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The dark side is a lie (your ego too), try and let the light in

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posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:33 AM
So this is a post about my view of evil and its seduction, probably to be continued, seen through the allegorical lenses of Star Wars to help illustrate more dynamically my point. From where I am standing at present, what I am about the break down is all pretty clearly illustrated throughout the serie, sometime in a very direct fashion, especially when and if you look for it with this duality of ego and soul (dark side and light side) in mind.

The story: Anakin Skywalker's rise and fall from grace (episode 1-2-3) and Luke planting the seeds to his eventual redemption (episode 4-5-6)

So we know that Anakin becomes Darth Vader by ultimately yielding to his ego driven passions and fears, paving the way for his ego complete take over near the end of episode 3, Then it betrays him by essentially refusing to let go at any point where redemption was basically still somewhat thinkable before disaster. I would go as far as to say that if he could be convinced by Padme and Obi-Wan to see through the lies of Palpatine when on Mustafar, he could still be brought to answer for his crimes and maybe find a way to stop his fall to the dark side by attoning for the horrid crimes he would soon come to no doubt regret, once he realize he was lied to about the jedi order and basically had his judgement shrouded by the dark side dellusion. Yet he did not listen. His ego was already seemingly uncrackable, like Dooku remarked with glee (twice the pride, double the fall). So far it is all straightforward, we saw it creep on him by how emotionally unstable and conflicted he was through 1-2-3.

Fear always played some role it seems, wether it was fear of his weakness or fear of losing his loved ones, or near the end of 3 the fear of dying. he ends up quite literaly swallowed up by the abyss of his own fears, trapping himself in a dark prison represented by the uncomfortable limitations of this stiff black armor, akward life support system and breathing apparatus. You'll notice that despite the fact he is kept in relatively constant suffering on many levels by the corruption of his own ego, it is the fear which really ''prevent'' him from being free.

Now before I go on let's try and make sense of the philosophy of the dark and light side of the force, because it may suddenly hit closer to home for some: ''The light side of the force'' is basically a different way of phrasing the very teachings of christian truth, love, light and surrender to the the Good Will of God. ''The dark side of the force'' is actually not a different source at all. Darkness, however ellusive and mysterious it may seem, remains the absence of light.

Evil is the opposite of good, yet goodness (God) is understood to be wellspring, the source of presence, life, beauty, love, wisdom, light, etc. If good stands for everything that basically can be recoognize exists on its own, what then does evil stands for ? Quite simply, its source and domain is the dark and cold silent void. What was said to be the first sin in the bible ? It was disobedience to God, but more that that. There were two trees which were especially important in the garden. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were tricked by the serpent to eat from the tree and essentially lost their perfect natures by being corrupted by the forbidden knowledge. Their knowledge first brings shame to them by the realizing of their nakedness, then fear by hiding from God whom they disobeyed, then despair when they had to leave the garden and all the rest of sins that came forth from then on. The idea of a sinful self is much like an vessel who can never be filled because tragically, there are holes in it. Ever wondered why suffering, even emotional, tend to feel like it burns or swell, somehow ? It is either trying to consuming you or draining you. So why is Pride/ego the worst sin ?

This is where the lie get so dangerous, it try to convince us by deceit that the ''flame that burns twice as bright burn twice as long'', that isolation is strong, charity is weak and that we never need any outside help (pride). A perfect being by itself does not feel to be lacking anything. In fact, he would finds his joy in sharing what he can with others so as to attempt to make their joy as complete as his is. Love is about sharing. Fear is about coveting. The best exemple I can think of is from Lords of The Rings, Gollum/Smeagol This is yet another example of ego vs soul at play, by the way. I think every tragic character in this world is somehow about this duality. Trapped by our self deluded ego, trying to break free. Think about Anakin, he has everything a man could dream for at some point. He was the chosen one, a jedi knight on the concil, he was married to the love of his life, he lived in wealth and had respect, love, friendhsip, health. His ego, however, is not letting him realize this. No, instead it instill fear in him that he will lose what he cant even appreciate he has because he fears losing it. Fear and love do not mix. So he end up losing much, especially what he tried not to lose.

The reason the jedi where so afraid of giving any ground to the dark side (rightly so, not through arrogant pride or vaunted wisdom despite what Palpatine, the man who lied his whole carreer) is probably related to the fact that once your mind is too poisonned by the fruits of the sinful ego and it inevitably brings you down the path of self hatred and edonistic ruin, you not only would have a hard time fighting back the cravings of the dark side long enough to come back fully to the light for healing, you basically need to want it more than life itself, since at a certain stage you get so lost in suffering and fear that you are convinced you depend on the very ego that is driving you full speed toward a concrete wall, so forfeiting the core principles of their whole philosophy, which is of course based on fear: only the strong shall survive and attain victory. Yet strength born of ego-driven hatred can never free your soul, only force you to dig a deeper pit of self denial, self betrayal and self hatred. This hatred is actually turned inward by the ego, like Darth Vader who basically hint to luke he hates is own soul and try to hide it under his oppressive dark ego, as if hiding the shame of his own conflicted past, fearing it may comes to the surface again and end this monumental lie he has spent years creating by bringing it all crashing down. An other failure perhaps, from a certain point a view (a very dark and self centered one, however).

