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Radical Demonstration at White House ?

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posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

So now we should change the National Anthem?

Well this person and I am sure many more think it should be scrapped altogether.

Read a little about the author of that poem/star spangled banner.

"FRANCIS SCOTT KEY, the author of what is now known as our national anthem, absolutely needs to be on the list of folks drummed out of polite company for their transgressions. He was a genuinely horrible human being. He was an open, flagrant bigot. He was not a silent bigot; he put his bigotry into words and actions.

Key said that African-Americans were “a distinct and inferior race of people.” Of course he thought that: He came from a long line of slaveowners. His family got wealthy off buying, selling, trading, breeding, and working human beings to death. He continued the practice himself and owned human beings for most of his life. Not only that, but as the district attorney of Washington, D.C., Key fought against the rights and human dignity of black people every chance he got. In case after case, he fought against the rights of abolitionists and sought any means available to silence them.

All the way back in 1833, Key was defending heinous incidents of police brutality against African-Americans. The man fought to protect slavery until the day he died. He was no timid beneficiary — Key fought tooth and nail to protect it.

All of that results in me having a problem with Francis Scott Key. I don’t care how great his poetry may or may not have been — I see him as evil. I see slavery as an evil institution. Participating in it, for Key, was not a one-time choice, but a gross daily decision to benefit from and defend at all costs."

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Its not the first time getting rid of the Star Spangled Banner and replacing it with America, the Beautiful was proposed.

I suppose that won't fly now because of that line about 'Gods Grace'.

Something else to fight about.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Its not the first time getting rid of the Star Spangled Banner and replacing it with America, the Beautiful was proposed.

I suppose that won't fly now because of that line about 'Gods Grace'.

Something else to fight about.

Considering the downturn in religious people, that would be likely. Pew reports by 2070 religious people will drop below 50%. So, yeah, a minority.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Perhaps you will still be here to drink a toast. I gladly wont be.

edit on 6/3/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Perhaps you will still be here to drink a toast. I gladly wont be.

I won't be here either in 2070 unless by some miracle in the longevity science field, but I won't be drinking a toast to people's political leanings nor their intolerance of others. That is for sure.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

What intolerable intolerance are were arguing about on this thread?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

What intolerable intolerance are were arguing about on this thread?

No intolerances on this thread, I was just replying to your having a toast comment.

This thread is about government process, where nobody knows what anyone else is doing and then total confusion as seen here.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I was confused by your remark then"

"I won't be drinking a toast to people's political leanings nor their intolerance of others. That is for sure."

Why were you talking about intolerance in this randomn statement? I failed to get your meaning.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

I was confused by your remark then"

"I won't be drinking a toast to people's political leanings nor their intolerance of others. That is for sure."

Why were you talking about intolerance in this randomn statement? I failed to get your meaning.

In reply to your 'I glady won't be here' comment meaning you will be glad not to be in this world, correct? And thinking that I will be toasting the world then. I won't be toasting a world where intolerance and political leanings are forefront. So, you won't be toasting and I won't be toasting, for different reasons it seems. But that is neither here nor there.

I suppose the subject of this thread is done because it was confirmed that the police didn't get the memo to allow the children to sing. Government working as usual.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I went back an reviewed the thread and it was about the choir not being allowed to sing the Star Spangled Banner and you indicated that your think it is offensive.

So I guess now we are not going to tolerate the national anthem. And I suggested America the Beautiful had been suggested in the past, but that we can't say God anymore, so you crowed about how religious people will be a minority in another 50 years, and I said I wouldn't be here to celebrate.
But somehow that justifies not using America the Beautiful as an anthem either.

So what song would you like?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

I went back an reviewed the thread and it was about the choir not being allowed to sing the Star Spangled Banner and you indicated that your think it is offensive.

So I guess now we are not going to tolerate the national anthem. And I suggested America the Beautiful had been suggested in the past, but that we can't say God anymore, so you crowed about how religious people will be a minority in another 50 years, and I said I wouldn't be here to celebrate.
But somehow that justifies not using America the Beautiful as an anthem either.

So what song would you like?

I did not say it was offensive, I asked everyone here if they thought some people would take offense. Don't twist my words it is beneath you.

You were the one mentioning 'God' is in the lyrics and suggested that song should not be used either because of it having religious connotations.

Isn't it reasonable to assume any song that the majority of people find offensive or outdated should not be used any more?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Mea Culpa, I thought your post was meant to educate us in how offensive the lyrics are, and then your second post about Key being a real jerk.

So I got the wrong impression. Never meant to put any particular words in anyone's mouth.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I said that America the Beautiful was once proposed as an alternative anthem, but that I thought it would not be acceptable to many because of the words God Grace, and a fight would insue.

Wasn't wrong was I? As next thing I knew, you pulled up some stats that said we couldn't have that song because religious people would all be in the minority in 50 years.

Which song would you find acceptable?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels

But somehow that justifies not using America the Beautiful as an anthem either.

So what song would you like?

Here's my pick.

And instead of standing with your hand over your heart, you have to dance a little jig. I think that would liven up sporting events. Especially the Olympics.
edit on 3-6-2023 by VictorVonDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

Yeah that would be sumptin...

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Mea Culpa, I thought your post was meant to educate us in how offensive the lyrics are, and then your second post about Key being a real jerk.

So I got the wrong impression. Never meant to put any particular words in anyone's mouth.

Again, you are assuming my intent. Education can only be achieved with willing parties, so that's out.

I posted about Key as an addition to my original question to everyone, 'Would the lyrics and now the history of author offend some people?"

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

I said that America the Beautiful was once proposed as an alternative anthem, but that I thought it would not be acceptable to many because of the words God Grace, and a fight would insue.

Wasn't wrong was I? As next thing I knew, you pulled up some stats that said we couldn't have that song because religious people would all be in the minority in 50 years.

Which song would you find acceptable?

Why pick a song the majority would not approve of was my question to you.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Well, it works for 50 years so we have time to find something else....

What song do YOU like?

Of course you won't say. You'd rather just play contrary games. And I'm exhausted.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Well, it works for 50 years so we have time to find something else....

What song do YOU like?

Of course you won't say. You'd rather just play contrary games. And I'm exhausted.

All I did was ask you and others here two questions which you, sort of, answered one of them.

That would take some thought because it has to appeal to the majority.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I won't answer any more questions of yours. You don't provide answers to questions posed of you.

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