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Opposing the Synagogue of Satan which is responsible for the pandemic & the NWO plot.

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posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:25 AM

This is a difficult thread, because it deals with a subject that has become taboo in our Western culture. They say, "If you want to find out who rules you, determine who it is you are not permitted to criticise.." Friends, the people responsible for the pandemic deception, the bioweapon 'pseudo-vaccine', and those who run the world behind the scenes, pulling the strings of governments the world over, is the unified body of Talmudic Jews. Not the humble, honest, normal Jewish people, but an insidious, infinitely wealthy & insanely powerful cabal of demonic usurpers which have crept up through the citizens of Judea & instituted vile usury-driven finance schemes & banking cartels, despite their own Jewish law telling them that it is a crime to charge interest when you loan money.

I'm a Christian, and so in a way I am a novo-Jew, in that all my spiritual heritage comes from the Torah of Judaism, supplemented & enriched by the saving knowledge of a relationship with the Cosmic Lord of Creation, who appeared in bodily form as a man, the Man Christ Jesus. He pointed out the hypocrisy of the Jewish elite, which was entirely Talmudic in nature by the time of His appearing. The Talmud is human & demon-inspired magical practice which manipulates universal laws to generate 'workaround' & 'jury-rigged' solutions with spiritual force, enabling the people responsible to develop powers far beyond those of mere mortal men, indeed these people, magicians in all truth, utilise sorcery to attain social goals which they are capable of in great power because of their unity as a people, united in conspiracy to commit fraud, deception & domination of all peoples. They rule in secrecy, and hide their motives, working their way into organisations & taking over the most crucial, pivotal, powerful roles. They control the masses of the people by various means which I will not go into in great detail here, save to say that they manipulate people through 'open' secret societies. That is, fraternities with secrets.

The Talmudic masters of the unified body of Jewry have ensured that it has declared itself antichrist, unashamedly, even claiming that Jesus the Man is burning in Hell at this time, in boiling faeces in fact. Their hatred knows no bounds, and they have utterly misunderstood or denied & rebelled against the spiritual heritage their people was tasked with safeguarding, for the benefit of the world. They were supposed to clear the way for the Messiah, to lay down the law & live as a city on a hill, a light in the darkness, a symbol of righteousness before a watching world - and instead, they have conspired brutally to utterly oppress & destroy the so-called Goyim, or Gentile peoples, or to manipulate them into slavery of debt & other means.

In the Book of the Revelation of St John, Jesus the Christ declares openly that this conspiring mass of unified Talmudic Jewry is to be opposed utterly, exposed for the fraudulent wreck of Judaism that it has become. Indeed He declares that not only will we have victory over them, but they will acknowledge their fault & blame for their persecution of the faithful & the innocent, acknowledging their guilt & conceding that they persecuted those who were in the right all along, though they were grievously weakened & tormented by their actions. He states:

I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name. Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth...

Revelation 3: 9

I feel compelled to warn you, and to explain the perspective, insight & compunction I feel to speak out clearly, compassionately, with discernment, understanding, tolerance & forgiveness. I am a Christian, and we are taught to forgive - even the most grievous sin, for example, a plan against the innocent people of the world, a plan of depopulation, designed to kill as many as possible within the years following the injection of a bioweapon concoction, causing fibrin clots in the arteries & veins, leading to heart attacks & strokes, causing immunological problems of great severity, and serious neurological problems of varying type, all at random, according to the biochemistry of each individual who received 'the vaccine'.

I can forgive them, but my anger at this time burns white hot, knowing that still, they are getting away with it, because no-one dares (no-one is permitted) to speak openly on this issue.

