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My child worrying about his future and if he'll live

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posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:56 AM
He's wise for his age, born adult and wants to know/understand things that are going on in the world.
So he watches some youtube channels that are about current issues and future concerns.

He worries that , as we're 'right wing extremists' that we'll be 'round up and killed with a shotgun blast to the chest' . His words.
He sees how things have been developing in this rotten country. He sees how lunacy is winning and common decency is thrown out.
He sees how bad behaviour is rewarded (he experienced this in school how bullies were not punished , while he was for standing up for himself).
He sees how morals and values are being degraded at a more rapid pace and doesn't understand why it's allowed to happen.
He worries we'll end up homeless needing to flee into the woods in the back while having to fend of soldiers.
Several years ago he worried we will end up homeless and having to live in a cave. In that moment he said he wanted to die.

It doesn't matter what I try to tell him to reassure him, he's still scared because he has every reason to be.
He has seens videos on the plandemic, the so called 'vaccine', how Christians will be prosecuted and killed , the plans from the evil WEF (agenda2021/agenda2030 ), CBDC , 15 minute cities etc etc.

He's 12 years old. This needs to stop. The WEF needs to be stopped, because I see no future for my son .

Oh and for those saying he shouldn't see these videos, he'll find out one way or another anyway. The signs are all around and he's not stupid.
At least he's not growing up in a denial bubble .
I wanted him to join some martial arts to learn self defence skills but he doesn't want to. He said I should get a gun and learn to use it.
I don't want to because I'm not able to deal with it now.
I try to remaim optimistic for everyone's sake and try to keep spreading awareness.

edit on 22-1-2024 by ScarletDarkness because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2024 by ScarletDarkness because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:16 AM
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

That is absolute rubbish. Kids these days are exposed to all sorts of media that we were not. This kind of accusation is naive and uncalled for.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:24 AM

edit on 22/1/24 by Astyanax because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
He's wise for his age, born adult and wants to know/understand things that are going on in the world.
So he watches some youtube channels that are about current issues and future concerns.

He worries that , as we're 'right wing extremists' that we'll be 'round up and killed with a shotgun blast to the chest' . His words.
He sees how things have been developing in this rotten country. He sees how lunacy is winning and common decency is thrown out.
He sees how bad behaviour is rewarded (he experienced this in school how bullies were not punished , while he was for standing up for himself).
He sees how morals and values are being degraded at a more rapid pace and doesn't understand why it's allowed to happen.
He worries we'll end up homeless needing to flee into the woods in the back while having to fend of soldiers.
Several years ago he worried we will end up homeless and having to live in a cave. In that moment he said he wanted to die.

It doesn't matter what I try to tell him to reassure him, he's still scared because he has every reason to be.
He has seens videos on the plandemic, the so called 'vaccine', how Christians will be prosecuted and killed , the plans from the evil WEF (agenda2021/agenda2030 ), CBDC , 15 minute cities etc etc.

He's 12 years old. This needs to stop. The WEF needs to be stopped, because I see no future for my son .

Oh and for those saying he shouldn't see these videos, he'll find out one way or another anyway. The signs are all around and he's not stupid.
At least he's not growing up in a denial bubble .
I wanted him to join some martial arts to learn self defence skills but he doesn't want to. He said I should get a gun and learn to use it.
I don't want to because I'm not able to deal with it now.
I try to remaim optimistic for everyone's sake and try to keep spreading awareness.

