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James Bond Film "Moonraker" the character "Dolly" had dental braces. CERN changed it.

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posted on May, 23 2023 @ 08:33 PM
My uncle worked in a movie theater during its original release. He saw the film at least 50 times. When I was very young I watched his original vhs tape of the film.

The character "Dolly" had braces on her teeth. The villain in the film was named "Jaws" and was played by the extremely large and physically imposing actor Richard Keel. The key moment in the movie is when they meet. Jaws has previously killed everyone he came in contact with. Dolly innocently smiles at him and shows her very present braces on her teeth. Jaws smile as well and exposes the monstrous huge metal braces on his teeth. Together they connect over this and become a couple.

The scene is now extremely awkward. Dolly no longer has braces on her teeth. The original film prints and original privately owned vhs tapes have changed to show this.

Important edit. Check This Out. Someone has recreated her braces in a Moonraker clip.

But that is not what is important. At the beginning of the clip look at the Wheel That Jaws Is Trapped In.

Now look the Wheels of CERN: The people at CERN were either putting it out there for all to see, or this a massive synchronicity.

Dolly is one of the select few who is chosen to travel to Drax's space station as part of his "master race" experiment. She instantly falls in love with his henchman, Jaws, and, with her endearing glasses, pigtails, and braces (and cleavage), convinces him to help Bond escape from Drax's space station.

I also found this article/blog written in 2012 that describes all the women in the Bond films. It describes Dolly with Braces.

The TIMELINE was changed by CERN: The MANDELA EFFECT that really happened - "Dolly Had Braces" - Reference uncovered in this BBC Article:

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 08:58 PM
I don’t understand how cern changed a movie. I watched a couple seconds of the YouTube clip and remember both the girl and the big guy both had braces. Was there a movie remake?
I suppose if someone says the girl never had braces, they will say I am from a different reality.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 09:24 PM
I remember this being discussed and I remember her with braces. Has anyone tried contacting Blanche Ravalec to ask her if she played Dolly with braces or not.

If the timeline has been changed before it was shot, she will remember without, if she remembers with, then the movie was changed somehow during post production and before release.

This would help narrow down the time and space that changed to make this occurrence happen.

+1 more 
posted on May, 23 2023 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

We must be from the same timeline, because I remember her having braces too.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: astralrocker2001

The villain in the film was named "Jaws" and was played by the extremely large and physically imposing actor Richard Keel. The key moment in the movie is when they meet.

i'm not surprised you remember braces, cause you sure didn't remember how the actors named who played jaws is spelled.

it's Richard Kiel, not Richard Keel. you even posted a link with the correct spelling in it.

then there's this, from the wiki.

Some fans have pointed to a 1979 review for the film from the Los Angeles Times, film critic Charles Champlin wrote: "Kiel...even acquires a love interest, a small, voluptuous blonde named Blanche Ravalec. It would be a relationship made in heaven if only she wore braces."[65] The braces have been widely reported by the media, with a 2014 BBC News article even referring to Dolly as having had braces.[66]

Conversely, actress Blanche Ravalec, who played Dolly, wrote in 2016 that she never wore braces in the film.[67]
Mandela effect debate

just sayin.

edit on 23-5-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 09:43 PM
For me, that scene where Dolly (with braces) and Jaws smile at each other is the most memorable scene from the movie. I can't even really remember the plot (was it a space weapon aimed at Earth?), I seem to remember Rodger Moore as 007 in that movie. Otherwise, I totally remember that scene, all like 4 seconds of it, braces too.

I remember that scene as Jaws on the left and Dolly on the right. She smiles at him first and then he smiles back. Next scenes they're holding hands like a couple. This was on the first premier TV broadcast when I watched it (early to mid 80s).

Wiki says . . .

Many fans of the film claim that they recall Dolly having metal braces during her smile, in what would have been a joke about both individuals possessing metal teeth. However, in the VHS, DVD, & Blu-ray releases of the film, Dolly clearly does not possess braces. Some fans believe that Dolly possessed braces in the theatrical run of the film, which have been removed since, while opponents of the theory claimed that she never possessed braces, with the notion that she did being the result of the Mandela effect. Online articles have generally agreed that braces did not exist and are the result of a Mandela effect.[63][64] Some fans have pointed to a 1979 review for the film from the Los Angeles Times, film critic Charles Champlin wrote: "Kiel...even acquires a love interest, a small, voluptuous blonde named Blanche Ravalec. It would be a relationship made in heaven if only she wore braces."[65] The braces have been widely reported by the media, with a 2014 BBC News article even referring to Dolly as having had braces.[66] Conversely, actress Blanche Ravalec, who played Dolly, wrote in 2016 that she never wore braces in the film.[

I definitely remembered braces, yet the actress herself says she didn't have braces in that movie.

But I remember braces, yes, I remember braces (braces) she had braces, it was a joke scene, Yes, braces, yes she did? No, no braces, noooo braces

edit on 23-5-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
I remember this being discussed and I remember her with braces. Has anyone tried contacting Blanche Ravalec to ask her if she played Dolly with braces or not.

