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Hypothesis: Recent Triangle UFO Sighting in Argentina was USA Tech, and it's Literally About Oil

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posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 03:00 AM
So I was commenting in another thread days ago and pointed out that triangle UFOs have oft been said to be USA back-engineered tech; a black budget project code named "TR3B". I think most of us on the sight would agree that's a real thing.
Hell, an Army buddy of mine saw one himself in Iraq. I'd forgotten all about the Argentina sighting, then I saw THIS in the news headlines today:

Headline from ABC:
"BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- A U.S. judge ruled that Argentina must pay $16.1 billion to minority shareholders of state-controlled oil company YPF due to the government’s 2012 nationalization of a majority stake in the firm."

Full article on what Argentina allegedly owes the USA.

Quote from International Energy Agency:
"Argentina's total primary energy mix is dominated by natural gas (55%) and oil (33%), with bioenergy contributing 5%, and hydropower and nuclear another 3% each. Argentina has the 2nd largest reserve of shale gas and the 4th largest reserve of shale oil worldwide.May 23, 2023"

Now, here's my thinking: As the article mentions, Argentina is in debt and inflation rates are sky high: 100% annually to be specific; So I think it's safe to say it'd be dumb to expect them to be making any payments. Also, with the world on the edge of conflicts, and the Doomsday Clock a sneeze away from Apocalypse, USA wants its leverage. It can't get its money from them, but it MIGHT be able to get oil. Argentina does NOT have a powerful military, and nor is anyone particularly powerful going to come to its aid if "we", "TPTB" play this carefully.
USA deepstate can't just out and out occupy or invade Argentina. US citizens would riot over that.
The hypothetical end game I'm positing is something like this:
Make it look like ETs are repeatedly entering Argentine airspace and hovering over sensitive areas, get the Argentinians freaking out and maybe the world talking about it. Then the USA, probably rather publicly, offers Argentinian government military support, and is allowed to LEGALLY occupy Argentina under false pretenses, then Argentina freely gives oil as payment for the "military protection".
Yes, 16 billion might not seem like much compared to the TRILLIONS in US debt, but maybe if the debt is paid in a tradeable commodity, such as oil, it is worth "enough" to merit action.
I do realize this is all conjecture and speculation, but how wild is it really?
Any thoughts or anything to add?

edit on 18-9-2023 by TheValeyard because: clarification

edit on 18-9-2023 by TheValeyard because: elaboration/ clarification

edit on 18-9-2023 by TheValeyard because: spelling error bc I'm over-caffeinated

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
Make it look like ETs are repeatedly entering Argentine airspace and hovering over sensitive areas

Wouldn't that be the equivilant of the US gov/mil admitting aliens are real and a genuine threat? Which, they never will.

So I'm not sure that hypothesis is accurate.

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 03:42 AM
It's more akin to the regular old problem reaction solution methodology.

Just the leverage and details change.

a reply to: noonebutme

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 04:01 AM

So the Argenitinian Govt. owes $18.1bn to minority shareholders Petersen Energia (A Madrid based company) and Eton Capital (A UK based financing company) after nationalising YPF.

USA wants its leverage. It can't get its money from them, but it MIGHT be able to get oil.

Remind us again. What money is owed to the US?

Why would faking an alien invasion scenario over Argentina then sending in the American military to 'defend' Argentina result in payment in oil from the state owned YPF in Argentina?

The economics of it don't make sense. Just buy the oil if you need it rather than mounting an expensive occupation of Argentina.

There's also the added problem of why would ET be concentrating on Argentina and nowhere else.

edit on 18/9/2023 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 05:09 AM
The idea was more like "why buy the oil if you can occupy their country and just start taking it"
Kinda like a vampire asking to be let in. And also, don't all countries have massive debt by now, and aren't they all just fighting over what commodities they can lord over? Lol.

a reply to: mirageman

edit on 18-9-2023 by TheValeyard because: elaboration/ clarification

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 05:55 AM

Argentina is in debt and inflation rates are sky high: 100%

118% to be exact. The highest in the world right now, if I'm not mistaken.


an extraordinary move on August 14th, as central bank officials attempted to contain mass selloffs in parallel currency markets and in dollar-denominated bonds.

edit on 18-9-2023 by IndieA because: Added information

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: TheValeyard

Interesting theory, there was a dream about UFOs and oils a while ago. "I had a dream when I crashed in an UFO in India, and there was some kind of conflict which involved Russia and China. I was riding a car wheel like on a bike, and then I saw barrels of oil everywhere, and there was something about oil."

