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An observation...

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posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 04:37 PM
This isn't so much a rant as an observation. But it is one that really hit home, for myself and my wife, in the most unusual way.

There was a tv show I wanted to watch from another country. I found a video source that included the nation of origin commercial broadcasts. My wife and I both started to watch. The first set of commercials come on. Usually one, or both, of us grab the remote and either turn the sound off or change the channel during commercials - they are so insulting and stupid we cant stand them. We didn't. The second set of commercials came on and again, neither of us reached for the remote. As the third set of commercials was about to begin we both said we were actually looking forward to the commercials - something neither of us had ever said before, not even during the Superbowl.

After the third commercial break we realized what was happening. In all those commercials, there were no mixed race couples. No gay couples. No black people looking like ridiculous caricatures of some bs image black people are supposed to portray. Races and genders were well represented. There were no obvious agendas or political championing. Children acted like children. Black people were just people. Couples were just couples. From one end to the other, it was just people being people.

It was then that I realized how badly we are being programmed on a daily basis. I have acknowledged on many occasions in the past that the commercials in the US are pathetically woke. But it never hit home as hard as seeing three full length commercial breaks with nothing but people being people. Maybe some of them were gay, maybe not. They didn't insist on telling me and I didn't ask. It was the perfect arrangement. Why is that so hard for US advertisers to understand?

There is hope for traditional American values and the expression of same. Just not in America while we suffer under the oppressive weight of woke media. I thought for some time when making that statement, and I stand by it. The woke liberal left are the personification of oppression in modern America. Enjoy the fascism while it lasts.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
This isn't so much a rant as an observation. But it is one that really hit home, for myself and my wife, in the most unusual way.

There was a tv show I wanted to watch from another country. I found a video source that included the nation of origin commercial broadcasts. My wife and I both started to watch. The first set of commercials come on. Usually one, or both, of us grab the remote and either turn the sound off or change the channel during commercials - they are so insulting and stupid we cant stand them. We didn't. The second set of commercials came on and again, neither of us reached for the remote. As the third set of commercials was about to begin we both said we were actually looking forward to the commercials - something neither of us had ever said before, not even during the Superbowl.

After the third commercial break we realized what was happening. In all those commercials, there were no mixed race couples. No gay couples. No black people looking like ridiculous caricatures of some bs image black people are supposed to portray. Races and genders were well represented. There were no obvious agendas or political championing. Children acted like children. Black people were just people. Couples were just couples. From one end to the other, it was just people being people.

It was then that I realized how badly we are being programmed on a daily basis. I have acknowledged on many occasions in the past that the commercials in the US are pathetically woke. But it never hit home as hard as seeing three full length commercial breaks with nothing but people being people. Maybe some of them were gay, maybe not. They didn't insist on telling me and I didn't ask. It was the perfect arrangement. Why is that so hard for US advertisers to understand?

There is hope for traditional American values and the expression of same. Just not in America while we suffer under the oppressive weight of woke media. I thought for some time when making that statement, and I stand by it. The woke liberal left are the personification of oppression in modern America. Enjoy the fascism while it lasts.

Commercials used to be celebrated for their humor or artfulness, or basic usefulness. Todays wokeness has obliterated that.
Just like comedy; except for a few brave souls, comedy doesn’t exist. It literally must be vetted and approved just like the USSR.
Thanks wokes ! You make everything suck. Except for you; you are creating a world where you scream and people obey, which was your only wish anyway.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

It's because those things have become character traits somehow, so the characters have to *be* those things and *act* those things.

I recall an interview where someone asked Avery Brooks how he played the first black Starfleet Captain in Benjamin Sisko, and part of his response was that "black" isn't a character trait, but these days, it is. And when that happens, it turns such characters into horrible stereotypes and parodies of people instead of just people.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 06:34 PM
I'm thinking maybe the Woke crowd finally tipped the scales with the new live action ' Little Mermaid ' .

It was the most ridiculous crap I've ever seen , Taking a lovable classic movie such as the' Little Mermaid ' and just butchering it ...and for what ? Really for what ?

And the Commercials in America are beyond ridiculous , you would think we live in Africa . It's Racist what the Woke crowd is doing is literal Racism and the Black people who go along with it are selling out there own culture .

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel.

I think you have it incorrectly Vroom, but first let me say that I have noting but disgust for advertising in the US as well, and for that matter have now for decades.
I see it as a means of control. I suspect from your description above that you do as well.

While advertising may have once started as posting notices on a wall and later in newspapers to inform people about products they may find useful, it transformed in the early years of the last century as the study of human psychology based on the studies and science of Freud was played out in the machinations of Edward Bernays and others like him who took the new found means of mental control into the market place. Simple offerings of ''availability'' became highly crafted tools of mental oppression.

