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Could the hexagon on Saturn be a manifestation of a worm-hole? Is Saturn a gateway?

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posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:53 AM
Saturn is not like every other planet we know of. It’s very unusual in the fact that it has a permanent hexagonal formation (supposedly formed by cloud currents) on the Northern pole. There have been theories as to why this is happening. A 2020 mathematical study at the California Institute of Technology (Andy Ingersoll laboratory) found that a stable hexagonal formation can occur on any planet when a storm is surrounded by a ring of winds turning in the opposite direction to the storms itself, called an anticyclonic ring. That’s one interpretation. However, some interpretations are arguably more speculative. Some have suggested that Saturn’s hexagon is a sign that the planet is hiding a worm-hole at its core, serving as a gateway. Scientist and author Dennis McKenna theorizes that the hexagon on Saturn could be the result of a “gravitationally stabilized worm-hole”. In 1935, Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen showed that worm-holes can theoretically be created by black-holes. In his book ‘Trillion Theory’, science author, Ed Lukowich “maintains the existence of a cloaked black-hole residing at the core of Saturn” and suggests that the rings of Saturn could be a possible manifestation of this black-hole. It’s known that matter captured by a black-hole settles in a disk orbiting the hole. The angular momentum prevents the matter from flowing inward; rather, the matter is deposited into an orbiting disk outside the hole — a disk like Saturn’s rings. Could a black-hole be found at the core of Saturn that serves as a traversable worm-hole and could Saturn’s rings and hexagon be a manifestation of this black-hole?

Author and former NASA consultant, Richard Hoagland, has put forward theories in regard to Saturn being a gateway. According to Hoagland, the hexagon on Saturn is caused by hyperdimensional physics and the hexagon goes down to the core of Saturn and is caused by energy from the core which comes from another dimension. The theories and observations of Hoagland elicited Judith Cameron to say the following in her book ‘Spiritual Galactic Awakening: The Cosmic Classroom’: “Is it possible that Saturn’s hexagon is actually a portal or stargate that allows one to move freely and easily through time and space?” The idea of a gateway being associated with Saturn also has a broad enough appeal to be the central logic behind Hollywood blockbusters. For example, in the movie Planet of the Apes (2001 version) the electromagnetic worm-hole that the protagonist uses to travel is located near Saturn, and in the movie Independence Day: Resurgence, a gateway or worm-hole appears on Saturn’s rings. Also, in the movie 2001: Space Odyssey, the protagonist enters a worm-hole originally by Saturn and warps through time and space, and in the movie Interstellar, the protagonist is propelled through a worm-hole by Saturn into a higher dimension. Finally, in the video-game Observation, the protagonist enters a portal on Saturn’s hexagon and finds herself in an alternate dimension. According to her book ‘Finding Our Centre: The Wisdom From The Stars and Planets in The Times of Change’, Heather Ensworth explains: “[In antiquity] Saturn was elevated for its closeness to the sacred heavens and was viewed as the portal, bridging the worlds, and opening us to our connection with the Divine”.

In his book ‘The Saturn Myth’, comparative mythologist, David Talbott, associates Saturn with a gate. His book references ancient text describing a planetary alignment involving Saturn (dubbed the Saturn Polar Configuration) as a gate. This gate has been dubbed by some the “Saturn Stargate”. Nick Hinton, author of the book ‘The Saturn Time Cube Simulation’, says: “The Saturn Stargate is a theoretical celestial alignment (based on the Electric Universe theory) that supposedly causes a portal to open in the sky”. Talbott describes this gate as follows: “God “comes out” on the [Saturnian] mountaintop through the “gate”, but he accomplishes this without moving from his fixed abode”. The description of Saturn as a gate that God emerges from fits with the idea of what Saturn represents astrologically. Saturn, ruling the sign Capricorn, is known as the “Gateway of the Gods” and Cancer, the opposite sign, is the door to involution or birth into matter. According to Anthony Patch, author of the book ‘Revising Reality’, CERN are attempting to access the Saturn Polar Configuration and open a gate on Saturn’s Northern pole (he thinks Saturn’s hexagon is a worm-hole). While Talbott describes the Saturn Polar Configuration as a “gate”, one wonders how a planetary alignment of Saturn could have created a gate? According to Hinton, a gate might have always existed on Saturn, saying: “But how could a planetary alignment have created a gate; perhaps a gate has always been there. On top of Saturn there’s a supermassive hexagon that some scientists [like Dennis Mckenna] suggest might be the side-effect of a gravitationally stabilized worm-hole”.

