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How We Are Lied To About Aliens And The People Living Inside The Earth

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posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: OOOOOO
You are on the right track. Your premise is somewhat correct about inner earth beings and civ, but the details are all so wrong its kinda scary!

Throw the ancient sumerian mythos out the window. It has truth to it but its totally misinterpreted. It will only confuse you more.

Check out Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, he can give a clear picture of the sitrep. Kabbalistic Sages have been detailing the purpose, nature, appearance, civilizations and visitations of those highly advanced species of inner earth for thousands of years, im sure ATS could learn some! Deny ignorance n all!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

Check out Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, he can give a clear picture of the sitrep. Kabbalistic Sages have been detailing the purpose, nature, appearance, civilizations and visitations of those highly advanced species of inner earth for thousands of years

Well if they are still visiting how come nobody is coming away with tangible evidence or pictures and video that prove their existence?

I mean what's next, the missing diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd or other such nonsense?

Our Earth is not hollow combatmaster and the idea that the Earth might be hollow a long-standing myth that has been debunked by scientific evidence.

For a start, science has measured our Earth's mass and volume, which provided a density of approximately 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter, which is consistent with the Earth being a solid body.

What about gravity? If the Earth were hollow, the gravity at the surface would be significantly weaker, and it's not.

Then there is the theory of "Plate Tectonics" which provides evidence that the Earth cannot be hollow because the movement of the planet's tectonic plates is driven by convection currents in the mantle.

To believe the Earth is hollow in this day of age is just silly given the evidence that proves otherwise. And that's not denying ignorance but embracing it with both arms.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Well if they are still visiting how come nobody is coming away with tangible evidence or pictures and video that prove their existence?

PIctures and video can be faked. I mean, look at the holocaust deniers only 80 years on. However, corroborated mass witness accounts spanning millennia usually stand the test of time. Think bigger, there are more forms of life than just flesh n blood! Furthermore, when you say 'they', who are you referring to? 'the greys' i assume? well... if they dont want you to have a pic you wont have one. MAgic to you is tech/nature to them!

In terms of technical data, its all still theoretical. We havent dug deep enough to know. We know more about the universe than about what lies deep in our Earth. Now, our current understanding of 'science' is still advancing, we learn new things everyday.

A core concept of all ancient knowledge regarding this hollow earth is that our grasp of the physical world is limited in that there are other forces that are in existence that we mere humans still havent comprehended. A portal/wormhole etc is understood to exist where there are entrances to and from. All in all, you are living a life basing your judgement on the mechanics of this perceived simulation by your 5 senses. Please... to achieve a better understanding of the reality you live in, you must disconnect from the matrix. Understand that 99.999% of base reality (spiritual realm) is not being perceived by you. What would seem like magic to you is simply divinely inspired technology in the spiritual realm.

Numerous kabbalistic texts dating from 2000 to 500 years ago go into immense detail about these inner and outer earth civs. describing their appearance and tech capabilities etc etc. the info is consistent to a tee with official modern day accounts from witness sightings and top secret whisteblowers etc. Graham hancock has also unintentionally proved all this to be true, those pre adamic civilizations are very well expounded upon in these kabbalistic texts.

Im not gonna waste my energy and go deeper because you might not actually be interested in digging for the truth. The unaswered questions that Jaques Vallee still has about why nobody sees them coming from the sky, the shock from pentagon insiders about how they came from under the water! hints from lazar about how they aint made for space flight, antarctica 2018 visits by world leaders etc Many things will make sense when you realize the inner earth theory is not just a thoery. I know it sounds crazy, but so did radio waves 300 years ago.

From a purely scientific standpoint, the number of matching data pieces spanning so many centuries (from multiple sources, i might add who were not in contact) inevitably must conclude, in the worst case, that there is more to the picture (cover-up) than is being admitted my those in charge.

Simply throwing a physics book at someone and going back to sleep will not work in this case!!!

If you are actually interested in denying ignorance, check out the youtube of Ariel Bar Tzadok kosher torah school. watch the vids (couple of hours should do) about inner earth civs and others too like angelic being interdimensional beings and give me your take on it. A reply spouting wiki fact on physics isnt gonna advance this good-natured discussion.

edit on 2023-03-26T08:13:29-05:00202303bam3103am2931 by combatmaster because: (no reason given)

edit on 2023-03-26T08:32:23-05:00202303bam3103am2331 by combatmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

The measurements of our Earth's mass and volume are not theoretical but fact.

