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Palestinian does not equal HAMAS

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posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

There’s going to be an information war and side choosing, and this was a choice made by Hamas.

This thread explicitly states that voices of ATS are choosing to play the disinformation game.

Did HAMAS make those voices of ATS do it?

Did HAMAS force their hand to spew violent prejudice and hatred on ATS?
edit on 17-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: add "on ATS"

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Many Palestinian's are normal people like everyone else. Outside of Gaza.

Palestinian's inside Gaza certainly does equal Hamas. The Iranian proxy 'educates' the locals from the age of three years old through the kindergarten system to hate Jews and Israel with a murderous passion. Add to that most Gazan's being young have known nothing but Hamas in their lives. Two million plus brainwashed Hamas educated and trained Jihadi's.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

People just have an opinion on it. Goes for most current events.

I don’t much see the difference of people grouping Hamas and Palestine or someone talking about Israel striking Palestine as opposed to Netanyahu or the Likud party.

Truth be told, neither really have much to do with my day to day life. But it’s hard for me to excuse a state who regularly elected a terrorist group as you put it who steal all their resources and neglect day to day responsibilities of governance.

Is it sad? Sure. But this isn’t as simple as separating Hamas and the people of Palestine since Hamas is their government.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Deploying “disinformation” in 3…2…1

These clips are as frightening as they are disgusting.

I sure wish we still had real news reports. These radicals should have their spewing broadcast every day, every night on every channel, and all those brave rioting college kids should be forced to watch, listen and write a full report on where this will lead.

Radical Islamists told us years ago they plan to infiltrate the entire world and force all to worship their cult god or die, yet few believed them then and it seems as if fewer do now.
edit on 500000088America/Chicago302 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

People just have an opinion on it. Goes for most current events.

I don’t much see the difference of people grouping Hamas and Palestine or someone talking about Israel striking Palestine as opposed to Netanyahu or the Likud party.

Because the information does not preclude opinion, it either is true, or it is not.

It's your opinion that this thread is just an opinion, but this thread is based on fact.

Is opinion fact? No.

If an opinion is repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over remains untrue.

If an "opinion" has been shown in 24 different ways to be untrue, and is still repeated with the same frequency by the same people, this is called DISINFORMATION.

edit on 17-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: "is not preclusive to" replaced with "does not preclude"

edit on 17-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: removed "not"

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:02 AM
When a government declares war (in this case, Hamas), it's hardly ever or never the government officials who suffer, rather their citizens. This is a story as old as mankind; surprised we haven't figured it out yet.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: zosimov
When a government declares war (in this case, Hamas), it's hardly ever or never the government officials who suffer, rather their citizens. This is a story as old as mankind; surprised we haven't figured it out yet.

Does this excuse people of employing disinformation that endangers innocent palestinians elsewhere in world to prejudicial injustice?

Are they HAMAS too?

I'm looking for hard fact, not opinion.
edit on 17-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: added an "s" to a verb. I don't know the grammatical term for this...

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza.

A majority in Gaza support Hamas.

Hamas brutally attacked the citizens of Israel.

Israel is not responding to that attack.

Are these opinions of mine? Or are these pretty well agreed on simple facts?

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

What are you going on about? I stated a simple fact of life. This is war, and what happens when a country wages it. Particularly if soldiers enter another territory, murder rape and kidnap and then retreat with the hostages into civilian territory.
This is a natural consequence of war, and yet governments still initiate it. Hamas wanted high civilian death tolls, otherwise they wouldn't have initiated a bloody war and brought hostages back into civilian territory, refusing to release them under threat of counter attack. They got exactly what they wanted, as disgusting and terrible as that was.

This is what our governments do to their civilians. Yet civilians still support them.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza.

A majority in Gaza support Hamas.

Hamas brutally attacked the citizens of Israel.

Israel is not responding to that attack.

Are these opinions of mine? Or are these pretty well agreed on simple facts?

Nothing in your post addresses the topic, yet.

But I do see you are not using the words "Palestinians" and "Palestine" in your post.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza.

A majority in Gaza support Hamas.

Hamas brutally attacked the citizens of Israel.

Israel is not responding to that attack.

Are these opinions of mine? Or are these pretty well agreed on simple facts?

Well, if you suffer every day because of Israel, you just vote something extreme, in this case Hamas, not good but when you are poor, life being made hard because of Israel, relatives being without jobs and/or killed by Israel you also would vote extreme, maybe Hamas gave them a little of hope left!

And Bibi being all happy fulfilling his dream with that Hamas attack on Israel!, bombing all of Gaza and take the land! In his own words!~he said that already in 2001..

Netanyahu ; A large scaled invasion on the Palestinian territory to get them to the point where they are afraid.. that everything is about to collapse. A fear that everything will collapse. That is what we need to achieve.
Interviewer: aren't you afraid that the world will call us occupiers? Netanyahu: The world won't say a thing. The world will say we are defending ourselves.
Interviewer: Aren't you afraid of the world, Bibi?- No.
Especially today with the US. I know how they are. America is very easy t o influence. They won't get in our way.
Interviewer; what if America does say something after all?
Bibi: So then they say something, so what?

edit on 17-11-2023 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2023 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2023 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: NorthOS

originally posted by: NoviceStoic

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Deploying “disinformation” in 3…2…1

Out of interest are you saying these links are disinformation or not?

I’m kinda sarcastic.
I always use quotation marks for no reason.

