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Lack Of Intelligent Films From Hollywood

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posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Hollywood doesn't make intelligent films any more because they make much more money with car chases, fight scenes, super heroes in spandex costumes, and teenage slashers.

However, I think Australia and Canada figured out a few decades ago that they could make intelligent movies to fill the gap left by the US. I recommend checking out some of them like:

Black Robe (Canada)
We of the Never Never (Australia)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: psychotrail

The ''excuse'' that Hollywood and other centers of entertainment use, and have been using to justify the content of movies and television programming is ''we give the customer what they want''.

And what do the consumers want in a movie. In most cases it's what they know, what they are familiar with. Add that to the cost of making a movie these studios don't want to spend millions and millions for a product that no one wants to pay for.

And that is the only manner in which the producers know ''what the people want'', by what kind of movies they go to see. Did this sell before? Sell it again. Or something like it, Did super hero movies make a bunch of money? Make some more. Did the response to those super hero movies demonstrate a lack of interest in the Asian and black demographic? Simple, make them with Asian and black stars.

It's a vicious cycle.

How well to Shakesphere stories do in theaters? Ha. Can you imagine Siddhartha as a movie? It would close after the first weekend, Well that is unless it had some big big names and used as it's promos cuts of Siddhartha's period of hedonism becore he went back to his river. Lots of naked flesh and stuff, yeah, that might make some people pay to see it.

I don’t want HW to make only highbrow film as Im a fan of most of it to one degree.
I watched A woman under the influence a few nights ago on dvd & later watched Rise of Cobra movies on cable. I get it , but how is Blood Meridian not a movie or a big HW production of Faust ?

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Do you consider yourself a movie critic?

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: randomuser

originally posted by: The GUT
I used to chuckle and wag my head at my 98-yr old pop for watching 60's Westerns 60-yrs later,

Now that I'm his caregiver I realize how well-written many of them were compared to the very dumb-downed storylines today.

What's that commercial about turning into your parents?

Same happened to me recently. Over the winter went back home to visit the parents because my mom's got Alzheimer's. They would get up every morning and watch the H&I channel (Heros & Icons). I haven't even watched TV (as in cable or satellite or off-air ant) in years. My dad would call the show Paladin, but I think that was the name of the protagonist, or at least nickname. The show was Have Gun Will Travel. And then High Chaparral and Gunsmoke. Never watched any of the shows when I was a kid, but came back home kinda missing them. They were good shows and had good story-lines.
Have Gun Will Travel is great . I didn’t see it as a kid , but rather later in life through cabal television.

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: The GUT
I used to chuckle and wag my head at my 98-yr old pop for watching 60's Westerns 60-yrs later,

Now that I'm his caregiver I realize how well-written many of them were compared to the very dumb-downed storylines today.

What's that commercial about turning into your parents?
Those commercials are the best . I love Night Stalker series & The Twilight Zone for my nostalgia.
50s-80s gave us the best film & tv hands down.

I didn't know this until a couple months ago, The Twilight Zone had a radio show you can find episodes for on YouTube.

The voice acting, the background noises, everything is top notch. Will turn it on and go to sleep listening to it now some nights. Here is an episode:

edit on 4-8-2023 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

Twlight Zone Radio Dramas
edit on 4-8-2023 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: greendust
I agree with the OP, but when I have seen movies based on great works of fiction, say like Naked Lunch or The Trial (Kafka), that although they are good, they really cannot do the book justice. Also, I think that maybe the message of great works of literature are not welcome by the powers that be as many times the undercurrent of many of these novels is the struggle of the individual.

Hollywood walks hand in hand with government. I think we have seen that the tradgedy of the individual is no longer anything the governments of the world really care about - if they ever did. Of course, if you can benefit them with millions of dollars, then you matter.

Also it is probably really hard to do a good job relaying the message of so many novels. They are so thick with ideas and a film maker would probably say it must be hard to distill the idea of the book that takes considerable time to read and understand down into say 2 hours of film.

Hell, the few dabbles I have taken in trying to create even short 10 minute films with a buddy of mine have always been difficult and very time consuming.
Good point’s & maybe rather than films ,
make Blood Meridian into a mini series like WestWorld reissue from HBO ?
Master & Margarita mini series on Amazon ?
They would probably butcher them

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: BelleEpoque
a reply to: psychotrail

Not to ignore your question but I just saw that To Kill a Mockingbird is on yt. Great book and a magical movie. I know it's time for me to watch it again.

Great book & slick movie
Check out a great film called Night of The Hunter

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Hey man, you are coming off as a nutcase.

