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President BIDEN Denies Jesus - Is Pro Baby Murder - Is Pro LBGTQ - The Catholic Church Says He's OK.

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posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: carewemust

It takes backbone, determination, and commitment, to stand alone against evil.

It's ironic that a 1965 writer understood Christianity better than the Catholic Church does at present.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: carewemust
The Catholic church is about, keeping and maintaining power. Surely the crusades, inquisition, hiding Nazis after ww11 etc etc has revealed that to you? They hijacked jesus, and ancient texts to emulate their Roman gods, giving them new names to appease the masses. And now you expect them to have morals and back bone? Sorry friend, the catholic hierarchy is pure Roman evil. The epitomy of pure reprobate evil scum. Deceiving the masses under the guise of being a spiritual guide. I hope they rot in hell. I wish I could think of worse vile words that describe how i feel about a person who claims spirit guide then takes advantage of people around them. Weather the pedophilia or praying people from purgatory for a fee, its all putrid. Gross and I hope they die.

Sorry Christmas eve drunk posting. Lol. but dam, you know I'm right.

You very well could be correct.

I started this thread to ask how the Catholic church could turn a blind eye to those in the church who ignore so many important Bible concepts.

Joe Biden just happened to be one who came to mind, because the Church actually took a vote to see if Biden was worthy of communion, in spite of his pro-abortion stance.

Your insight and knowledge has been valuable, considering that I knew very little about Catholic Church teachings, and ZERO about the church's history before today. Thank-you!

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: carewemust
The Catholic church is about, keeping and maintaining power. Surely the crusades, inquisition, hiding Nazis after ww11 etc etc has revealed that to you? They hijacked jesus, and ancient texts to emulate their Roman gods, giving them new names to appease the masses. And now you expect them to have morals and back bone? Sorry friend, the catholic hierarchy is pure Roman evil. The epitomy of pure reprobate evil scum. Deceiving the masses under the guise of being a spiritual guide. I hope they rot in hell. I wish I could think of worse vile words that describe how i feel about a person who claims spirit guide then takes advantage of people around them. Weather the pedophilia or praying people from purgatory for a fee, its all putrid. Gross and I hope they die.

Sorry Christmas eve drunk posting. Lol. but dam, you know I'm right.

You very well could be correct.

I started this thread to ask how the Catholic church could turn a blind eye to those in the church who ignore so many important Bible concepts.

Joe Biden just happened to be one who came to mind, because the Church actually took a vote to see if Biden was worthy of communion, in spite of his pro-abortion stance.

Your insight and knowledge has been valuable, considering that I knew very little about Catholic Church teachings, and ZERO about the church's history before today. Thank-you!

Then why did you make a thread about it?

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
It’s comforting to see the Catholic Church embracing their solar origins, instead of glorifying the torturous execution of a son of God and encouraging the symbolic participation in cannibalism.

a reply to: carewemust

Inwould be happy to symbolically drink your blood and eat your flesh if it involved beer and whiskey and some medium to rare on the rare side steaks cut in a fashion that resemble a cut of brontosaurus and instead of robe wearing man diapers and cigars were in place. Then and only then….

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Dalamax
It’s comforting to see the Catholic Church embracing their solar origins, instead of glorifying the torturous execution of a son of God and encouraging the symbolic participation in cannibalism.

a reply to: carewemust

Inwould be happy to symbolically drink your blood and eat your flesh if it involved beer and whiskey and some medium to rare on the rare side steaks cut in a fashion that resemble a cut of brontosaurus and instead of robe wearing man diapers and cigars were in place. Then and only then….

Very poetic bro

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The catholic church died in 1962 with the Vatican II, when it became Novus Ordo , or "new order ." No longer following Christian doctrine, some followers are totally OK with the Vatican having a Serpent church and an Anit-Christ rising from hell in it's mist.
This is why many left and joined the facsimile of the old church, Society of Saint Pius the 10th (SSPX).

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 03:32 AM
Dude, you wouldn’t want to eat me. Too stringy and I know where I’ve been
try some baby back ribs with a nice marinade 👍

Ive got a few neat recipes in my copy of the Freemasons cookbook

a reply to: Brotherman

edit on 25-12-2022 by Dalamax because: Too not to

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 07:00 AM
Then the Catholic leadership is part of the conspiracy and we are building lots of proof they can work for the other team and act like they don't.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: carewemust

"Has the CATHOLIC CHURCH changed its belief system to accept Denying Jesus, Pro-Abortion, and Pro-Gay as being OK now?"

No. It's just letting its true colors show through finally.

