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Position of Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill on the problem of migrants

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posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 01:01 PM
Hello ATS!

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill visited the World Youth Festival (WYF-2024), organized in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation and taking place from March 1 to 7 on the federal territory "Sirius" in Sochi in the Krasnodar Territory.

From the transcript of the responses of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church to questions from festival participants:

"- Salaam alaikum, my name is Keldebek, I am from the Kyrgyz Republic. I would like to touch on the currently pressing migration and cultural topic. You take a rather tough position regarding migrants. Hence the question: what do you see as the problem here and is there a desire to limit the presence of in a country of different cultures and religions?
— Where did you get the idea that I have a tough position against immigrants?
- You always say that.
- No, I don’t speak like that, this is what I’m talking about. The presence of immigrants, driven by economic needs, should not pose a threat to the national identity of Russia and Russians. Just imagine: people of a different nationality have come to your country, there are many, many of them, and they are beginning to displace everything Kyrgyz. After all, a person connected with his culture will say that this is not very good. Perhaps the centripetal mood in the Soviet republics was at one time provoked by the fact that, say, religious life in these republics was not fully developed. Culture was present, but mainly, I would say, in folklore terms. Under no circumstances should religion or culture be suppressed. But if we talk about the presence of immigrants, then immigrants in Russia should always remember what country they came to. They must respect our customs. Russian people are peaceful, they do not gather in any groups that can attack immigrants or beat them up. There are individual extremist phenomena, but this is absolutely not connected with the mindset of the majority of people. Therefore, I am simply saying that the presence of immigrants in Russia, which is now due to economic problems, is possible if two conditions are met. Immigrants must have respect for the country and the people among whom they work. They should not form their own national ghettos, aggressive towards their surroundings. Everything I'm talking about happens. Of course, not globally, otherwise the state would sound the alarm. But I am well aware that, for example, people are sometimes afraid of consolidated ethnic groups that may resort to violence against those they do not like. In other words, the presence of people of a different culture, a different language, a different religion on the territory of Russia is permissible, perhaps, but an indispensable condition must be respect for the Russian people, for Russian culture, that is, for the culture of the majority. Then everything will be fine with us."

Patriach Kirill's answer is undoubtedly worthy and correct. It seems that this should have become obvious a long time ago - if you want to come to Russia, earn money, live here, be so kind as to learn the Russian language, respect local traditions (and not impose your own), and comply with Russian laws.

It seems to me that this position will be understood and supported by the majority of normal Americans. This is the position of the authorities in Russia.

Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 02:13 PM
When in Rome...

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll
Again Russia culture is a beacon of widespread common sense.
Like a lighthouse reveals land in a sea of confusion.

The entrepreneur in the East is in contrast to the entrepreneur in the West.

Aspirations vs perspiration.

Cognizant vs asleep.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Maybe I'm wrong about this?

You're right about this if you talk about how things should be, what the perfect situation would look like.

Immigrants in Russia have always been regarded as the necessary evil. Everyone, that is nearly everyone (80% of the Russian society) hates them. The authorities hate them, the police hates them but also nearly everyone knows that they are the source of cheep labor, without which Russian economy would collapse. They do the work that Russians don't want to do for a much lower wage, often without any social security. The influx of immigrants is poorly controlled so not only peaceful and skilled workers come or those that are willing to assimilate.

Also the discrimination against immigrants in Russia is alive and well. Apart from the wage discrimination, they often face troubles with renting an apartment as most Russians want to rent their apartments only to Slavic people. They are frequently visited and controlled by the police. And there's a question of racial antagonism caused by uncontrolled immigration.

Until 2017 nationalism was very popular among Russians and plenty of them embraced xenophobic attitudes, not just a few cuckoos. Also the crimes against immigrants were on the rise. The situation improved a bit in 2017 but since the war with Ukraine broke out, immigrants have been pressured to join the army. Some are promised Russian citizenship, others are forcefully sent to fight in Ukraine.

Also the the living conditions of indigenous peoples in the North Caucasus are not to be envied. The lands are exploited by the central government for fuels and minerals in return for the state funds that get mainly to the local elites while the majority of people live in poverty. Adding to that riots, civil wars, acts of terrorism and reprisals on part of the police all of that make the region a real s**thole to live in. Just recently the Amnesty International appealed to the European governments not to deport the immigrants from the North Caucasus as they are likely to face arbitrary detention or even torture.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Ummm...thank you for that view into the mind of the Patriarch...I had not personally attended to any of his positions or speeches before...

