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Ivermectin for the win.

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posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 07:41 AM
Seeing this posted in another thread seems to validate some earlier theories. Those in charge who stood to make a literal "killing" on the sale of big pharma fixes for the coof, would do anything to keep the public from knowing that their high dollar treatments aren't as effective as the simple anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin.

Many tried to share that, only to be shut down by the gatekeepers. How cold you have "emergency use" authorizations if there was a simple fix already available. Short answer is, you can't. By law. So it was imperative that "they" keep the ivermectin theory closely guarded in conspiracy land.

If you look at the link, they used studies from all over the world, and listed the most effective treatments, Ivermectin coming in at number 4 with 98 studies, and 135,000 patients (in this paper alone) with an average of 62% effectiveness in treatment when done early.

If you remember, the official story was to go home, drink fluids and get rest. And get your shots and boosters. The reasons for that evolved over time, when the lies could no longer be controlled.

First it was so you wouldn't get Covid, then it was so you wouldn't spread it, then it was so when you got it, it wouldn't be as bad. The last one is what settled out as the winner, since it cannot be quantified on any level.

Nothing can be done to change the past, this all happened, and we let it. But if we don't learn from the mistakes, they will be repeated. Over, and over again. We can never let medicine be politicized again. (although it still appears to be largely the case)

We now have big tech, big pharma, big government, big alphabet (CIA, NSA, DOJ, FBI) all politicized as well. At what point does this end? HOW does it end?
edit on 12-6-2023 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: network dude

As a lurker non-ATS member in 2020, I read much about Ivermectin use, but I was also seeing in my 'real' world that nobody healthy was dying of COVID. Every single covid death I've heard of in my personal life, has been people who had major health issues anyway.

I had covid myself 3 times, confirmed by 'posted mouth swab' to the government test people 2020/21 - It was exactly like flu, horrible, but survivable if otherwise healthy.

I remain unvaccinated for either covid or flu, and I'll only consider Ivermectin or anything else, if my previously reliable immune system fails to do what it always has when I get old and infirm etc😱

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 08:27 AM
Ivermectin is a drug like many others. In small doses it has a place for some conditions. Too much will do damage. In terms of worms and other parasites it is stellar. With the globalist play on Covid, it is a parasite of another kind. Some HCQ when on needed it is getting a similar batting average. Vitamin D levels are getting similar scores. Intravenous Vitamin C has still been kicking butt on lung infections for a long time. Why they would stop that for a respirator and some downers is all about the money. The elite globalists have signed off on it.

About 3-12mg once a month is enough Ivermectin to keep that base covered if worried. If sick, about 24mg a day is as far as I would go. Body weight does make a difference. Worked fine last time I tested positive for covid, over it in a day or two, compared to my vaxxed neighbor that took a week or so to get over it. The best source of Vitamin D is some sunlight.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

I had it at least twice, and I think three times. The last time, I asked my doctor to give me ivermectin. I had heard about it, and nobody was warning of instant death, at least with the ivermectin, the coof was going to kill us all!!! So on the first day I felt symptoms, I took it, and the next day I felt much better. Day after that, I was as good as I was prior. Now there is no way to know if I really did get cured from ivermectin, or I just had a weak strain and would have felt better anyhow. But it did seem to fix it for me.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: network dude
Hey I'll admit I'm a bit jealous reading your reduced symptoms/faster recovery story, I was in a horrible condition for over a week, first bout of covid, but the two later infections were just like a bad cold.

If something is an actual killer for otherwise healthy humans, then I'll grasp any straws, of course...but once I realised it was just an over-hyped influenza I put myself intentionally into positions where I could catch it, and then train my own immune system - 'What doesn't kill me makes me stronger' mantra, all my life...why I'll unlikely ever get a common Flu shot either!🤣

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

I had many discussions about natural immunity early on as well. It was amazing how hard the push back on that was, only to find out that just like most other illnesses, the body learns how to fight those battles even without us knowing. My first (questionable) time was January and into February of 2019. It was like a really bad cold, or mild flu, but lasted for weeks. I couldn't shake it, and finally got some anti-biotics that probably killed off the infection that was holding me back.
edit on 12-6-2023 by network dude because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:17 AM
I don't doubt it works but I would be really interested in the chemistry of why it works.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

had a discussion early on about weather or not a virus was alive or not. There is discussion in the medical field on that as well, so it's not settled science as of right now. If a virus is alive, then it's a parasite by definition when it's in your body. And Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. So from an idiots perspective, it makes total sense. But I'm sure the official reason is much different.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: network dude
Omg "natural immunity" was almost classed as a conspiracy theory marker in 2020!
Nobody calls me a 'granny killer' anymore though, I assume only because they are now ashamed of falling for the obvious FEAR/DOOM bull# when the covid thing started!
It killed the same folk flu kills, no more, no worse, and I'd like to thank ATS for being one of the only places online where I could read that I wasn't the only person who thought similar to me...and was proven correct!👍

