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The Occult Origins of the TRANSGENDER Agenda - Baphomet vs. the Holy Mystery

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posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: randomuser

I do not hate the JW, but I have been critical of some of the beliefs. Many believe you to be a member of a cult, personally I really don’t know. Christians as a whole have been painted with the same brush I believe.

All members of an organized religion believe theirs is the one true religion. Who’s correct? We all want to draw near to the source. Is there only one way to do that? JW say they have the true path, the RCC say no, we do. The message is pretty much the same. To you, Jehovah is God. You call him by name. To me it’s God the father almighty. We don’t use his name out of respect. Which one of us is wrong? Or are we both trying to explain a being that is beyond our comprehension.

Many of the restrictions on life in the JW are based in Mosaic law. At least that’s been my understanding. I may be wrong about this. From here on you will get no attacks from me, but I reserve the right to question, it’s who I am.

Just to throw a wrench in things, the Jews are Gods chosen people, not the JW, or the Christian.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
I just cannot get my head round fanatical religious people and their over the top views!

We humans are still so bloody primitive in thinking!

Yeah. . . no.

People switched from believing in God to believing in climate change and believing in government.

They are no less fanatical.

In fact, I'd say they are even more dangerous.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

That is a question that some folk believe to be of significance, and indeed, Malachi Martin & his associate Gerald highlight their belief that He is indeed both masculine & feminine in nature. I am of the belief that the Shekinah presence of the Holy Spirit could well be considered to be the feminine aspect of the divine, but the Father is the dominant head of the Trinity, and so He is referred to in the masculine to avoid confusion & mirror the hierarchy of natural human sexual relations - because we were created in His image, we are male & female with the male at the helm because that is how God is. Of course I don't know any of this for sure, but I tentatively believe it to be the case..

I think the point about Baphomet being a blasphemy, is in large part because there is clear paedophiliac abuse & an 'invitation' to minors to indulge in darkness with adults who will abuse them horribly. Just look at the statue they put up the other year in ... I can't recall where - but it has two children looking up curiously & happily at the feet of the demonic god Baphomet. That sums up the transgender agenda in a single image really.

Also, are you aware that Michael Aquino, head of the Temple of Set, was accused by almost 50 children-now-adults of serious sexual abuse including rape against them by him personally - and he got away with it because he had a fancy lawyer, basically..? Fifty kids don't all decide to troll the leader of a Satanic cult in unison - in that case, there's no smoke without serious wildfires, methinks. I believe he spoke favourably about the Baphomet statue at one point.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Admittedly that was a silly stunt. Speaking intelligently on the matter at hand would have been more appropriate.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: randomuser

That's a good answer, thank you.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: randomuser

Malachi Martin was killed by a demon, so they say. He was knocked down a flight of stairs, or a ladder or something and broke his neck.

It would not be proper to call him "father." Jesus said:

"Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One."-Matthew 23:9.

The title "pope" is Latin for papa (a term a kid calls their father). A flagrant disregard for Jesus' command to call no one your "father" and no one your leader on earth:

"Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ."-Matthew 23:9-10.

Hundred percent agree with you - I only referred to him as 'Father' because that was his official title within the Roman Catholic Church. I am firmly of the belief that the Catholic Church is deeply tainted by some totally errant features of its doctrine & practice, and in the decisions & direction of the leadership over the past several hundreds of years. That doesn't mean I don't believe Catholics themselves are very often deeply sincere, Heavenbound & even Spirit-anointed Christians in some cases.

To be fair, I know you yourself are a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and there are a number of deeply unbiblical errancies in that faith group also. Many within the wider congregation of Christian churches - whether Protestant or Catholic - don't even ascribe the moniker 'Christian' to your members, because it is believed to be a heretical subset of broken doctrine & practice, gone way off track a long time ago, a matter which now cannot be fixed without an entirely root & branch do-over. I am in agreement with that perspective, sorry to say. Your Biblical arguments are very well- referenced & often quite wise at a surface level, but there are simply too many totally dodgy issues for it to be taken seriously as legitimate Christian practice. Apologies if that offends.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

Atheism is the single biggest weapon of mass murder on a monstrous scale that the world has ever known. Communism - designed specifically to be entirely atheist in its nature, is responsible for the deaths of 75-100,000,000 people depending on the source, mostly those ruled by Commnuist leaders, in the span of a mere hundred years.