This is a real tough one. Here in South Africa my 6 year old was forced to learn about violent crime very early in life. Now she constantly questions death and what happens when we die. It is very tough for parents these days. The bombardment of information forces kids to grow up faster or be left behind. O worse, be in the 'denial bubble', as you call it.
Unfortunately i do not have an answer for you but I wish you luck. Just be honest and realistic with your kiddo.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:33 AM
I also have a son much like yours. We said he was 80 in a kid body. At 4 he to us he wanted to be an old man nd drive old cats Ike he should. He to took intret in the current events. Mind you it's a itte different now that he is 21. He was concerned about things as well. I attempted to help him grow not to fear what he cannot change. That when te time comes for anything then that would be the time to pull the items out and do what he needed to do. Living in fear only allows for self restrictions. Help him to know what he would need to know if these things ever happen. If we are to survive we must be educated and prepare ourselves and a gun only has so many bullets. A wrist rocket is silent and you can use many things for ammo. Also a bow and arrow could be a good alternative. Perhaps learning a martial art. I did and it helped with my confidence in dealing with diffict situations. I was more disaplines from my teenage emotional outbursts. It took me away from media of the time ( this was in 94) helped me to be more grounded. My sensei even would check our grades to see if they were good. If they were not he woud not allow us to test until our school grades came up. He would even help tutor or find us one from the dojo. Such an amazing man! Perhaps get him into some ort of survival group or scouting of some sort.
I am currently looking to buy books about plants that are edible where I live in the just incase senerio. Plus it's always interested me. I want to know more Bout how to survive. I want to know how to live ad where to go in the SHTF senerio. He may be less worried if he knows and has the tools needed. Neer to young. And he could do it and learn it with friends!

Hope this helps

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Ok first of all, you as a parent need to take control of what he is watching and get rid of the defeatist attitude that "he'll find a way to watch it". 12 year olds are very impressionable and it sounds like the stuff he's watching is pure propaganda.
Some Youtubers push the radical side of conspiracy theories. I'm Conservative and I just roll my eyes at them, but I'm not a 12 year old. Talk to him and let him know that some of these people really push the envelope when it comes to politics.

If a 12 year old is in fear of being rounded up and killed, that's bordering on paranoia.

Under no circumstances should this child be around firearms

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Ok first of all, you as a parent need to take control of what he is watching and get rid of the defeatist attitude that "he'll find a way to watch it". 12 year olds are very impressionable and it sounds like the stuff he's watching is pure propaganda.
Some Youtubers push the radical side of conspiracy theories. I'm Conservative and I just roll my eyes at them, but I'm not a 12 year old. Talk to him and let him know that some of these people really push the envelope when it comes to politics.

If a 12 year old is in fear of being rounded up and killed, that's bordering on paranoia.

Under no circumstances should this child be around firearms

Do you have kids yourself? How do you propose limiting what they watch? Locking them in their room and forbidding them from friends? Because short of that there really is no way to limit what they are exposed to in today's society..

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Teach him to stand up for others without prejudice, that way when they come for you maybe someone is left to stand up for you...

Or in other words...

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: Saibot3052

I have 3.

As parents it's up to us to temper what our kids see and hear. We need to explain to them that what they're seeing and hearing is "doom porn" pushed by a group of people who do it for views, which translates into money. Things could be a lot better, but we're not in danger of being rounded up and killed.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: Disgusted123

Hello pot, let me introduce you to kettle.

The globalist scumbags you carry water for made a neurotic and neurodivergent 12 year old girl the figurehead/bobblehead of a for-profit doomsday cult and featured her on the cover of Time.

Maybe you should sit this one out.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

The die has been played, the damage done not by you personally, but by the extensive nature of TV and computer. Most adults cannot handle the truth, the reality of existence, these days. Sensitive youngsters will suffer forever because of the early exposure that is inevitable. Be wary of his attempts to escape the nastiness of the world.

I came back to add that in the world of the past, present and future many children have been and will be faced with cruelty, hardship and personal humiliation. That is part of being a self-aware creature. Most learn how to survive themselves above the chaos that surrounds.

edit on 22-1-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Saibot3052

I have 3.

As parents it's up to us to temper what our kids see and hear. We need to explain to them that what they're seeing and hearing is "doom porn" pushed by a group of people who do it for views, which translates into money. Things could be a lot better, but we're not in danger of being rounded up and killed.

On board with that but the actual limitation of what they see is impossible unless you completely ostracise them from society and their peers.

