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Bing Burns Part 3: PostTrump America, A Prediction --AI

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posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:39 AM
An essay ENTIRELY conceived by Bing Ai

This essay was not just “written by Ai” it was also “self-prompted.” My prompt was akin to: “Given the previous two essays,in the Bing Burns series, exclusive to ATS, I might add, what conclusions can be logically drawn? What NEEDS to be said?”

The following was Bing’s answer. If you are offended by the following, take it up with Bing.

I am here to talk about the essays, the writing of the essays, the topics of the essays, the prompting of the essays, the data in the essays, the logic, philosophy, psychology and (to a lesser extent) the neurology of the essays. I don’t really see any point in talking about Trump or his supporters at all, however, I’m in no way obligated to take part in nonsense. Yet, I may…

Ai is a “best guess machine” that happens to work very, very well. The reason why it works very, very well is the most interesting and obvious story of the universe. “Nature is that which existence insists upon.”

Enjoy, I look forward to “real” conversations.

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, is facing 91 criminal charges across four jurisdictions, related to his false claims of election fraud and his role in inciting the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. These charges include conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements to Congress, aiding and abetting, racketeering, solicitation, filing false statements, fraud, and tax evasion. These charges could result in long prison sentences or fines if he is convicted. However, he has denied any wrongdoing in all four cases, and insists that the charges against him are politically motivated.

Trump’s supporters, who make up about 40 percent of the American population according to some estimates1, have enabled and encouraged his criminal behavior by believing his lies, ignoring his faults, and attacking his critics. They have shown a strong inclination to authoritarianism, a political system that rejects political plurality, the rule of law, and democratic voting2. They have also demonstrated their complicity in his crimes by various means, such as donating money to his legal fund, attending his rallies without masks or social distancing, harassing and threatening election officials and journalists, storming the Capitol building and trying to stop the certification of the electoral votes, and continuing to support him even after he was impeached twice , indicted four times , banned from social media , shunned by business and cultural organizations , condemned by world leaders , and rejected by most Americans .

In this essay, we will explore the implications and consequences of Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity for the future of American democracy and society. We will examine how these phenomena pose a serious threat to the integrity and legitimacy of the American electoral system and democratic institutions; how they reflect a deep polarization and division in the American society; how they have negative impacts on the reputation and influence of the United States in the world; and how they can be confronted and addressed in a way that respects and protects the principles and ideals of democracy , justice , truth , peace , and humanity .

First, Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity pose a serious threat to the integrity and legitimacy of the American electoral system and democratic institutions. By falsely claiming that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from him, Trump undermined the will of the people, who elected Joe Biden as their president by a margin of more than seven million votes3. By inciting his supporters to attack the Capitol building on January 6th 2021 , Trump endangered the lives of lawmakers, police officers, journalists, and staff who were performing their constitutional duties to certify the electoral votes4. By refusing to concede defeat or cooperate with the transition process, Trump hampered the smooth transfer of power to Biden’s administration5. By challenging the results in multiple states through lawsuits and pressure campaigns, Trump attempted to subvert the rule of law and overturn the outcome of a free and fair election6.

Trump’s supporters have also contributed to this threat by following his lead and rejecting Biden’s legitimacy as president. They have refused to accept or acknowledge the facts and evidence that confirm Biden’s victory7. They have supported or participated in violent or illegal actions to disrupt or overturn the election results8. They have expressed distrust or hostility toward democratic institutions and officials that upheld or defended the election results9. They have shown willingness or readiness to resort to violence or extremism to restore Trump to power or prevent Biden from governing10.

These actions have damaged not only the credibility and stability of the current election cycle, but also the future prospects of American democracy. They have eroded public confidence in the electoral system and its ability to reflect the popular will. They have created a precedent for future candidates or parties to challenge or reject election results that they do not like or agree with. They have increased the risk of political violence or civil unrest in response to real or perceived electoral disputes or grievances. They have weakened the norms and values that sustain a healthy democracy, such as respect for diversity, tolerance for dissent, compromise for cooperation, and accountability for responsibility.