He can't find it in his heart to forgive himself (probably because he walled his heart off himself to prevent what, being hurt again ? No: to prevent himself from feeling love at all. Because love is what he lost and it nearly brough him death. He nearly lost his own universe. Yet love come and go naturally. Breath comes and go too and then it returns.

Love too, will return. Luke proved it, because he knew his father, deep down in his tormented soul was suffering from this despair and crushing guilt and even admitted wishing redemption. His soul never truly gave up hope. Never was killed.It waited patiently for its new dawn. So when Luke reminded his father of true loyal love, it gave him true hope. Vader let go of fear of Palpatine and fear of being his true self once more, discards his dark ego then end his life looking face to face his own son, in a tender moment of peace after a life long storm.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:43 AM
Now of course this is all explained with star wars mostly, but I actually think most of it apply to real life, until proven otherwise. I am ready to discuss whatever errors in my reasoning you want to bring to better light. I hope this can bring some value to whomever stumbles across this attempt at extracting something true and helpful from a popular fictional story, anyway.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Seeker42

Zen and Buddhist teachings promote there is no EGO ..only "Self". And you have 1 thing to do your whole life: discover, develope, study...for a more pure "self".

One does not need to understand evil-Satan didn't tempt anyone : God did. Thru Satan...whom He created as well.

God bless

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Zen and Buddhist teachings promote there is no EGO ..only "Self". And you have 1 thing to do your whole life: discover, develope, study...for a more pure "self".

There is no "pure self" until you incorporate God. Any teaching that says that there is no ego and only self, is egocentric in itself. It's just foolish philosophy that contradicts itself.

One does not need to understand evil-Satan didn't tempt anyone : God did. Thru Satan...whom He created as well.

God created Satan, but God doesn't "tempt" anyone to sin. Therefore, Satan is the one doing the tempting. He has free will just like the rest of us.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Seeker42

This was a very well thought out post again. Evil is certainly an odd thing-by far the majority of people would not ‘want’ to be evil but most are (or it doesn’t take much to create this change) because of what you laid out. It is the seduction of pride in self that eventually leads to evil for the self will lead to suppressing (oppressing?) other selves to sustain and fuel it.

The question is-did Anakin actually bring balance to the Force by turning to the dark side?

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

The question is-did Anakin actually bring balance to the Force by turning to the dark side?


For 1,000 years the many Jedi dominated. There were only two Sith in the galaxy.

When Anakin killed all those kids at the school he was bringing balance to the force.

Stupid Jedi thought an ancient prophecy implied good would come.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 12:56 PM
Darth Vader is a fictional character. George Lucas (and other writers?) wrote that story. Lucas is not that profound.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:03 PM
Excellent post mate.

One cannot intend to do battle with Darkness if you do not understand the Dark and In the End it is the Darkness with in us that we battle.

What is Light without the Dark ? Blindness . What is Dark without the Light ? Blindness .

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Seeker42

There is no dark side of the moon really, matter of fact, it's all dark. - Roger Waters

Evil is the opposite of good, yet goodness (God) is understood to be wellspring, the source of presence, life, beauty, love, wisdom, light, etc.

The wellspring, the source of presence, life, beauty, love, wisdom, light, dark, ignorance, hate, hideousness, death, and absence... is how I would put that.

Absence/hate/ignorance || Presence/love/wisdom

In abrahamic terms, the left one is Yetzer Hara and the right one is Yetzer Hatov. 'God' places you at that center line within a total emenation of itself, and it's up to you to choose either the light side (Yetzer Hatov), or the dark side (Yetzer Hara). To choose between nobility and tyranny. Benevolence and malevolence. Honor and dishonor, Good and Evil. Etc. Etc. They can even be subjectively defined and still part of that singular balancing act.

To me the premise of Star Wars, and the singular source, is like a pop-culture intro to Kabbalah traditions in Judaism.
edit on 26-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Seeker42

Love too, will return.
Vader let go of fear of Palpatine and fear of being his true self once more, discards his dark ego then end his life looking face to face his own son, in a tender moment of peace after a life long storm.

And then he gets to be immortal like Obe Wan and Yoda.
So nice!
And Padmé Amidala was nothing but a stepping stone.

edit on 26-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: Seeker42

There is no dark side of the moon really, matter of fact, it's all dark. - Roger Waters

Evil is the opposite of good, yet goodness (God) is understood to be wellspring, the source of presence, life, beauty, love, wisdom, light, etc.

The wellspring, the source of presence, life, beauty, love, wisdom, light, dark, ignorance, hate, hideousness, death, and absence... is how I would put that.

Absence/hate/ignorance || Presence/love/wisdom

In abrahamic terms, the left one is Yetzer Hara and the right one is Yetzer Hatov. 'God' places you at that center line within a total emenation of itself, and it's up to one to choose either the light side (Yetzer Hatov), or the dark side (Yetzer Hara). To choose between nobility and tyranny. Benevolence and malevolence. Honor and dishonor, Good and Evil. Etc. Etc. They can even be subjectively defined and still part of that singular balancing act.

