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A small rant about pro gun Americans

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posted on Apr, 1 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: ExiledSpirit777

There is a lot of understandable outrage with respect to the spate of mass shootings over the past couple decades. Always there is a call to "gun control" and banning guns. Its kind of an emotional knee jerk response to the violence and I can understand the sentiment. But the reality is, I always ask myself, how would that even be feasable? Which guns are you going to ban? How would you initiate and enforce such a ban? Even if we as a country decided to go ahead on this, there are as of 2023, approximately 446 MILLION guns in the United States. Lets say we start collecting them at the rate of 10k a day. If you do that, 365 days a year, it would take 121 YEARS to collect them all. How realistic and practical is that?

I think the better solution is to create a security infrastructure at public places that makes them much harder targets for potential shooters. When 9/11 happened, we immediately did this with airports. And it all but eliminated terrorism in our air travel. We need to make schools exceedingly difficult places to target for these events.

The other thing we need is a Manhattan project for identifying what is causing this to happen. We need to look at why people keep choosing to do this. We should mobilize the best mental health experts in the country and put them to work on this problem.

Lastly I do believe the age for gun ownership should be raised to 25. The human brain isn't fully developed until that age, so it might make sense to make people wait until that happens.

posted on Apr, 1 2023 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: ExiledSpirit777

originally posted by: iamthevirus
a reply to: RazorV66

I just heard some kind of computer virus and electronic attacks are taking place also.

Searching further now...

Something tells me you would be singing a different song if you had a kid killed in one of these attacks.

That much is known.

No because people like us get that it is PEOPLE who kill children and the method is meaningless.

posted on Apr, 1 2023 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: BaconCrusader
You have to fix the broken toy, the human. What kind of animal thinks shooting/killing kids is okay, or a way to fulfillment/revenge/being heard???

There are TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans with guns that do not act out nor participate in socially unacceptable activities. 10's of 1,000,000's... yet 3-6 bad-apples [out of +360,000,000 Americans] here and there get stupid and act out through egregious events. Logically think about it. Doctors kill more kids a year through incompetence. Cars are the same... blah, blah, blah...

There are basically no statistics on how many lives are SAVED a year through the judicious application of privately deployed firearms, but I'll guarantee it exceeds "child deaths by active shooters."

The answer is a better mental health system, with institutions, well monitored and staffed available to folks who are in need, etc. The money we send abroad would be a VERY good start in rebuilding the USA ground up.

There's never a need to abandon our constitution. There was NO waiting period on 1776, but everyone also knew who was who and didn't suffer fools like we do today.

British and Pirate cannons captured were treasured items in 1776 also. Without them we are under the Union Jack I do believe.

posted on Apr, 1 2023 @ 03:49 PM
Better yet, we require people to BE armed in public so the thugs have to deal with any one of us stopping them from mass murder? If everyone has a gun and the thugs have to face that, they will have to be willing to go out with their boots on. Soft targets are the problem against sick people wanting to murder innocent children or adults.

a reply to: openminded2011

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