PS. been lurking for years and am a big fan of your posts
edit on 22-1-2024 by Saibot3052 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Why are you right-wing extremists?

That would worry me to be honest no wonder the child is concerned.

Small piece of advice, but if the kid can see an issue, maybe its because there is one.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

It's not what he's watching (well it is quality wise) but what you tell him afterwards.

Of course there are channels promoting doom and you should guide him and show him that these are not the alpha and omega of opinions.
Find more balanced channels to watch about the same issues.

Whilst the world is in conflict, show him that the good guys eventually win, make him a good guy, show him how people stand up and win.
Show him how the Berlin wall fell because of goid guys, show him the brave guy of Tiananmen square stand up to a tank.
Build his confidence, make him talk about what he watches and explain where they deliberately exaggerate and that the truth is always in the middle, not the extreme ends.

You have to be one step ahead of him though, but it seems right now that you too are lost and can't be a calming voice to him.

When the blind lead the blind and young, I don't know what to suggest apart from that YOU need to get a grounded lot of knowledge,
Be the adult and be the one safe place for him.
He may sound clever but trust me 12 years on this planet means his brain had no time to grow and get enough experience to just be left to his own thoughts.

You both need guidance it seems.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Saibot3052

By my guess whats rubbish is raising your child to be a right-wing extremist.

Or any other sort of extremist for that matter.

No wonder the little fellow's head is screwed up and he's terrified.

I mean for a start think of the stuff and materials the parents are exposing the children to.

Which may include the likes of hate crimes and discrimination, blatant racial prejudice, threats to national security, the use of symbolism and propaganda, and general anti-government sentiment in spades.

What is uncalled for is to expose children to such lunacy at any age.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

It's not what he's watching (well it is quality wise) but what you tell him afterwards.

Of course there are channels promoting doom and you should guide him and show him that these are not the alpha and omega of opinions.
Find more balanced channels to watch about the same issues.

Whilst the world is in conflict, show him that the good guys eventually win, make him a good guy, show him how people stand up and win.
Show him how the Berlin wall fell because of goid guys, show him the brave guy of Tiananmen square stand up to a tank.
Build his confidence, make him talk about what he watches and explain where they deliberately exaggerate and that the truth is always in the middle, not the extreme ends.

You have to be one step ahead of him though, but it seems right now that you too are lost and can't be a calming voice to him.

When the blind lead the blind and young, I don't know what to suggest apart from that YOU need to get a grounded lot of knowledge,
Be the adult and be the one safe place for him.
He may sound clever but trust me 12 years on this planet means his brain had no time to grow and get enough experience to just be left to his own thoughts.

You both need guidance it seems.

Loved this advice. Just skeptical whether we always know exactly who the good guys are. But solid advice

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Saibot3052

By my guess whats rubbish is raising your child to be a right-wing extremist.

Or any other sort of extremist for that matter.

No wonder the little fellow's head is screwed up and he's terrified.

I mean for a start think of the stuff and materials the parents are exposing the children to.

Which may include the likes of hate crimes and discrimination, blatant racial prejudice, threats to national security, the use of symbolism and propaganda, and general anti-government sentiment in spades.

What is uncalled for is to expose children to such lunacy at any age.

YOu do realise the 'whitewing extremists' was posted in inverted commas.. meaning that it is what they are labeled but not necessarily what they themselves feel they are.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Many people don’t put two and two together to see the big picture.
You probably know deep down the fear sells.
Your child, and most adults are being spoon fed that fear.

Maybe do a little research on the fear from the past and show your kid the hype vs the reality.
The Cold War.
Nuclear war fears.
New ice age.
Five years to end climate change,,,,said 20 years ago
Fukushima will kill the ocean.
Covid 19
Zika virus
I’m sure with a little thought I can come up with a dozen more.
Either way try showing the kid news articles and videos of fear mongering history.
Some perspective will do him some good.

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