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Actress Goldie Hawn's strange encounter.

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posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 05:56 PM
Here is a story about actress Goldie Hawn's encounter in the 1960s.

You know, I – I – I’ve never shared this story,” Hawn admitted. She explained that she was about 20 years old when she had her encounter, “a time when, you know, there was a lot of UFO sightings and lots of things about this.”

“And, and I remember this so clearly, I went outside my door, and I sat on the little ledge, and, and I looked up at the dark sky,” she continued. “And I saw all these stars. And all I could think of was, ‘How far does this go? How little are we? Are we the only planet in the whole, wide universe that has life on it?’”

“And then I said, ‘I know you’re out there. I know we’re not alone, and I would like to meet you one day.’”

And it turned out that someone may very well have taken her up on that invitation: a number of months later, Hawn had picked up a dancing gig in West Covina, California; during rehearsal she found she was exhausted, and asked a friend if she could take a nap in his car. “I don’t know why I said that,” she said. “I don’t know why I didn’t just lie down on the bleachers. But I got to his car, and I think I got into a position of sleep, but I do not remember anything after that.”

The next thing Hawn remembered was hearing a high-pitched sound. “It was this high, high frequency,” she recounted. “And I looked out the window, and I saw these two or three triangular-shaped heads. They were silver in color, slash for a mouth, tiny little nose, no ears.

“They were pointing at me, pointing at me in the car as if they were discussing me, like I was a subject. And they were droning…”

Hawn found that she was paralyzed, unable to move in response to her unusual visitors; she thought “Oh, my God. I want to get up,” and after some time she broke through her paralyzed state. “It was like bursting out of a forcefield,” she said. “And of course I go back to all the kids and stuff, and I went, ‘Oh, my God. I think I made contact with outer space,’ I mean, something like that.”

“I kind of wondered if I was just dreaming all this until these books came out,” Hawn said. Although she didn’t mention what titles she was referring to, she described them as being about “people who’ve made contact, people who’ve had UFO experiences, and their stories were like mine. They were paralyzed. There was a high-pitched sound. So then I started looking at this as something that might be real.”

Something is happening. Whether it is some obscure phenomenon that we don't understand or aliens. Something is happening.

So many contact stories and abduction stories are very similar. I believe Goldie, but who knows whether it was actually aliens.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 09:01 PM
" but who knows whether it was actually aliens."

Well, lets see: In late summer of 1948 the Airforce's top intel command ATIC concluded that the "flying saucers" and other mysterious craft were not from earth.

Later, livestock mutilations started appearing in the news with mysterious surgical instruments having being used and no sign of blood in the area. In that same period, people starting reporting "missing time" and other evidences of something very strange going on. Myself underwent about 2hours of missing time on a short 15 minute car trip in 1964 and have gone through tough ordeals as a consequence.

But the acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs on ATS is never going to happen across the board. Dozens of the main suppliers of material to ATS seem to speak as one voice--"we know what is logical and reasonable or not" and they will be tight-lipped and silent about the subject because to acknowledge the reality of aliens in our midst automatically banishes our human (assumed) superiority of thought and knowledge here in ATS and elsewhere in the world. "Lord, no! Aliens can't exist in our midst, especially their interfering with the way the world is currently being controlled. We can't stand the thought. Let's blame the 'deep state,' which, of course, is the ET program anyway. Humanity can't handle the thought of masterful, god-like aliens here and now, and that is why your government was passed the ball to carry and the disclosure is of a drip-feed quality.

reply to: Shoshanna

edit on 18-11-2023 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

I haven't experienced anything weird, so I can't have a true opinion on it, but I believe other people's experiences. The question is what are they actually experiencing? I am on the fence because I want to believe its aliens, since in some way that would be less jarring than if it is some currently unknown natural phenomenon that the revelation of in theory could lead to a redefinition of everything we understand about time and reality. Versus "just" beings from another planet or government projects.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus

But the acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs on ATS is never going to happen across the board. Dozens of the main suppliers of material to ATS seem to speak as one voice--"we know what is logical and reasonable or not" and they will be tight-lipped and silent about the subject because to acknowledge the reality of aliens in our midst automatically banishes our human (assumed) superiority of thought and knowledge here in ATS and elsewhere in the world.
reply to: Shoshanna

That's not fair.
If the "anti-alien" crowd actually remained mum on the topic 100's of threads would be much shorter and easier to read!

It's also unfair to ascribe reasons to why large swathes of the population want to remain stupid. Freedom of thought either is or it isn't. I don't have to like how people exercise that right but neither do I care about the reasons. Life's too short.
Basically they're the contingent who've managed to "Find The Cure For Hope".
It's actually awesome they're good at something! I've read many rabid skeptical posts all over the internet and just been awed & impressed at the verbiage & dedication! Not kidding either. If no one ever dissents you don't have the opportunity to clarify your own opinion and learn to state your position clearly. Even if it's only for yourself.
Adulting is hard! Having to type this was awful!

Pretty obviously "somethings" going on, all the way back into Human pre-history. Fortunately it looks like we're finally making progress on "which things did/do what?" our part in manifesting phenomena, technology misidentified or masquerading as the "unknown" plus more.

Given the universe's size & diversity infrequent alien visitations can't be ruled out, yet.
The fact NHI can also be ascribed to the multifaceted versions of paranormal manifestations that have changed masks/imagery through out Human history, can manifest as solid or not, that's also on the table.
Human tech being intentionally used to or accidentally interpreted as "alien" is also in the mix.

Unfortunately I don't put a lot of creedence in Mz.Hawn's narrative. Not as it stands anyways. Once encounters happen to someone it usually ends up being a lifetime thing, which is something she's never mentioned. Infrequent, but ongoing I should say. JMO of course.

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