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Remembering William Cooper, the man who predicted 9/11 & the current day totalitarian nightmare.

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posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: pthena

Bravo. Such an astute observation that is both stunning, and brave. Remind me, who here is talking about video games?

a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Well I do know, and, the connection is there and it is real. And I, too, have heard all the same stories. The man was affiliated with both: a delusional, for profit cult with tax exemption status that (poorly) pretends to be the sole arbiter of spiritual enlightenment, and the psychological warfare arm of the military industrial complex. That’s 2/2 on my bullsh!t detector.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: FrozenTruth

So glad you have such firm knowledge about these things.

Glad you could share.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

God bless William Cooper I've known about him since the 1990s, when I was a young buck in my twenties

He was a real man with real balls who cared and loved this country but of course like so many great Patriots of integrity they smeared s*** all over his name for years and inevitably killed him!

As more and more time goes by his prophetic (although a bit at times eccentric) views become more substantiated and fortified, sleep well Bill, you did good and are not forgotten!

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:52 AM
Bill was right on point!
I knew it then as I do now and that will never change.

What a great man William Cooper was, he was a threat to the diabolical powers that be and that's why they killed him!

Those devils don't like the truth and Bil Cooper always spoke from a place of honesty, integrity and love...God bless him!

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: gladtobehere


They want to start wars, kill first responders, civilians, and engineer the most complex and intricate plan ever ever to take 20 years to make a natural level of impact on taking away guns?

The dude was a paranoid fruitcake. The sheeple are those who thinks he knew anything and considered him more than a fearful Chicken Little.

I swear people took more of their own freedom away in a perpetual worry of their impending loss of freedom. It hasn't really happened yet. Just more worry about pieces falling into place for a still impending dystopian nightmare.

That's harsh, but he could have had any wacky conspiracy of false dilemma confirmed.

Another thing that bugs me...

Why is the GOP Bush administration in with the NWO but every republican since Bush is fighting the NWO?

The NWO follows US administrative efforts through Obama but stopped controlling everything in government abruptly in 2016. But only for 4 years.

Seems paranoid, perpetually regenerating, and contrived.

So, was he right??? Did they use OBL or did they not???

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: gladtobehere

What a small World we live in!

Timothy McVeigh was a follower of Cooper too. Small World. I was working the same shift with a coworker whose sister was in the FBI building the day that blew up..

You mean to say BLOWn OUT because the Murrah building blew out from the inside...Is McVeigh dead, sometimes I doubt it, he was another L.H.O.
If you've read anything on McVeigh he was probably a patriot, as was L.H.O used, as was L.H.O, to start of a chain of events.
It's also convenient that all the Clinton papers were also stored in the Murrah "people kept the 011 responders back" until the papers had been collected as they were of "national security", meanwhile people were dying inside and bodies weren't being recovered.

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