K thanks 😁

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: BiothermalReactor
There seems to be a significant consensus on ATS that Palestine, and the Palestinian people, and the flag representation thereof, is the terrorist organization upon which Israel has declared war.

This is absolutely wrong, and I can understand that some people would make the mistake, since it's so consuming of precious time that any average person would be able to wade through the propaganda war and find trustworthy sources that are actually informative and educational on current events.

HAMAS is the terrorist organization upon which Israel has declared war as a result of the Oct 7th attacks.

This distinction is important because there are many innocent Palestinians living abroad who are in danger of prejudicial violence for the disinformation that Palestinians are terrorists.

This distinction is important to ATS because many members here among us are justifying the "collateral damage" of the innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza for the explicitly expressed reason that Palestinians are terrorists.

Anyone who says this is spreading disinformation at an alarming rate.

Israel did not declare war on Palestine.

Israel declared war on HAMAS.


This thread is a prime example of this particular disinformation being deployed.

The Enemy Is Already Here: A 'Palestinian' Flag Now Flies Over an American Town

The only disinformation I see in either thread are your posts. You are a legend only in your own mind. Several members have already pointed out your errors, which you have ignored or tried to baffle them with BS, so I'm not going to rehash them.

I will however say all of you apologists are easily spotted on ATS, because you consistently point out the "collateral damage" in Gaza, but you conveniently ignore the intentional damage done to Israel on October 7 and make excuses for their atrocities, as well as the Palestinian celebration afterward. Your hatred for for Israel shines in all of your posts.
edit on 11/17/2023 by Klassified because: eta

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Plugit

Who has it that scrapped each talk for a two state solution?

They get plenty of aid money from all around the world, and it goes to the leadership and not the citizens.

Israel provides more material support for the functioning of Palestine than anyone else including their own government.

They can’t even govern themselves yet they want to push out one of the most successful countries in the Middle East.

Their wishes are impossible and they know it.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: BiothermalReactor

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza.

A majority in Gaza support Hamas.

Hamas brutally attacked the citizens of Israel.

Israel is not responding to that attack.

Are these opinions of mine? Or are these pretty well agreed on simple facts?

Nothing in your post addresses the topic, yet.

But I do see you are not using the words "Palestinians" and "Palestine" in your post.

The topic is all of Palestinians terrorists? No.

I go to a restaurant owned by Palestinians in my town every so often, they’re sweet people.

But in the context of the conflict, Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, which is why I specified Gaza.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: BiothermalReactor

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza.

A majority in Gaza support Hamas.

Hamas brutally attacked the citizens of Israel.

Israel is not responding to that attack.

Are these opinions of mine? Or are these pretty well agreed on simple facts?

Nothing in your post addresses the topic, yet.

But I do see you are not using the words "Palestinians" and "Palestine" in your post.

The topic is all of Palestinians terrorists? No.

I go to a restaurant owned by Palestinians in my town every so often, they’re sweet people.

But in the context of the conflict, Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, which is why I specified Gaza.

Okay good you're making the distinction.

Care to disagree with what others are saying, that anyone who displays Palestinian colors anywhere in the world are terrorist supporters and supporters of antisemitism?


No the topic is not Palestinian Terrorists.

The topic is Palestinians anywhere.
edit on 17-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: TM™

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Plugit

Who has it that scrapped each talk for a two state solution?

They get plenty of aid money from all around the world, and it goes to the leadership and not the citizens.

Israel provides more material support for the functioning of Palestine than anyone else including their own government.

They can’t even govern themselves yet they want to push out one of the most successful countries in the Middle East.

Their wishes are impossible and they know it.

Israel bombs/attacks anything economical improvements foreign aid gave them, sure some of it comes in a few hands and not with the poor, but that's the same everywhere!
But not a really good reply on my answer... you could say the same thing with N-Korea and S-Korea, all western country's opening all trade with S-Korea and sanction everything on N-Korea (even food and medicine!), then say look how poor the people of N-Korea are and how wealthy Kim is...
Look how many are homeless in the US, where only a few own so much money in the US, where they (those in government & are very rich following their donors) are only basically for the rich, and the MIC and powerful.

Now if only Israel would try to improve the lives of the ppl in Palestine!... Israel has no heart and this Hamas attack is just something logical and sad after all those years! & the reaction of Isreal her biggest wish happening (at least those in power!), bombing the hell out of them and taking their land!
edit on 17-11-2023 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Then what’s the difference?

How can you tell them apart?

The OPs arguments and outrage are the result of one thing.

The supposed thousands dead of supposed civilians.

He doesn’t seem to like to go near questions like the one you posted.

The Palestinian Authority does NOT distinguish between civilians and terrorists when releasing their numbers.

edit on 17-11-2023 by NorthOS because: Changed combatants to terrorists

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

Care to disagree with what others are saying, that anyone who displays Palestinian colors anywhere in the world are terrorist supporters and supporters of antisemitism?

I’ve noticed that, but it’s contextual.

Do I care if some rando wears a Palestinian pin? Nope.

Should American government officials be displaying it? Probably not. Should a government building display it? Absolutely not.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We never agreed with the election results of 2006 and went on to support Fatah in their fight with Hamas. Hence we can hardly argue Hamas would suddenly represent the people now, when they hardly represented most of the Palestinians in Gaza nearly 20 years ago.

That's intellectually dishonest at best, and woefully ignorant towards the younger generation at worst.

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