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Could Misogyny Have Led to the Israeli Intel Failure That led to 10/7 ??

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posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 12:00 PM
I mean we knew somebody dropped the ball with regards to intelligence, but this recent article out of the Jerusalem Post has just shed a new light on it for me. Despite repeated warnings of suspicious activity occurring the chiefs in charge not only dismissed the warnings, but even threatened to press charges against the junior female officer if she brought it up again??

I say misogyny because I wonder how this information would have been received if a male had been trying to report it?? or perhaps they knew damn well what was going on, but like the stand down orders issued on the East coast of the USA during 9/11, was being ordered to allow it to happen?

Whatever, lets read the article now.

IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored - report
This is the response they received from him: "I don't want to hear about this nonsense again. If you bother me with these things again, you will stand trial."

A junior Israeli officer in the elite 8200 intelligence unit warned over Hamas's plan of a mass infiltration event and was ignored by her commanders, N12 reported on Thursday evening.

The officer claims to have warned for the past 12 months about a scenario that involves a mass intrusion event by Hamas, foreshadowing what occurred on October 7.

She turned to her commanders, but they did nothing. "You are imagining it," her commanders were quoted by N12 as telling her.

Last week, Channel 12's Weekend News program published new testimonies of female observers who served near the Gaza border.

In the testimonies of the observers, they tell how for months they warned repeatedly about changes they see in the field, which require special attention and raising red flags.

According to them, they told their commanders that there were training sessions, anomalies, and preparations near the border.

Among other things, they described how more and more people who had never visited this area suddenly come to it, how farmers who used to come day after day to work the fields suddenly don't come to the place and are replaced by others, and above all they recognize another feature, one that rang all the bells.

Those female observers felt that they were not being listened to and that what they were seeing was not being counted.

The IDF says right now their focus is on the success of the mission. Once that is complete, there will be a full and thorough investigation. Im guessing it will be heavily redacted much like the 9/11 report was.

So anyone think maybe it was just disdain for women in the service that were why the senior commanders ignored their observations and warnings, or was it much more sinister like needing a justification to eradicate the Arabs in Gaza and finally have unfettered access to the oil and gas offshore the coast??
edit on 11-24-2023 by worldstarcountry because: bad code

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

" In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"If the American people knew what we really did, they'd chase us down in the street and lynch us"

- George Bush Sr

I quote that because in my 59 years on this planet, nothing governments do surprise me anymore. There is nothing too heinous for them. They can always find some excuse to do the evil things they do, no matter the outcome.

Just like 9/11, somebody knew something and they let it happen.
Our governments are more than willing to sacrifice our lives for their goals.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: DAVID64
Well yea I am sure. I just turned 38, but was shocked out of sesame street disney world life when 9/11 happened. 23 years later, what I have learned is more humans lie than don't. Even the nice law abiding ones. More humans lie than do not lie.

i consider myself to be a brutally honest person, both in regards to observations of happenings in the world, and in regards to my own self. I frequently will stop and criticize myself if I have felt to have made an assumption rather than a fact based opinion. I will beast myself up over it. When I have a sudden negative internal thought, I will chastise myself on where it came from and why I would think in such a way.

We must not assume all of our thoughts are our own anymore. Sometimes it is the message of an outsider, pretending to be you. the message was put there because they know exactly what they need to say to direct our thoughts. After all people share them with every technology company on Earth everyday with their posts and conversations recorded for a "better advertising experience".

its got nothing to do with a better user experience. it is all about having a file built around the individual which knows what foods, media, stories and types of people can affect the individual in question. That profile is then fed into a Defense Department AI program running ops all over social media. So when X user logs into facebook, the AI will know exactly what to load on their feed to affect a certain mental or emotional state in regards to specific topics.

People seriously, we all need to do better at studying the psychological weapons being used against us considering we have given them everything about our selves, essentially our souls. That soul is being used against us because they know now how to manipulate it digitally at the personal level and we did not study 100 years of neuro science and propaganda on how to manipulate the human mind, so too many of us will never recognize it as it happens in real time.

Everyone must study the cabals weapons, or we will fall victim to them year after year after year.

on topic though, without more information, which we are not going to get during an active war, I sincerely believe a lack of respect for women may actually have played a contributing factor. But again, it is kinda hard to accept they would just not treat this seriously after nearly a year of observations being dismissed repeatedly time and again.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

It's not misogyny, it's misandry I tells ya! The female office should have only said it ONCE, not a million bloody times like a wife. That would have fixed the problem from the get go! If they'd just follow the rules, there'd be no problems, but no, they have to keep saying it over and over again. Speaking of which, there was a good booklet out in the 50's that could have sorted out this issue ahead of time.

How to Train Your Wife

The world was so much better and simpler back then lol

Seriously though, the whole thing stinks from the get-go. Apparently, the israelis changed the venue from a secure location to an insecure location 48 hours before the concert. It actually looks like an inside job, like the Israelis decided to sacrifice their own to promote a genocidal agenda. Where has that happened before eh?

Mr. Rogers asks, "Can you say Hitler and Nazi Germany, sure, knew ya could."

And now I expect another "terror" attack in Israel, to seal the genocide deal. Right now the world is pissed at Israel, but if Hamas attacks again, all bets are off and the world will likely "green light" the genocide. After all, the world is upside down now.

Cheers - Dave
edit on b2023b14_000000Fri, 24 Nov 2023 13:21:14 -0600000000112023-11-24T13:21:14-06:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 01:31 PM
Ohh man, that was a good laugh. I think you actually may be on to something there. Thank you for that!

