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Trudeau to Israel: The World Is Witnessing This.

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posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:16 PM

Netanyahu responds:

Whats ATS think should Trudeau shut his poutine hole?

Is he giving Israel good advice?


Also what would Canada do to Israel if they totally ignored the guy who loves to cosplay blackface and do whatever they felt was necessary?

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:17 PM
Is it a nothingburger?

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

He's right.

Interesting Netanyahu refers to history once again.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: gortex

At the same time it looks like the rest of the middle east chickened out.

Iran with their dancing around if they'd support Hamas or not to anticlimactically not support them and only seethe on twitter.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: gortex

I don't see that Justin made any comments about the suffering
of the hostages though.

Yes, the world is watching.

I find Justin's comments disingenuous.

edit on 16-11-2023 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Didnt that Troodoo guy award a nazi a few weeks ago and they gave said nazi a standing ovation?

I mean, that happened, right?

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Trudeau is a fence sitter and a coward. He is always trying to appease both sides.

He got screamed out of a restaurant in Vancouver by palestinian protestors the other night, he panders to western governments that he is on the side of Israel but most Canadians know if he could, he would be waving a giant oppresive Palestinian Flag .

Probably dressed in drag and sporting blackface.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

It's a fight they cannot win , Israel plus the US equals a one sided fight that would probably cause WW 3.

Their proxies are where they get to fight and this war is probably the best recruiting Sargent for those proxies they could have hoped for.

edit on 16-11-2023 by gortex because: spelling

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: JinMI

They did in fact recognize a nazi in the Canadian parliament last month and give him a standing ovation for his service during WWII.

We live in interesting times.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Lysergic
I’m definitely right in my thinking about what’s happening.Trudeau is a complete C**t ..he’s always wrong .. If you listen to him you’re a C**t too .

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: freshcedar
a reply to: Lysergic

Trudeau is a fence sitter and a coward. He is always trying to appease both sides.

He got screamed out of a restaurant in Vancouver by palestinian protestors the other night, he panders to western governments that he is on the side of Israel but most Canadians know if he could, he would be waving a giant oppresive Palestinian Flag .

Probably dressed in drag and sporting blackface.

"Trying to appease both sides" is called diplomacy.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Anything coming from the likes of that WEF lackey needs to be regarded as trash.
Not like he can do anything about anything.

Did you see the troops coming to save him?
Yeah. Just as planned.

Also, nice Aphex Twin avatar. Isn't that from Windowlicker?
My favorite drop.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

How cute, the pretty boy have something to say, he needs to shut the heck off and go back to his undergrown shelter, freaking rat.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Due to the fact that trudeau the Prime Moron is a traitor, a criminal and an idiot, nobody should really listen to that retarded piece of possible human excrement. I don't know why it isn't dead, considering the damage it has done to Canada and other parts of the world. I can't wait till they put bounties on all these treasonous politicians, I hope they run to non-extradition treaty countries. It'll be like 2006 and Chavez wanting the CIA drug runners going through his country eliminated, $300k a 6 month tour, the first 4 you don't get extra pay, every one after that $50k, head or hands.

Cheers - Dave

edit on b2023b19_000000Thu, 16 Nov 2023 18:35:19 -0600000000112023-11-16T18:35:19-06:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:41 PM
Canadian Neville Chamberlain will never understand why he's wrong, but that's ok.

The sad part is the voters who put people like him into power don't know why he's wrong and probably can't identify Neville Chamberlain or why he's relevant to this conversation.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: TheValeyard

originally posted by: freshcedar
a reply to: Lysergic

Trudeau is a fence sitter and a coward. He is always trying to appease both sides.

He got screamed out of a restaurant in Vancouver by palestinian protestors the other night, he panders to western governments that he is on the side of Israel but most Canadians know if he could, he would be waving a giant oppresive Palestinian Flag .

Probably dressed in drag and sporting blackface.

"Trying to appease both sides" is called diplomacy.

Maybe some people have to have the tragic error of appeasement explained

Letting your enemy know you will do anything to avoid war

Letting your enemy take this knowledge and use it to their advantage

Giving your enemy concessions based on a flimsy rational that ignores indisputable facts

Convincing yourself that your concessions are trivial ,-a cheap way to avoid war

Using PR spin to isolate domestic opponents to your appeasement policy as "warmongers"

Continuing to make excuses for the enemy until you have no choice but to fight back

That last point is the ultimate folly of appeasement. It is a policy pursued by peacemakers that leads inevitably to war!
edit on 16-11-2023 by freshcedar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:53 PM
I take what he says with about as much interest at Greta Thunberg...

