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A New Dating Site For The Unvaxed

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posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

edit on 2024-02-05T20:51:02-06:0008Mon, 05 Feb 2024 20:51:02 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: charlest2

Do these anti-vaccination positions also apply to HPV and Hep A and B?

I never got a covid vax, but went out the way for the hep ones when all the street people started spreading it on the sidewalks I walk.

Is there a certain criteria, or is this like full on "all vaccines cause autism" dating?

edit on 5-2-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundya4k
a reply to: charlest2

Seeing as this is a conspiracy site and all I'll just throw this out there.
What are the chances of the puppet masters creating this site with the sole purpose to flood it with those vaxxed as to spread whatever to the unvaxxed?
Just sayin

How about we take it a step further and say this is a way to collect personal info/profile those that are unvaxxed.

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:50 PM
For some strange reason I would bet that that site will be hacked and shut down by hackers working for some government agencies or from some Pharma company. Or maybe they will set up fake accounts with pictures of some of the least attractive people in the world.

I am sure that these powerful organizations and businesses will somehow screw up these people's lives on that dating sites. Maybe they will audit them every year or something.

I don't think it is wise to challenge such powerful health agencies or big pharma like could make your life hell.

Just my opinion even though I do not believe that those new vaccines were appropriately tested.

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

I'm 59 YO, not jabbed, have never tested positive and with no symptoms or serious health problems, but I'm some kind of carrier spreading it around from your description. Personally, I've been feeling great esp. after changing up my vitamins and supplements a little. Dropped two trees Sunday, cut them up, stacked them and have a week's worth of wood I'll be splitting by hand with a maul daily for heating with. I've also been out manicuring my foot trails and can get from one end of the swamp to the other side now. All on a daily basis before I have to go in and bust ass at work. Yet, my co-worker who got the jab has been sick and exhibiting symptoms for three weeks now, and they are getting worse. I told her to stay the hell away from me.

As far as being a COVID carrier myself, I can't say, but if you want a nasty fungus, I've been dealing with those for awhile. That will settle in your lungs and ears in addition to your feet and crotch. Fungus is a given in my swampy territory, but how about the warts on my hand? I have three or four small ones on my left hand I could be spreading around in public places. Better get a HPV vaccination for those warts before they "get out of hand".

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 02:34 AM
I would say it’s a track and trace. Like a variation from the Facebook playbook.


a reply to: network dude

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: TheMichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

I'm 59 YO, not jabbed, have never tested positive and with no symptoms or serious health problems, but I'm some kind of carrier spreading it around from your description. Personally, I've been feeling great esp. after changing up my vitamins and supplements a little. Dropped two trees Sunday, cut them up, stacked them and have a week's worth of wood I'll be splitting by hand with a maul daily for heating with. I've also been out manicuring my foot trails and can get from one end of the swamp to the other side now. All on a daily basis before I have to go in and bust ass at work. Yet, my co-worker who got the jab has been sick and exhibiting symptoms for three weeks now, and they are getting worse. I told her to stay the hell away from me.

As far as being a COVID carrier myself, I can't say, but if you want a nasty fungus, I've been dealing with those for awhile. That will settle in your lungs and ears in addition to your feet and crotch. Fungus is a given in my swampy territory, but how about the warts on my hand? I have three or four small ones on my left hand I could be spreading around in public places. Better get a HPV vaccination for those warts before they "get out of hand".

Some people drink their own urine and seem to think others should do so too.

Others choose not to recycle pathogens and wastes back into their bodies.

The thing is, our bodies are able to protect us from all sorts of bad stuff, but that doesn't make the bad stuff good for us (and others) in any way.

Personally, I believe nice clean potable grade water is OK enough for most to drink, and it falls from the sky for free, which is fairly good value!

edit on 2024-02-06T02:41:37-06:0002Tue, 06 Feb 2024 02:41:37 -060002am00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 03:50 AM

edit on 2/6/2024 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 06:36 AM

edit on 2/6/2024 by yeahright because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Sounds like a good way to be put on a watch list for 'subversives'.
I'd be careful about that.

That was my first thoughts aswell

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 10:32 AM

edit on 2/6/2024 by yeahright because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: charlest2

Blood tests must be mandatory, to confirm clean bloods from contaminated.

Might become a new point of contention between social groups.

