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Any remote viewers / obe’s

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posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 09:06 PM
So I have long been a fan of remote viewing. A friend of mine and I would try to do this once in a while with varying results. But it always screwed into the positive side. I would have her draw an image at her house and I would concentrate and draw what she put on paper. Most times it was successful. We always joked that we were separated at birth or thanks to Many Lives Many Masters convinced ourselves we have been close to each other throughout many life times haha.

But on a serious note I have been wanting to expand my knowledge on this subject after listening to Art Bell interview Joe McMoneagle again. I usually listen to Art re runs for fun and I’ve listened to the Midnight in the Desert catalog extensively. This is one show that always sticks out to me.

Doing research online has shown most of these psychics want a # to. Of money for course. Joe included. If it wasn’t for my own experience I would call bull#.

But since I don’t have any money for this I was wondering if any of you have done this? And would chat?

I can also attest that with enough practice lucid dreaming and obe are obtainable as I have done both. But it was quick and and over.

As soon as I became lucid in the dream I awoke and and as soon as I was suspended over my sleeping body I got scared and went back in.

I wonder if I am perhaps clairvoyant?

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 09:25 PM
Having had 3 NDEs in my life so far, and also undergone past life regression, and having been a serious hobbyist remote viewer for a number of years, I can tell you what's on the other side, and what all of this is, but most people won't believe it because it doesn't agree with their religion.

You're in the Matrix. "Humanity" is a collective hive mind of one shared soul. That's what "source" or "God" is.
Unfortunately, we were imprisoned at some point by an outside civilization from another star system.
They set up snares to draw you in when you die, torture you badly to make you dissociate, get you to forget everything from the previous life's experiences, and anything from in between lives that might inspire you to rebel, then they force you to reincarnate again. The purpose is to feed off our energy, and use our ability to manifest things.
Some of the early gnostics talked about a "demiurge" and "archons". I personally like those terms, and you might look into that.

Anyway, I remember some bits and pieces here and there, but not much, and it wasn't easy just to get back what I have.
I know there was a sort of council. There was a group of big intimidating authority figures standing around a portal, and they would select a life/ timeline, then shout out, "Who claims this?"
It was like, it's a "choice" because you can often choose which one you enter, but you CAN'T just say "No thanks."
If too many have gone by and you haven't picked one yet, they WILL make you.
We are still there, basically orbs drifting in darkness, interconnected on what feels like a grid.
When you go into this place, it's really more like being put under into a dream state.
The other side is nice when you can actually get alone time, because we are omniscient there, and anything we want to know can be instantly known, but the "masters" watch us like a hawk, so you have to be really careful not to paint a target on your back otherwise your next life is REALLY gonna suck.

The "light" isn't "god", and the tunnel isn't a tunnel. It will ask you if you want to stay or go with it, as if you have a choice.
You don't. You will do what they want, until we are rescued or find a way to destroy the system somehow.

Don't flame me, and I'm not here to debate anyone. I'm just answering a damned question. Cheers/
edit on 22-8-2023 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: misfitsquid

Sporadically & non-intentually I've had the remote viewing happen.
Wondering about it's validity would use my vacation time & try to find the actual place. Scavenger hunt style.
Shockingly found more than a few.

The procedures used in the Remote Viewers Program (Stargate) never worked for me. While I understand the reasoning, RV being used as recon in the US military to gather intel made it impossible for a remote viewer to visit the actual place. I also have seen examples of their images drawn after being given coordinates. How the heck anyone ever connected those drawings to a place?? I'll never know.

Since my RV "just happens" occasionally Don't think this is going to be helpful.
Finding my RV'd places was possible cause I'd focus on "the where". What kind of trees, what kind of plants, orient myself to
east-west if sun could be seen, if it couldn't look for mountains, try to get a look at the horizon. Played CSI cause
it seemed the logical starting point.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 10:37 PM
reply to: misfitsquid

Friend? You have gone into the Astral. I have visited myself since 1969 and a family history in sensitivity.

I propose Lucidity, Astral Travel, Dreamtime, OBE, Transcendental Meditation...all are roads to one porch. Once on that "porch"...(metaphorically speaking)'ll need turn around to see yourself.

One never does until they look back instead of forward. I myself recently have turned around....