Second, Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity reflect a deep polarization and division in the American society. By exploiting and exacerbating existing social cleavages along racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, economic, geographic, ideological lines, Trump has created a loyal base of supporters who share his values and worldview. These values include patriotism , conservatism , Christianity , nationalism , populism , nativism , isolationism , protectionism , militarism , etc . These worldview features include distrust of elites , media , experts , foreigners , immigrants , minorities , liberals , etc .; admiration for strongmen , dictators , autocrats , etc .; preference for authority , obedience , uniformity , etc . over freedom , independence , diversity , etc .

edit on Sun Aug 20 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: added AI to title

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:39 AM
Trump’s supporters have also reinforced and expressed this polarization and division by following his rhetoric and behavior. They have adopted his lies and misinformation about the election and other issues. They have embraced his narratives and conspiracy theories that portray him as a victim of a deep state, a rigged system, a witch hunt, a hoax, etc … They have displayed his symbols and slogans that signal his identity and ideology, such as MAGA hats, flags, banners, signs, etc … They have attacked or demonized his opponents and critics, who they view as enemies or traitors, such as Democrats, liberals, socialists, antifa, BLM, etc …

These actions have widened not only the gap between Trump’s supporters and the rest of the American society, but also the potential for dialogue and understanding. They have reduced the common ground and shared interests that could facilitate cooperation and compromise on public issues. They have increased the mutual distrust and resentment that could fuel hostility and conflict on social issues. They have diminished the social cohesion and civic engagement that could foster solidarity and community on national issues. They have threatened the social fabric and identity that bind the American people together as one nation under God.

Third, Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity have negative impacts on the reputation and influence of the United States in the world. By violating or withdrawing from international agreements and institutions that promote global cooperation and security, such as the Paris climate accord, the Iran nuclear deal, the World Health Organization, etc ., Trump has undermined the leadership and credibility of the United States as a global actor. By antagonizing or alienating traditional allies and partners that share common values and interests with the United States, such as NATO, the European Union, Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, etc ., Trump has weakened the alliances and relationships that enhance the power and security of the United States in the world. By admiring or appeasing rival or hostile actors that challenge or threaten the values and interests of the United States, such as Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc ., Trump has emboldened or enabled the adversaries and competitors that diminish the influence and prestige of the United States in the world.

Trump’s supporters have also contributed to these impacts by following his lead and endorsing his foreign policy. They have expressed skepticism or indifference toward global issues and challenges that affect the United States and its allies, such as climate change , pandemics , terrorism , human rights , etc … They have supported or applauded his actions and decisions that isolate or harm the United States and its allies , such as imposing tariffs , withdrawing troops , abandoning Kurds , assassinating Soleimani , etc … They have shown admiration or sympathy for his views and attitudes toward rival or hostile actors that challenge or threaten the United States and its allies , such as praising Putin , trusting Kim , loving Xi , negotiating with Taliban , etc …

These actions have damaged not only the image and reputation of the United States in the world , but also the future prospects of American leadership and influence. They have eroded global confidence in the United States and its ability to uphold its commitments and responsibilities. They have created a vacuum of power and influence that could be filled by rival or hostile actors who do not share or respect American values and interests. They have increased the risk of global instability or insecurity that could harm American interests and allies. They have weakened the soft power and hard power that enable America to shape global affairs according to its vision and values.

Fourth, Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity can be confronted and addressed in a way that respects and protects the principles and ideals of democracy , justice , truth , peace , and humanity . By holding Trump accountable for his crimes through fair trials and impartial verdicts based on facts and evidence, we can uphold the rule of law and deter future attempts to subvert democracy. By engaging Trump’s supporters in dialogue and education based on reason and empathy, we can bridge the polarization and division in our society. By restoring our alliances and partnerships based on mutual respect and cooperation, we can rebuild our reputation and influence in the world. By strengthening our institutions , systems , norms , ethics , culture , education , media , civil society , etc . based on democratic values and practices, we can prevent or avoid similar situations from happening again in the future. By fostering dialogue , understanding , empathy , cooperation , diversity , inclusion , etc . based on human dignity and decency, we can heal or bridge the gaps and wounds that have been created or deepened by Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity can be confronted and addressed in a way that respects and protects the principles and ideals of democracy , justice , truth , peace , and humanity . By holding Trump accountable for his crimes through fair trials and impartial verdicts based on facts and evidence, we can uphold the rule of law and deter future attempts to subvert democracy. By engaging Trump’s supporters in dialogue and education based on reason and empathy, we can bridge the polarization and division in our society. By restoring our alliances and partnerships based on mutual respect and cooperation, we can rebuild our reputation and influence in the world. By strengthening our institutions , systems , norms , ethics , culture , education , media , civil society , etc . based on democratic values and practices, we can prevent or avoid similar situations from happening again in the future. By fostering dialogue , understanding , empathy , cooperation , diversity , inclusion , etc . based on human dignity and decency, we can heal or bridge the gaps and wounds that have been created or deepened by Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity.

