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Sudden Closure of Holiday Resorts. For What Though.

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posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: glen200376

What are "dingy marines"?

Maybe it closed because it's rubbish and outdated and no one wants to go there anymore?

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
Oooo carpy, think about it. Groups of fighting age men (might be marines) coming into the country in small dinghies.

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TheWhat

Isn't the closure of just two resorts (which have been in financial difficulty for years) a bit of an overreaction in your attempt to malign the re-use of vacated facilities for low cost housing by the government?

I will bet you dollars to donuts that the low cost housing you seem to think this is for will not be provided to first time buyers or social housing.

So, what's it to you, personally, about what use the premises are put to?

Are you losing money?

Did you miss out on the deal?

Or could it be that you have been radicalized and oppose anything to do with immigrants, regardless of the fact that you don't actually know any immigrants?

Just asking.

edit on 2-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2023 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

That is sad Andy getting hit with that section 33 they can do the same with heritable property and have you out in a week back then , I tried to buy land from a lord under the crofting commission new rules at the time of a £ 1 a acre , it went down like a lead balloon and I was out in a week @#÷$£÷ds .

I can vaguely remember the butlins we went to when I was a kid at Ayr , there is a vast number of people getting kicked out so landlords can get the extra money housing refugees, same going on the housing register if you are a single bloke with the way they work the points system a foreign family will get it before you ..

You have to play the points system for all it is worth ?? Pm me if you need any info on that one

edit on 2/12/2023 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/12/2023 by stonerwilliam because: Spell8ngsssssss

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TheWhat

Isn't the closure of just two resorts (which have been in financial difficulty for years) a bit of an overreaction in your attempt to malign the re-use of vacated facilities for low cost housing by the government?

I will bet you dollars to donuts that the low cost housing you seem to think this is for will not be provided to first time buyers or social housing.

So, what's it to you, personally, about what use the premises are put to?

Are you losing money?

Did you miss out on the deal?

Or could it be that you have been radicalized and oppose anything to do with immigrants, regardless of the fact that you don't actually know any immigrants?

Just asking.

Those first questions are as predictable as they are asinine. They pail into into insignificance however next to your obtuse and laughably inaccurate one about me not knowing any immigrants. My Dentist and My G.P. are both immigrants who came here legally along with many others who I interact with regularly.

Right next to my place of work is hotel that is housing the the other types that are likely to placed in the holiday resorts. Maybe your wilfully ignorant or you don't live near a place where third world , fighting age males falsely claiming to be refugees regularly carry out sexual assaults, mass shoplifting, urinate and defecate in public and are generally violent and anti-social.

Apologists like you are as dangerous as they are. I'll end by asking you a question that you probably won't answer truthfully. How many illegal, fighting age male, third world, bogus refuge claimants will you allow to live in your home?
edit on 3-12-2023 by TheWhat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 04:29 AM
Net migration for the UK is currently estimated at around 600k which is the same volume of people as a city like Sheffield. The government cannot build houses quick enough so these 'Holiday Villages' are ideal for housing the migrants. The problem I foresee is they wont be happy and demand hotels or houses instead.
The current Conservative government came in on the back of being tough on immigration (and Brexit) and they have failed miserably, and this is a government allegedly trying to curb immigration to a manageable level, heaven help the UK when the lefties get in and declare open borders for everyone.
The country is going to the dogs, people cannot get housing, cannot get medical appointments, struggle to get kids into schools and when they do they are overcrowded, the list goes on.

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 04:38 AM
Everything you say is correct yet, as is seen in this thread, there are still those can't or more likely refuse to see what is happening. Those people usually live in nice neighbourhoods that don't get uncivilised third worlders dumped on mass in their cosy, pathologically altruistic bubble

a reply to: Bilbous72

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Bilbous72

Tell you one thing heating those things in the middle of the likes of the British winter is going to present quite a challenge depending on the conditions.

I mean I've been in static caravans that are like palaces with the likes of double glazing, central heating, ensuite, and jacuzzi.

Then ive been in ones where the windows and taps iced up and the toilet door froze shut.

