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We are first energy then cells.

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posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 02:32 PM
This video came up in my facebook reels, some interesting came up and this last said: We are first energy, then cells.

So through manipulation of energy they can change your body.

I figured the sad part is that through manipulation of energy they can also destroy your body and that all of this energy realm is just a coffin you're in. I even thought of what if this energy field wasn't natural and has been designed on top of what was nature.

But maybe it's a very natural thing, this energy field, and it has always been here.

Doesn't it scare you to think you're existence is dependent on frequencies? The very nature you live by is the one that will destroy you.

I'd like to ascend the realm of frequencies, there must lie eternal life.

Paul must have written somewhere he used to belong to cosmic forces, I as I recall it. Jesus said his people don't belong to the world.


posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Untun

The video?

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 02:44 PM
I can't wait for my new body! The Bible promises me new body.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Untun

Is it too much trouble to find the url and link it here?

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Untun

Is it too much trouble to find the url and link it here?

originally posted by: GopiGrl
a reply to: Untun

The video?

Oh, are these things new to you?

The video is short, only a minute long. It's a man saying energy is the root of everything and that a swarm of bees make a healing sound. It's only a couple of seconds long.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Untun

on the EM spectrum what kind of energy are you referring to?

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Untun

I participated in a lengthy thread
(about a year ago maybe?)
where the subject of healing sounds was discussed

I found an article online that discussed a study on healing sounds and frequencies.

There have been interesting studies done on "cat purring audio
therapy". The study cited was not very controlled, and somewhat lax, as opposed to a 'rigorous scientific study'.

There was some pretty compelling evidence see showing that people healed faster when listening to audios of a cat's purr. The subjects listened with stereo headphones.
They would be sitting or lying down relaxed and listen to the
audio for 30, and up to 60 minutes.

People with acute injuries reportedly healed significantly faster! People with viral conditions ie... colds, flu recovered faster.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Untun
This video came up in my facebook reels, some interesting came up and this last said: We are first energy, then cells.

So through manipulation of energy they can change your body.

I figured the sad part is that through manipulation of energy they can also destroy your body and that all of this energy realm is just a coffin you're in. I even thought of what if this energy field wasn't natural and has been designed on top of what was nature.

But maybe it's a very natural thing, this energy field, and it has always been here.

Doesn't it scare you to think you're existence is dependent on frequencies? The very nature you live by is the one that will destroy you.

I'd like to ascend the realm of frequencies, there must lie eternal life.

Paul must have written somewhere he used to belong to cosmic forces, I as I recall it. Jesus said his people don't belong to the world.


So you make a post in the science and technology forum which contains zero science and zero technology.
Apparently you either don't know what science and technology are, or else you don't know how to post on-topic in a forum.
Or, possibly all of the above.

Or you're waiting to spring some science links on us in which case you should have already posted them in the opening post.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: Untun

on the EM spectrum what kind of energy are you referring to?

Red Bull ? , Monster ?....

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Untun
This video came up in my facebook reels, some interesting came up and this last said: We are first energy, then cells.

So through manipulation of energy they can change your body.

I figured the sad part is that through manipulation of energy they can also destroy your body and that all of this energy realm is just a coffin you're in. I even thought of what if this energy field wasn't natural and has been designed on top of what was nature.

But maybe it's a very natural thing, this energy field, and it has always been here.

Doesn't it scare you to think you're existence is dependent on frequencies? The very nature you live by is the one that will destroy you.

I'd like to ascend the realm of frequencies, there must lie eternal life.

Paul must have written somewhere he used to belong to cosmic forces, I as I recall it. Jesus said his people don't belong to the world.


Now add the fact that all that different energy is vibrating. And at different frequencies.
I think Tesla said, "When you think of the universe, think of three things. Energy, Vibrations, Frequency.
Now imagine every cell, nah, every organelle's of the cells are vibrating together and in a certain frequency.
Basically we are noisy, vibrating balls of controlled explosions.....all entertwined with every other "energy" in the universe. All Vibrating right now... and being held together by,

Deep thoughts brought to you by, AOx-6179.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Untun

I question your premise. Maybe chemical cells grabbed energy for life.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 05:45 AM
This should be a world of monsters, titans, dragons, darkness and light, goblins and dwarves, elves and fairies but they've consumed that all into video games. What we have now is chemically altered plant seeds, windmills, oil pipes and traffic and fake paranoia.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Untun
Since you mentioned Saint Paul, I will have fun with my response to this energy bit. (I also talk like this.)

The Holy Bible starts with the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1, with:
"In the (controlled conditions) beginning (time), God (Consciousness), created (action) Heaven (space) and Earth (matter)."

What follows that sentence describes the elements and other energies manipulated by an apparent force of will that basically addresses law and order in the known sphere of existence, whether your copy starts with, "Once upon a time" or not. Sorry, I digress. (We could go full Stephen Hawking singing Moby's, "We are all made of stars", which is still an energetic process, but that's another Forum post.)

So, following the Genesis story where God makes our living conditions in six days and takes a break on the seventh day, there are these details where God creates flora and fauna and humanity and other creatures somewhere well before any of these are somehow placed upon the mortally physical planet.

Since this is posted in the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Forum,
I will go ahead and say that in the context of us puny humans playing with all manner of engineering to the point we are somewhat okay with aiming weaponized technology at ourselves... that God is the Ultimate Craftsman, and we are bits of energy in meat suits recycled into the ambient energy that is Existence. Trust the science of the tech you're using: someone else's technology is always superior. Might as well be yet another nameless, faceless elite of elites.

Michio Kaku is a theorist. So, back to Saint Paul, Apostle of Christ mentioning humanity as energy bits.(Maybe I should use verses from Saint Luke, the physician, cos science credentials, yeah? Lol)

@Untun, what comes to my mind is 1st Corinthians chapter 15. Read in context of the energetic science you are looking for, probably around the 40th verse where the energy that makes you, You is intelligently made "incorruptible" to the point of using the term "glorious". I don't know about vampires or cyborgs or the Earth time effects of "demonic possession", but this may be the chapter you were looking for.

For scientific scrutiny, I suppose. Heck, it works with the Mahabharata and the health levels it takes to not need a man made vimana to enjoy the multiverse because one can become a vimana unto themselves.

"Now you're playing with power." - Nintendo

edit on 472323 by BeNotAfraid because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Untun
This should be a world of monsters, titans, dragons, darkness and light, goblins and dwarves, elves and fairies but they've consumed that all into video games. What we have now is chemically altered plant seeds, windmills, oil pipes and traffic and fake paranoia.

Oh, it still is. What makes a cryptid is simply elusiveness. Venture on!

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Untun

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Untun

Is it too much trouble to find the url and link it here?

originally posted by: GopiGrl
a reply to: Untun

The video?

Oh, are these things new to you?

The video is short, only a minute long. It's a man saying energy is the root of everything and that a swarm of bees make a healing sound. It's only a couple of seconds long.

You can tell from the half dozen replies that nobody knows what to do with the information in the OP. That's why we have topic guidelines and requirements.

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