Those who see some of the plot have thrown out the baby with the bathwater, believing Judaism in itself to be evil, believing that Christianity is a perverse adaptation of Judaism & therefore not to be trusted. That is in our times, and it is by design, the Talmudic sorcerors have worked very, very hard to inculcate these belief patterns in the general populace. We can one day forgive, but we must never forget, and we must act in accordance with discernment & wisdom. Do not trust them, expose them, demonstrate their tactics & methods of propaganda, disinformation & manipulation of the power structures in world governance. Yet do not condemn the innocent who have no part in such schemes - only the wealthy masters who have perverted the teachings of the LORD Almighty, the Father of Christ, the power & person of the Ruach, the Holy Spirit, the breath of Providence & Grace which breathes through the body of Christian believers, and which once breathed through the Rabbis & Prophets of Judaism. In time, they will see that Jesus the Man, the Christ, was & remains the Messiah prophesied in Scripture - He fulfilled 333 specific prophetic verses - to clarify, the chance of fulfilling even 8 of those prophecies is something remarkably impossible, 1 in 10 to the 10,000th power, or something along those lines.

Talmudic sorcerors are the dark power behind the front men of the world systems, they have engineered society with remarkable intelligence & power - but it is time to resist this monumental evil. It will be difficult, and those who fight back must do so with wisdom at every step, recognising there are many innocents tied up & connected to these people, and there is a risk of the uprising turning into a genocide if it is not controlled by sensible, honourable men who thirst for justice, who understand grace & forgiveness; but above all, justice for those who have been murdered & maimed by these wicked overlords. Their power towards other men is palpable; they command demons, they cavort with & serve fallen angels - they are supremely dangerous. But the Lord has said that they must be opposed. If all we can muster is opposition which is visible, which highlights their crimes, collusion, scheming & intent, all the while with caution to remain true & in submission to the grace of God, then we will succeed, because God is on our side. It has been said before many times, often a lie, or wishful thinking, but on this occasion, it is no deception or wooly dream. God has said He will cause them to submit to the honourable ones who have opposed their scheming, and so OPPOSE we must.

Godspeed, FITO.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:28 AM
To support what I have said, it is possible to investigate the background of the people in the most powerful positions in the world systems which were involved in overseeing the 'threat' of the pandemic, and those responsible for the response to that 'threat', including those who engineered, promoted & distributed the 'vaccines'. I will not present their names on this thread, but if you research this carefully, you will discern a very, very obvious pattern. It is by design. A fifth column in our systems of governance & corporate power, overwhelming in its scope & complexity. Do not be deceived by the disinformation which you will find - the truth will set you free.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:30 AM
It's a private club and we ain't in it.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
It's a private club and we ain't in it.

We don't want to be in it, and we must oppose them. That's the message.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I know you'll probably get some blow-back from this thread.

I've said it until I'm blue in the face:

It isn't anti-Semitic if it's true.

Another good message FITO, we must not only take heed, but action.

Note: just wanted to add that this applies to ALL of the leaders of politics and industry that support this, not just the Jewish.

edit on 10/28/2022 by MykeNukem because: eta

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
... Do not be deceived by the disinformation which you will find - the truth will set you free.

You mean by people like you?
First thing I learned about 'truth' is that it's complicated.
If your solution is to pick an enemy and that's your truth, you're truly lost.
Because it's obvious we're not talking one player and everybody else is just watching in silent suffering.
There are groups, there are nations there are privateers and they don't share any ethnic, cultural or religious similarities beyond the average.
It's more complicated.

Don't Buy From This Man

edit on 28-10-2022 by Peeple because: emoji issues

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is a difficult thread, because it deals with a subject that has become taboo in our Western culture

I thought you were to talk about incest, in particular about mother and son one, which seems to be a taboo.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
It's a private club and we ain't in it.

And when the walls collapse, you'll be glad you're not ONE OF THEM trapped inside.


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:03 PM
To those who say it's too exclusive to 'pick an enemy', we didn't pick enemies at all, they were foisted upon us. And of course there are other players, but the most truly insidious of the players are those I have mentioned - any of their friends are de facto in their service in some way. Control the money supply, control the world. And we know who is controlling those financial interests, so why is it wrong to point out the unified front of what faces & opposes us? It would be foolish to close our eyes, stick our fingers in our ears, and start singing "lalalalala". NO. Pay attention, do your research (names & org charts) & you will see what must be opposed. In the main. Others tag along, but the masters are Talmudic. They may be opposed by or somehow even supported by another powerful corporatist group in a tenuous peace motivated by mutual financial gains (naming no WEF names) - but their power is almost unlimited, and it is a direct, clear & present danger to the health & wellbeing of billions.