End of the day if they do choose to house the likes of asylum seekers in static caravans they are going to change the entire social dynamic of the area, and a lot of these places are Rural areas in the middle of nowhere.

Which means dumping hundreds of people into small villages and towns and leaving them to their own devices is apt to go down like a lead balloon.
edit on 3-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TheWhat

Isn't the closure of just two resorts (which have been in financial difficulty for years) a bit of an overreaction in your attempt to malign the re-use of vacated facilities for low cost housing by the government?

I will bet you dollars to donuts that the low cost housing you seem to think this is for will not be provided to first time buyers or social housing.

So, what's it to you, personally, about what use the premises are put to?

Are you losing money?

Did you miss out on the deal?

Or could it be that you have been radicalized and oppose anything to do with immigrants, regardless of the fact that you don't actually know any immigrants?

Just asking.

Those first questions are as predictable as they are asinine. They pail into into insignificance however next to your obtuse and laughably inaccurate one about me not knowing any immigrants. My Dentist and My G.P. are both immigrants who came here legally along with many others who I interact with regularly.

Right next to my place of work is hotel that is housing the the other types that are likely to placed in the holiday resorts. Maybe your wilfully ignorant or you don't live near a place where third world , fighting age males falsely claiming to be refugees regularly carry out sexual assaults, mass shoplifting, urinate and defecate in public and are generally violent and anti-social.

Apologists like you are as dangerous as they are. I'll end by asking you a question that you probably won't answer truthfully. How many illegal, fighting age male, third world, bogus refuge claimants will you allow to live in your home?

I can only really accommodate two boarders at the very most.

In the past, we have boarded international students. They have always been male (but that's just circumstantial) and have probably been of age to be in military service, but I'm fairly sure that they weren't. They have all been well behaved and polite.

When I was living in Australia, one of my friends and band members lived in Villawood, adjacent to the migrant hostels which had been there for decades and were the main migrant integration area for Australia. Everyone there got on very well with the neighbors, although outside of the suburb, there was some degree of racism.

The drunk, unruly, violent, thieving, and publicly defecating people, were almost exclusively male skinheads in Doc Martens, who were quite outspoken racists as well.

edit on 3-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TheWhat

Isn't the closure of just two resorts (which have been in financial difficulty for years) a bit of an overreaction in your attempt to malign the re-use of vacated facilities for low cost housing by the government?

I will bet you dollars to donuts that the low cost housing you seem to think this is for will not be provided to first time buyers or social housing.

So, what's it to you, personally, about what use the premises are put to?

Are you losing money?

Did you miss out on the deal?

Or could it be that you have been radicalized and oppose anything to do with immigrants, regardless of the fact that you don't actually know any immigrants?

Just asking.

Those first questions are as predictable as they are asinine. They pail into into insignificance however next to your obtuse and laughably inaccurate one about me not knowing any immigrants. My Dentist and My G.P. are both immigrants who came here legally along with many others who I interact with regularly.

Right next to my place of work is hotel that is housing the the other types that are likely to placed in the holiday resorts. Maybe your wilfully ignorant or you don't live near a place where third world , fighting age males falsely claiming to be refugees regularly carry out sexual assaults, mass shoplifting, urinate and defecate in public and are generally violent and anti-social.

Apologists like you are as dangerous as they are. I'll end by asking you a question that you probably won't answer truthfully. How many illegal, fighting age male, third world, bogus refuge claimants will you allow to live in your home?

I can only really accommodate two boarders at the very most.

In the past, we have boarded international students. They have always been male (but that's just circumstantial) and have probably been of age to be in military service, but I'm fairly sure that they weren't. They have all been well behaved and polite.

When I was living in Australia, one of my friends and band members lived in Villawood, adjacent to the migrant hostels which had been there for decades and were the main migrant integration area for Australia. Everyone there got on very well with the neighbors, although outside of the suburb, there was some degree of racism.

The drunk, unruly, violent, thieving, and publicly defecating people, were almost exclusively male skinheads in Doc Martens, who were quite outspoken racists as well.