Nietsche's atheistic search for the amoral 'superman', the philosophy which cross-bred with magical occultism & spawned Naziism/Fascism was responsible for the deaths of some 30,000,000 approximately.

There has never been a more brutal/deadly force than atheism, the evidence is plain as day. Religion, properly taught & practiced, is a civilising force which has redeemed the very nature of the world we live in. I am stating this largely in favour of Christianity as the source of the ascent of Western Eurpoe, then the USA, and then Eastern Europe when the Iron Curtain came down - though Buddhism & Sikhism are fairly peaceful religious paths also. However, of course every nation & people must be trained for war in some measure or another.

75 million were killed by 25 communist regimes vs approximately 30 million killed by 4 fascist regimes with over 91% of these deaths coming from just 4 regimes (2 communist Mao & Stalin; 2 Fascist Nazi Germany & Imperial Japan)


Your claim that religion is the province of fools & brutes is both incorrect & ridiculous. Without the fear of God Man has proven himself the most able butcher this world will ever know. The World Economic Forum are currently making a lot of noise about eliminating God from the equation yet again, in favour of a plutocratic technocracy which will INEVITABLY lead to massive depopulation attempts (indeed it already has - the plandemic & vaccine of course). But it will get far, far worse as they continue to strive for the mythical idiocy of Net Zero.

Perhaps you should reconsider your stance?

edit on AugustFriday2318CDT09America/Chicago-050030 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 10:16 PM
"this isn't a hate thread, i just happen to believe that trans people are possessed by literal demons using their bodies as focal points for Evil Magic in their quest to destroy the world. Also they are responsible for all of modern greed and pop music. Here's an extremely lurid pulp novella from the 70's! I am a reasonable person capable of a rational discussion on this matter!"

i guess there's nothing to really say, is there? Personally, i made medical decisions about my own body more than a decade ago that have proved to make me happier, healthier, and more capable of being a productive member of society, but it's not like anything remotely like a conversation can take place about that, is there? Where is the line of conversational compromise between ""this has proven by my own experience to be a good and wise decision for my health" and "YOU ARE CONTROLLED BY DEMONS TO END THE WORLD"?

Thanks for making us sound so damn metal, at least /m/
edit on 18-8-2023 by continuousThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
"this isn't a hate thread, i just happen to believe that trans people are possessed by literal demons using their bodies as focal points for Evil Magic in their quest to destroy the world. Also they are responsible for all of modern greed and pop music. Here's an extremely lurid pulp novella from the 70's! I am a reasonable person capable of a rational discussion on this matter!"

i guess there's nothing to really say, is there? Personally, i made medical decisions about my own body more than a decade ago that have proved to make me happier, healthier, and more capable of being a productive member of society, but it's not like anything remotely like a conversation can take place about that, is there? Where is the line of conversational compromise between ""this has proven by my own experience to be a good and wise decision for my health" and "YOU ARE CONTROLLED BY DEMONS TO END THE WORLD"?

Thanks for making us sound so damn metal, at least /m/

It's the people who are not trans who are in official roles in governments that are pushing the agenda, manipulating young minds and preying on young kids that are the demon possessed. (Not the kids, the officials.) That's what this OP is referring to. Not everyone is "knowingly" evil, but some do have great evil intent.

Everyone should see and acknowledge evil increasing in the world from many of the same sources pushing this effort. And there is an occult agenda behind it. I can see it as easy as I see anything else. Sadly, not everyone can, but they will eventually. It's inevitable, but may be too late at that point.
edit on 18-8-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

and what I'M referring to is that i - and all the many, MANY other trans people i know personally - made a lengthy, considered, and personal medical decision for the good of my health. There were no officials involved. There were no governments involved. The only doctors involved were the ones I MYSELF approached and who treated the situation professionally. The only "occult" involved is the amount of Black Sabbath i was listening to at the time.