And scientists know the Earth is not hollow, partly because its interior is denser than its surface.

Same as the fact that if our Earth was hollow the gravity at the surface would be significantly weaker than it currently is.

If the Earth were hollow, the gravity at the surface would depend on the distribution of mass within the hollow shell.

And if there were irregularities in the distribution of mass within the shell, it would be directly proportional to the mass of the shell beneath the observer's feet, and would decrease as the observer moved closer to the center of the hollow shell.

I'm afraid you are the one that embraces ignorance on this occasion combatmaster and refuses to accept the physics which proves the fact that the Earth is not hollow.

Good-natured discussions don't change the reality of the situation, and the reality is our Earth is not hollow.

Hollow Earth is purely hypothetical and not supported by any scientific evidence or observation.

As to going and watching two + hours of nonsense YouTube palaver from the religious sorts on a topic we are already familiar with the answer to aka the Earth is not hollow, no thank you.

If you could simply provide a summary of said video, given the length, or bring up the topics discussed that you feel are relevant, whilst providing the appropriate timestamp, ile happily discuss those.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I'm afraid you are the one that embraces ignorance on this occasion combatmaster and refuses to accept the physics which proves the fact that the Earth is not hollow.

Do not call me ignorant.... im not the one refusing to research. I dont refuse to accept the physics. Im simply saying there is more to science than physics. In a few centuries it will be common knowledge.

As to going and watching two + hours of nonsense YouTube palaver from the religious sorts on a topic we are already familiar with the answer to aka the Earth is not hollow, no thank you.

so ignore it. IGNORE

If you could simply provide a summary of said video, given the length, or bring up the topics discussed that you feel are relevant, whilst providing the appropriate timestamp, ile happily discuss those.

Sorry mate you're gonna have to do your own work. I can point you in the right direction and save you years of looking, but honestly, i get the feeling you dont even bother denying ignorance. Just ignore everything i said!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: OOOOOO

" For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky "

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

Do not call me ignorant.... im not the one refusing to research.

It's rather ignorant to expect people to watch two hour + videos from religious nutters without providing a summary of the videos when we already know the earth is not hollow down to science and physics, so there is that.

And i never called you ignorant, just pointed out that in this instance you are embracing such by refusing to accept or refute the physics and fact of the matter.

As to science comprising more than just physics, well yes as there is also chemistry, biology, zoology, astronomy, medicine, astrophysics, and earth sciences which amount to the 8 main branches of science.

so ignore it. IGNORE

I did ask you to provide a summary, are you sure you have even bothered to watch these videos yourself?

If so it should not be hard to provide such.

And im not quite sure why you feel the need to scream words in block capitals.

Sorry mate you're gonna have to do your own work. I can point you in the right direction and save you years of looking, but honestly, i get the feeling you dont even bother denying ignorance. Just ignore everything i said!

See that's not how it works mate, the onus is on you to provide evidence that supports the claims you are making.

I have done so using logical deduction and physics, whereas you wish people to watch daft hours-long YouTube videos from cranks, that you refuse to summarise and which i would point out you have not even bothered to provide links to.

edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Ok. Onus lol.... listen mate. its obvious you ignore what is cognitively dissonant to you. Each to his own bro! I have researched it and managed to draw a consensus that accounts for all existential questions.
Calling people you choose to ignore 'religious nutters' is your choice! I refuse to continue its disrespectful!

Here's the channel for you to inevitably ignore

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

Ok. Onus lol.... listen mate. its obvious you ignore what is cognitively dissonant to you.

The burden of proof is what it is mate and you have been here long enough to know how it works.

Im not ignoring the science through, which you appear to be discounting.

And you have yet to provide any sort of tangible evidence to support your claim of a hollow Earth bar the ramblings of some mad Rabbi on YouTube.

Each to his own bro! I have researched it and managed to draw a consensus that accounts for all existential questions.

Care to provide examples of these answers to "all existential questions"?

Probably not.