The Patriarchs answer to the questioner was refreshing...balanced...and goes to the heart of immigration and illegal immigration as experienced the world round...

These are common sense points that he raises...
Juxtapose his answer against the backdrop of the US where the more conservative sector of society states the very same Thing...Immigration is essential to a healthy hordes and floods of millions crossing the border unchecked...undocumented...and unsupervised...

The major difference in the US is that all major metropolitan areas have become those aggressive ghetto's that he spoke to...
As well as havens for Drug cartels of course...and all that entails...'s election season...and the pandering for votes voices it's urgency for the matter...only to be forgotten once the election is over...

And the song remains the same...


posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

Ummm...why do you state..."In Russia"...?

Is your own country perfect in those regards...or do you also have sectors of your society that discriminate against differences...?

From all the reports I've read...the entirety of Europe...and not so great Britain...are also struggling with those very same issues you only singled life in Russia about...

If you have any desire for credibility...for fairness...and for honesty...and the appearance of would balance your opining with the simple truth of the matter...and not appear quite so partisan...and narrow minded...

Telling...very telling...


posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Ummm...why do you state..."In Russia"...?

Because the topic is about Russia.

Is your own country perfect in those regards?

Nope, absolutely no. But I haven't posted a topic how the immigrants can live a fairy tale life in Poland if only they are peaceful, hardworking and know Polish. If the topic was about immigration in general, I would gladly talk about the immigration situation in Poland.

If someone says something like that:

Russian people are peaceful, they do not gather in any groups that can attack immigrants or beat them up. There are individual extremist phenomena, but this is absolutely not connected with the mindset of the majority of people.

Then what about all those anti-immigration rallies and riots a couple of years ago? What about the police detaining immigrants instead of people who attacked and beat them up? Sure later on the situation improved a bit but since 2022 Russian nationalism is rising again and there is forced recruitment to the army. How many immigrants have been sent to Ukraine to fight?

And above all, doesn't the government encourage uncontrolled immigration? It has a vested interest in it.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: YouSir

Hello, Yusir!

I want to tell you a little about the situation with migrants in Russia. Most of them are normal, hardworking people, they work officially, they adapt, they send their children to Russian schools, and they don’t break the law. A family from Uzbekistan lives in my building. Very friendly, children always say hello, speak fluent Russian.
There are also illegal immigrants, and there are plenty of them too. The fact is that one of the areas of work of British intelligence is to oust radical Islamists from their states to Russia. creation of a "fifth column". Numerous crimes, murders, fights, drugs - that's what they do. They are covered by diasporas and numerous martial arts sports clubs.

The authorities do not always react properly. Therefore, now throughout the country, in every region and city, people's squads "Russian Community" have been organized. There is a “red button” in the “Russian Community” application on your smartphone. Anyone who has downloaded and installed the application can call activists of the “Russian Community” at any time in any difficult situation. About 50 healthy bearded Russian men will arrive anywhere in the city within 10-15 minutes, the very sight of whom immediately discourages all migrants from attacking citizens. Activists will provide legal assistance and seek a legal response from the police, investigators and courts. Community activists constantly hold sports, folklore, and leisure events, provide legal consultations, and explain to citizens their rights. In general, the help is enormous. Love for the Motherland, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and rejection of drugs and alcohol are promoted.
I myself am a member of the “Russian Community” of Saratov and help with information.

I don’t know if there are such popular associations in the USA? Definitely not in Europe. They bury themselves, alas.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: YouSir

Your song remains the same allways, supporting genocide , supporting murderers ....singing the Russian propaganda here.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 02:13 AM
Russian Orthodox Church has nothing to do with Christianity , they are totally in bed with the evil itself , supporting genocide, killing children , destroying Ukrainian churches ...and they strongly support Putins war .

Patriarch Kirill itself worked in KGB , then Putin make him billionare , a payed worker for putins war against Ukaine/West .

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

The fact is that one of the areas of work of British intelligence is to oust radical Islamists from their states to Russia. creation of a "fifth column"

Oh. Most migrants are labor migrants coming mainly from Central Asia. Some are from the South Caucasus. The part of your Russian empire, later USSR.