Your response - "everyone should see and acknowledge evil increasing from the same sources pushing this effort" is EXACTLY what i'm calling out here. You are not defending or elucidating the OP, you are just doing the exact same thing.

What you are doing here - you and the OP both - is taking the complexity of a real world full of humans as complex and deeply motivated as yourself - and reduced it to a mere children's cartoon.
Instead of seeing the reality - that i am different to you, and have made different life choices due to my different experiences - you pull into a childish fantasy of Pure Good Vs Pure Evil, a leering skeleton in a dark robe to wave away what you don't understand.
I'm sorry, i hate to have to be the one to shatter your illusion, but the real world just isn't like that.
"good" and "evil" are not inate properties but a capacity that ALL humans share equally.
it's going to be okay.
Trans people ARE incredibly metal tho /m/

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Admittedly that was a silly stunt. Speaking intelligently on the matter at hand would have been more appropriate.

Aight. What's wrong with a Barbie movie?

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: randomuser

I do not hate the JW, but I have been critical of some of the beliefs. Many believe you to be a member of a cult, personally I really don’t know. Christians as a whole have been painted with the same brush I believe.

All members of an organized religion believe theirs is the one true religion. Who’s correct? We all want to draw near to the source. Is there only one way to do that? JW say they have the true path, the RCC say no, we do. The message is pretty much the same. To you, Jehovah is God. You call him by name. To me it’s God the father almighty. We don’t use his name out of respect. Which one of us is wrong? Or are we both trying to explain a being that is beyond our comprehension.

Many of the restrictions on life in the JW are based in Mosaic law. At least that’s been my understanding. I may be wrong about this. From here on you will get no attacks from me, but I reserve the right to question, it’s who I am.

Just to throw a wrench in things, the Jews are Gods chosen people, not the JW, or the Christian.

I appreciate that coming from you. And see your sincerity of heart. I know it can be difficult to understand things in this twisted world where Satan is the controller, and he is the master manipulator and liar. The only real truth we have is the Bible. And God's holy spirit enlightens our minds and our hearts to see the truths written within. It sets us free from the chains of darkness that the entire world has over their eyes.

Saul was a Jew and a persecutor of Christians. But Jesus met him on the way to Damascus. He revealed himself partially in his kingdom glory to Saul and blinded him with his radiance, and sent Ananias to him. Scales fell off from Saul's eyes, who became known as the apostle Paul, and he began to declare the good news of the kingdom to the nations.

Jehovah's Witnesses are fulfilling the prophecy in Mathew 24:14:

"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."

It doesn't really matter what people say. What matters is the fruit they produce. Jesus said that wisdom is proved righteous by all its children. And he also said this prayer to his Father:

"At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved."-Matthew 11:25-26.

Jehovah's Witnesses practice the true form of Christianity found in the Bible. And not because of their own power. It is the testament of Jehovah's holy spirit operative among them. They have banded out of all the nations a nation united, neutral to the world, and faithful to Jesus and his kingdom government.

Jesus is about to come to wage war with wicked humanity. He is going to get rid of all human rulership and set up God's kingdom wherein righteousness and peace will dwell in all the earth.

No religion of Christendom is teaching you this. But it is the truth. This is the truth that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching and teaching people from the Bible. When that witness work to Jehovah's name, and about God's kingdom is finished the end will come.

And yes the Jews were once Jehovah's chosen people.

In 1513 B. C. E. at Mount Sinai God made a covenant with the nation of Israel that if they strictly listened to his voice they would become to him a kingdom of priests. But they did not keep the covenant and they were rejected.

That covenant for a priesthood went to the anointed Christian congregation.

"Now if you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property out of all peoples, for the whole earth belongs to me. You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you are to say to the Israelites.”-Exodus 19:5-6.

Peter referring to this covenant to the fleshly Jews told the spiritual Israelite, that is the anointed Christian congregation, that they had received that covenant:

"But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies” of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."-1 Peter 2:9.

