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Alec Baldwin Just Indicted on Two Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter

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+11 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 01:39 PM
Breaking Just Now.

The prosecutors reversed themselves after dropping charges and decided to attempt to hold him accountable.
Apparently, if convicted, he could get 18 months in prison.

If you remember, Baldwin testified he never pulled the trigger.
Apparently, new testing discovered the gun in his hand could not have fired UNLESS he pulled the trigger.

Shocking that this guy would lie under oath.

Developing story.

Alec Baldwin has been indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter, as prosecutors once again seek to hold the actor accountable for the on-set death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

Baldwin, 65, was initially charged in the case in January 2023. But the charges were dropped three months later, after Baldwin’s defense team raised questions about whether his Colt .45 was functioning properly when it fired.

Hutchins was preparing to film a scene with Baldwin at a ranch near Santa Fe, N.M., in October 2021 when the gun went off. Baldwin has maintained that he did not pull the trigger.
edit on 19-1-2024 by CarlLaFong because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2024 by CarlLaFong because: (no reason given)

+22 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 01:53 PM

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+3 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 01:58 PM

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+1 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 01:59 PM

Shocking that this guy would lie under oath.

I'm guessing that was sarcasm? It should be.

"They can't do this to me, I'm Alec Baldwin"!!!!!!

I hope they convict him.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:03 PM

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+2 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:29 PM
He is the most arrogant person I can think of.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:32 PM
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

Up until the gun was in Alec's hand. Once the gun is in someone's hand it is their responsibility. No malfunction with the gun it worked as it should, by pulling the trigger! He broke so many protocols himself, yes she bears some responsibility but not on the actual firing of the gun.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:43 PM
From what I understand, the FBI initially did testing on the actual weapon...and concluded that the gun would be very difficult to discharge without pulling the trigger.
Their tests involved bashing the gun to get it to fire...and, unfortunately, damaged it in the process.

The new testing, first had to repair the actual weapon, before performing their own tests.

Therein lies Baldwin's defense loophole.
edit on 19-1-2024 by CarlLaFong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

It's 100% the responsibility of the person in possession of the gun to keep his/her finger off the trigger. This arrogant idiot had no idea how to handle a firearm.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Cohen the Barbarian

He isn’t an idiot. He’s been aware of the two tiered justice system for a long time. This was premeditated murder and anyone of us would be looking at the maximum penalty in our state.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: Cohen the Barbarian

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

It's 100% the responsibility of the person in possession of the gun to keep his/her finger off the trigger. This arrogant idiot had no idea how to handle a firearm.

Nope, actors are not firearms experts, trust me on this. I’ve seen actors handle guns that have no business handling a firearm but they have to get the shot. They also squeeze the trigger. It is the armorers job to make sure that firearm is safe even if a child had it. I have seen actors and armorers work together on the operation of the gun and check the loads but I’ve not always seen that.

All this may change as a result of her death but in the past it’s been the armorer’s job to make sure that gun is safe including the pulling of the trigger for a shot.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:07 PM

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posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

Up until the gun was in Alec's hand. Once the gun is in someone's hand it is their responsibility. No malfunction with the gun it worked as it should, by pulling the trigger! He broke so many protocols himself, yes she bears some responsibility but not on the actual firing of the gun.

That’s just not how it’s always worked in the past on a movie set. Should protocol change? Yes, I think it should but actors just aren’t firearms experts by any stretch. I think things will change as a result of this incident, it’s inexcusable what happened. My understanding was that they were playing around shooting live ammo at times after hours or something, there shouldn’t have been ANY live ammo anywhere near that set.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

The fact it took them 2 1/2 years to charge him is a perfect example of how broken our justice system is.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Being an expert or not is irrelevant.

A simple Google search will show you countless examples of people going to prison for accidentally killing someone with a gun.

Spoiler alert: the vast majority were not firearms experts.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:33 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

Up until the gun was in Alec's hand. Once the gun is in someone's hand it is their responsibility. No malfunction with the gun it worked as it should, by pulling the trigger! He broke so many protocols himself, yes she bears some responsibility but not on the actual firing of the gun.

That’s just not how it’s always worked in the past on a movie set. Should protocol change? Yes, I think it should but actors just aren’t firearms experts by any stretch. I think things will change as a result of this incident, it’s inexcusable what happened. My understanding was that they were playing around shooting live ammo at times after hours or something, there shouldn’t have been ANY live ammo anywhere near that set.

Firearms expert give me a break. Like anyone who drives a car is a car expert. We are talking a basic safety rules for handling a firearm not anything requiring a PHD. ANYONE I REPEAT ANYONE handling a firearm should be taught the basics. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, finger off the trigger till you are going to fire it, check to verify its loaded (no matter what anyone tells you!), and be aware of your surroundings! Any of that sound like expert level training?
The live ammo on set is another matter all together. Baldwin was what in addition to being an actor in this movie? He has two strikes against him in this matter, he was a producer on set and the actor holding the gun when it was fired. As was proven the trigger had to be pulled to fire it. So no excuses!

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
As much as I dislike Baldwin and think he should be held accountable for set conditions. I still think the armorer Gutierrez is the one ultimately responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. I was a IATSE member and worked in the TV and film industry for many years and worked many shows where guns were used. It is 99% the responsibility of the armoror to make sure all guns on the set are safe. I’ve never been on a show where the armorer was asked to cut corners in any respects to safety on set. I’ve talked to quite a few armorer’s and the responsibility and liability is not something I’d sign up for.

Up until the gun was in Alec's hand. Once the gun is in someone's hand it is their responsibility. No malfunction with the gun it worked as it should, by pulling the trigger! He broke so many protocols himself, yes she bears some responsibility but not on the actual firing of the gun.

That’s just not how it’s always worked in the past on a movie set. Should protocol change? Yes, I think it should but actors just aren’t firearms experts by any stretch. I think things will change as a result of this incident, it’s inexcusable what happened. My understanding was that they were playing around shooting live ammo at times after hours or something, there shouldn’t have been ANY live ammo anywhere near that set.

Firearms expert give me a break. Like anyone who drives a car is a car expert. We are talking a basic safety rules for handling a firearm not anything requiring a PHD. ANYONE I REPEAT ANYONE handling a firearm should be taught the basics. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, finger off the trigger till you are going to fire it, check to verify its loaded (no matter what anyone tells you!), and be aware of your surroundings! Any of that sound like expert level training?
The live ammo on set is another matter all together. Baldwin was what in addition to being an actor in this movie? He has two strikes against him in this matter, he was a producer on set and the actor holding the gun when it was fired. As was proven the trigger had to be pulled to fire it. So no excuses!

Think what you want, I’m just telling you how things worked when I was in the industry, granted this was thirty years ago. Actors shooting guns are taught some gun safety and there should be daily briefings on the gun shots. I’m just saying no matter how much you teach some of these actors they’re still somewhat clueless and shouldn’t be handling a firearm, most don’t even want anything to do with a gun. I’ve seen it on set with my own eyes. I swear you could show some a blank and a live round and they’d still question which is which. Actors aren’t always the smartest people even though they may be playing a genius on film.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Being an expert or not is irrelevant.

Unfortunately it kind of is in the film industry.

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