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Are the "vaccines" also driving people crazy?

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posted on May, 11 2023 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: LordAhriman

Why do some people get myocarditis after the vaccine?

Why did some people get it before the vaccine?

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 12:39 PM

It is said the Graphene Oxide has made its way into the brain of many. Could be the reason for suddendeath syndrome, as the brain becomes confused about how to regulate the body correctly due to the DNA changes. Would explain erractic behavior, as people who do not feel well, or feel themselves, have trouble. Assuming MD's are prescribing more drugs too, could be an issue.

BlackRock guy does the numbers... CLIPS and Thread

Excess disabilities would be associated with mental breakdowns in a normal world, as they have historically.

A troubling aspect of this is that by the legal terms of usage, this is an "experiment" but for some reason a shlhoton of people really don't want to treat it as such and see the results, as the disparage every. single. thing. that does not comport with the mass DNA modification as the savior of mankind. Seems to be those who cheered on the experiment would want to see the results, good or bad, as that was kind of the point.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 02:02 PM
I doubt it. More likely the stress of lockdowns or being asked to stay home , life as we knew it, coming to a near halt. It was pretty sobering. Add the deaths of loved ones from covid (8 in our family) , globally, we have had plenty to mess with your mind. a reply to: SkyAngel

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
No, the vaccines are not driving people crazy, the big health agencies are doing that by pushing fear on people and denying truths of anyone attempting to challenge their policies.

And so much more. It's a pile up. A toss up because we don't know what to be mad at from one minute to the next because there is so much coming in so fast that you can't even keep up. I'm over saturated with stuff I should be thinking about but have no time because of all the stuff I'm still mad about 4 years ago that I still can't rectify mentally.

It's so much and everything, right now.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 03:37 PM
I 100% believe the covid vaccine is dangerous, but no, it's not the only reason people are losing it.

I myself have had to reign in the beast several times when faced with a little confrontation. Being kicked out of my job, cast out of society for nearly five months, listening to the people running this country say we should be locked up will send you a bit loopy. Thankfully, I have been able to control myself -- aside from the occasional outburst with someone online here and there. But oh man I have felt it, that collective anger.

What I AM seeing among the vaccinated is severe memory problems. Just the other day someone we know told us he is starting to become "anti-vax" because ever since his shots he said he is so tired all the time no matter what. He also said when at work (he works in a kitchen) he'll suddenly forget how to do basic things he normally does on auto-pilot. He suddenly forgets where basic ingredients and utensils he uses all the time are kept, he forgets what is supposed to go on the burger he is making, and it has been problematic enough to scare him. If it gets any worse he may be another statistic claiming some sort of disability.

I have been hearing of this a great deal. I don't doubt that the cognitive functions of the vaxxed are being damaged in some, but it's not the only source of this rage and crazy behavior. Everything is converging to brew up the perfect sh1tstorm of chaos to bring the world to it's knees. We ain't seen nothing yet.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: SkyAngel

Many of the "readers" now know the Covid vaccine is a ticking time bomb that might trigger a stroke, heart attack, sudden death, lupus, blood clot on the heart/brain/lung at any time of their life. That's enough to drive anyone CRAZY.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: SkyAngel

No, I don't think it's the vaccines themselves, it's the stress due to all the lockdowns and then you add the cost of living skyrocketing, people worrying about how they're going to feed their families, pay their bills and hold on to a job in an ever worsening economy, watching their life savings dwindle away and seeing no end to it all, I'd say that's enough to make some people snap.

Don't forget your phones.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 06:29 PM
That is absolutely true. As a pediatric RN, we saw our fair share of myocarditis in kids, mostly teen boys, almost always after a viral infection and this was years before the pandemic. Yes, there is a very small percentage of individuals that get myocarditis after the vaccine. I believe it’s

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: LordAhriman

Why do some people get myocarditis after the vaccine?

Why did some people get it before the vaccine?

Actually, from reading the side effects listed on the bivalent covid vaccine side effects info, myocarditis along with blood clotting and thrombosis are now listed as side effects.

They would not list them on the side effects if they were not real side effects and proven to be caused by the vaccine. Not many doctors go through the testing procedures to provoe the side effects so those are not listed in the percentages because they are not proven. It would take many thousands of dollars to get the proof and then it would need to be accepted.;

Got this information from the process doctors have to go through from the FDA site and some medical sites.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: angelofmercy
That is absolutely true. As a pediatric RN, we saw our fair share of myocarditis in kids, mostly teen boys, almost always after a viral infection and this was years before the pandemic. Yes, there is a very small percentage of individuals that get myocarditis after the vaccine. I believe it’s

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: SkyAngel

" Are the "vaccines" also driving people crazy? "

Only AFTER they Decide to Take them ..........

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

I missed this one earlier, somehow, but a steaming pile of male bovine excrement again. The mRNA in these shots works for mere hours in the body. There is no possible way for it to do what you claim it does unless it is injected directly into an artery, and about 20 other places.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

It's well known that the solution does not stay in the deltoid.....