Remember, even after everything they knew about the horrendous safety record of the 'vaccines', they are still trying to get us to put this SH1t into the arms of six month old babies.

It's ideologically driven hatred of 'the Other', and they will not stop until they've killed & subjugated each & every one of us in some manner to assure themselves of their total power.

Insidious. Horrendous. Enemy. OPPOSE THEM.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:04 PM
FITO, I am going to ask a question...this is how I learn.

Is it proper to call this evil people Jews? I mean, if they are living by Jewish law, how can they be considered Jews?

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It's a scapegoat. It always was.
And all that wielding your pitchfork won't make it right.

It's a bias trap.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:02 PM

It's time to put the shoe on the owner of the shoes foot.
In this case, shackles and chains.


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It's a scapegoat. It always was.
And all that wielding your pitchfork won't make it right.

It's a bias trap.

Can you explain this more?

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

They call themselves Jews, but they are liars - exactly as is stated in the quote from the Book of the Revelation of St John.

I understand that this is a sensitive issue, and I'm not trying to be deliberately divisive in any sort of contrarian or rebellious for the sake of being rebellious manner; however, after careful consideration of much evidence, I have come to the awful & near-inescapable conclusion, that just as is stated throughout the New Testament, by Jesus both during His life/ministry & as the unassailable Lord of Creation once ascended to assume His throne, that there will be a cohort of people whose heritage is Judaism, who will claim to be loyal & practising Jews after the traditions of Moses & the Prophets, who in actual fact are very far from the Lord in their hearts, they misrepresent the truths found within Judaism, they diabolically oppose & seek to dominate/ corrupt their enemies, without ceasing, and they firmly believe that 'the Other' (Goyim, Gentiles) are inferior, 'animals in human form', born only for the purpose of serving them, bearing many more contemptible characteristics which run totally counter to the truths of Judaism & the God whom they are supposed to be serving.

And to those who tell me 'beware', I say only that God is the One I fear, and none other. In the due course of time I will meet my end, but it will be at a time & in a manner appointed by God, nothing men can do will change that. I will have served my Creator's purposes in speaking out regarding these matters. There may yet be more to come which flies in the face of the cursing & warnings, threats (etc) from the Talmudic sorcerors, and their servants, and their contemporaries in the halls of power - I will wait upon the Lord & His purposes for my life.

To those who understand, or who want to understand, I say: God be with you, as I know He is with me. I speak with Him daily, and He comforts me with His presence daily. I have suffered for years with grievous pain & difficulty of circumstance, but I thank Him for keeping me optimistic, secure, spiritually nourished & loving to reflect on His grandeur & majesty, and the beauty of Creation, the wonders of the knowledge of that Creation, and the fascination of all mysteries within that Creation.

God intended that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘ We are His offspring.’ Therefore, being offspring of God, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by man’s skill and imagination

Acts 17: 28-29


edit on OctoberFriday22110CDT03America/Chicago-050023 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: igloo

Well back into the old days it was convenient to single out a weak minority to blame for the exzessive spending and lifestyle choices of the elite.
'They have weird customs and worship different than we who identify as righteous' whatever religious background that many be.
Therefore from experience we can deduce whoever is spreading those 'that group is to blame' bs is one way or another connected, invested in traditional order. Which doesn't sound as such a bad thing until you realise who's really benefitting from people longing for their king in whatever shape and those are just not better than anybody else. Not worthy of worship.
That complicates it for many because a simple good/bad navigation system has in reality no 'true north'.

I don't think it's possible humans on their own could ever be that powerful. Even with supernatural help.
And I'm not ashamed that I'm working towards that.
For when all fails the only ones left will be a couple of Jews. That's the only way Abrahamic religions make sense.
Everything else wouldn't be just. So it's subconscious envy I believe that plays a role.
Especially by people who seek power.
Or salvation. Which exist through all spheres of society. Everywhere.
The question is: how could be sthg that's such a wide spread trait be a world destroying pack with their free will aware of what they're contributing to?
That's the conditio humana how can sthg so beautiful be so very much drawn to its own demise?
Is that supernatural? And without good/evil as navigation points how do you decide whom to work with?
What if it's short term survival vs long term survival?