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:55 PM
Lmao. “Israel stand down” or he’ll do what? He has no power whatsoever to end the war.

The West’s laughing stock.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: Lysergic

Due to the fact that trudeau the Prime Moron is a traitor, a criminal and an idiot, nobody should really listen to that retarded piece of possible human excrement. I don't know why it isn't dead, considering the damage it has done to Canada and other parts of the world. I can't wait till they put bounties on all these treasonous politicians, I hope they run to non-extradition treaty countries. It'll be like 2006 and Chavez wanting the CIA drug runners going through his country eliminated, $300k a 6 month tour, the first 4 you don't get extra pay, every one after that $50k, head or hands.

Cheers - Dave

LOL. Tell us how you really feel. I love your post. with all the drearyness going on it put such a smile on my face knowing that someone, anyone, feels the same. well done my friend.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: freshcedar

How do I really feel.... hmmmm.... The opportunity for a rant presents itself!

It's been 33 years since I've seen a good justified execution or a few semi-justifiable ones and some outright killings and necklacings. My feelings on politicians that are traitors and criminals leans pretty much towards old testament solutions. When there are no consequences these @ssclowns run rampant, steal everything that isn't nailed down and even for the nailed down stuff, they still have bolt cutters and in doing so, they destroy or damage the lives of millions. It's become so blatantly criminal and unethical, I really don't understand how some people aren't seeing it. Personally, I want to see some real justice for these politicians, not this pansy-ass throw them in jail for a 20 year holiday crap. I want to see them lit up, eyes popping out of their disgusting skulls while their skin bubbles and smokes, on TV! A few thousand joules would be just fine and public execution of sentence is a good deterrent to keep the politicians in line.

Hell, I'll even supply the hardware, I have lethal perimeter transformers in the basement that I designed specifically to kill terrorists in Africa and the ME, the same kind that were put in play on borders and bases, 4000v@2000joules ;-) I've even offered to build the neck stretching equipment, supply the rope and pull the lever a few hundred times, FOR FREE, as part of my civic duty and responsibility.

Seriously... why keep these disgusting excuses of alleged "humans" or whatever they are, alive? They screwed us all financially, killed as many of us as they could (and it continues) with that mRNA jab, stole bank accounts, abused us, etc., why keep them alive on the taxpayer dime? We'd just be throwing good money after more bad garbage. Should we keep dogsh!t in the freezer, because some woke libtard thinks the bacteria in it is alive and has feelings? No!

Maybe these politicians should all use MAID or take the real mRNA jab, not saline or fake it like they did, do the real mRNA jab, like they did to my mother. She took 4, got the bivalent about a month ago. It took two weeks of this new bioweapon to destroy her brain, she died Nov 3 and we sent her off Nov 9th. Because of trudumbf^&k pushing and profitting off the mRNA jab, he killed my mother (and countless others) and like I said above, I'd like to see some old testament justice.

I'm old, well trained, but old, my joints hurt and my eyes are bad, so I won't be picking up that TAC21 with the .338 lapua boattails or the m107a1 29" Blackwidow, both with Leupold 3.5-25x56 scopes and mil reticles, and I am not suggesting that anyone sort out this rather embarrassing problem in a fast, efficient, but violent manner. However, let's stop ef'ing around here, I am quite sure lots of people are thinking about it and one of these times, somebody is going to succeed and it will be like a snowball rolling downhill. To be honest, the Prime Moron has a 6% fan base, all political parasites, that's it, nothing more. You can't serve two masters, but f&%k-knob-boi is only serving one, itself through the WEF.

When it dies, there should be a national holiday, a full week party!

Now for CSIS (I used to be in the intel club), hey Jim and his widdwe buddy Gary ;-) I think I made my feelings pretty clear here, shame I am too old to do anything, you need motive AND ability AND opportunity, I don't think it'll fly when one only has desire and there are likely 25 million adults that think the same way ;-) Do you still have 11 national security statutes applied to my personal file, I haven't checked lately? Actually, Jim, you're probably retired and still scratching your noodle wondering WTF happened here? Remember the time I hacked your Pabx so I could send a FAX to your desk? How did that go over with your supervisors? I would have loved to hear the explanation for that one! LOL. Oh, and are you clowns still wearing trench coats, sad, that was a dead giveaway. You know, if you're going to try and debrief someone that's been working for the military and counterintelligence in R&D and the killing fields for four years, it's probably a good idea to not look like a wannabee spy.

BTW Jim, did you ever find that SA guy they sent for me in 2006, I hope he made it back.... :-) nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more lol.

Cheers - Dave
edit on b2023b30_000000Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:12:30 -0600000000112023-11-16T21:12:30-06:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

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