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
It's well known that the solution does not stay in the deltoid.....

How does it circulate? That's beside the point anyway. mRNA at body temperature only stays active for a matter of hours. After that, no more spike protein is produced.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 11:09 AM

edit on 12-5-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 11:48 AM
The spike protein NEVER leaves your body
The ONLY long term study has been done was by Stanford and it checked for spike 60 days out and found it persisted….

There is NO mechanism where it will leave your body as the rna is revers transcribed into your dna permanently!!!! And yes, there are studies showing this to be fact.
Everyone who has gotten the vaccine is a permanent spike protein factory making those around them sick( as they shed spike).

And it only makes sense that there is a breakout of mental illness… as the spike protein causes micro clots and it’s found settled in many organs especially the liver, brain and reproductive organs… you SHOULD expect poor cognitive function when the brain can’t get good blood flow.

It’s no use arguing with the vaccinated over this, as the nazi experiments on the Jews showed us long ago… you can destroy someone’s intellect thorough poisoning, and while those around them can see their IQ drop… the person affected CANNOT see how much their intellect has fallen… in most cases the poisoned person felt they were getting smarter.

a reply to: LordAhriman

edit on 12-5-2023 by teddyvetter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: teddyvetter
The spike protein NEVER leaves your body
The ONLY long term study has been done was by Stanford and it checked for spike 60 days out and found it persisted….

Bullsh1t. Coronavirus spike proteins are not new to human immune systems. Covid is one of seven that are contagious to us at this time. We can break down a spike protein lol. Your link is a news story about Robert Malone (LOL), and the link in the story doesn't go to the study that is mentioned. Please post a direct link.

originally posted by: teddyvetter
There is NO mechanism where it will leave your body as the rna is revers transcribed into your dna permanently!!!! And yes, there are studies showing this to be fact.

There is, it's called an immune system and LOLOLOL about the DNA quackery! Let's see those studies.

originally posted by: teddyvetter
Everyone who has gotten the vaccine is a permanent spike protein factory making those around them sick( as they shed spike).


No. We make spike protein for a few days, tops, and while viral shedding is a thing, spike protein shedding is not. I have been sick once since the covid outbreak, and it was with covid. No colds, flus, stomach bugs, nothing and I have 5 school aged children and a job that exposes me to thousands of people daily. All of the people I am around day to day, which is hundreds of people, are all perfectly healthy.

There's no sense in addressing the rest of your reply, as everything mentioned above shows that it's bullsh1t.

edit on 12-5-2023 by LordAhriman because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2023 by LordAhriman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: SkyAngel
I have been thinking about this myself - I don't think the truth is just black or white.

Many got very stressed because of all the corona madness, so I don't think there is only one answer here.

But you can judge for yourself.

"Bizarre "altercations" all around the world attest to the destructive cognitive and psychological effects of COVID "vaccination""

Based on my relevant personal experience, and professional experience, the mRNA shots do appear to have some psychological impact. But I don’t have a great way to isolate a control group and a test group and be a non-participant — so it is anecdotal, but well informed.

The psychological impact is hard to separate from the series of acts of compliance, which indisputably have a psychological effect.

But I endeavor to be objective, and I’m pretty sharp, so, if I had to choose or bet or lay odds, I’d say there are psychological effects to the mRNA shot, at least in the short term, with a 96% confidence interval.

In other words, I would wager $96 against your $4, that given enough data and time, I could prove this happens.

But absent proving it, I can’t say it’s true — but I would be very surprised if it is not.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:41 PM
This is not scientific nor strictly on topic, regarding the original thread.

The question is “does this novel prophylactic have psychological effects?” (Regardless of whether it is safe or effective).

I am unlikely to impute to anything, regarding a given observed psychological effect, people have psychosomatic symptoms with enough regularity to prove that phenomenon is real.

So, it’s very challenging to prove that the mRNA shot itself causes non-psychosomatic psychological effects.

On the other hand, many ostensibly non-psychotropic drugs do produce actual psychological effects.

So I can’t discard the hypothesis either.

Absent a rigorous study with well defined cohorts, it’s currently not provable. But about half the planet didn’t take a single mRNA shot - so someone could prove or disprove the null hypothesis or the 1st alternate hypothesis.

I can speak to personal experience. Every single person I know who took the mRNA shot exhibited aberrant psychological effects.

But did they do it because of mRNA? Or because of exigent psychological stress?

Have to do a legit study to figure that out.

What’s indisputable is, without expecting such an outcome and without looking for it, I observed it in many people — so, something happened, but it is not something I can inductively conclude.

a reply to: LordAhriman

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: JohnTitorSociety
What’s indisputable is, without expecting such an outcome and without looking for it, I observed it in many people — so, something happened, but it is not something I can inductively conclude.

Makes total sense! Someone who has ZERO knowledge of virology or immunology, thinks that the people who believe the people who do have that knowledge, are crazy!

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