I can see it being a legitimate reason for divide and conquer.

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Blood tests must be mandatory, to confirm clean bloods from contaminated.

I wonder if you will have to pay for the tests...if so... Might as well provide a STD test for an extra $50usd.

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 01:28 PM
A colleague says she saw a condom under the wiper of an atrociously parked BMW with a note:

"Please don't procreate".

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: lilzazz
I just looked at the site, doesn't appear to be any verification or tests, just a promise to tell the truth pmsl:

For our members most cognizant in staying Unjected; can choose to be Verifed and attest to their unvaccinated status by affidavit

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: AdultMaleHumanUK

Right up there with "the cheques in the post"!

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

The whole idea that unvaxxed people are disease spreaders is such a BS thing. If I get the flu because I'm not vaccinated, then I will NEVER get that particular strain again. And it might be circulating the next year, or the next. But guess what? I won't get getting it or spreading it. Your vax for that flu will wear off after between 10 to 14 months and then you're totally open to getting that flu again - and despite being vaxxed for flu, you will likely eventually get that flu.

Same goes for measles that I had when I was six months old. I'm good for life. Measles vaccine wears off after about 8 years, and so most adults walking around who never had the measles but had the vax are susceptible to it. And then there's the fact that after the third measles vax, it's showing to wear off quicker and quicker, offering only a year's protection.

Such a bunch of non-scientific, black and white ignorance.
edit on 6-2-2024 by Thefineblackharm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: AdultMaleHumanUK

Right up there with "the cheques in the post"!

Actually did laugh at that, haven't written a cheque for years!

There's no free membership option and "verified" goes like this:

Save 15% with a yearly membership


One time UPGRADE for PREMIUM members only.

"Premium" membership costs 19:99 🤣🤣🤣

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Thefineblackharm

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

The whole idea that unvaxxed people are disease spreaders is such a BS thing.

Infected people spread diseases, immunized or not.

If I get the flu because I'm not vaccinated

If you get the flu, then that is exactly when you are likely to spread the flu. People who are not infected can't really spread a disease they don't have.

If you don't get the flu because of immunization, or you have it for a shorter period because of immunization, or you have it very mild (i.e. a low viral load) because of immunization, it stands to reason that you will not spread it as much as someone who has the flu, has it worse, or has it longer.

, then I will NEVER get that particular strain again. And it might be circulating the next year, or the next. But guess what? I won't get getting it or spreading it. Your vax for that flu will wear off after between 10 to 14 months and then you're totally open to getting that flu again - and despite being vaxxed for flu, you will likely eventually get that flu.

Infectious diseases exist because our immune system isn't perfect in the first place, which also created the need for ways to fight those infectious diseases - so much for the 'natural is better' BS.

Immunizations work by exposing the organism to aspects of a pathogen, without that pathogen being viable. The organism's immune system has time to build defences against that pathogen, without getting sick from that pathogen. The immune system is primed and ready to fight. Not so someone who has never encountered that pathogen.

In both natural and immunized cases, the immune response is by the same immune system, and the fade off of response is the same no matter how the pathogen was encountered by that immune system.

In fact, all those early papers quantifying how fast the immune roll-off was, they weren't measures of of immunized roll-off, because the papers came out before and of the immunizations did. Those were how the natural immune response rolled-off over time.

What we know about the COVID-19 immune response - August 2020 (.pdf)

But here's something; the immunizations usually contain adjuvants, stuff to supercharge immune response. Natural infections just don't have them.

Perhaps that is why immunizations get higher effectiveness ratings than natural? The Pfizer was rated at 95% effectiveness, natural infection was rated at 87%, a whole 8% less!

Durability of Vaccine-Induced and Natural Immunity Against COVID-19: A Narrative Review

Same goes for measles that I had when I was six months old. I'm good for life. Measles vaccine wears off after about 8 years, and so most adults walking around who never had the measles but had the vax are susceptible to it. And then there's the fact that after the third measles vax, it's showing to wear off quicker and quicker, offering only a year's protection.

Yeah if you survive measles, your outlook is fairly good, however sometime measles does recur. It is also likely that you will infect 10 others in the 10 days that you have symptoms, too.

And, considering the nature of the disease and the cheapness and availability of the vaccine, a roll-off in immunologic protection in adulthood is easy to counter.