You just did exactly what I knew you would and conflated those arriving legally with illegal bogus refuge claimants and you also played the racism card. Once again as predictable as it is idiotic.
edit on 4-12-2023 by TheWhat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TheWhat

Isn't the closure of just two resorts (which have been in financial difficulty for years) a bit of an overreaction in your attempt to malign the re-use of vacated facilities for low cost housing by the government?

I will bet you dollars to donuts that the low cost housing you seem to think this is for will not be provided to first time buyers or social housing.

So, what's it to you, personally, about what use the premises are put to?

Are you losing money?

Did you miss out on the deal?

Or could it be that you have been radicalized and oppose anything to do with immigrants, regardless of the fact that you don't actually know any immigrants?

Just asking.

Those first questions are as predictable as they are asinine. They pail into into insignificance however next to your obtuse and laughably inaccurate one about me not knowing any immigrants. My Dentist and My G.P. are both immigrants who came here legally along with many others who I interact with regularly.

Right next to my place of work is hotel that is housing the the other types that are likely to placed in the holiday resorts. Maybe your wilfully ignorant or you don't live near a place where third world , fighting age males falsely claiming to be refugees regularly carry out sexual assaults, mass shoplifting, urinate and defecate in public and are generally violent and anti-social.

Apologists like you are as dangerous as they are. I'll end by asking you a question that you probably won't answer truthfully. How many illegal, fighting age male, third world, bogus refuge claimants will you allow to live in your home?

I can only really accommodate two boarders at the very most.

In the past, we have boarded international students. They have always been male (but that's just circumstantial) and have probably been of age to be in military service, but I'm fairly sure that they weren't. They have all been well behaved and polite.

When I was living in Australia, one of my friends and band members lived in Villawood, adjacent to the migrant hostels which had been there for decades and were the main migrant integration area for Australia. Everyone there got on very well with the neighbors, although outside of the suburb, there was some degree of racism.

The drunk, unruly, violent, thieving, and publicly defecating people, were almost exclusively male skinheads in Doc Martens, who were quite outspoken racists as well.

You just did exactly what I knew you would and conflated those arriving legally with illegal bogus refuge claimants and you also played the racism card. Once again as predictable as it is idiotic.

In 2022 UK estimate numbers, there were about 1,075,000 'legal' immigrants. The 'irregular' ones in the same period were about 20,000 or 1.86% of the legal ones.

Estimates of net migration and immigration to the UK

Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2023

edit on 4-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 09:02 AM
What sort of money do shills make these days?

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 10:30 AM
link effect

"The site has had a bad reputation for some time and I hope this news brings the potential for welcome change to benefit the town.”

Gareth Davies, Senedd member for Vale of Clwyd, also tweeted: “Sad and sudden news of the closure of Pontins in Prestatyn this afternoon but unsurprising in many ways as they’ve underinvested for years.

“My thoughts are with the staff, their families and all involved with Pontins Prestatyn at this difficult time.”

The operator’s Brean Sands Holiday Park site in Somerset is closed for three years as it has undergone a £2 million refurbishment by EDF Energy, which will use the site to house staff working at Hinkley Point C power plant."

]edit on 5-12-2023 by Oldcarpy2 bese: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: TheWhat

Pontins was bought out of Administration by Britannia Hotels

Ever stayed in one of their Hotels?

I have. Never again.

'Nuff said, really.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: TheWhat
What sort of money do shills make these days?

a reply to: chr0naut

I have no idea.

What sort of money do you get?

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:31 PM
Brittania Group has one of the lucrative government savage housing contracts. What a coincidence!!!!

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: TheWhat

"Savage" what?

I didn't know about this contract. Have you a source?

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TheWhat
What sort of money do shills make these days?

a reply to: chr0naut

I have no idea.

What sort of money do you get?

I bet they fired you for being so unbelievably predictable and unimaginative.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: gortex

I don't think you're being cynical at all , Holiday camps have a perfect set up for housing large numbers of people within an enclosed area in reasonable comfort , I think that is likely the plan .... although Rwanda is warmer this time of year.

That smells about right.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 03:53 PM
It's very easy for governments to "convince" businesses to house migrants. They can either accept the ridiculous money being offered or the health and safety inspector can find something very wrong and close you down if you don't agree. They don't play fair, at all.

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