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: TheToastmanCometh
a reply to: psychotrail

i know guillermo del toro is still trying to make At the mountains of madness and they did try to do an adaptation of Color Out of Space

I want to see more Philip K Dick movies that are NOT blade runner and total recall

Martian Time Slip and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Now you are talking. PKD was a visionary

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: psychotrail

Yet their Barbie film raked in the bucks. Maybe intelligence has nothing to do with it. But, hey, we are in a learning curve.
There has always been foolish movies like Barbie , we just don’t get any Wizard of Oz type films anymore

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

I was crushed when he died in the early 80s. Looking at his work that was turned into film, way most of them were his earlier stuff, and short stories to boot. Big entertainment wouldn't touch his later work from the seventies because to do it right would expose the population to the brutal unmasking of modern society and, well, you know, big business just cant' ahve that. The only way they would present more Dick would be to water it down and turn it into tasteless pablum

We did get Sin City from Frank Miller as his opus . The film was heavily directed though Miller & it is beautiful in it’s neo-noir filth that lies around every corner in America

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: psychotrail

Yet their Barbie film raked in the bucks. Maybe intelligence has nothing to do with it. But, hey, we are in a learning curve.
There has always been foolish movies like Barbie , we just don’t get any Wizard of Oz type films anymore

Barbie is not hiding behind a curtain.

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: psychotrail

Yet their Barbie film raked in the bucks. Maybe intelligence has nothing to do with it. But, hey, we are in a learning curve.
There has always been foolish movies like Barbie , we just don’t get any Wizard of Oz type films anymore

Barbie is not hiding behind a curtain.
Lol I agree lol
I often wonder if they inflate the money they make on movies like Barbie ?

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: BelleEpoque
My absolute favourite book and film since I first saw the film asa little girl!

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

I am well into literature, but most of the movies based on books I like are thoroughly disappointing; the exception being sci fi and horror. Those kind of stories translate well to the screen. The problem is that they are not usually big budget as they will not make money for the investors, so that is an instant handicap and a huge enterprise limiting hurdle. The dollar is king.

Wo don't have the heavyweight actors that we used to have as they don't have the experience like the old days becaue of current industry demands. Even the big stars were constantly at it, making movies, knowing their time was short. Also, a lot of the actors trained for the theatre. it stopped them from mumbling their lines; they knew how to project their voices. You can hear every word Richard Burton and John Gielgud perform because they knew how to project their voices. They were theatrical performers and not method actors. Method acting is modern, but often deficient.

Hardly any present actors get to have long careers. The ones that do these days bore us with franchises because they have friends in high places and not because of raw talent. They are the super-commerce like Tom Cruise who can keep performing the same tried and tested trite and cliched success that will make money for the investors. It is about profit and keeping the masses on a certain vibe that makes them behave according to captailist needs. Keanu too with "John Wick" is such a brain numbing glitch in "The Matrix", a constant loop of boring, violent, predictable, repetitive mayhem. I never watch any of those kind of movies. They have zero to offer me or my imagination. This is what the masses want and this is what they get. The investors get their dollars and the intelligent must drown in the pink poop of spam and junk culture.

Angelina Jolie could have done so much better. Her agents always played it safe and for the big money with only commercial ventures pursued. Her movies are tepid yet she always had the potential to do something great. In "Girl, Interrupted" she is raw, mean and dirty, my favourite of her characters. She certainly can act and fill the screen up ever potentially. Liz Taylor experimented. She was not afraid to get real dirty (meaning getting your hands dirty in the part). Liz Taylor as even an inexperienced actor in her earlier parts makes mature Angelina seem like an amateur. Sorry, but that is my observation. Liz was the gold of the idol and Angelina is the iron mixed with clay.

These days they are all control freaks and the movie industry as far as quality goes is ruined by lowest common denominator commercialism. It has ruined music and literature too. I think it better to write intelligent new screenplays rather than steal novels. A movie can never better a novel it was based on. It is always weak and our imagination does a better job than any director and actor. Greed has killed Hollywood. I expect the fires will finish it off one day.

TS Eliot's poems don't make money. "Barbie" has made more money in a day at the cinema than probaly TS Eliot made in a life time for the investors in Faber and Faber. Who has eludcidated "our disease" for us and made progress possible? "Barbie" is screwing us. She is a Jewish invention as a commercial venture to make money and hypnotise kids with "pretty in pink". She is also a very useful social behaviour modifier. You know the rest. From the horse's mouth,

Barbie the doll has a deep Jewish history. Now, the creator of “Barbie” the movie hopes watching the film will also evoke a deep Jewish experience. Greta Gerwig, who conceived and directed the buzzy live-action film released this month, told The New York Times that she hopes watching the movie will be a quasi-spiritual activity for its viewers. The feeling she wants to achieve, she said, is the same one she felt as a child when she was a guest at the Shabbat dinners of close family friends who were observant Jews.

Do you see what i mean about social engineering? I wish they would keep their talons off us. Only the intelligent know this is happening in the West. The rest are voodoo zombies. They don't even know a Jewish social engineer has planted all this crap in their psyches. For goodness sake you better stay conscious people or you will become a little pink puppet for sure with no life, but the one your Jewish masters decide for you. Jews invented the movie industry. It is their beast.