ETA: Spoken from the perspective of a former fairly devout practicing Roman Catholic who woke up and started questioning.
edit on 2022 12 25 by incoserv because: ETA.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 08:38 AM
who cares, you're not telling us anything new, none of these politicians is Christian. The US is a secular nation. Christianity is not official. Christianity is bull # anyway, was created by the Flavians and Josephus the Jew. To try and unite the rebelling anti-Roman Mediterranean war like world under one pacifist submissive God. They incorporated the Mediterranean pagan myths into a new world religion. Their expensive legions were struggling to quell the constant rebellion in the Empire, so they decided to create and change into the Roman Catholic Empire, and control the mind instead. So yes, Romano Jews created Christianity to serve and enslave the Goy for their own interests.

The US is a J-controlled Goyim slave state to generate wealth. You European-origin Christians need to eradicate your pacifist Jesus mythology, regain contact with your ancient Germanic and Celtic mother Earth, and fight the good fight.

edit on 25-12-2022 by AuditTheAudit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 08:47 AM
I just wanted to say, never confuse the institution for the faithful. They are demonstrably two very different things.

Whatever has become of the church, it wasn't the faithful who brought it there.

Sadly, despite millennia of history to draw from, people still think that the "leaders" of an institution represent them.

Big mistake.
edit on 12/25/2022 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I knew very little about Catholic Church teachings, and ZERO about the church's history before today. haven't heard the the abuse scandals of the Roman Catholic Church before? How the priests have spent decades sexually abusing children and parishioners? How they set up Catholic schools to 'civilize' Native children and went so far as to murder those whose spirits they couldn't break?

Where have you been the past any decades???

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Tarzan the apeman.

It is all about the Bemjamins with the Catholic church. I know a lot of churches it's about the Benjamins but to me the Catholic church more so.

that's true, but the Catholic church is just a little bit more discrete and dignified and don't pander to just one group of people, other denominations tend to focus on a particular group. with without pandering, except televangelist hucksters, they'll take every bodies benji's

you could say that the Catholic church has figured out a way to be like televangelist hucksters without looking or acting like them.

i think most see the change of the the Catholic church started in the early to mid sixty's with Vatican II, and has gotten progressively worse during the last three popes.

edit on 25-12-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 10:16 AM
Praise our Lord an Savour, and Ultimate Destroyer that he died for our sins, mistakes, or outright immense stupidity which has, is, an yet to come. Scaring us from temptations by delivering evil, by sparing us from his infernal jealousy an the spirit of vengeance, which is him again.

And human beings are squishy creatures with feelings which are okay things to thou indomitable will, that if you really died on that cross everyone says you did, would understand. And not be cruel an unusually wrathful in attempts to save an be merciful rather then crush everyone slowly or immediately when they are higher then thou, knocking them back to earth.

Lord giveth an taketh with interest, or from whence Evil cometh other then you, since if anyone stared at glorious face, they would more then likely die, an I know flattery doesn’t go anywhere.

Praise the birth of the Apocalypse.


Merry Christmas
edit on 25-12-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-12-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-12-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 11:20 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by NormalGuyCrazyWorld removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: carewemust

As for Biden, not the full shilling as we say over here in my humble opinion and of course there HAS been a cover up of corruption with some of the US security agency's involved sparking a suggestion of a soft coup as well in which it is THEY not the US Potus that is really running there nation albeit he is a handy and useful idiot.

But that aside as for religion Catholic's and Orthodox are two branches of the earliest form of Christianity, Catholicism if you go to it's origins is just orthodoxy anyway albeit with a dispute with the Orthodox over if the holy spirit comes from Jesus as well as the father as Catholics attest (I shall send the comforter) or if it only comes from the Father as the Orthodox attest, many other differences have arisen since but there main disagreement being whether the pope in Rome is really the top Bishop as Catholic's attest (arguing a point at the cost of many lives here in my opinion and all for there own power) or if all bishops are equal as the Orthodox attest.

As for Biden not mentioning Christ and the reason why this day is the feast day of the birth of Christ and a mass/communion in his honour and to celebrate the coming of the saviour, well that is a sad indictment of the man.

As for Gay Marriage, Sex Change etc well God does most certainly NOT say that is ok and he does not accept it, hell he even destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because the men of the city had sinned in God's sight and to test them they were tempted by the Angel of God then tried to rape them which had they been simply human would have been male rape and God treated them city's like an infection and burned them from the world and it is even said that the fate that befell them is merciful compared to the fate that is coming to those that have sinned against the world he created and against his image.

But Jesus does forgive, Love is not sex though and God has nothing against people LOVING one another but LOVE is not SEX that is something that meant to be between a man and a woman, preferably a man and his wife.

Even the pope if the Catholic faith is correct does not have the authority to rescind GOD's Law or make it ok and neither does any judge of any secular authority in the world or any government.

The world is sick though and there are chemicals in our food, the air and the water we drink and those responsible will surely receive the punishment they deserve.

