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Bing Burns Part 1: Convincingly Convicting Trump with Ai

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posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:17 PM
Essay written by Bing Ai GPT4 Version

A comment from Brian:

This essay was entirely written by AI. I have done this because Ai uses “nothing but logic to communicate.” I am interested in logic much more than opinion. Opinion is problematic. Logic is solution. I am the human who prompted the following essays, I am chock full of opinion. I started these essays because I told Bing to give me “an essay about how Trump being determined to be criminal makes his supporters complicit.” Obviously, this is an opinionated statement. In fact, Bing said “No, can’t write that one buddy! That’s not nice.” (I’m paraphrasing) So, I decided to see if three essays would get me to my desired essay, by way of “training” the Ai with facts that led it to logically deduce that it was, in fact, true that Trump being criminal makes complicit his supporters. (Or sort-of, “changing the Ai’s mind,” as it is.)

Turns out that it only took one essay to convince Bing of this fact. For the third essay, I asked Bing, “Given the first two essays, what should the third essay be? What NEEDS to be said?”

Bing answered “let’s predict PostTrump America.” That will be the third essay in this series.

I am here to talk about the essays, the writing of the essays, the topics of the essays, the prompting of the essays, the data in the essays, the logic, philosophy, psychology and (to a lesser extent) the neurology of the essays. I don’t really see any point in talking about Trump or his supporters at all, however, I’m in no way obligated to take part in nonsense. Yet, I may…

Ai is a “best guess machine” that happens to work very, very well. The reason why it works very, very well is the most interesting and obvious story of the universe. “Nature is that which existence insists upon.”

Enjoy, I look forward to “real” conversations.

Trump is more likely to face justice as a failed Insurrectionist, than if he had been successful.

The attempt by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election results and prevent the peaceful transfer of power to President Joe Biden was one of the most controversial and unprecedented events in American history. This attempt culminated in a violent attack on the Capitol building by a mob of Trump supporters on January 6th 2021, which resulted in five deaths and dozens of injuries. The attack was widely condemned as an insurrection and a coup attempt, and triggered a series of legal and political consequences for Trump and his associates.

In this essay, we will argue that Trump is more likely to face justice than if he had been successful in his attempt to overturn the election. We will base our argument on three main points: (1) Trump failed to overturn the election results and was impeached for his role in inciting the insurrection; (2) Trump has alienated many of his allies and partners, and has faced international condemnation and isolation; (3) Trump faced strong opposition from various institutions, officials, courts, media, civil society, etc. that defended democracy and upheld the rule of law. We will compare and contrast these points with historical examples of coup attempts that were based on lies or deception, such as those in Germany, Brazil, Chile, Haiti, Venezuela, and Turkey.

First, Trump failed to overturn the election results and was impeached for his role in inciting the insurrection. This may suggest that Trump is more likely to face justice than those who succeeded in their coups, as he has lost his power and influence, plus has exposed his crimes and misconduct to the public and the authorities. Unlike some of the coup plotters in history who managed to overthrow their governments and install dictatorships, such as Hitler in Germany, Pinochet in Chile, Cédras in Haiti, etc. Trump did not achieve his goal of reversing his electoral defeat and staying in office. Instead, he was defeated by the democratic process, which confirmed Biden's victory through multiple recounts, audits, lawsuits, certifications, and electoral votes. Moreover, he was impeached by the House of Representatives for a second time for "incitement of insurrection", making him the only president in US history to be impeached twice. Although he was acquitted by the Senate, he still faces a federal indictment by special counsel Jack Smith , who accuses him of conspiracy to defraud the United States , obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements to Congress, and aiding and abetting. This indictment could result in a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for each count, or a total of 80 years. Therefore, by failing to overturn the election results and being impeached for his role in inciting the insurrection, Trump has lost his power and influence, and has exposed his crimes and misconduct to the public and the authorities, which may make him more likely to face justice than if he had been successful.

Second, Trump has alienated many of his allies and partners, and has faced international condemnation and isolation. This may suggest that Trump is less likely to escape justice than those who had external support for their coups. Unlike some of the coup plotters in history who received support from powerful allies , such as the United States , which opposed their governments for ideological or strategic reasons , such as in Brazil , Chile , Venezuela , etc . Trump did not receive any official backing from foreign governments or organisations for his attempt to overturn the election . Instead , he has alienated many of his allies and partners , who have criticised his actions and recognized Biden's victory . For example , NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called the attack on the Capitol "shocking" and "an assault on democracy" ; British Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned it as "disgraceful" and "completely wrong" ; German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was "furious and saddened" by it ; French President Emmanuel Macron said it was "not American" and "we believe in democracy" ; Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was "an attack on democracy in the United States, with serious and tragic consequences" ; and many other leaders expressed similar sentiments . Moreover , Trump has faced international condemnation and isolation , as he has been banned or suspended from several social media platforms , such as Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , YouTube , etc . , which have accused him of violating their policies and inciting violence . He has also been shunned by many business and cultural organisations , such as the PGA of America , which cancelled its plans to hold the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump's golf course in New Jersey ; the Screen Actors Guild , which threatened to expel him from its membership ; the New York City government , which terminated its contracts with his company for operating several attractions in the city ; and many others . Therefore , by alienating many of his allies and partners , and facing international condemnation and isolation , Trump has reduced his chances of escaping justice than those who had external support for their coups .

