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Significant rise in excess deaths in the UK. What are the causes?

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posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

Another factor rapidly coming to its climax seems to be that the North magnetic pole, it seems to be approaching either a flip or the maximum point of its excursion. The twenty percent weakening is allowing more radiation to hit the surface of the Earth. For the sake of pilots who are traveling higher up on a regular basis, one wonders if this could be a factor showing on the edges of the statistics. Gene of the Mavstar observatory seems to think cancers and heart arrhythmias will dramatically increase. Changes in fish behavior of migratory animals included. The north magnetic pole has appeared to have slowed stopped and now has speeded up slightly, He seems to think that if it flips it will occur at the 40-degree mark, which is July at the present estimates. Either way, it's real and yet another thing is happening which could be factored in.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

Another factor rapidly coming to its climax seems to be that the North magnetic pole, it seems to be approaching either a flip or the maximum point of its excursion. The twenty percent weakening is allowing more radiation to hit the surface of the Earth. For the sake of pilots who are traveling higher up on a regular basis, one wonders if this could be a factor showing on the edges of the statistics. Gene of the Mavstar observatory seems to think cancers and heart arrhythmias will dramatically increase. Changes in fish behavior of migratory animals included. The north magnetic pole has appeared to have slowed stopped and now has speeded up slightly, He seems to think that if it flips it will occur at the 40-degree mark, which is July at the present estimates. Either way, it's real and yet another thing is happening which could be factored in.

There is some statistical evidence that is embedded in the excess death trendlines that do suggest it may be worth considering whether an event prior to 2019 is currently causing some of the excess deaths.

I pointed that out to some “it’s all the shot / it’s all long Covid / it’s all delayed D&T” folks months and months ago.

I can’t say it’s not just variance in such a short timeline — but I can’t say it is just variance either.

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

The current trendlines are not steep enough to ever surpass worldwide birthrate. SARS2 cannot be the cause of excess deaths, it is endemic and it’s IFR is too low (it’s IFR is lower with years of mutations — but it’s IFR was too low in 2020 and 2019 as well). 70M+ people are born each year. Nothing related to SARS2 involves excess deaths that can approach comping close to even a breakeven with the ~70M live births figure.

Worldwide, but what about in our western countries? The excess deaths seem to be really apparent here in Australia, Canada etc. Edward Dowd has been following the trends and indicates it's highly unusual and really started on the uptick after the mandates.

The reason I say this is there seems to be an agenda to basically destroy the western way of life. So while the world-wide birthrates might still be high, is that including western countries where less and less people are opting to have children?

That's if I'm understanding you correctly.
edit on 18/5/23 by DwindlingHope because: (no reason given)

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