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The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared

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posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

It’s almost like all the politicians know that they’re all dirty. And they save certain things for a time it serves them a purpose.

Thankfully Trump used his whole life to befriend them all, friends with the Clintons up until the moment he decided to flip the script and save America 😎

Those dummies didn’t even see it coming. They were shocked when a NY businessman became a selfless public servant and exposed them all 🤯

It’s all coming together now, tick tock. 4D chess, and they’re just trying to take him down before he brings down the whole cabal.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

I am wondering what Mr. Solomon's staff did with copy of the binder between the time they walked it out of the White House "in a paper bag"....and when the Secret Service retrieved from them in a Whole Foods bag.

How many MORE copies were made (overnight?), and WHO received those copies?

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: Mahogani

I am wondering what Mr. Solomon's staff did with copy of the binder between the time they walked it out of the White House "in a paper bag"....and when the Secret Service retrieved from them in a Whole Foods bag.

How many MORE copies were made (overnight?), and WHO received those copies?

I was thinking about that too.

The Secret Service had to have asked if copies were made. They also had to probably warn them that if they did keep any documents in their possession, they'd potentially be looking at a life sentence if discovered.

Solomon wants the story, I just don't know that he's ready to do life for it. But who knows. If any unredacted papers ever surface, it will be extremely easy to figure out where they came from.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 11:36 PM
What is the USSS comment about the paper bag?
Really guys, the heist of the century is going to be pulled of by putting a physical paper copy in a brown bag and walking out of the White House?

This is all so ANYTHING that is eventually released can be called 'fake'. Just like Hunters Laptop.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:08 AM
For those who want to be brought up to speed, this article summarizes facts about "the binder" (and more) that several of us have constructed threads about since late 2020, when large amounts of documents were ordered declassified after Democrats election steal was successful.

SKIM OVER THIS: trump-russia-conspiracy/#more-253814

The Big Binder Declassification order that most media intentionally overlook, is filed in the Federal Register.

Here: ation

This weekend I will start a thread describing how former President Trump told the media his administration (CIA/NSA/DOJ/DHS/DIA, etc.) had caught all the high-level deep state crooks, and the DOJ was preparing ways to process large numbers of them quickly. It went over the (slow/low-IQ) media's heads, but Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Obama, Clapper and others knew immediately. They're now describing how Trump 2.0 will bring an end to America, lol.

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare
This is great for selling books! This is like that image of crumpled papers in the toilet we saw? Or doctoring a press image with folders that were not actually found on site right? Or, I don't know, actual foreign agents working for the Democrats to spread false information about a political opponent?

Yup, I am going to keep believing those liars for sure lol!

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

Crossfire Hurricane is about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Ah and you think 4 years later the Russians just forgot to do that same stuff?

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

So you admit the was election interference on the part of Russia in 2020. Which candidate do you think Russia supported?

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 07:01 AM

That operation was about Russian involvement into our elections and how they were able to hack and infiltrate our networks, and manipulate. Around a dozen Russian intel agents were indicted as a result of this operation.

You mean the Russian guys who bought a couple of Facebook ads from the Mueller Investigation?

Here I found the relivent information:


posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

So you admit the was election interference on the part of Russia in 2020. Which candidate do you think Russia supported?

They bought Facebook ads that supposedly decimated the Clinton campaign so their actions clearly benefited Donald Trump.

However that is not the same as proving that they supported Donald Trump.

They could have believed the US medias election interference attempts to convince the world that Donald Trump had no path to victory and where simply trying to harm the next US president before she won her election. The Russians could have been just as shocked as the rest of us when we found out the media was simply lying.

After Donald Trump pulled of his upset victory; It's funny how the Clinton campaign did Russia's work for them by fabricating a Trump/Russian collusion hoax.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66

Cassidy Hutchinson, the Democrat plant and known liar? She is very prevalent in that fake story.
She is the one you are letting your bets against Trump ride on?
The woman who said Trump tried to commandeer the Beast from the back seat and tried to choke a couple of Secret Service agents?

We know in the end the Russian involvement was minimal so what would Trump want from the binder unless there was dirt on the Democrats? If it went missing then it seems it disappeared on the next President's watch. The whole story is very fishy, to say the least. If this document was of the highest level then you don't just go in and take it. It's like a library on steroids for accountability. You also don't just have it in your office, or your private safe in your office. There is a massive level of custodial oversight even for lesser documents.