The Saturn Polar Configuration was marked by an 8-pointed star (as shown in the image below, taken from the documentary series ‘Discourses on an Alien Sky’). The 8-pointed star is a recurring symbol throughout ancient civilizations. It was known as the “Star of Inanna” (the Sumerian goddess) the Ghassulian Star, and can be seen in ancient art-work; including the Tablet of Shamash and Akkadian Cylinder Seals. According to investigative mythologist and author, William Henry, the 8-pointed star was known by ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians, as the “Gate of the Gods”, saying: “Wherever archaeologists discovered remains of the early Sumerian civilizations, the symbol of the “Gate of the Gods” was prominently displayed. The Sumerians depicted this gate as an 8-pointed star. This star-sign denoted such terms as “Lord Anu”, “Bright One”, and “Heaven”. It was sometimes found as a determinant in front of the names of the Shining Ones”. The 8-pointed star is systematically referenced in contemporary pop-culture (as shown here) and is usually associated with higher dimensions and traversing between worlds. For example, in the movie Event Horizon, the inter-dimensional black-hole (worm-hole) is represented by an 8-pointed star (as shown here). Meanwhile, in the movie Stargate, the portal that the protagonists access to another world is represented by an 8-spoked wheel (as shown here). Similarly, in the movie Avengers, a portal is opened with a machine resembling at 8-spoked wheel, and in the TV show LOST, the protagonists travel to other dimensions through an 8-spoked wheel that they find (as shown here).

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:53 AM

In Roman times, Saturn was associated with a gateway through the double-headed god Janus. In his book ‘Medieval Jews and The Christian Past’, Ram Shalom says: “In the history books of the Romans there’s a mention of Janus and it’s written that he was called the father of divinity, god of the gods — and the gate of Heaven. In order to indicate the abundance of the planet Saturn who in their language was called Janus, they named Janus after Saturn and called him a gate of Heaven”. Some Neoplatonic text says we can return to Heaven once “we emerge from the womb-like cave of sublunary existence and pass through the gate of Saturn”. In his book ‘The Trap’, David Icke says that Gnostics believed that Saturn was the boundary “one must cross” to enter Heaven (Gnosticism was a religious phenomenon of late antiquity which mixed Greek metaphysics and mythology with Biblical exegesis to create a narrative of the nature of God, the origin of the world and human salvation). In the Hermetic path of ascension from the book ‘Corpus Hermeticum’ (which is a collection of Greek writings whose authorship is usually attributed to the legendary Hellenistic figure Hermes Trismegistus) there are seven planetary spheres (or gateways) the soul must pass through on the way to Heaven. Saturn “was the last gateway the soul passes through before it reaches the stars and the enlightenment that they represented; it was also the greatest spiritual test; to pass through the sphere of Saturn required the renunciation of all physical possessions” (for reference, see the book ‘In Sheep’s Clothing: The Arcane and Subversive’, by Sidney Stout).

In her book ‘Marsilio Ficino and His World’, Sophia Howlett explains how Saturn “sits at the topmost of the celestial realm”, saying: “He is the gateway to the supracelestial sphere”. The idea that Satun is the gateway to the supracelestial sphere (meaning above Heaven) is mentioned in the book ‘The Monad Manifesto’, by Dennis Hauck, who says: “Saturn serves as a gateway to the Eighth Heaven”. The Eighth Heaven is a concept from Gnosticism. The early Gnostic system included a theory of Seven Heavens (that souls must pass through to escape the material realm) and a supracelestial region above them called the Eighth Heaven. Saturn is also associated with Freemasonry and some researchers have associated it with the Blazing Star on Masonic Tracing Boards. For example, Masonic historian, Henry Coil says: “But whether the Blazing Star refers to Saturn or the Sun or some other heavenly body is not ascertainable”. The Blazing Star is thought of as a gateway and sits between the Masonic pillars. These pillars stand at the “gateway to Heaven”, an Axis Mundi, a place where worlds meet and commune with each other. Going beyond the Masonic pillars can mean leaving behind Earth to reach a higher realm of enlightenment and transform the body both physically and spiritually into an everlasting existence. As Robert Palazzo explains: “Symbolically speaking, going beyond the Masonic pillars meant leaving the foulness of this world into a higher realm of enlightenment”. Going beyond the Masonic pillars can mean leaving the realm of Samsara and entering the realm of Nirvana; a kind of “spiritually-transcendent dimension”.