Breakthrough measles (reinfection)

Such a bunch of non-scientific, black and white ignorance.

You have been reading to many anti-vaxx sites.

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Thefineblackharm

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: Allaroundya4k
Is there even any way to test, and verify, that an individual is unvaccinated for covid?
I'm unvaccinated but have no way to verify this, and I assume plenty of lying bastards will exploit this obvious verification problem.

Maybe an IQ test is the only thing needed.

Throw in some questions to figure out how gullible they are.

What the need is a Q test. No intelligence required.

Perhaps they could also buy up similar domains like '' and '' ?

Spreadin' more than limbs since 2024!

The whole idea that unvaxxed people are disease spreaders is such a BS thing.

Infected people spread diseases, immunized or not.

If I get the flu because I'm not vaccinated

If you get the flu, then that is exactly when you are likely to spread the flu. People who are not infected can't really spread a disease they don't have.

If you don't get the flu because of immunization, or you have it for a shorter period because of immunization, or you have it very mild (i.e. a low viral load) because of immunization, it stands to reason that you will not spread it as much as someone who has the flu, has it worse, or has it longer.

, then I will NEVER get that particular strain again. And it might be circulating the next year, or the next. But guess what? I won't get getting it or spreading it. Your vax for that flu will wear off after between 10 to 14 months and then you're totally open to getting that flu again - and despite being vaxxed for flu, you will likely eventually get that flu.

Infectious diseases exist because our immune system isn't perfect in the first place, which also created the need for ways to fight those infectious diseases - so much for the 'natural is better' BS.

Immunizations work by exposing the organism to aspects of a pathogen, without that pathogen being viable. The organism's immune system has time to build defences against that pathogen, without getting sick from that pathogen. The immune system is primed and ready to fight. Not so someone who has never encountered that pathogen.

In both natural and immunized cases, the immune response is by the same immune system, and the fade off of response is the same no matter how the pathogen was encountered by that immune system.

In fact, all those early papers quantifying how fast the immune roll-off was, they weren't measures of of immunized roll-off, because the papers came out before and of the immunizations did. Those were how the natural immune response rolled-off over time.

What we know about the COVID-19 immune response - August 2020 (.pdf)

But here's something; the immunizations usually contain adjuvants, stuff to supercharge immune response. Natural infections just don't have them.

Perhaps that is why immunizations get higher effectiveness ratings than natural? The Pfizer was rated at 95% effectiveness, natural infection was rated at 87%, a whole 8% less!

Durability of Vaccine-Induced and Natural Immunity Against COVID-19: A Narrative Review

Same goes for measles that I had when I was six months old. I'm good for life. Measles vaccine wears off after about 8 years, and so most adults walking around who never had the measles but had the vax are susceptible to it. And then there's the fact that after the third measles vax, it's showing to wear off quicker and quicker, offering only a year's protection.

Yeah if you survive measles, your outlook is fairly good, however sometime measles does recur. It is also likely that you will infect 10 others in the 10 days that you have symptoms, too.

And, considering the nature of the disease and the cheapness and availability of the vaccine, a roll-off in immunologic protection in adulthood is easy to counter.

Breakthrough measles (reinfection)

Such a bunch of non-scientific, black and white ignorance.

You have been reading to many anti-vaxx sites.

You didn't listen to a word I said, and instead reiterated your baseless "facts" that you cling to religiously. What you say about adjuvents is sincerely hilarious. Adjuvents don't "supercharge" your immune system, they are added to attenuated virus vaccines because the vaccines wouldn't work without them. Adjuvents are things that FORCE your immune system to react. Ever heard of the explosion of auto immune diseases? Adjuvents! Aluminum hydroxide is one of them usually in the flu shot and it's incredibly bad for you. Injected ALONE into you, that adjuvent will cause immune responses that are not good. It's very much over-exciting the immune system. Natural infections don't need synthetic help to confer lifelong immunity. And as I said, I got the measles and I can't get them again, nor give them to anyone. Virology 101: you get a virus naturally and recover from it, you are immune for decades, and in fact, for most people, for life.

When H1N1 in 2009 made the rounds, researchers noticed that hardly anyone over 50 was getting H1N1. They concluded that H1N1 was actually a descendant from a different flu decades earlier, that these over 50s had recovered from, thus they were already immune. SCIENCE!

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