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What’s the worst possible reality of what’s actually happening in the world

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posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: NavyNut

It's not only the hells Angels but it's other motorcycle games on the east coast and the Southwest I mean they are some mean mother you know what I'm trying to say.
I think they could make pollute their minds with some cheap liquor and they don't really know what's going on.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

It's a possibility but we're talking of different locations different countries it's like if you live in Alyssa Afghanistan okay it's a different culture there it's very tribal so in different parts of the world it will be more suicidal for those that do not go tribal at least that's my opinion even here in this country we call it villages and not tribal it's called villagers and we survive on each one of us helping each other and it's all support from agricultural to fishing and to a clean water supply.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 11:25 PM
If it really was evil lizard people here doing bad things you would not even be able to tell them apart from those who are in the current administration, since they are doing exactly the same things you would expect evil lizard people to be doing.

So it doesn't matter. There is ZERO help for the impoverished and big bucks for all non-Americans right now. Slapping American citizens in the face over and over again, but no media to call it out. "Judge them not by their scaly skin, but by their evil deeds".

edit on 22-9-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 12:22 AM
NoCorruptionAllowed (user) got there before me, but I have to take exception to the OP starting with

I will not include lizard. People ruling the world

"let he who has eyes see" :

Lizard People is (probably, most likely) simply a Metaphor. The people ruling the world are vile reptiles. They are as warm and cuddly as Komodo dragons, which bite lightly to break the skin of their prey, allowing entry of septic saliva... these reptiles then follow the prey around for days while sepsis / blood-poisoning sets in, until the prey collapses. Then the feast begins.

example: Madeleine Albright stating that a half-million dead Iraqi children was worth it ( ... for a war on false pretenses to facilitate the gravy train of war-profiteering for the MIC and these Lizard People.

They probably don't lay eggs.
They probably don't have scaly skin.
They definitely shape-shift as necessary to tell everyone what compassionate and trustworthy people they are.

But take a second to contemplate the black withered void where a soul should be in someone like Madeleine Albright. She might have human DNA, similar to the rest of us... but where it counts she is quite literally inhuman.

I don't mean to just pick on Madeleine. Forget their words, but research the actual behavior of the (Globalist) Leaders who currently have a stranglehold on the reins of power in pretty much every country.

Forget about the abortion debate for just a second. Realize that America discards children on a routine basis.
For-profit prisons require a steady stream of inmates -- remember the judge taking kick-backs to supply black-kids to "the system": ?
Remember Flint Michigan's water supply ? Lead in the water only hurts poor kids, no hurry to fix that.
How about the Baltimore School system: ?
We're not even up to child-trafficking across the open Southern Border.
Didn't even mention organ-trafficking out of the region formerly known as Western Scythia.
Didn't even mention 5-10 year olds being conned and gender-transitioned without their parent's knowledge (AKA genital mutilation), in order to become life-long "customers" of the medical industry. Profit, glorious profit!

These are the actual results of our "leaders" awesome guidance.

Tell me again they are not reptiles (AKA "Lizard People").

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:09 AM
If you really want to know what the worst possible reality could be then I suggest you go to YouTube and watch some videos about North Korea because if America ever falls from outside or within that's what it will turn into with the help of China and Russia.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 04:40 AM
From many different directions, they're trying to take America down. Don't ask me to provide links as to who "they" are. If you've been paying attention, you know who they are. Well, their efforts will be successful and America, as a nation, will cease to exist. It will fall in an hour and the whole world will watch as the smoke rises.

Then, with America out of the way, a one-world leader will be ushered in. There will be plagues and pestilence. And millions of people will die. All hell will break loose on earth.

You don't want to be here when it happens. It will not be a fun time. Tell them what they'll get, Johnny! Yes, all this and much, much more will be yours!


posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: jlafleur02

in simple for that our food is killing us as part of what the eugenicists framed as as civil genocide that iams to kill off upwards pf 875% of humans currently alive.

eugenicists f=created the idea of a civil genocide after the pushback from the nazis prevented them cleansing the world of everyone who did not conform to their stereotypes.. the first tool was the creation of the welfare state and healthcare states that has been expanded to say the poison that is our food is safe.. its not us as soylent green but rather our food that's killing more people than our worst wars..

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

logical extension of what hapened to the british empire with the evolution of factions trying to use it to control the world their way the 2 most obvious factions still fighting it out for control are those who back the greater syria plan and those who alk r=the greater israel plan, now add all the other factions and this version of liberalism permeating the west is heading for the same fate as the last one in 1924 where it and its various arms/ngos leagues of nations started to die off.

the great war 1914-18 saw liberal globalists fighting each other for control of the entire world, it should be known as the great liberal war.. and we face a similar war as liberalism faces a similar death at its own factional hands..

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 07:41 AM
a powerful elite group, united by philosophy and education (Ivy Leaguers, Oxford, Cambridge) has taken over the school system, starting with the universities and now all the way down to 12th Street Primary. they are using this system to indoctrinate the public. many of the teachers, especially at the lower levels, are oblivious to this.
they all believe in socialism. they believe in man-made global warming. they believe that there are too many people in the world. their policies are according.

they are convinced they are morally superior, and any disagreement is a sign of immorality, thus it is acceptable to silence and marginalize them. (Jan 6 protesters)
they wish to eliminate media outlets that oppose them.
they wish to eliminate third party candidates that might siphon votes.
they are working on installing a permanent one-party rule.

these elites are sexually permissive and shrug at exploiting children for their gratification.

they are often very wealthy.
their goal is a world in which the masses are huddled in concrete box apartments with centrally-controlled thermostats, eating organic cabbage and insects. the elite will continue to dine on lobster in their summer homes in the Hamptons and Cape Cod, and their winter cabins in Aspen.
edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: jlafleur02

Actually, the really funny part about money, is that it gets created through creative means, since the invention of it almost.
Gradually sure, because we/they learned how fast it can destroy your country like Spain when it imported all the Inka gold.
But things like Bitcoin, is not even hiding the fact that it is money with zero roots in the real world, the mining process is just to veil that it is actually generated by the people mining it.
Money is from the get go the biggest scam ever, if you're looking for one.
In case of a global war you'll notice very fast that it actually has no value at all once the people lose the faith that it does.

