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Never Forget What They Said About the Unvaccinated

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posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: zosimov

I was fine with, "Only the elderly and otherwise vulnerable need to get jabbed". When it suddenly turned into, "Everyone needs to get jabbed or you'll kill grandma!" I knew without a doubt it was all BS.
Grandma got her jab, if it won't protect her then how is it supposed to protect me?

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: jaws1975
It wasn't about control or power or money, they already have it! It is spiritual warfare, using your own free will to harm you. Have you noticed that the people that have lost their minds the most are the ones who are atheist or worse? They are trying to normalize pedo's, there is nothing more evil than that! As long as we think it's about money and control, they will be able to keep their spiritual warfare going, a great awakening is needed to get us out of this mess!
It is also that the 'elites' FEAR US . We are almost 8 billion against maybe 10k people. If we unite and stand against them they don't stand a chance.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:06 PM

a reply to: zosimov

Never Forget What They Said About the Unvaccinated

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: jaws1975
It wasn't about control or power or money, they already have it! It is spiritual warfare, using your own free will to harm you. Have you noticed that the people that have lost their minds the most are the ones who are atheist or worse? They are trying to normalize pedo's, there is nothing more evil than that! As long as we think it's about money and control, they will be able to keep their spiritual warfare going, a great awakening is needed to get us out of this mess!
It is also that the 'elites' FEAR US . We are almost 8 billion against maybe 10k people. If we unite and stand against them they don't stand a chance.

And, if only a slight majority realize what they did to us was intentional, they will not survive and they know this.

edit on 22-5-2023 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:22 PM
Has any one of the "Idiots" in this video ever apologized?

I, for one, would love to hear one.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: zosimov

This creep has the gall to brag (though he made sure to mention that he's not saying this, that this is how others characterize him) that he's saved millions of lives over 20 years of "service"
then complain at how he's being victimized by "radical people"

he mentions only the wildest "anti-vaxx" arguments while ignoring the very real criticism of the rushed and coerced EUA
at the end, a very revealing quote from him at 19:30:
"Does anybody really think that I am controlling someone's thought process? Would that I had so much power."

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

I haven't seen or heard of a single apology to date.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: zosimov
You won’t get any.
They have reverted to the “it was voluntary” position.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Nor did I ask for one; I was responding to a comment in here.
What I do ask for is for these (alleged) criminals to see their day in court. And for us all to remember the reality of this attack, and maybe even for the parrots to take a moment to self reflect and think critically next time CNN tells them to shun family members, enlist their children in medical trials, and fire employees.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:43 PM
That second vid in the OP brought up about every emotion possible in me.... looking back to all that, it was even sadder then I remembered it to be.

As an unvaccinated, as far as I know, I never had covid,
and if there comes another pandemic, I would make the same choice...

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Don't forget that this vaccine was so good for you that people were being bribed with cash, marijuana, and million dollar lottery entries if they'd just get the shot.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
Most people, especially those who fully bought into the 2020 war against the individual and against informed consent, want to move on from the covid calamity and to relegate all who waged war to the halls of obscurity.

To those who withstood the onslaught, forgetting isn't an option. Some have forgiven friends/associates/family for attacking loved ones at the behest of CNN and WHO, but as long as these warmongers and hate peddlers are unaccountable for their crimes, we remain vulnerable to the next attack.

The criminals who stole from our kids' educations and future, who forced victims of domestic abuse and rape into lockdown with their abusers, who denied youth extracurriculars and society, who vilified and libeled people for taking charge of their own health, who were forceful and rapey with untested gene therapy needles, who called for shunning and excluding healthy individuals from society or life-saving treatments, who paid elderly care homes to accept covid-positive patients--therefore murdering the elders in their care, who forced deadly ventilators into the sick, who used fear to bludgeon the populace are continuing life with impunity. Some of them are even still maligning those who resisted. (I'd suggest starting around the 7 minute mark to hear Fauci's continued assault on all of the vindicated opposition)

This following video is a brilliant compilation of the highest magnitude of propaganda war ever waged on civilians. Please take the time to watch through to the end so that we may never forget what these people did. You can guarantee these tactics will be used again. Learn how to recognize and repudiate our enemies.

Not "Never forget". It's NEVER FORGIVE!

This is the largest atrocity of crimes against humanity in human history. Let Nuremberg 2.0 begin.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: shooterbrody

Nor did I ask for one; I was responding to a comment in here.
What I do ask for is for these (alleged) criminals to see their day in court. And for us all to remember the reality of this attack, and maybe even for the parrots to take a moment to self reflect and think critically next time CNN tells them to shun family members, enlist their children in medical trials, and fire employees.

I would love to see any accountability with this issue.
Lots of lies were told.
Lots of taxpayer dollars were wasted.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
That second vid in the OP brought up about every emotion possible in me.... looking back to all that, it was even sadder then I remembered it to be.

As an unvaccinated, as far as I know, I never had covid,
and if there comes another pandemic, I would make the same choice...

I can echo everything you just wrote. The compilation video brought back all those terrible emotions/memories for me as well; neither have I gotten covid, all of the above basically.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:14 PM

a reply to: zosimov

I haven't seen or heard of a single apology to date.

Apparently the unvaccinated should be the ones to apologise still

The unvaccinated knew ... Why didn’t they do more to warn us ... Now the blood is on their hands.

It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations.

Clinical Trials conducted on how to ‘Persuade’ Americans To Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Government paid media companies to push vaccine

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:21 PM
It's still disturbing to see the videos of police in Australia brutalizing people for not wearing masks outside.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
It's still disturbing to see the videos of police in Australia brutalizing people for not wearing masks outside.

Interesting to see how quickly governments were able to subdue their citizens.
Not everywhere was like that.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:32 PM
Any friends of Fauci on here? Where have you gone? What do you think about the above clip (19:30) when Fauci says he wishes he had the power (would that I had--archaic, but meaning I wish I had) to control somebody's thoughts?

Anyone who still defends the abusive technocrats? Why is Fauci still receiving honorary doctorates? How much money did he make on his death dealing?

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:32 PM
I enjoy looking back on the discussions about natural immunity and how only a #ing retard would think that would work against this deadly virus. Yes, good times.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
It's still disturbing to see the videos of police in Australia brutalizing people for not wearing masks outside.

what will be even funnier is the next seasonal illness that floats around, seeing the DERP brigade screaming for masks to be mandated again. And all the past studies will be trash binned.

We were able to see first hand what it means to say "a person can be smart, but people are stupid".
and then the stupid one's said, "hold my beer". I don't foresee any apologies from anyone.

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