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What if people with foreign accent syndrome shifted into an alternate reality?

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posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 10:10 AM
So i was reading about time travel and alternate realities. The basic understanding of time slips and reality shifting suggest that the mind works like a transmitter and by generating a vibration with an extremely precise frequency, it may induce a resonance within the fabric of space itself. This resonance could cause the fabric to split, creating a temporary portal or gateway to a parallel universe.

Over the years there have been many people who claimed to have build time travel devices on Art Bell such as the Hyper Dimensional Resonator by Steven Gibs, the Gravity Distortion Time Displacement unit by John Titor and Mike Marcum's time machine. All these devices use the same concept of changing the vibrational frequency of our mind and our energy field so it can tune into the new timeline, despite all these claims we haven't really seen any hard evidence that any of those devices work.

One of the claims people make when they shifted reality is that they don't have any memory of their new life such as living with a spouse or working for a particular boss. Interestingly there's a extremely rare medical condition called "foreign accent syndrome" where people wake up after a drug induced anesthesia following a head injury then start speaking in a foreign language and many of these individuals also wake up with different memories.

Could people with these conditions have shifted their consciousness to an alternate timeline? , If so could it be possible that certain drugs or brain stimuli can induce a person to shift from one reality to another? There are also stories of people that underwent Electroconvulsive therapy ETC who also noticed changes in their memory , although these cases are very rare. your thoughts?

edit on 15-11-2023 by RedPanda95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 11:20 AM
There are not very many incidents of paranormal that actually convince me. I have very good reason to believe timeslips happen to people.
a reply to: RedPanda95

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 11:22 AM
My guess is reincarnation like the same with someone who hits their head and all of a sudden can master a piano , If it is reincarnation everything we have ever known is still locked away in our brains .

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 01:57 PM
Stephen Gibbs, the Man Who Sold Time Machines. And Titor, let's not get into that.

These people are hacks... they are cheats and conmen. They got a lot of money selling their cons and lies to gullible people who didn't know better.

The problem is, as always, conmen find people who really, really want to believe in something. Their passion shuts off their reasoning, and they make an opening for these conmen to do what they do best.

But the problem is really with us, those who believe them. Their mediocre, lying, fantasy careers should have ended decades ago... but we keep them going. We keep posting about them and elevating them and then someone falls for it again and again.

I don't believe a single thing connected to such people.

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani
Stephen Gibbs, the Man Who Sold Time Machines. And Titor, let's not get into that.

These people are hacks... they are cheats and conmen. They got a lot of money selling their cons and lies to gullible people who didn't know better.

The problem is, as always, conmen find people who really, really want to believe in something. Their passion shuts off their reasoning, and they make an opening for these conmen to do what they do best.

But the problem is really with us, those who believe them. Their mediocre, lying, fantasy careers should have ended decades ago... but we keep them going. We keep posting about them and elevating them and then someone falls for it again and again.

I don't believe a single thing connected to such people.

I agree with you I think Art Bell really gave a lot of charlatans and fake whistleblowers a platform to sell their books and products. It's quite unfortunate that people have to prey and take advantage others in such a way. But unfortunately this is the type world we live in and the things we have to deal with.

edit on 16-11-2023 by RedPanda95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 04:18 PM
Activating parts of the junk DNA an ancestor passed down, is what I have pondered as the most likely cause of things like this. Great thread!

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