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: AdultMaleHuman73
a reply to: network dude

As a lurker non-ATS member in 2020, I read much about Ivermectin use, but I was also seeing in my 'real' world that nobody healthy was dying of COVID. Every single covid death I've heard of in my personal life, has been people who had major health issues anyway.

I had covid myself 3 times, confirmed by 'posted mouth swab' to the government test people 2020/21 - It was exactly like flu, horrible, but survivable if otherwise healthy.

I remain unvaccinated for either covid or flu, and I'll only consider Ivermectin or anything else, if my previously reliable immune system fails to do what it always has when I get old and infirm etc😱

You had it 3 times or did one of the faulty tests show you were "positive" for it? I ask because none of those tests are reliable, especially when they are doing the PCR with a cycle threshold above 40 which will confirm almost anything as c19.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: network dude
HOW does it end?

Its war, against the people.

The first step in an effective battle is to cut the supply line.

Stop voting for the two party system
Stop using planned and intentional political bias to divided people, to divide yourselves from your ONLY allies

The corruption and deceit of these "leaders" for decades has accomplished nothing but bring about social strife and division amongst the people, while they play golf and mock you.
And while we are distracted, to busy bickering over "their" talking points, they continue their corruption un checked.

The corruption of two party system must be destroyed.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I'll never know lol, I phoned a number, explained symptoms, government swab kits arrived, sent them back, had a letter that it was positive...over a week later when obviously recovering from whatever 'flu like' illnesses they were!

I only did the tests to use as evidence that I had survived covid, if 'they' had tried to force the vaccination on me!🤣

...I'm probably going off topic though here, so apologies OP, I may start my own thread about that crazy period of human history lol

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
I don't doubt it works but I would be really interested in the chemistry of why it works.

I got shut down by a friend when discussing ivermectin use for covid in India until I threw out that likely a reduced parasite load helps one fight a cold or flu. It wasnt the point I was trying to make but she was willing to consider it, so it got me wondering if that could be the case elsewhere too. Could people have parasites and not know... I dont know but it could also be some chemistry like you say. Ivermectin has been shown to have some effect on cancer as well.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

no worries. It was such a surreal time I think everyone needs to talk about it, and remember how screwed up things were, again, so we don't repeat the same mistakes.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

I had a conversation with a guy I graduated with about that. He was working for the Remdisivere company. (not sure which one that is, and don't care) He thought that because he worked there, and he was told natural immunity didn't work for Covid, that this must be the case, and argued the point without any real knowledge of it. I had none (less than him) but was arguing from a point of common sense, and previous knowledge. Amazingly enough there was a video of Lord Fauci just a few year before speaking on how natural immunity is the best vaccine you can get, and that clip was really hard to find on the internet for a long time.
It's amazing how well controlled all this really is.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:50 AM
Ivermectin works, but that's why they had to suppress it along with everything else that works. Emergency authorization for a vaccine is only allowed when there is no other viable alternative. What motive they had for wanting a vaccine instead of reliable treatment is up for debate, but I sure have my theories.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

I had a conversation with a guy I graduated with about that. He was working for the Remdisivere company. (not sure which one that is, and don't care) He thought that because he worked there, and he was told natural immunity didn't work for Covid, that this must be the case, and argued the point without any real knowledge of it. I had none (less than him) but was arguing from a point of common sense, and previous knowledge. Amazingly enough there was a video of Lord Fauci just a few year before speaking on how natural immunity is the best vaccine you can get, and that clip was really hard to find on the internet for a long time.
It's amazing how well controlled all this really is.

Right here in this video

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: network dude

adverse clotting following earliest jabs.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 11:27 AM
We lost 2 firemen from my dept to Covid treatments. I’m 99.9% sure they would be alive today had they not gone to the hospital. One was a guy I worked with who loved talking conspiracies with me, cuz I’m that guy you know. Lol

Both put on a respirator and both died. I wish I could have talked to him before he went to the ER.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 12:00 PM
also take a look at NAC 'N-acetyl cysteine' another drug that helps fight Covid-19 that is being mysteriously removed from the market.

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