You let them all in because you need their slave work.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

Migrants from countries that are members of the EAEU can enter Russia without a visa. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. And then, only for 90 days, or you need to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Regarding the "poor" migrants. In the courtyard of the house where my daughter lives in Moscow there is a teahouse from a well-known chain. Mostly migrants gather and relax there. No matter how you pass by it, there are definitely Porsches, Mercedes and BMWs))))
And I want to remind you of the fate of one German and Swedish woman who fiercely defended migrants, and then were found raped and killed.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Then if you let them in without visas, then don't complain about islamists. The countries you mentioned are a cradle of radical islam.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

Where did I complain))) You are confusing me with someone. I have a lot of respect for Muslims, I grew up among them and I have many Muslim friends, including my boss. There are many nationalities and religions in Russia, we have harmony.

I have already described to you how migrants get to Russia. If you still don’t understand, then I’m sorry, I won’t repeat it again. I am used to communicating with smart, tolerant people, and not with stupid people who come out with anger and hatred.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll
You have a short memory.

The fact is that one of the areas of work of British intelligence is to oust radical Islamists from their states to Russia. creation of a "fifth column". Numerous crimes, murders, fights, drugs - that's what they do.

You want to tell me that the bad Muslims are only sent to you by the British. And only the good ones are getting through the uncontrolled non visa system? Indeed. Spare yourself the trouble.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy
Speculating for your counterpart, and then drawing conclusions from this is a technique that even the most reckless gentlemen have not used for a long time))))

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 06:09 AM
the way i see it anybody with close ties to ol farty, was a known KGB agent during the soviet era with kgb records that prove it, wears a 30,000 dollar watch, made billions off illegal cigarette sales, he and his cousins own real estate worth 27 million and according to Forbes and other sources worth 4 to 8 billion dollars.

isn't a holy man, he's part of a organized criminal government who is so full of sh@@ his eyes are brown and anything he says is bullsh@@.
edit on 4-3-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

If you have nothing to say on the topic, then it is better to remain silent. You will seem smarter.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Hello to you as well my the US...there is no such American community analogue...

There are neighborhood watch groups in some communities...however...these are primarily toothless old men who ride around their gated communities in golf carts checking marks on a clipboard...
There are no groups of bearded men who will show up to insure peace and respect between those who wish to live in peace and those who wish to cause strife...

The best analogue would be in rural communities where various militias naturally form in order for those residents to protect one another should the need arise...These defensive militias are predominantly heavily armed groups of regular citizens who express their rights in the manner they deem most appropriate for the safety of their communities...

Our authorities also do not always act properly either...Usually the best authorities are the county sheriffs who are elected by vote and live in the communities they police...a good number of them also work hand in hand with their local militias...

Obviously...there is a corrupt percentage of both law enforcement...and militia...but these are classed more as gangs who involve themselves in drug and human trafficking...etc...

I think the glaring difference is how heavily armed primarily the rural communities are...yet they live in peace...comfortable with their right to bear arms...
Personally...I am also very comfortable both around other responsible people who are armed...and also very proficient in handling weaponry on a personal level...I also own many firearms...although I have never felt the need to wear a firearm as I go about my life interacting with other people...
A fair number do...even on ATS...still...I would be perfectly comfortable around them as I am with any other that carries a weapon...

Having digressed from the main point of your post...I'm wondering if such an American community would work...
I can see it working in a rural an urban setting there is too much turf being held presently by gangs...
It would take decades and a monumental will of the people to turn those scenarios around...and there would be significant bloodshed...

Other members can correct me if I'm wrong...and they have a better analogue or experience...


posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: YouSir

Unfortunately, open possession and carrying of lethal weapons is prohibited in Russia. You can openly buy and carry only gas, pneumatic and traumatic weapons. Firearms - only smoothbore, registered through membership in the Union of Hunters. But, oddly enough, you can carry a baseball bat in the trunk of your car.
I had a Czech gas pistol, I took it with me when I went for a walk with the dog. Then he gave it to his nephew.

In Russia there are no police and, accordingly, sheriffs, only the police, and this is a federal body. It is susceptible to corruption. That’s why ordinary people unite in communities like the “Russian Community.”

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