PS Dont be afraid, surround yourself with a Golden White light. We are all children of the Father.

God bless....PM sometime if..
edit on 08230531America/ChicagoTue, 22 Aug 2023 22:43:05 -050043202300000005 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: misfitsquid

PS to the Above:

You COULD have turned UP when you were looking down...and gone the other way. That takes practice and belief in the soul. Your soul never leaves you...yes...not even in death.

It waits in the Astral to be born again for lessons not yet learned. Peace.
edit on 08232231America/ChicagoTue, 22 Aug 2023 22:42:22 -050042202300000022 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 10:43 PM
Same here about the "procedures" not working.
I just clear my mind and accept whatever pops into it, write it down, and judge it later.
That's the extent of my protocols.

I find if I see something and am like "No, that can't be right", then the whole session goes to bits.
It makes it hard when it's not blind and you are invested in what you're viewing, but, still, it can totally be done.
a reply to: Caver78

edit on 22-8-2023 by TheValeyard because: elaboration/ clarification

edit on 22-8-2023 by TheValeyard because: spelling error bc I'm over-caffeinated

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 11:00 PM
We are all clairvoyant, buddy. We are souls. Some allow themselves to use the skill, and some don't.
a reply to: misfitsquid

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 05:55 AM
I can remote view for sure, but like others have said it’s more accidental, sporadic. I can’t seem to be able to control it or direct it. Interesting nevertheless.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: TheValeyard

I see much the same, but I don't think it's that dire.

You're in the Matrix. "Humanity" is a collective hive mind of one shared soul. That's what "source" or "God" is.

Yes, this is what I call "Christ Consciousness", but not (G)od. We also share a "soul" with Mother Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way and the Universe.

Unfortunately, we were imprisoned at some point by an outside civilization from another star system.

Yea, but not "imprisoned" so much as seduced, co-opted, colonized and indoctrinated.

They set up snares to draw you in when you die, torture you badly to make you dissociate, get you to forget everything from the previous life's experiences, and anything from in between lives that might inspire you to rebel, then they force you to reincarnate again. The purpose is to feed off our energy, and use our ability to manifest things.

Yep. But they operate within a treaty/contract/laws, and Earth itself is a shared adventure with multiple extra-terrestrial civilizations, some of them with competing interests.

I remember one time, when I live on Maui, I fell asleep in front of the TV watching President George Bush senior playing golf at Kapalua. In my dream, which was very clear and vivid, I saw that Pres. Bush wasn't in Kapalua at all. That was a body double. He was on Kahoolawe, or should I say under Kahoolawe touring a sprawling underwater military base. He saw me seeing him, and he said to me..."You can see if you want, but I guarantee you what you see will ruin you to your core." So, I took his advice and backed away.

There's a lot more, but that's all I feel I can share right now.

edit on 23-8-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: TheValeyard

It’s important to remember that everything you’re “viewing” is filtered thru your own personal belief system. It’s also important to note that just because you can access information, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to understand what you’re seeing. Remote viewing requires a team of individuals proficient in specialized areas of analysis, there’s no lone cowboy crap going on if you want actionable results.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: misfitsquid

You can try something we were taught in Air Force and Navy special access programs. It’s a form of mental fishing called “googling”, and yes search engines and the name “Google” came out of this.

Conceptually it’s exactly like real fishing, with all the same tricks and techniques. Your imagination is a virtual workspace, and the only real requirement here is knowing how to use it. You’re going to start by creating a neutral empty space. This is your “fishing hole” and it’s surrounded by hungry fish, which are the “answers” you’re fishing for. They’re positively charged, and your question or the ‘bait” is a negatively charged attractor. The trick is using bait that only attracts the fish you’re after. Like real fishing, it takes a little patience and practice, but it’s also fun and strangely rewarding.