In the old days,national advertising was geared to one market, a generalized mass market of consumers and especially consumers with disposable money on hand. This market was the mass market of people who were white. Look at any tv commercials from the 1950s and the first half of the 60s and you would be hard pressed to find ANY people of color in any of them, be it in newspapers , radio or especially television. And when you did, it was never with a couple of mixed race.

Then,as the productive abilities of American manufacturing evolved, it began to be able to produce cheaply, products of a wider variety, products that would be attainable and desirable to people beyond the established market that had been to target of Madison Avenue advertisers for several decades.

Neo-liberalism that served to reach these ''new'' markets were not as promoted. While it was promoted as ''inclusive'' of all races, what it really was was a program of ''targeting'' new markets of consumers. Black consumers were targeted but not as white markets had been. The simplistic ''stereotypes'' of white people that had served for decades did not serve to attract black consumers, So,,,, black stereotypes were introduced to national advertising. Those ''black women''' stereotypes were built, not as a political agenda, but rather as a simple stereotype that was thought by the advertising industry to appeal to black women. That stereotype was blasted in advertisement and people began to act more and more like those stereotypes. This also was pushed by black characterizations in the new tv programs to attract that audience to get them to buy more product.

This continues today. Target a minor consumer group with stereotypes to get them interested in whatever that product is.

This is not as you suggest, a liberal, leftist agenda, it is, rather, a neo-liberal corporate agenda. Serious liberals, serious leftists you will find are just as disgusted with American advertising as you are.

If you want to call this ''woke'' I guess that's ok but I call it ''corporate neo-liberalism''. A duck by any name, I guess is matters not because in the end, it is as you say, fascism.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:00 PM
Larry Fink of Blackrock: “You have to force change.” Googled the term got nothing. Searched it on YouTube got nothing. It’s all over Twitter. Here is one tweet of him saying it:

Larry Fink - You Have to Force Change.

It all has to do with the ESG rating and these companies’ ability to get loans.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: Vroomfondel.

I think you have it incorrectly Vroom, but first let me say that I have noting but disgust for advertising in the US as well, and for that matter have now for decades.
I see it as a means of control. I suspect from your description above that you do as well.

While advertising may have once started as posting notices on a wall and later in newspapers to inform people about products they may find useful, it transformed in the early years of the last century as the study of human psychology based on the studies and science of Freud was played out in the machinations of Edward Bernays and others like him who took the new found means of mental control into the market place. Simple offerings of ''availability'' became highly crafted tools of mental oppression.

In the old days,national advertising was geared to one market, a generalized mass market of consumers and especially consumers with disposable money on hand. This market was the mass market of people who were white. Look at any tv commercials from the 1950s and the first half of the 60s and you would be hard pressed to find ANY people of color in any of them, be it in newspapers , radio or especially television. And when you did, it was never with a couple of mixed race.

Then,as the productive abilities of American manufacturing evolved, it began to be able to produce cheaply, products of a wider variety, products that would be attainable and desirable to people beyond the established market that had been to target of Madison Avenue advertisers for several decades.

Neo-liberalism that served to reach these ''new'' markets were not as promoted. While it was promoted as ''inclusive'' of all races, what it really was was a program of ''targeting'' new markets of consumers. Black consumers were targeted but not as white markets had been. The simplistic ''stereotypes'' of white people that had served for decades did not serve to attract black consumers, So,,,, black stereotypes were introduced to national advertising. Those ''black women''' stereotypes were built, not as a political agenda, but rather as a simple stereotype that was thought by the advertising industry to appeal to black women. That stereotype was blasted in advertisement and people began to act more and more like those stereotypes. This also was pushed by black characterizations in the new tv programs to attract that audience to get them to buy more product.

This continues today. Target a minor consumer group with stereotypes to get them interested in whatever that product is.

This is not as you suggest, a liberal, leftist agenda, it is, rather, a neo-liberal corporate agenda. Serious liberals, serious leftists you will find are just as disgusted with American advertising as you are.

If you want to call this ''woke'' I guess that's ok but I call it ''corporate neo-liberalism''. A duck by any name, I guess is matters not because in the end, it is as you say, fascism.

You work so hard to dilute every topic from basic and simple, out to incomprehensible, to make sure you give cover to the indefensible.
It’s woke to keep inserting revenge and reparations into everything that has zero connection to such things.
A never-ending treatise about the history of liberalism does not make for a proper explanation of this nonsense.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: stevieray

Terry nailed that actually.
You even demonstrated it in your second sentence.
Good job at accidently proving his point.
Hopefully a lesson was learned, but I don't think it was.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I think you are mistaking one eventuality with intent. While I do not disagree with at least the majority of your assessments, I do disagree with the idea that it was engineered to be exactly that and nothing more.