This story sounds like it is coming from a person who doesn't understand what is the process for classified documents. In her book, she attacked everyone on Trump's Staff and some Republican Congressmen with each story being over-the-top accusations. She reminds me of Kerry who came back from Vietnam with fabricated horror stories as he testified in Congress and lied his ass off. He then started his political career in the back of that.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It has raw intelligence. In other words it has info on how we spy on Russia and the identities of our informants.

Why wouldn't Russia want that information?

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer

It has raw intelligence. In other words it has info on how we spy on Russia and the identities of our informants.

Why wouldn't Russia want that information?

The question is why would Trump want it, or want to give it to the Russians? I said the only reason he would want it is if it turned up some bad mo jo on the democrats and so he was trying to get it cleared. If it did have dirt on Democrats they would be the ones to want it to disappear.

We need to move on that Trump is a Russian asset, don't we? Wasn't it Hunter that got money from the Moscow Mayor? Maybe we need to look in that direction.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Dandandat3

They bought Facebook ads that supposedly decimated the Clinton campaign so their actions clearly benefited Donald Trump.

However that is not the same as proving that they supported Donald Trump.

The whole Facebook part was like 250k worth of ads, a rather small amount and they were against both sides. Russia doesn't take one side over the other, they want to disrupt it all.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer

So you admit the was election interference on the part of Russia in 2020. Which candidate do you think Russia supported?

Neither, both.... The Russians were trolls on both sides of many hot topics.

The Russians were intent on sowing discord.

The Russians bought ads that appeared to promote both sides of divisive social issues. Some accounts pretended to be Black Lives Matter activists protesting police brutality, while others dressed up as law enforcement supporters and complained about a war on cops. Similarly, while some accounts scapegoated Muslims as a threat to security, others focused on ending Islamaphobia. Though few would dispute that these are critical issues for Americans to discuss, Americans engaging in these debates have a right to know if a foreign power is egging them on — or secretly collecting information about their preferences and beliefs based on their activity online.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: ElitePlebeian2

So you admit the was election interference on the part of Russia in 2020. Which candidate do you think Russia supported?

They bought Facebook ads that supposedly decimated the Clinton campaign so their actions clearly benefited Donald Trump.

However that is not the same as proving that they supported Donald Trump.

They could have believed the US medias election interference attempts to convince the world that Donald Trump had no path to victory and where simply trying to harm the next US president before she won her election. The Russians could have been just as shocked as the rest of us when we found out the media was simply lying.

After Donald Trump pulled of his upset victory; It's funny how the Clinton campaign did Russia's work for them by fabricating a Trump/Russian collusion hoax.

Everyone seems to forget Hillary orchestrated Uranium1 sale to Russia.
And she later talked of Russia as the enemy.
She was openly setting up Russia as the fall guy with a US nuclear attack blamed on Russia.
Russia knew of her intent.
She intended on war with Russia almost beginning day1 of her presidency.
Ww3 was stated off from the Trump presidency.
I think Russia at first doubted Trump as being a good thing for them and relations to US.
But they definitely knew of Clinton's treachery.

China has been and still is the biggest threat to the US and this includes interfering with our elections.
And I am not claiming Chyna Ukraine where the cv19 biolabs were.
These biolabs are yet to be investigated. I am sure they are all waiting for Trump to regain power and once again begin peaceful relations with Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc...
The Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden Warhawks days are almost over.

I hope Trump returns before 2024.
These idiot sociopaths want ww3 so bad it is stomach turning to me.
Sickening to watch.

edit on 18-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 12:09 PM
Arrest Trump using the Patriot Act for treason or STFU. Seriously. Since this all started all I have heard is traitor. Selling secrets. Enabling Russia. Enabling Suad. Selling nuke secrets. Selling sub secrets.

If this was real he would be in PRISON!

This was not found in the search at MAL and they were looking for it. Many of us have said this all along. It is a fishing expedition.

Good thing Mary Trump is here to tell us what is really happening.

I think the issue is that he de-classified it all but if they do not have the original...can it be re-classifed? I mean, at that point it would not exist.

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

What was the ultimate conclusion of the Mueller investigation?

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer

What was the ultimate conclusion of the Mueller investigation?

The ultimate conclusion is I don't care....

posted on Dec, 18 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

That the only government official that can ever be charged is Donald Trump. Everyone else gets a pass.....

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