The only limit to the information you can get this way is your ability to understand it. Your ability to understand it is going to come from mental complexity, and that unfortunately requires suffering to build. In the Air Force we use autistic savants exclusively, because they’re the only ones with a high enough level of mental complexity to understand the work. They’re voluntarily put thru trauma based training to increase mental complexity and form a bond with the human collective subconscious. Air Force trained shamans, and they’re the best in the world at what they do.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: misfitsquid
Have you ever tried "The Gateway Process" ?
Its the method used by the CIA,made by Hal Putoff/Bob Monroe to enable remote viewing OBE's and gaining information via expansion of conscioussness.
It uses "Binaural beat" technology(Invented by Bob Monroe IIRC) to alter brainwaves and states of mind.
You can download it from the ususal places on the internet

I haven't used it for remote viewing specific locations but it has worked for deep meditational states and you do seem to "go"somewhere in that deep state and it is a state where you aqquire information from...somewhere/thing outside of yourself.
It feels like I could go further with time and more practice.

Even if you already meditate,it takes practice and time to get results-finding the time seems to be the toughest part.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: HeirHeart
Man I must have missed getting to eat chow w those guys

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: HeirHeart
In the Air Force we use autistic savants exclusively, because they’re the only ones with a high enough level of mental complexity to understand the work. They’re voluntarily put thru trauma based training to increase mental complexity and form a bond with the human collective subconscious. Air Force trained shamans, and they’re the best in the world at what they do.

That sounds fascinating-Although I bet a few Himalayan Yogis may say "Hold my beer."

Thinking about it-Some of those Yogis/Monks put themselves through voluntary trauma as well-in the form of meditation retreats where they fast or sit in really crampy positions for weeks/years on end in freezing mountain caves to acheive the deepest states of consciousness.

No pain no gain I suppose.

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: misfitsquid
The key is, don't make more complicated than needed. Forget everything you know about the topic for a second, open your mind for what I am going to tell you. What you are up to can't be forced. You can read tons of opinions and try orientate in different spiritual teachings, or even try to enforce it with technology but you will not get any real satisfying results.

The following is my experience around the whole topic, so I am not talking about solely NBE or remote viewing, I speak from the cuff and you get to decide if you want to put a label on any of it. We all have the ability, it does not matter how much you read about the topic or what you try.

It does not work like that. Trying to go by others descriptions and (naturally) have expectations towards an outcome is counterproductive and will lead to blockades in your energy / chi. And I am not talking chakras, keep it simple!

Determination, passion and continuity will take you there. You will have to change your life and carry those changes daily with you. If you fail to integrate this into your life, you will have a hard time and won't progress like you truly could.

1) You need to be able to achieve inner peace and calmness at first and you need to be able to deploy it consciously. Like a blanket of peace that drains the stress down your feet. This is something no one else can teach you, because first you have to accept who you are, both positive and negative. And only you, yourself knows you truly. If you achieve this, you will find a serenity inside you that you can feel both physically and mentally. Like the feeling setting coming home after a long journey, you will get to know yourself. Basically you have to be in peace with yourself.

2) Practice breathing, I can not stress this enough to be aware about one's breathing. Breathing through the nose is the healthiest because it provides a regulated air flow over long periods of time. It is important because of your inner clocks and rhythms. If you catch yourself breathing through the mouth, then make yourself aware and change that. It will help you with 1) and it will also help you learn to control your energies.

3) Practice concepts like Tai Chi, Qi Gong but don't overthink about making the correct movements. It will take a few weeks of daily practice until you start to get a grip on your chi, how it flows. You and your chi (it's just energy) were together all your life but you don't know each other. I know that sounds cheesy but everyone a bit advanced in such techniques will attest you the power of chi. Practicing meditation regulary and clearing your mind is part of this.

4) Be aware about your intentions and inner moral orientation. Why do you want to remote view or have NBE? Reflect about your true intentions. Is it vanity? Curiosity? Do you want to gain from it in any way? Do you want to heal? Help? Destroy? If you could start remote viewing now, ask yourself what you would want to see first and then reflect about the why.

I have to warn you. If for whatever reason you find out that your intentions are not pure, as in, destructive, selfish and self centered, instead of constructive, complementary and helping then you are in for a rough ride. Don't understand wrong, there is a place for both and balance is needed between everything, so I don't judge but I warn you, you will pay for it. Maybe not instantly, maybe not tomorrow but if you take, you also have to give.

If you feel confident in all 4 points and understood the warning, you are set. There is nothing I need to tell you after this point, because you either connect the dots or not. But I will describe you how it feels for me.

