I had it, at first I could tell it felt different- worse than a cold, not as bad as the flu. Then my taste and smell went, and that was the worst part of it for me. I downed some hot sauce in a desperate attempt to taste something, got none of the flavor, and all of the heat lol

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The MERS coronavirus spike protein binds to furin much more readily than the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.

MERS also has a fatality rate of around 35%, a lot less contagious thankfully requiring more direct contact with the camels to be infected. I do not understand how you conclude there is no genetic similarities between sars-cov-2 and HIV when the both have a furin cleavage function?

When getting into what damage the spike protein can do to a body, there is more too it than just the furin cleavage. Attachment to ACE2 is also a problem. The density of the spike molecule in trigging amyloid misfolding is also a problem. As for what else might surface and more it learnt about it?

With the military staff that did die from covid, what kind of treatment did they get? Where they given Remdesiver and ended up drowning as their kidneys shut down and could no longer process out the excess water? Been a lot of those cases. Results when put on a ventilator ain't good either.

And what was the scamdemic supposed to achieve? Have any of those proposed schemes happened?

Have you forgotten this thread? It ain't over yet.

Amendments To International Health Regulations 2024 - Scamming Their Way Into The NWO.

posted on Mar, 6 2024 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Which is actually just mild fatigue and brain fog.

Uh... I know 3 people who are permanently disabled from it. One with brain damage, and the other two severely scarred lungs.

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: chr0naut

The MERS coronavirus spike protein binds to furin much more readily than the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.
MERS also has a fatality rate of around 35%, a lot less contagious thankfully requiring more direct contact with the camels to be infected.

Human to human transmission of MERS-CoV has occurred.

I do not understand how you conclude there is no genetic similarities between sars-cov-2 and HIV when the both have a furin cleavage function?

They are just completely different gnomically, they have no similar sequences to each other.

When getting into what damage the spike protein can do to a body, there is more too it than just the furin cleavage. Attachment to ACE2 is also a problem. The density of the spike molecule in trigging amyloid misfolding is also a problem. As for what else might surface and more it learnt about it?

Furin - Wikipedia

Furin at the cutting edge: From protein traffic to embryogenesis and disease

With the military staff that did die from covid, what kind of treatment did they get? Where they given Remdesiver and ended up drowning as their kidneys shut down and could no longer process out the excess water? Been a lot of those cases. Results when put on a ventilator ain't good either.

I have no idea of the specifics of their treatment. The article linked in my previous post covers three years (mentioned in the title) and I imagine that medical best practice guidelines at the time of each case was used.

Through the whole pandemic, remdesivir as a treatment was considered a last resort:

Why remdesivir, a highly effective COVID treatment, is a last resort for providers

Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Final Report

And what was the scamdemic supposed to achieve? Have any of those proposed schemes happened?
Have you forgotten this thread? It ain't over yet.

Amendments To International Health Regulations 2024 - Scamming Their Way Into The NWO.

The WHO recommendations from 2005, and the 2021 amendments, are all short-term responses to fight killer disease outbreaks.

What do we do if a really-really nasty species ending disease occurs?

It isn't about politics. Various politicians totally mis-handled the response to COVID-19. They can't be trusted to take the right actions quickly enough.

In New Zealand, they took action within 4 hours of notification of each outbreak, and three times they eliminated each disease outbreak from the general population.

Yet some politicians around the world even denied that there was even a problem for months, at the cost of millions of lives, and thanks to the inaction of those politicians, the disease has now become endemic in the human population (and will continue to kill thousands of people every year in perpetuity).

And all the restrictions of the pandemic are over now. They were a response to a disease and weren't there for either political control, or for profit.

Similarly, these recommendations proposed by the WHO are to prevent the same things that occurred during the COVID pandemic from happening all over again.

And the majority of the recommendations have been in place since 2005, but despite that, Trump (and other politicians) ignored them and even defunded the WHO right when it was most important that we take some action against an emergent disease (not to mention there were those in the WHO who also procrastinated and didn't act due to political concerns).

It doesn't matter if someone is scamming, or if people aren't free to do risky behaviours, or which ideology you support, if everyone is dead.

You need to sort your priorities and stop listening to the (provably bogus) doom-porn.

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