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 06:17 AM
if they were seeking oil they could lease local helos

unless the triangles have super scanning tech (not available to the public)

apparently UFOs are an item in Latin America.

if things in Argentina get real bad, will their gummint try again to take the Falklands (Maldives) to distract? no Maggie Thatchers in London these days.

kind of intriguing to think that the triangles are research platforms allowing the US to snoop

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 07:23 AM
To use the alien card over a few billion worth of oil? No way.

The alien card is worth trillions.

a reply to: TheValeyard

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: TheValeyard
Make it look like ETs are repeatedly entering Argentine airspace and hovering over sensitive areas

Wouldn't that be the equivilant of the US gov/mil admitting aliens are real and a genuine threat? Which, they never will.

So I'm not sure that hypothesis is accurate.

No, not in my mind. They are just using people's fear to control and use them. The witnesses say ufo, not the US.

Project Bluebeam.

While I like the OP line of thinking, we need to accept that we are being played for the goal of population reduction and control.

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 08:45 AM
Interesting theory at the very top but wrong on so many levels on the details.

There is not an acknowledged craft called TR3B. It was a manifestation of charlatans used to sell books and videos.

I don't disagree about the US doing a little "nationbuilding" down there, for their own good of course but I don't think they'd use any "external" threat to initiate.
Back in Bush/Neocon days they'd simply drum up some fake-ass Terrorist threat and then invade. Nowadays we'd probably go in if they fabricated a story about their gov beating up trannies or some #.
Either way, a small country sitting on vast amounts of natural resources is a bad, bad thing

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 10:42 AM
You misunderstood your OP, OP.

This money does not belong to the US, it belongs to the shareholders that the company sold shares to.

The government of Argentina decided to sell 51% of its state oil company and put the 51% of the shares on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

They now owe a lot of money to the shareholders they've stiffed, but since they put their money in an American stock market, American laws have jurisdiction and a court can order them to pay the money they owe to the shareholders -- private owners.

edit on 18-9-2023 by Mahogany because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2023 @ 12:21 PM
I think that we have a TR3B sighting Maybe the Argies would like to buy a craft or 2 for 500 billion a piece?? we could then use the money to buy some of their oil. I think that the other way of extorting the Argies would be too complicated for the Biden people to pull off.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 05:08 PM
What's alien tech really worth if you never use it to get what you want?

a reply to: ITSALIVE

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 05:15 PM
How does that change anything? LOL. And I didn't misunderstand anything, commenter.
Technically no money is anyone's money. It's just a promise for services or commodities; a promise that isn't always kept.
Money has no real value. Commodities do. And true power in today's world lies in controlling, monopolizing, bottlenecking, and getting people reliant on commodities that YOU supply, and making them owe you for it. I don't need a lecture on how the world works, thanks. I'm already all lectured out.

a reply to: Mahogany

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 05:24 PM
You might be right. Might be a valid point. But hey, either way, they could still simply be doing recon as another commenter pointed out. If Argentina had a substantial military I'd say they were forming an alliance.
Or maybe they plan to fly over multiple countries to raise a climate of fear.
Project Bluebeam with actual anti-grav craft piloted by Americans, perhaps?
Btw, when I talk about the US government and intel agencies, I say "them" instead of we.
Hope that avoids any future confusion. We should all keep track of the headlines these days.
What interesting times.

a reply to: stubbyguy

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 05:26 PM
My friend, perhaps they already have admitted aliens and UFOS are real, and Grusch did not come out as a whistleblower
by coincidence.
a reply to: noonebutme

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