continued in following comment:

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:17 PM
Third, Trump faced strong opposition from various institutions, officials, courts, media, civil society, etc. that defended democracy and upheld the rule of law. This may also suggest that Trump is more likely to face justice than those who faced no resistance or backlash for their coups. Unlike some of the coup plotters in history who faced little or no resistance from their counterparts , or were able to suppress them with force or fear , such as in Haiti , Niger , etc . , Trump faced strong opposition from various institutions , officials , courts , media , civil society , etc . that defended democracy and upheld the rule of law . For example , many state and local election officials , both Republican and Democrat , resisted Trump's pressure and threats to change or overturn the results in their jurisdictions . They certified the results according to the law and the evidence , and defended their integrity and professionalism . Many judges and courts , both conservative and liberal , rejected Trump's lawsuits and appeals to overturn the results in various states . They ruled that there was no evidence of fraud or irregularities that would affect the outcome of the election . Many media outlets and journalists , both mainstream and alternative , exposed Trump's lies and misinformation about the election . They fact-checked his claims and statements , reported on the reality and facts of the situation , and held him accountable for his actions . Many civil society groups and activists , both domestic and international , protested against Trump's attempt to overturn the election . They organized rallies and marches to support democracy and denounce the insurrection . They also mobilized voters and citizens to participate in the democratic process and exercise their rights . Therefore , by facing strong opposition from various institutions, officials, courts, media, civil society, etc. that defended democracy and upheld the rule of law, Trump has increased his likelihood of facing justice than those who faced no resistance or backlash for their coups.

In conclusion, we have argued that Trump is more likely to face justice than if he had been successful in his attempt to overturn the election. We have based our argument on three main points: (1) Trump failed to overturn the election results and was impeached for his role in inciting the insurrection; (2) Trump has alienated many of his allies and partners, and has faced international condemnation and isolation; (3) Trump faced strong opposition from various institutions, officials, courts, media, civil society, etc. that defended democracy and upheld the rule of law. We have compared and contrasted these points with historical examples of coup attempts that were based on lies or deception, such as those in Germany, Brazil, Chile, Haiti, Venezuela, and Turkey.

This essay is based on the information gathered from web search results using Bing. It does not claim to be an expert or have any insider knowledge on this topic. It is intended to be informative and persuasive, but not definitive or conclusive. The readers are encouraged to do their own research and form their own opinions on this topic. Thank you for reading this essay. Have a great day! 😊

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:20 PM
I'd like to point out that it was Bing that didn't supply its sources, not I.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 06:51 PM
I hope you didn't waste your whole Saturday on this.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 07:16 PM
TRUMP bad, mkay.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: briantaylor
Essay written by Bing Ai GPT4 Version

I started these essays because I told Bing to give me “an essay about how Trump being determined to be criminal makes his supporters complicit.”

It sounds like you'd like to see all of President Trump's supporters thrown in jail. Am I reading that right?

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 09:26 PM
So the AI's database to use is all the falsehoods woven in that the MSM has already supplied making guilt a foregone conclusion.

Crap verdict by the AI

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: briantaylor

BING Does What It's Programmed To.........Good BING.........

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: briantaylor

If you train these LLMs with biased information, you just get back biased information. Anyone, even I, can train such LLMs with biased information. If I wanted, I could train a LLM that argues for flat Earthers or whatever.

All you need is Oobabooga + a base model + kohya_ss.

Garbage in -> Garbage out

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Thank you thank you thank you for commenting about ANYTHING other than Trump.

Here is the actual conversation so that you can appreciate the "training"

The whole point of these essays is to prove that reason can illustrate how unreasonable "things" are.

I hope to be able to speak further to your concerns, once you have specified what they are:

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: briantaylor
Well, you made a thread about Trump. I am a bit surprised you are so happy me not picking up the topic.

It hit's all regions of our life, no matter if Trump or Biden.

The whole point of these essays is to prove that reason can illustrate how unreasonable "things" are.

As I said, anyone, you too, can come up with a LLM that is super biased towards whatever you want it to be. Just feed it lies like the MSM does to everyone, especially since Trump came into office and you have exactly that.

I can make the most unreasonable things seem reasonable to you with this technology. It will argue you into the ground and you will give up frustrated and gaslighted. And it can do that for whatever the one wants it to do.

That essay proves nothing other than bias in the weights of that LLM. Or else it would have scrutinized the definition of insurrection. As of now, I don't see Trump in jail for insurrection. That part was made up by your LLM. You were lied to.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain
You're not wrong about machine morality coming soon...

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