Calling people you choose to ignore 'religious nutters' is your choice! I refuse to continue its disrespectful!

Respect is earned, not given combatmaster and your Rabbi appears to be full of piss and wind.

Religion doesn't have anything to do with the fact that our Earth is not hollow but science and physics sure do.

Your refusal to continue the discussion will be taken for what it is.

That being the fact that you are unable or unwilling to provide proof of the tangible sort to back up your beliefs.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Sorry... the days where i gave a $hit about trying to enlighten willfully ignorant souls are over! Im sorry... good luck!
edit on 2023-03-26T12:23:57-05:00202303bpm3103pm5731 by combatmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Sorry you don't have any sort of actual tangible evidence to support the nonsense you choose to place your belief in you mean?

It's okay mate, nobody else will be able to provide anything reminiscent of such nether because the Earth simply is not hollow.

As to enlightenment, well i have presented you with the science and facts to support that our Earth is not hollow.

Explained to you how scientists know the Earth is not hollow because its interior is denser than its surface down to the mass and volume of the planet being measured.

And how/and why gravity would be completely different, in any sort of hollow Earth scenario which it's not.

If you choose to disregard such i canny teach pork that chooses not to learn any more than the next man.

It's not enlightenment you are after but confirmation of delusion.

Have a nice day.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Its OK.... dont be upset because you are limited in your capacity to factor entirely new schools of thought and comprehension into your analytical process. Nobody's perfect!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Its OK.... dont be upset because you are limited in your capacity to factor entirely new schools of thought and comprehension into your analytical process.

Deflect away from the fact you still don't have one iota of tangible evidence to support your belief in hollow Earth nonsense all you wish.

I'm not the one screaming words in block capitals all butthurt and back of the bus with your feathers all a fluster.

Nobody's perfect!

That's got to be the first credible piece of information you have mustered in this thread.

To err is human combatmaster, but to believe in fiction, when presented with undisputable facts, is simply misguided, never mind counterproductive, so there is that.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

You simply cannot yet comprehend what i have said! You're thinking in binary when reality is quantum. Good luck!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Is that another way of saying you still have squat?

And if you must quote Carl Sagan you might think to include some of these "".

You simply cannot yet comprehend what i have said!

Do you mean that the Earth is hollow without any sort of proof, i think we can all hear that.

Never mind the fact that you have yet to address the problems associated with gravity and density under any sort of flat Earth scenario.

You're thinking in binary when reality is quantum.

Do tell?

Given your limited understanding and/or point-blank refusal to accept physics, and where the nature of the Earth is concerned aka fact that she's not hollow, this should be good.

Good luck!

Danke, i endevor to please.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Please stop begging... its unbecoming! Just accept that your cognitive dissonance limits you from denying ignorance!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Please stop begging... its unbecoming! Just accept that your cognitive dissonance limits you from denying ignorance!

Yeh, that's what's happening.

Possibly in your own mind.

The same place hollow Earth exists. LoL

In the real world, and here at ATS, you still don't have a single shred of tangible evidence or one iota of actual proof to back up your nonsense pseudoscientific belief system.
edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: andy06shake
Evidence will never be given to you or to ATS. In the same way one cannot hand a monkey a handgun! You can beg all you want!

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Evidence will never be given to you or to ATS.

So imaginary nonsense that you cannot substantiate and refuse to present.

In the same way one cannot hand a monkey a handgun!

I think you may mean "should" not hand a monkey a handgun, it's hardly an impossibility.

Hollow earth nonsense well that is impossible down to physics and gravity, at least it is on our planet.

You can beg all you want!

And you can project away and try and change the narrative all you want.

Still not got anything that backs your claim of hollow Earth nor likely to be able to present such.

Just repetitive nonsense and refusal to present facts to support your claim whilst showing a total disregard for the facts and evidence that prove you completely and utterly incorrect.

edit on 26-3-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2023 @ 06:05 PM
000000, just wanted to stop in for a bit and say, I LOVE YOU. I dont know who you are, or where you are, I dont care.

Your interpretation is very close, only lacking a few refinements. Don't let the "Operatives" get to you. They know their time is almost up! Its the operatives who are tying to close you mind, dont let them. Ill be back later to assist, if you wish...

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