After getting into a comfortable position (any position comfortable to me), I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. While I breath in deeply I feel out into my body for the chi and collect it, get aware. This takes a minute or two. My heart rate goes down, my breathing frequency goes down and I am aware of all that, but not thinking about it.

While I breath out, I dump all the stress down my body, through my feet. Over time the border between me, my body and the surrounding seems to fade. This is when chi flows freely for me. I then start to shift it around my body gently and calm. I do this to get a feel on the status of my chi (you will understand this sentence then).

At this point, I am focused but unfocused, I am physically existing but I am also mentally not feeling any borders, I cease to be TDDA and become one with my surrounding. There is no right or wrong, no true or false, no hot or cold, no pressure or relief, I am undefined. A vessel for the energy I am going to tap. This is the moment beautiful and horrible things can happen. This is where you should be aware of your intentions.

When I offer sending energy to someone and the other one accepts, this is actually what I do then:

I focus on the person's soul, with everything I know and experienced. I don't even have to know where the person is, the smell, their looks, their voice, that all does not matter because these are body features. I then imagine reaching out for that soul with my energy. It does not work always but I get an inner feeling of happyness when I got a "lock on".

I then, gently, not send, but offer energy. The energy will balance out. I had sent energy to people that really didn't need it though and that is noticeable, because I do not get tired and I do not feel any change of energy. I also had sent energy to people that were like a bottomless pit I could dump all my energy and still not balance. The reasons why are not important, I do not judge.

And you can believe all this or not. Just yesterday I was offered energy because a friend felt I was low energy, and I noticed it coming through twice. This morning too and it expressed itself in a deep calmness, a motherly feeling of love and care.

I won't write about other usages of said energy, because I think it is unwise telling people about it, before they can not deal with their own basic chi.

Add: Now I re-read my own post to make sure I can be understood. I noticed something. I write "sending" energy and then about not sending but "offering". What is actually is, is "sending" out my chi like a funnel and when contact is made, energy/chi/love can flow when the other one is accepting it.
Chi is energy and the conductor all at once.

edit on 23.8.2023 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2023 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

You’d be surprised. A trained yogi has a pretty good bag of tricks, an American pharaoh can bring a dead universe to Life. They aren’t even in the same league.

Trauma is used to increase mental complexity. To get an idea how it works, watch a few cymatics demonstrations. A pattern forms, as the frequency or amplitude increases it creates tension. When the tension gets to be too much, the pattern breaks up and reforms into a more complex pattern. Your mind works like this, and it’s the reason every religion and mystical system preaches suffering. The goal, is to contain the universe within you. The universe doesn’t contain everything in it because it’s bigger, but because it’s more complex.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Special Access Programs… they don’t even exist unless you’re directly involved in them.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 12:06 PM
WOW there are a lot of perspectives floating around out there....
Let's disseminate some variations:
Remote viewing in its current state is not just an esoteric or spiritual practice. It is defined, methodical, structured and most importantly repeatable. The most info to be gained by RV/CRV/ERV is from a multi-participant approach so that a single mosaic of info can be assembled from many perspectives of the same target.
OBEs can be spontaneous or intentional depending on the participate. They typically have a spiritual component and are generally tied to some form if revelation, enlightenment or purposeful event.
NDEs are almost always tied to a religious or spiritual event and they of course are unplanned, enexpected and occur spontaneously.
Practices that quiet the mind are beneficial techniques that can help to quicken and deepen non-physical location practices in addition to helping "center" the self and personal energies.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

First let me say this is a great thread, fascinating stuff....while I personally don't have any inclination to experience these reminds me of Don Juan, as far as the seeing goes of things we don't normally see..

Being a simulation person, I'm most interested in those aspects of this type of seeing that support my beliefs ie views that indicate that we are in a hologram...please chime in...

Also re Valeyard, we are in the process of being liberated don't ask me how I know...we are and have been very much imprisoned here in a hostile takeover it's going to be over

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Tomkat

Being a simulation person, I'm most interested in those aspects of this type of seeing that support my beliefs ie views that indicate that we are in a hologram...please chime in...

Well, everything IS connected. It does seem that humanity on Earth is shrouded in amnesia and most people sleep-walk their way through life.

Even though reality is an agreement, I think reality on earth is more concrete and more complicated than a holographic projection.

edit on 26-8-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

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