Saturn was called “black” in Babylonian cuneiform text and Greco-Roman writings. As well as calling Saturn “black” — the Babylonians referred to Saturn as the Sun (as “son of Shamash” and “Star of Helios”). Given this, Saturn would have been the “Black Sun” to the Babylonians. In his book ‘The Kings of Earth and The High Ones’, Allan Cornford says: “Saturn is the primeval Sun known as the Black Sun”. Meanwhile, according to the book ‘Men in Love’, by Vittorio Lingiardi: “In classical representations of the Zodiac, Saturn is the Sol Niger or Black Sun”. There are various references in pop-culture to the Black Sun being associated with worm-holes and higher dimensions. In the TV show Space: 1999, there was an episode called the “Black Sun”. When the characters enter the Black Sun, they have a surreal, time-bending experience and are propelled a million light years away. In the video-game Wolfenstein, the Black Sun is another dimension and the Nazis try to uncover secrets of the Thule people; an ancient civilization that discovered how to enter the “Black Sun Dimension” through portals. In the video-game Remnant From The Ashes, the Black Sun is depicted as a gateway. The occultist Miguel Serrano argues that the Black Sun was a worm-hole. In his book ‘Giza Death Star Destroyed’, Joseph Farrell, who is the author of several books in alternative science, associates the Black Sun with the “gateway to higher dimensions” and “illumination of the soul”. Freya Aswynn says that the Black Sun was “a gateway into multiple planes of reality, a worm-hole reflected in modern speculations around black-holes” (the speculation black-holes are worm-holes).

In Kabbalah practices, Saturn is associated with Daath on the Tree of Life which is said to be a gate or doorway. The Tree of Life is a diagram in Kabbalah. It consists of nodes symbolizing different archetypes. The nodes are sometimes represented as planetary spheres and the lines are generally represented as paths. As one achieves enlightenment and gains inner-knowledge or gnosis; one ascends up through the nodes or planetary spheres. All spheres on the Tree of Life are united as one in the sphere of Daath. The sphere of Daath essentially serves as a bridge connecting one from the lowest sphere on the Tree (Earth) to the highest sphere (Heaven). Esoterically, Daath is known as “Rainbow Bridge” and allows for the highest awareness in human consciousness (the Saturn Polar Configuration, described above as a gateway, created a luminous bridge between planets which inevitably brings to mind Bifröst — the Rainbow Bridge that in Norse mythology connected our world with Asgard; where the gods lived). Daath is the doorway of God. We know this is true because the first letter of Daath is Daleth [ד] which symbolizes a door. The Tree of Knowledge is assumed to be Daath. It’s through the Tree of Knowledge that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden. They both went through the door of Daath. The sphere of Daath on the Tree is usually assigned to Saturn. This is supported by well-known occultist Aleister Crowley who corresponds Daath with Saturn (in his ‘The Book of Thoth’). As shown in this article, Saturn can be connected to gateways in various ways, whether through Gnosticism, Hermeticism, or Kabbalism. For more information regarding this idea, see my longer article here.
edit on 6-1-2023 by Nathan-D because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:11 AM
I enjoyed this. Nice write up.
but your hyperlink at the end isn't showing up for me, FYI.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Nathan-D

Not to rain on your parade, but wasn't this explained almost a decade ago?


posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:18 AM
Great and well thought OP.

I have studied this and I do recall Richards thoughts on this being a hyperdimensional portal. It will be nearly impossible to confirm this as the case for now. It would be really neat and wonderful if it was true. It is going to be like ghosts, I am going to have to see it for myself before I would confirm it as being possible. Right now, it is too far away to tell from Earth and our current knowledge. We need more data.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Nathan-D

Not to rain on your parade, but wasn't this explained almost a decade ago?


I am glad to hear you believe every explanation they tell you. From their observations. Without setting foot there. They said it would be 47f today where I live. It is 29. But since they say it is supposed to be 47, I rest assured knowing you know they got it right.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Nathan-D

Explained by fluid dynamics.


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