The called, anointed, chosen, and sealed, baptized with holy spirit, enter into the kingdom covenant, and the covenant for a priesthood. All of them are among Jehovah's Witnesses. So today Jehovah's Witnesses are God's chosen people.

edit on 19-8-2023 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 01:25 AM
this is still far more in tune with the reformation than anything else and the schizm between the christian churches, its most vocal activists sound like the christain sect called ranters, they saw sin as virtue and hated the bible.

butt its modern starting point is with the 3rd way, bush. blair and christian new liberalism..

while it has a puritan back note it revels in Victorian sexology and sterotypes..

the troubling part is it arcs through both nazism and communism merging the worst aspects of all those phases while adding in the positivity of death cults.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Well that was a lot of work. Just provide a short synopses is all I ask.

You went the wrong route with this.

There is a direct occult thing going on with transgender and especially third gender (hermaphrodites). They are considered extraordinary and supernatural. Androgeny has a psychic high priestess connection. Some cultures even revere them and consider them holy.

That may be the thing not said about androgynous people everywhere (all varieties), sometimes walk dangerous lines of split personality on less common occasions. People right there on the edge of psychosis, with battling identities occupying the same body. Even invented ones can enter the fight. It can be a majorly self-perpetuated mindf***.

But in occult circles that's like having a red phone to the godhead.

While, I don't think transgenderism is rooted in the occult, they certainly have a lot of the same followers on social media.
edit on 20-8-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I publish works of Christian hermeticism and other Christian/Kabbalistic works and I've believed for quite a long time that the current zeitgeist around gender is at best a serious but genuine misunderstanding of esoteric androgyne philosophy, which is really about inner development of the spiritual (re)union of soul mates and nothing to do with physical traits. At worst it is a deliberate misrepresentation of profound spiritual principles that is literally in service to a malefic egregore that's also connected to Artificial Intelligence through the degradation of sovereign humanity.

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

November 21, 2023

FYI TRANGENDER DAY OF REMEMBERANCE was yesterday, and most Americans forgot all about it!

Biden White House Commemorated:

Maybe 2024 Desk/Wall Calendars will have this special day noted on the November page.

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I think most that would care have moved on since Israel-Palestine is the new LGBTQ.

I don't even think transgender people knew that was yesterday, or was a day.

Plus, I think the herd-minded LGBT people are increasingly doing the chickens for KFC thing, and are otherwise occupied.
edit on 21-11-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 01:22 AM
Transgenders also hold special interest in the porn genres for certain occultists.

They're held in high regard like mythical unicorns because of the Baphomet connection of the blending of masculine and feminine attributes.

This is not to say transgenders are occultism in their own right but rather there are fetish communities who view them with special interest.

Given the rise of amateur porn and sites like OnlyFans being pushed on an already oversexualized youth it would not surprise me to discover an occultism agenda to transition a generation of children to satisfy their sexual preferences.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 12:46 PM
Baphomet is a neutering of the Satyr... When moving to Sunday as a day of religious observance(sabbath) instead of Saturday(black sabbath).

In the days of the Satyr it was; Eat, drink and be merry... Then it was; You all are nothing but naughty for eating, drinking and being merry.

If you live in a state/district or Provence that has; 'Blue' laws... Then they prefer the "you're naughty" approach in reproach and will do everything against: Eating, drinking and being merry.

What's weird is The US constitution has the same thing but re-worded from eat, drink and be merry written as: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

posted on Nov, 25 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

You are naive & ridiculously, inapropriately delusional & self-assured. Demonic realities are just that - realities - and if you are not willing to be humble in the face of something you have no knowledge regarding, then you are fated to be an instrument of the Enemy of our souls. He loves peoplle like you, evangelising your thoughtless atheism & capturing young minds in the same haphazard delusions that you are victim of yourself.

The demonic hierarchy generally attacks only those who are a direct threat to their own dark kingdom - IE strong Christians who move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and specifically (because he Devil is a coward) they attack young & immature Christians, trying to trick them into believing a lie, or to scare them off the path that they have begun to walk. Always remember that the darkest battles are for the strongest soldiers. As Christians we have a duty to root out areas of demonic infestation, to intercede for the deliverance of local areas & groups which are involved in witchcraft & sorcery, and specifically, once located, to liberate the victims of demonic spiritual curses emanating from the same quarters.

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