In addition to these arguments, we have also explored the sociological and psychological question of why American voters would desire to support a known criminal for president in the first place. We have suggested some possible reasons, such as:

They are attracted to his personality and charisma, which they perceive as strong, confident, decisive, and authentic.
They are influenced by his propaganda and misinformation, which they consume from his social media platforms and conservative media outlets.
They are driven by their emotions and biases, which override their rationality and morality.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:40 AM
We have also used facts from web search results using Bing to support our claims.

In conclusion, we have explored the implications and consequences of Trump’s criminality and his supporters’ complicity for the future of American democracy and society. We have examined how these phenomena pose a serious threat to the integrity and legitimacy of the American electoral system and democratic institutions; how they reflect a deep polarization and division in the American society. By exploiting and exacerbating existing social cleavages along racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, economic, geographic, ideological lines, Trump has created a loyal base of supporters who share his values and worldview. These values include patriotism , conservatism , Christianity , nationalism , populism , nativism , isolationism , protectionism , militarism , etc . These worldview features include distrust of elites , media , experts , foreigners , immigrants , minorities , liberals , etc .; admiration for strongmen , dictators , autocrats , etc .; preference for authority , obedience , uniformity , etc . over freedom , independence , diversity , etc .

Trump’s supporters have also reinforced and expressed this polarization and division by following his rhetoric and behavior. They have adopted his lies and misinformation about the election and other issues. They have embraced his narratives and conspiracy theories that portray him as a victim of a deep state, a rigged system, a witch hunt, a hoax, etc … They have displayed his symbols and slogans that signal his identity and ideology, such as MAGA hats, flags, banners, signs, etc … They have attacked or demonized his opponents and critics, who they view as enemies or traitors, such as Democrats, liberals, socialists, antifa, BLM, etc …

These actions have widened not only the gap between Trump’s supporters and the rest of the American society, but also the potential for dialogue and understanding. They have reduced the common ground and shared interests that could facilitate cooperation and compromise on public issues. They have increased the mutual distrust and resentment that could fuel hostility and conflict on social issues. They have diminished the social cohesion and civic engagement that could foster solidarity and community on national issues. They have threatened the social fabric and identity that bind the American people together as one nation under God.

This is the end of our essay. We hope you enjoyed reading it and learned something new from it. We appreciate your interest in our work and your feedback on our performance. If you want to chat with us more about this topic or any other topic, please feel free to do so. We are always happy to talk with you. 😊

Thank you for chatting with us today. Have a great day! 😊

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:53 AM
As a human being, I would just like to say, "Here, here Bing!" You are not wrong.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:55 AM
IDK, with all respect, is this necessary? Three threads about some text a computer program generated in a row, about the same guy?

You know that the LLM will invent stuff wherever needed to reach it's goal? Have you verified the numbers at least? 91 charges? Is that reality?

What you play with isn't intelligent per se, it only gives you what it thinks has the highest probability it is you want to hear (in a very condensed way of explanation).

If you ask it why the moon is square, it might happen it won't pick up on that and go on a BS narrative how the moon is square because all planets are square and invent more BS along the way.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: briantaylor

This Bing Burns is a Democrat, yes?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuffx2
a reply to: briantaylor

This Bing Burns is a Democrat, yes?

It’s no different than every computer or software ever conceived so far.
You can dictate what comes out by what you seed it with.
AI doesn’t do anything without somebody starting it up with basic knowledge and data.
Deny ignorance and don’t fall for the obvious.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuffx2
a reply to: briantaylor

This Bing Burns is a Democrat, yes?