If the timeline has been changed before it was shot, she will remember without, if she remembers with, then the movie was changed somehow during post production and before release.

This would help narrow down the time and space that changed to make this occurrence happen.

So somebody asked her
"Hello Laurent,
I’m in the studio…
No, Dolly never had braces. It was never even a question.
Happy holidays!!!

Many have claimed she had to have braces based on semi-parody of the scene above in a commercial where Richard Kiel (Jaws) meets a cashier with braces:

So, seems she didnt
all in the memory of old people who are no longer young, no wonder an eyewitness account isnt worth anything

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
I remember this being discussed and I remember her with braces. Has anyone tried contacting Blanche Ravalec to ask her if she played Dolly with braces or not.

If the timeline has been changed before it was shot, she will remember without, if she remembers with, then the movie was changed somehow during post production and before release.

This would help narrow down the time and space that changed to make this occurrence happen.

It was a run by fruiting....

So somebody asked her
"Hello Laurent,
I’m in the studio…
No, Dolly never had braces. It was never even a question.
Happy holidays!!!

Many have claimed she had to have braces based on semi-parody of the scene above in a commercial where Richard Kiel (Jaws) meets a cashier with braces:

So, seems she didnt
all in the memory of old people who are no longer young, no wonder an eyewitness account isnt worth anything

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
I remember this being discussed and I remember her with braces. Has anyone tried contacting Blanche Ravalec to ask her if she played Dolly with braces or not.

If the timeline has been changed before it was shot, she will remember without, if she remembers with, then the movie was changed somehow during post production and before release.

This would help narrow down the time and space that changed to make this occurrence happen.

So somebody asked her
"Hello Laurent,
I’m in the studio…
No, Dolly never had braces. It was never even a question.
Happy holidays!!!

Many have claimed she had to have braces based on semi-parody of the scene above in a commercial where Richard Kiel (Jaws) meets a cashier with braces:

So, seems she didnt
all in the memory of old people who are no longer young, no wonder an eyewitness account isnt worth anything

It was a run by fruiting....

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

She is part of the Mainstream Media. She is not going to come out and expose the Mandela Effect.

Dolly had braces. Almost everyone remembers it. I know it is a FACT.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:20 PM
On that debunking mandela effects page, in the comments sections . . .

. . . I was born in 1970 and was a huge Bond film fan as a child. I saw Moonraker in the theater and then it was on HBO the summer in between my 7th and 8th grade school year. I had very crooked front teeth and was going to be getting braces so I was hyper aware of all people with braces. I KNOW for a fact that Dolly had braces because my friend Stacey and I would act out certain movie scenes and we got into the aluminum foil BOTH put it on our teeth and I braided my hair to be Dolly. I thought was pretty in the movie and she made me as an awkward teen feel a little bit better about having to get braces. No one will ever convince me that I am misremembering this. I don’t care what the articles say. I have noticed many other Mandela Effects too, but this one is one that I am 100000% sure of – Dolly did have braces in the movie version in the 1970s and on HBO in the early 80s.

Moonraker came out in 79, this woman was 9 years old or in 4th grade when she saw it at the theater, so when she was in 7th and 8th grade, it was 82 or 83 when it was on HBO, around the time I remember seeing it and it may have been on HBO as we had cable at that time. I only remember seeing it the one time on TV, I never saw it at the theater, and never rented it or bought the video.
edit on 23-5-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:23 PM
She HAS braces in the YT clip... do you have a clip without?

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:27 PM
I remember Dolly having braces, this is one of the better Mugabee Effects IMO.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

Hi. CERN changed the Timeline.

The Lead Physicist posted a photo of himself holding a large hand written sign that said "James Bond is #1" during the peak of the speculation on Dolly's Braces. That photo was real. but is now scrubbed from the Internet.

I will be doing a different post on CERN; and how reality is actually created in this Matrix in the future.

edit on 23-5-2023 by astralrocker2001 because: spelling

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:59 PM
The Large Hadron Collider's first collisions were achieved in 2010, therefore, if CERN is causing these M.E.s, then all current memories after that are questionable and from a corrupted reality. That would mean this is a corrupted reality as I type this and as you read it.
edit on 24-5-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: 1.618
She HAS braces in the YT clip... do you have a clip without?

I don't see them in this clip.

ETA: FWIW, I remember braces too...
edit on 24-5-2023 by ByteChanger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 01:38 AM
I remember her having braces. Me and my dad watched that movie many times and always laughed at the part when she smiles and flashes her braces. FYI. …Febreeze is now spelled Febreze. Mind blown !!!a reply to: astralrocker2001

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 01:46 AM
I remember her with braces too..
It’s been some 20 years since I watched the movie but as many other write, it’s the most memorable scene in the movie for me.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 02:00 AM
NEVER had braces. Your poor memory doesn't need a stupid Mandela effect to explain it. 99.9% of the other "so-called Mandela effects" I remember as they were. I'm quite frankly TIRED of this crap being posted online. Our world is doomed because of the mentality of people believing in stuff like this!

a reply to: astralrocker2001

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: astralrocker2001

Chew on the FACTS and change your perception.


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