The ones who have their hands on the Canon of media and creativity right now are more our mental oppressors and censors than anything nurturing. They are disgusting to tamper with texts the way they do and be prostitutes for social engineering mass behaviour modification. They are like something out of "1984". They are fascists in the true meaning of the word. I know who is doing it and why. They are destroying everything and we need to stop them or they will kill all we know and love, and replace it with their pink, plastic "Colour from Outer Space" assimilation.

The Greek plays work in the movies. Shakespeare works in the movies. Jospeh Conrad stories don't work. Even "Apocalypse Now" was more weak plagiarism than any kind of adequate retelling of "Heart of Darkness". No movie can ever better Conrad because he is a timeless genius and his medium was novels, neither plays nor screenplays.

I have studied English Literature and Drama at university. I have read a lot of books. I still read a lot of books. Movies are lazy in comparison and you will never be encouraged to depths a poem, novel or play can pull you to. Shelley could say more in sixteen lines than a movie could say in three hours and with much more emotional and intellectual effect too.

I love movies because they are movies. I love intelligent movies, but my tastes when it comes to movies are very different to my tastes in literature. I love crazy horror and sci fi. I like twisted psychological situations. I like to see the actors pushed hard and in contorted states of their psyches. That is acting. It is acting like a gymnast and contortionist of the human psyche. I would love to have done it myself. I am a very good actor. I can fool people very easily playing the opposite or what I really am. I have often played a double agent. I was much more effective in life before I became such a "Lord Jim" for honesty. My integrity has ruined my life.

Also, "Faust" has been done very well. Richard Burton and Liz Taylor performed "Doctor Faustus". You can find it easy online,

I love reading it as a play best of all. Christopher Marlowe does it for me better than Shakespeare in terms of guts and drama. His plays are well dark.

These days I am well into the old drama of the Greeks and I love the tragedies of the Roman Empire. This is real guts from our past. We can spot the archetypes of our own behaviour in these texts and performances. They have timeless wisdom to teach us, much like the Bible does. Tragedy is here with us every day in our lives still because of errors and poor sense of judgement.

I could write about this all day. I love it. I better not bore you any longer. I will end this with a quote from a Bob Dylan song,

"An actor in a plot, that might be all that you got
Until your error you clearly learn" ("License To Kill").

edit on 4-8-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Merman

A note:

I am not anti Jewish. Most of my psyche is Jewish. I am anti zombification and assimilating everyone's culture, though. They are stealing the world's indentity for business ends. We will have to stop them or it will kill us. I mean that. I am here trying to stop them all the time with the words I write. They need to see what control freaks they are being and how they are destroying everything they made too as well as us. They are destroying their own Hollywood. Look at them! They are all out on strike after the destruction that Me Too caused the movie industry. They are killing themselves as sure as De Niro's grandson killed himself with foolishness and waste, like River did, like Robin did, like so many of them do. Let them do it. I think that is the only way we will be free of this pink goo from outer space. We should let it kill itself with its own stupidity. One you are corrupt you are BLIND and will make stupid mistake after ridiculous error.

The fire is coming now. I wonder what it will destroy?

edit on 4-8-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: psychotrail

Hollywood doesn't make intelligent films any more because they make much more money with car chases, fight scenes, super heroes in spandex costumes, and teenage slashers.

However, I think Australia and Canada figured out a few decades ago that they could make intelligent movies to fill the gap left by the US. I recommend checking out some of them like:

Black Robe (Canada)
We of the Never Never (Australia)
Thanks for the tip

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: psychotrail

Do you consider yourself a movie critic?
Im a cinephile & have studied film for years .
Yet my critique of film is subjective.
We need all types of films for their purposes.
Nothing wrong with watching a Godzilla film , but only action films becomes mind numbing.
There is a huge lack of HW films that cause true introspection & dialogue of manner .

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Let me have this one day dream before you all because I supported this thread with my very best writing:

I would bet a rich man 10 years of slavery that I could get Angelina to act to her very core without anything sexual or sensual involved at all. I know exactly what button to press with her. I would do a Richard Burton on her for sure, believe it.

Hollywood needs a bit of roughing up sometimes with some OUTSIDE talent or it goes stale and kinda corrupt with its own Babylonian pleasures and too much excess only makes gluttons in the finish. Richard was the son of a coal miner. His talent was that he could get everyone around him to camp it right up and give their best and they all did. That is passion for you. He KNEW!

Passion is spirit. You need spirit, Hollywood. Barbie is PUSILLANIMOUS. Hahaha! Jimmy Porter, from "Look Back In Anger"!

Hey Barbie, you are total pusillanimous, so ALISON!

You got to know John Osborne's "Look Back In Anger" play and Richard Burton's movie poerformance of it to get that jibe at Barbie.

Come on, Barbie, lets go party. What a zombie circus pink mockery you making of us all, Mr Rich Childs.

edit on 4-8-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 07:12 AM
Why are you bringing up Jews as some bad force behind media ie. Barbie ?a reply to: Merman

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