Confession to a Priest and a Priests words do NOT absolve only TRUE confession, TRUE contrition and repentance and forgiveness from Christ can wash it away and that requires trying to put what someone has put wrong right, wishing they had never done it even if they profited from it and a willingness to do penance which is to accept there punishment on earth and so be spared in heaven but Christs GRACE does also save and it is only by his Grace, his suffering and his resurrection that any of us may have a chance to enter his eternal kingdom and heaven.

This world is hard, we are weak and we all sin every single one of us, we are also all born into Sin, Christ is the lamb that God HIMSELF provided just as Abraham answered to his son Isaac, God will provide himself a sacrifice.

But God is not the one guilty, he repented of putting man on the earth and sometimes the earth has been so bad he even repented of creation but it was not a sin but the corruption of evil that entered his creation.

Does this mean that God is more human than we accept, that he too can make mistakes, maybe and maybe not but I believe as the bible say's it is all for a reason and that reason is the end of it, what comes as a result of this creation a new and perfect creation.

We suffer but our suffering pales to insignificance before the suffering he took upon himself for our sake.

It is said that when he was lowered from the cross he was lain in his mothers arm's, the mother whom had tried to reach her son many times but was held back as he had been forced to walk with the cross, to watch her baby son beaten, spat on and abused and forced to carry the weight of OUR sin's upon his innocent shoulders.

It is said that when he was lowered into her arms she cried and washed his body with her own tears, that his wounds from the scourging alone were so grievous as to make the crucifixion itself look mild by comparison.

The Turin Shroud often called a fake or a forgery by those not willing to accept that it may be real shows was wrongly dated when tests in the past sampled not the shroud but medieval stitching that nun's had used to repair it after it survived a fire but as damaged and is has since been proven to be about two thousand years old, it shows a man whose body was terribly beaten with whip marks from a whip that had many tails and small iron barbells on the ends of the whip, that ripped and pulled flesh from his body leaving rib's exposed, whom was crucified with unusual six sided nails and whose hand when the image was imprinted was MOVING as it left two images of the same hand possibly when he shone with intense light during the resurrection, who was wearing both a crown of thorn's that could not be removed so he was buried wearing it embedded into his scalp and a Jewish scroll box with a strap on his forehead possibly put there by his mother or by Joseph of Arimathea as well one wrapped around his arm and another scroll box on his hand like many modern orthodox jews use.

Tests on the blood though there is not much left other than the image suggested a Jewish male.

Claims that it was fake are pushed by those trying to deny it, many of them even Christians are people of low faith or no faith.

A man called Ron Wyatt an American who was a man of great faith did not listen to the archaeologists but instead read his bible and followed it exactly as it said it happened and found a great many things including the REAL mount Sinai with is in Arabia and later one day as he walked in Jerusalem he felt something, did not know what took him over but pointed at some rocks' and said aloud "The Ark of the Covenant is in there", driven by this he spent a long time arranging permits and digging and eventually entered a chamber in which he found the actual ark of the covenant, earlier before he dug there he had already found directly above this, a fact he did not realize until later and it made sense, what he believed and what definitely is the real site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, there was a split in the rock a great crack the same as he had found running through the rock that the bible called Golgotha and in the crack was a dried black substance he later tested and found was human blood but with one major difference, it had only the chromosomes from the mother and non from the father except a Y chromosome which is not how we are made, it meant the boy born like that would have less DNA and his entire body would be based on his mothers DNA with only the Y chromosome to determine his gender as male.

Upon the Ark of the covenant directly under the crack he found more of the blood though he did not touch it only the blood from the crack directly above it, that blood was at the right hand side (He is seated at the right hand of his father in heaven) of the mercy seat, God's throne of mercy on earth.

Jewish rabbi tried to retrieve the ark for themselves but all dropped dead and so they covered it up.

Biden needs prayers, Jesus is King.

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: carewemust

It takes backbone, determination, and commitment, to stand alone against evil.

Yeah, I don't care much for line 14

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Either it's peace to everyone, or it's a hollow platitude. And this response may sound pedantic to a few people out there but just think about it for a minute. You can't do harmony in half measures.

I should add that holiday propaganda is the other half of the problem, the first half being consumer culture/pageantry.

edit on 25-12-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: misskat1
a reply to: carewemust
... I hope they rot in hell. ... Gross and I hope they die.

The desiring, threatening, or pronouncing of evil upon someone or something is the basic idea of a number of Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible that are translated by the word “curse” or similar expressions. Such as at James 3:10:

Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing.

My brothers, it is not right for things to happen this way.

Eph 4:29

Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.

With that in mind, or speaking of which:

False Religion is a Snare and a Racket
edit on 25-12-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

My mouth does not bless the catholic church, so not double minded. Although now that I'm sober, I agree cursing a person isn't proper. However, when I consider the death, murder,poverty, that church has caused the cursing just wells up in me, and spills over into words. Almost they way Jehovah Witnesses do when they pretend to know so much about the truth, but miss it by a mile, they too with their pompous attitude make me want to puke. Somehow your reply just reeks of their Bologna.

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