It is still land and assets in case you're wondering or if you want to ensure your survivial in case of an all out war: land and agriculture, like Gates did.
edit on 23-9-2023 by Peeple because: add

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

Prophecies for thousands of years, from around the globe, are coming to fruition right before our eyes.

What prophecies? It seems if one has enough of them sooner or later they might come true. Nostradamus was really good at that in his prophecies which were obscured enough that after the fact we could apply them to past world events and say oh crap he was right!

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: jlafleur02
What is your theory on what is going on?

Everything is backwards.
Good is portrayed as bad, and bad is portrayed as good.
Corrupt elites make a fortune while hard working people squeak by or fall behind.
People are just going along with it all, many cheering the bad that is presented as good.
For crying out loud ... men calling themselves women and being cheered for it ...
no better example of how messed up the thought process in the world is.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:02 AM
Technocratic takeover of the global governing systems.

AI eventually will serve as their little beast, as it will be in the minds of everyone with neuralink. Everyone who receives the chip in their head will essentially have superpowers, such as telepathy among those who are neuralinked. They will also have Instant mental access to all state-certified information through the AI that's in their head.

Robots will also run on this system via 6G (WWW = 666 in gematria) and be integrated with the centralized AI system. Those who don't have the chip will be lesser citizens but their phone in their right hand will still be sufficient for the robots/AI to know everything about them. The whole financial system will globalized, and you won't be able to buy or sell without this stuff. Whoever tries to escape this technocrats totalitarian regime will be considered a wild beast that should be put to death.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
That we become a one world socialist society, with corruption of our leaders and local representatives and total lack of morals and laws especially so for 'them', and rich elitists make decisions for us regarding quality of life and health.


You say this, but how bad is your life today? No matter how bad we think we live it is better than any other time in our million-year history, so maybe no matter how good it might be it is just not good enough. I don't have a problem with that view as it does progress us to a better and better quality of life, but we need to be honest with ourselves first.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

" What’s the worst possible reality of what’s actually happening in the world "

We ARE All Somehow becoming Through a Devious Massive Deception , Soylent Green for the Elite to Control and Ingest at their Leisure.......... .

In the end, if we are in something we have zero control over then just bring it on and get it over The older I get the idea of nothing at the end becomes more inviting after struggling for a lifetime, why would I want that to just go on and on and on?

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

AI eventually will serve as their little beast, as it will be in the minds of everyone with neuralink.

I'll go with AI too, but not in a religious way. What if AI is the end result of all advanced intelligence? Intelligence evolves and at some point, it creates AI that overtakes and replaces the intelligent life that made it.

The good news if this was the natural order of things then we would most likely be seeing a lot more AI around us as space and time really have little effect on it.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: nickyw

in simple for that our food is killing us as part of what the eugenicists framed as as civil genocide that iams to kill off upwards pf 875% of humans currently alive.

eugenicists f=created the idea of a civil genocide after the pushback from the nazis prevented them cleansing the world of everyone who did not conform to their stereotypes.. the first tool was the creation of the welfare state and healthcare states that has been expanded to say the poison that is our food is safe.. its not us as soylent green but rather our food that's killing more people than our worst wars..

We are living longer and longer if people were trying to kill us off with food. I remember back in the 80s when I was in my 20s and working with people in their mid-40s I remember thinking boy I hope I do not look that old and worn out when I'm 45, and the reality is even now at 63 I still do not look that old and wornout, so I think they are failing at their

The reality is that eugenics was a popular idea back when we had like 2 billion people or less and the trajectory of population growth if continued at the same rate would have our population today at like 20 billion. It was also thought that the earth could only sustain about 4 billion people before mass starvation back then.

Today we know we could sustain a massive amount of billions well past where we are today. We also know 11 billion is about the limit humans would get to then just level out with no changes, but there are changes. We are seeing a larger number of younger people who do not want a family and so in many parts of the world population growth has been stagnant or even declining for decades now and will only get worse. Musk is worried about population collapse and it is predicted that China at 1.6 billion will be about 600 million in 50 years.

So now there is no reason for a forced reduction in the population as we are doing it all on our own.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind

Then, with America out of the way, a one-world leader will be ushered in. There will be plagues and pestilence. And millions of people will die. All hell will break loose on earth.


I only have about 20 to 30 years left, so tell me this will all go down in 100

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: jlafleur02
What is your theory on what is going on?

They are aiming for creating a society very similar to the one described in the book "This Perfect Day"...

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

I'll go with AI too, but not in a religious way. What if AI is the end result of all advanced intelligence? Intelligence evolves and at some point, it creates AI that overtakes and replaces the intelligent life that made it.

The good news if this was the natural order of things then we would most likely be seeing a lot more AI around us as space and time really have little effect on it.

From my interpretation, the book of Revelation has AI and human-made disaster written all over it. It even mentions talking images (phones)

"and there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, that also the image of the beast may speak, and that it may cause as many as shall not bow before the image of the beast, that they may be killed."
-Rev 13:15

The Spirit that was imbued into the talking images (phones) is AI. Imagine some guy on an island around 35AD seeing visions of a technologically modern day, and how he would describe what he saw.

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