There was no "white" advertising. Yes, it portrayed white people, but it was not directed solely at whites. It was, and still is, directed to anyone who an afford and wants the product. Its not as if advertisers looked at financial/racial demographics and set their price point out of reach of one group while affixing it firmly within the grasp of another. It simply doesn't work that way and that pretty much lets the air out of your position.

This leads directly to the more modern facilitation of selective advertising and racism. For example, can you show me where to watch the Miss White America Pageant? Or perhaps the White Entertainment Channel? Maybe the Straight heterosexual channel? No, you cant because they don't exist. The kind of targeted racially motivated advertising you are talking about truly began with pandering to minority groups by minority groups themselves. If white people did that we would get called out for it immediately. But, if minority groups do it to each other its suddenly perfectly fine and there is nothing to complain about.

In closing, this post is about the obvious and pathetic media attempt to constantly portray America as nothing but bi-racial, gay, in some way disadvantaged or put upon people, when by far the greater majority are just people who do not need a label or name tag to feel they are part of society. You are, however, correct that in the old days advertising was geared toward one generalized mass market: people who could afford, and would be interested in, the product being offered - race/national origin not withstanding.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: stevieray

out to incomprehensible,

My apologies for commentary beyond your ken

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:33 PM
Emh, this post turned out different then I expected.

You talking about the commercials reminded me of this hilarious comedian on one of his shows when..

I figured your government might be giving signs. ISMO says in his video the commercials are for prescription drugs and he mentions that's quite useless because you can only get them on prescription from the doctor. So whoever is broadcasting this is not really making sense. It's like writing;

Space Offers Service.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

i.e. Advertising used be about selling the product, not the people who had it.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Untun

That's why all the drug commercials tell you to "ask your doctor about ..." They are very aware that only doctors can prescribe the drugs, but patients can ask about them. I recall seeing something at one point about doctors being deluged with requests for advertised name brand drugs.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

There was no "white" advertising. Yes, it portrayed white people, but it was not directed solely at whites. It was, and still is, directed to anyone who an afford and wants the product. Its not as if advertisers looked at financial/racial demographics and set their price point out of reach of one group while affixing it firmly within the grasp of another. It simply doesn't work that way and that pretty much lets the air out of your position.

Well, yes. The advertising was not aimed specially at white people as you say, it was just as you say, directed at people who could afford and wanted the products. That ''afford'' is key though, right? It was mass marketing and directed at a mass of people and unfortunately back then the American purchasing culture was dominated by the white majority of the population. This, I should think, should be common knowledge.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

The American purchasing culture is still that way though. The ads have changed.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Okay, I concede that at any given time in the past there may have been more white people who could afford a product than minority. But that depends entirely on the product and the price range. I know you are not suggesting that minorities could not afford anything at you are cherry picking the products some minorities may have been unable to afford and basing your opinion on that. I would remind you that there were not always a majority of white people who had money. During the great depression only 30% of the population of the US lived in a family where anyone had a job. Advertising was more important than ever to pick up every customer possible regardless of skin color. And that does not address the real subject of the thread which is the woke agenda in advertising which includes gay and bi-racial couples. There is no associated purchasing gap there so your argument fails to address that entire segment of the OP.

Furthermore, lets not forget that going all the way back to colonial times there were black slave/property owners and white slaves/indentured servants. The first legally recognized slave owner in the US was a black man. Purchasing power has never been solely the dominion of white people. Your argument falls short again. And that doesn't even include the myriad of present day advertising that is directed specifically at minority demographics of various natures.

The OP stands. The liberal woke media portray the US as bi-racial, gay, whatever the flavor of the day is, when in reality the far greater majority are just people trying to get along in life. No labels, no agendas, just people.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:03 PM
I like to watch Barney Miller on youtube sometimes as I fall asleep. I recently found some videos where someone had taken a block of them from WGN back on New Year's Day in 2010, dated by the commercial for Avatar shown during the commercials. And the commercials are much different than today, there were black people on the commercials, but it was all black people, same with the white people. Even as recent as then, the agenda wasn't being pushed as it is today. Case in point, one of the commercials has two white women doing laundry with one of them giving advice to the other one about how to use whatever product. The same commercial today would have a black woman and a white woman, except it would be the wise black woman informing the ignorant white woman on the product, no programming there at all!!!

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Think you'll enjoy this.
John Trudell was a Native activist who spend a goodly chunk of his life trying to wake people up on issues like your OP.
Because he spoke out & kept speaking out the FBI has a whopping huge file on him. This past weekend I'd YouTube'd his music then listened to his interviews. Trudell as it turns out in hindsight was amazingly prophetic on where we be as
a society in the future/which is now.
For what's relevant to your OP jump to minute 3.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:15 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: stevieray

out to incomprehensible,

My apologies for commentary beyond your ken

Lol, this is really a response. I can help you, not.
“You’re dumb I’m smart”…….. is not really an adult reply to anything. Reasoning is important.
I wish for you, the best. Bye !

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