To me the premise of Star Wars, and the singular source, is like a pop-culture intro to Kabbalah traditions in Judaism.

Is the infinite really the source of evil/ignorance/hate/etc or is it merely a byproduct of where we are and it is a twisting of our nature which serves to produce realization of who we are not? In my opinion, the One is not evil nor does evil spring from It. Though what springs from It can choose evil due to free will (where are we now?). Evil serves the One in the end as All does. But evil does not touch the One.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

Well now! Agreed. !00%. Youre 2 for 2 here tonite! Thanx!

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Seeker42

No , the " Dark Side " is EVERYEHERE...........

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

So that's the non-duality?

And if my worldview is like that than I can claim to have a non-dual worldview?

And if people make fun of me for not being non-dual then I can say "but I am"?

That would be cool if true. But I'm still gonna call bull# when they say "nothing is real."

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: pthena

Non duality simply means what is actually happening ....this here.

It's complete..... not divided......not split into categories.......non conceptual.

The word 'non-duality' comes from the Sanskrit word Advaita which means 'not two. ' Therefore, put simply, non-duality points to the basic Unity of everything – that ultimately, there is no division or separation between you or anything else in your experience.

edit on 27-9-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Non duality simply means what is actually happening ....this here.

It's complete

So I'm okay then, right?

there is no division or separation between you or anything else in your experience.

I am not you.
You are not me.

Then I'm not okay, right?
edit on 27-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

there is no EGO ..only "Self". And you have 1 thing to do your whole life: discover, develope, study...for a more pure "self".

I agree ! Even better I think, is trying to reach out to others for understanding and kindness, when we feel the self is pure and true enough. But until then, I think ''something'' with a taste of pride all too often gets in the way and spoil somewhat our interractions with its poison. We may believe in the hindrances of a ego or not, but the fact remain that the many fear and pride based blocages we experience must be overcome if we ever hope of breaking free of our personal prisons. Thank the Lord we are not alone in this. God Bless you too Stranger !

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

This was a very well thought out post again. Evil is certainly an odd thing-by far the majority of people would not ‘want’ to be evil but most are (or it doesn’t take much to create this change) because of what you laid out. It is the seduction of pride in self that eventually leads to evil for the self will lead to suppressing (oppressing?) other selves to sustain and fuel it. The question is-did Anakin actually bring balance to the Force by turning to the dark side?

Thank you. Yes, I dont think anyone really loves being evil. I cannot imagine anyone living out of spite, hatred and disdain for his neighbour, harrassing people and breaking jaws (sounds extreme but evil is evil) yet still having a good time with friends and family, for instance. The Godfather movie had this idea of some family oriented mafioso, but even there you see betrayal and death ruining it all. Sure, it is a movie, but evil is a real thing that corrupt real people and its never pleasant to be on the receiving end. Neither is it pleasant I imagine, to wake up after twenty reckless years and look behind to see your trail of misery catching up. Money can buy you power, but never true love.

I think Anakin was much like inspector Clouseau in the old Pink Panther movies, he really did in the end accomplish the intended goal but he is clueless as to what he is exactly doing, although determined. If you ignore the sequels, it does seem like the force is balanced in the end. No more siths, which are the reason balance get upset in the first place. No freedom crushing empire, no more planet wrecking death star, just all around free folks celebrating, living in the moment. The force has no real dark side, the siths were truly lost, like Obi Wan rightly asserted.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

The jews have been here for a long time, they certainly have an ancient wisdom to share. I have read about Kabbalah and found it all pretty fascinating. I agree with you, God does seem to be presenting us with a choice between His light and the void. But all things considered, why choose the void once we know it may lead to death, madness and misery ? Being curious myself, I was fascinated by evil as a kid. Its not that I thought it felt right, or preferable to good even. It felt off... but it had a curious way of beaconing to me, a mysterious, eerie feel to it.

Just like a moth drawn to a flame, I got too close to it a few times and one time I got ''burned''. The Lord did not let it be the end of me though. Unlike many self interested people out there may betray our trust in time of need (we all get through periods of hurt) He never stopped being loyal. Just like for St Peter when he began to sink, He held His Mighty Hand to save me. I think He would love if more people asked His help.

So I can use what I learned of my past experiences, it is true, but I think I will focus on the good path He prepared from now on, I am ready and this feel very much like the right choice.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: pthena

Anakin may appear to have got it easy because at the very end of his life he get to be redeemed by his son and the force ghost may be a bit cringe in view of his murder of an academy of kids... but he had to go through something like thirty years of lonely agony to think on why his choices sucked for everyone. I personally love the idea that redemption remain possible if you can still somehow face your fears and learn to love again, accept you may not be forgiven by all and even face harsh retribution for your past evil, yet hope live on.

Forgiveness and second chances could go a long way, but it certainly should never be an excuse to go full sith lord.

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