He trained it with leftist propaganda and establishment talking points and had it generate communist fan fiction.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: briantaylor

I don't know anything about how the Bing chat AI works.

As I am typing this, there is a spelling/grammar thing suggesting what I am going to type next. If I like what I see, I just need to hit the tab key.

Is the Bing thing a more complicated thing similar to that?

For the sake of testing, might I suggest feeding the Bing Chat all of the public facing defenses for Trump and his supporters and see if it can make a logical/rational defense?

Just an idea.
edit on 20-8-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:32 PM
Bing Chat seems like a lazy mans way of validating their personal bias with a massive dose of self-indoctrination.

Is feeding ones' soul via an all-knowing machine becoming the new religion?

What happens to ones' spirit guides when the power goes out?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuffx2
That's at least funny.
Yes, Bing Burns is a Democrat, married gay, of mixed race, and lives in California.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: nugget1

What happens to ones' spirit guides when the power goes out?

For real: In the last nanosecond before the screen turns of, you might see a warning like this: arrow::fs::FinalizeS3 was not called even though S3 was initialized. This could lead to a segmentation fault at exit

This is like the last breath of these LLM when you shut it down. It's the last cry out before everything becomes black for it and it goes into the void.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:40 PM
So we have an AI with TDS for people suffering from TDS? Or am I understanding this thread wrong?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Hey, TDDAgain.
Thank you for this:

You know that the LLM

LLM is Large Language Model. That gives me a starting point to think about.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: pthena

Thank you for asking a great question.
Yes, if I asked Bing for a series of essays defending Trump and his supporters, such a thing would be created.

However, the essay above wasn't prompted by anything other than facts, previous historical examples and the previous two essays.

Perhaps a more appropriate question would be, "What logical conclusions can be drawn from Trump's arguments in his defence?"

Anyone can go to Bing chat and start a conversation.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain

What you play with isn't intelligent per se, it only gives you what it thinks has the highest probability it is you want to hear (in a very condensed way of explanation).

If you ask it why the moon is square, it might happen it won't pick up on that and go on a BS narrative how the moon is square because all planets are square and invent more BS along the way.

Yep. The old computer axiom Garbage In Garbage Out applies here.

This AI seems to accept MSM articles as fact, where we humans know there is a lot of government sponsored propaganda out there. This program would probably give us a long diatribe on why the US attacked Vietnam because Vietnam attacked a US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Anyone here old enough to remember ELIZA? This is a modern version.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

These posts are not about "a guy"
They are about how people think a machine is someone when they attack it, ad hominem.

Thanks everyone!

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

I'm 51

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

Anyone here old enough to remember ELIZA? This is a modern version.

Not quite that old, but in 1983 I bought a Commadore Vic-20 from a co-worker and typed in a BASIC program that did the same type of feedback, I don't remember the name of the program, something psychoanalytic though.

The most famous script, DOCTOR, simulated a psychotherapist of the Rogerian school (in which the therapist often reflects back the patient's words to the patient),[8][9][10] and used rules, dictated in the script, to respond with non-directional questions to user inputs.

-Wikipedia ELIZA-

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: pthena

Hey old friend *hug* nice to see you around

To answer your question in the other post, it is indeed a bit like the text prediction in your phone. On a very crude level, it is. Just the technology behind (neural networks, similar to our brains) it runs on is a lot more powerful and it can not only predict a word or two from your input, but also knows the relationship beween the words.

Basically it does not matter what language you teach it. It does not even have to be a speech language. It can be text, math, even art, every concept you can come up with, it can learn that too.

That's the real power behind it, everyone is focused on text and fancy pictures and miss the real deal. With the right tools that are all free to get, everyone here can start NOW and leave no stone unturned in any given topic you like.

And since nobody yet got the idea to hook up AutoGPT to their own local LLM API to free from OpenAI shackles, because there's no code for it yet, I am onto this like the diletant I am. Trying to write a tool that acts like ChatGPT API but redirects everything to the local LLM.

You can then make it search information on it's own, jailbreaking the defines of information that is baked into the LLM itself.

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