It's not misogyny, it's misandry I tells ya! The female office should have only said it ONCE, not a million bloody times like a wife. That would have fixed the problem from the get go! If they'd just follow the rules, there'd be no problems, but no, they have to keep saying it over and over again. Speaking of which, there was a good booklet out in the 50's that could have sorted out this issue ahead of time.

How to Train Your Wife
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Like I said in the beginning, IDF has to be right 100% of the time.

The terrorists only have to be right once.

It could be a failure of communication or even something more evil, but that does NOT excuse the vile, sub-human rapists and murderers who killed, raped, tortured over 1400 Israeli's and kidnapped hundreds,

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I clicked on the link about 8200 Elite Program.

The ninth cohort of 8200 Impact, a program created by graduates of the IDF’s Unit 8200 to support ‘impact-tech’ start-ups, will place a special focus on issues of accessibility, diversity, and inclusion. The program, which includes several months of workshops, seminars, and events, will be accepting applications until October 15. Accepted start-ups will also receive a grant from Bank Hapoalim.

Perhaps the members are not viewed as "real officers" but as temps using the experience as a stepping stone on their way to some entrepeneur future.
edit on 24-11-2023 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

You know the saying, a lie repeated enough eventually becomes the truth.

That only works if it isn't challenged, that's why they hate it so much if you keep challenging the lies no matter how often they repeat it...

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: FullHeathen
Maybe but doubtful. The 8200 Impact thing is a private sector endeavor that is simply made up of the former officers of the 8200 Elite. In a chain of command situation regarding one of their most important intelligence gathering units I would think they take all their officers seriously regarding that unit's purpose. Certainly another angle though to approach from.

a reply to: DBCowboy
No doubt, and the majority of the criminal terrorists who murdered so many innocent civilians are also now dead. So there is also no excuse to label the innocent as criminals themselves and begin leveling entire family housing blocks because a Hamas sanitation worker may have stayed there.

Israel is making great strides in their ground offensive, and I believe they can achieve a de-Hamasification of the Gaza strip. But they are going to have to pay for it with their own blood and not the blood of thousands of children who are innocent. We live in the future, not 1945. Satellites and drones can make precision strikes much more effective and in reality boots on the ground have to keep going. Finish off Hamas, but just be a bit more delicate about the innocents. I get that # happens and kids will die in conflict zones, but if the MO is to just level everything that stands regardless of who is inside then really it is just two terrorist groups fighting each other with no moral high ground.

Am I going to rip into Israel every time collateral damage happens? Nope. But lets be real here, they can be a little bit more careful with civilian losses. We pulled it off in Fallujah, Iraq, why can't the Israelis do it in Gaza?

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
We pulled it off in Fallujah, Iraq, why can't the Israelis do it in Gaza?

Yeah and try stepping outside the Green Zone, you'll get dead very quick.

War is an ugly business.

If Israel makes it really ugly?

Maybe the terrorists will think twice.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Rule #1 in war - "disparage not your enemy ......"

IDF seems to have developed a contempt for HAMAS and Arabs in general So when reports began reaching HQ that Hamas was planning something was easy to dismiss

Also seem to not respect the people manning the observation posts - most of who are young women (think teens/early 20's)
Many of these women were killed by Hamas as they overran the border posts

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
Fallujah was purged of their rebel elements with an effective campaign that also allowed the evacuation of the city after it was completely surrounded. And sufficient time was given while also screening through the crowds.

i guess the Israelis just aren't as professional or effective as the Americans, is that what you are getting at?

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: DBCowboy
Fallujah was purged of their rebel elements with an effective campaign that also allowed the evacuation of the city after it was completely surrounded. And sufficient time was given while also screening through the crowds.

i guess the Israelis just aren't as professional or effective as the Americans, is that what you are getting at?

Just the opposite.

I heard Fallujah wasn't that safe.

But "hearts and minds!"

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Must only mean they let it happen like 9/11...

Checks out, as Israel is made up entirely of masochists. They thought about it and decided eliminating everyone in Gaza was worth letting the massacre in their country happen. Beyond their own children being slaughtered, they weren't comfortable having as much global support as they had.

They felt if they let this incursion happen, their merciless retaliatory actions could further isolate them globally and raise anti-Israel sentiment enough to reach the desired level of discomfort and difficulty.

Netanyahu sat down and thought, "How do I kill my own and then assure the world doesn't care in the end, while also making Israel hated more?"
edit on 24-11-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Must only mean they let it happen like 9/11...

Checks out, as Israel is made up entirely of masochists. They thought about it and decided eliminating everyone in Gaza was worth letting the massacre in their country happen. Beyond their own children being slaughtered, they weren't comfortable having as much global support as they had.

They felt if they let this incursion happen, their merciless retaliatory actions could further isolate them globally and raise anti-Israel sentiment enough to reach the desired level of discomfort and difficulty.

Netanyahu sat down and thought, "How do I kill my own and then assure the world doesn't care in the end, while also making Israel hated more?"

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

It was Allowed to Happen . The Proof to that is Self Evident by Now . The Zionists STILL Hate Israel............

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Degradation33
Ahhh, so you feel where I am coming from with the misogyny angle then?? For them to repeatedly dismiss these recorded observations it wasn't that they were just not taking the unit seriously, but maybe not taking the women themselves seriously?? Like some pig headed commanders are like "bro, come one these guys are out there everyday watching us we know this. She/they always trip like this when that aunt Flo comes to visit. "

You can ridicule me all you want but I believe that could have been an aggravating factor. Middle easternern men can be very dismissive of females especially if they feel they are stepping into their sphere of expertise.

It's either that or some sinister plot by a secretive cabal of ancient secret society shroud wearing mofos for motives yet to be revealed. Or wait hold on, :"it just so happens they got lucky thanks to all the help the Persians give them" . That's the one, right?

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