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They want us to refuse vaccines

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posted on May, 31 2023 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

My thoughts are that when THE REAL and dangerous pandemic happens in the future, one that could truly decimate the population, people will not believe it and will refuse vaccinations or chemical treatments.

People won't have the choice to opt out.

The 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) is the instrument that empowers the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
Hundreds of amendments to the IHR are being proposed, and these amendments will empower the WHO to become the de facto governing body of all member states, including the U.S.
As currently written, the IHR amendments will be legally binding and will supersede local and national laws. They even include enforcement tools to ensure that member nations comply with the WHO’s edicts
Areas of life that are being added in under the umbrella of “health” include climate, food production and even poverty, so the WHO will be able to claim sole global authority over anything to do with those issues as well
Importantly, the IHR amendments will abolish bodily autonomy and personal choice and replace these God-given rights and freedoms with one-size-fits-all medicine

[ 83077&sd=20221025&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20230530&cid=DM1408169&bid=1814738609]

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe
I dont know why any of it happened. So many possibilities but one thing for sure is that society got neatly divided into two groups, one complacent, the other not.

A wise man, or entity, needs to know who its enemy is and now they have a very clear idea of which group will fight them and their fantasy future. Every name is known and which camp you are in.

edit on 31-5-2023 by igloo because: spelling

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

If and when that happens you can have my vaccine.

I don't want it, but thanks for the offer lol.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

Nyet !

That goes against the obvious rabid defense of Vaccines™ that Big-Harma™ has engaged-in for decades.

They protect their Jibber-Jabbers™ to any end, it seems.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

My thoughts are that when THE REAL and dangerous pandemic happens in the future, one that could truly decimate the population, people will not believe it and will refuse vaccinations or chemical treatments.

People won't have the choice to opt out.

The 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) is the instrument that empowers the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
Hundreds of amendments to the IHR are being proposed, and these amendments will empower the WHO to become the de facto governing body of all member states, including the U.S.
As currently written, the IHR amendments will be legally binding and will supersede local and national laws. They even include enforcement tools to ensure that member nations comply with the WHO’s edicts
Areas of life that are being added in under the umbrella of “health” include climate, food production and even poverty, so the WHO will be able to claim sole global authority over anything to do with those issues as well
Importantly, the IHR amendments will abolish bodily autonomy and personal choice and replace these God-given rights and freedoms with one-size-fits-all medicine

[ 83077&sd=20221025&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20230530&cid=DM1408169&bid=1814738609]

Simply stated, you are owned. You are not free, and if we allow this to be carried out, we are less than livestock.

I am grateful that I am at my years end, because there is no way I will comply with WHO being able to abolish our bodily autonomy.

Dead is dead. I have no trust in the system. Our government has a long history of poisoning and testing the American people. Maybe they are taking their marching orders from ETs or demons, because the don’t give a damn about us,

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

You raise some interesting and thoughtful points.

I have little doubt this pandemic was an orchestrated attack on the elderly and infirm, and also the lower socioeconomic classes. A way to get people off reliance, such as pensions and the health care system and also to pass on whatever wealth they might have had through inheritance and back into the economy.

As bioweapons (both the virus and the "cure") a coronavirus was always going to struggle, so this was probably the best they could do. A highly transmissible virus like this was always prone to quickly mutating into something that basically gives people a cold.

Though we don't know the long term effects either of viral infection or "vaccine" caused illness as yet, and won't for quite a while. So I haven't discounted at least the possibility that this was the population reduction exercise itself, rather than a practice run. Seems like a far better plan to reduce the population over decades, than do it all at once which could be very counterproductive for those holding the reigns.

I would still take an old fashioned vaccine if I thought it was sufficiently tested and had a well earned positive safety profile.

Though if your scenario does eventually play out, I can see where the non compliant would be the ones to suffer. Leaving largely a population of compliant bootlickers eager to submit to some perceived authority. This situation might be very appealing to such people.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

That will depend very much on just how dangerous the next bug is...

If it's Covid, then nope. I'll trust my immune system to do its job. If it's as lethal as, say, Ebola or other hemorrhagic fevers, then I would certainly consider it. Assuming, of course, there will even be a vaccine for something as lethal as Ebola...

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

If there is another scamdemic, I will evaluate the evidence and do my research to verify if the new vaccine is appropriately safe and effective. They bypassed a lot of the testing on this vaccine and it would never have been allowed to be given with the testing that was done prior to this virus.

I urge others to not just discount an actually serious virus or germ, to evaluate future outbreaks and make an informed decision as to whether it is right for you. I knew from early on that this SARS-CoV 2 virus could be controled by some flavenoids and antivirals found in nature from researching it and finding actual testing by NIH and some other agencies that had tested natural chemistries to control it. This virus was bad for those who had compromised immune systems and over the couple of years, lots of those people did pass away. There were a lot of aged babyboomers that also were not that healthy because of issues created by chemicals in the environment with a strong emphasis on food chemistry.

Some meds made them more susceptable too...which if people would have known....they would have denied receiving those meds prescribed for prevention, not actually for an active disease. That would have made the pharmaceudical industry look bad. The evidence as to the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine was distorted by Fauchi and other health officials and of course, politicians who wanted to make us believe that they were our saviors. Too many deceptions were being fed to the public, I think that these agencies should do some house cleaning to get rid of the deceivers...but that is just my opinion and I am sure that those high in those health agencies and some politicians that were bamboozled will not say they were nothing will change.

If something serious does come around, evaluate the real evidence yourself....make your own informed decision as to whether the treatment or vaccine is adequate. Do not discount anything without doing proper research.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

That will depend very much on just how dangerous the next bug is...

If it's Covid, then nope. I'll trust my immune system to do its job. If it's as lethal as, say, Ebola or other hemorrhagic fevers, then I would certainly consider it. Assuming, of course, there will even be a vaccine for something as lethal as Ebola...

There already is a vaccine for Ebola, available with every outbreak for first line workers and whoever wants to take it...but it's just as controversial as the Covid vaccine, and many people in Africa distrust their government and medical agencies so they refuse it.
If there is ever an Ebola pandemic, I think I'd rather isolate myself, keep distance, wear gloves, masks, don't touch anyone, etc... works just as well

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I did not know that! Thanks for the information!!

As for your tactic of avoidance? That's probably what I'd do, as well. Of course, I can't be absolutely sure of that, as dying from something like Ebola is, shall we say, less than pleasant...

Should something like Ebola come to pass, and be like Europe during The Black Death, I'd probably bail on society, take family and friends up back of beyond and disappear, at least temporarily.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Nobody is putting anything In my or my family's arm again, forcibly or not.

I don't see how they can.

I could see a lot of medical practitioners getting shot in the US if they try.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
a reply to: nugget1

Nobody is putting anything In my or my family's arm again, forcibly or not.

I don't see how they can.

I could see a lot of medical practitioners getting shot in the US if they try.

That's why they've been working so hard on getting it in the food chain. As far as getting it in your family, there working on a transdermal patch for vaccinating people.

Can you rest assured that when a child goes to school they won't be given a cartoon character patch to wear? They won't be fed mRNA food? That you won't be buying mRNA infused meat and produce at your local market?

The WHO has been handed the keys to the kingdom; in 2025 they will be able to declare a pandemic and force-vaccinate all people in member nations. Fun times ahead.

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