I rambled a bit but it seems a myth from long hand planted and cultivated. That makes it suspicious.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: igloo

The use of a literal 'scapegoat' is a Jewish tradition which was practised during the years of wandering in the wilderness. Once a year the high priest would conduct a ceremony in which he laid hands upon a live male goat, one year old without defects, and in so doing he would literally transfer the sins of the people into the body & mind of the goat. He would then set it loose into the wilderness beyond the coundaries of the camp, in order to symbolically carry the sins far away from the people, creating in them a new heart ready for the next year without sins of the past being a burden upon their souls.

As for 'bias trap', I believe that's likely the poster saying that in mistrusting the Synagogue of Satan, the liars who claim to be Jews, we are falling into a pre-prepared trap set by the shadowy rulers hidden behind the surface layers of our reality, deliberately setting us up for a fall, by causing us to believe in a falsehood, which detracts from our cause & distracts us from seeking & finding the absolute truth of the situation. But to this, I say that the bias trap in operation is the one by which we believe we are not permitted to believe in what is actually occurring, that it is taboo for a reason, because the bias trap is such that we self-censor & believe we cannot criticise people who claim to be Jewis h yet in practice are simply liars, a Synagogue of Satan as prophesied in Scripture, as spoken by Jesus Christ when He walked the Earth. They are not Jewish, they are liars - they disbelieve in God, or have fully rebelled against Him, and are totally committed to the Satanic 'mysteries', preferring darkness & wealth over Light & truth.

Remember, there are millions of Jews who are not caught up in this, the normal, hardworking, everyday people - but the insanely wealthy & powerful masters of all world finance, and the hidden hand which dictates the overall direction of world events, is a Satanic Synagogue of fake Talmudic Jews who control the finance in order to control the nations. They have a perfidious hatred of 'the Other' (Goyim, Gentiles) & they believe there is an eternal command from God to annihilate them (us - supposedly referenced as 'the Amalekites' in the Book of Isaiah, though this is a willful mistranslation/ misinterpretation) in order that they can reign supreme & unopposed, masters of the world & rulers of all mankind.


Cheers, FITO.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I hate to burst your bubble but the Satan of Hell is a through and through Christian 'discovery', Christianity gave birth to it if you will.
Satanism came out of Christianity. The 'leading world' is a product of Christianity.
And where are we?
Are we doing good?

Take a long deep look in the mirror and ask to see Jesus.
But have a bucket beside because it ain't pretty.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Peeple

If you think they're weak you're either entirely ignorant/ deluded or misinformed, or lying.

We are not talking about the historical mistrust of Jews in various nations getting repeatedly kicked out of nations for their financial dealings & the threat to the economic wellbeing of those nations.

We are talking about those who have SUCCEEDED in obtaining the complete & total power over all fiat currency in the world, who are even now organising vast schemes to harm & destroy the billions of people they consider to be their enemies. It is a totally different context & scenario from the petty persecutions of medieval times. It was only when a few of the families involved in high finance actually succeeded in becoming masters over fiat currency that the small minority of Talmudic sorcerors they were wrapped up with began to dominate & control world affairs. This has been ongoing now for a few centuries, and they are in complete control over the course we are charting as a society in these present dark & troubled times.

Again, look up the names & the org charts of those who are the most powerful corporate & NGO leaders of the pandemic plan & response in terms of pharma & government, and you will see VERY clearly the pattern which proves what I'm saying. Remember, it's a Satanic Synagogue - a minority of very wealthy, very powerful masters behind the scenes, who are controlling the actions of all the front men in those organisations, and leading the attack against the Gentiles they hate with intense venom. They have gaslighted the entire world, and they are partway through poisoning the entire world population. They want to poison our babies. They consort with fallen angels, sorcerors of great power & malice.

They are not a weak & misunderstood diaspora struggling to make ends meet.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You know absolutely nothing about Christianity or Satanism. The ones who practice the Talmudic magic certainly understand it all completely, and they have planted their flag where they felt it would best serve them.

Stop spamming the thread with ignorant misinformation please.

Or perhaps go & do the research I suggested (because it would be against terms & conditions to name names directly in the thread) - but you can check, and you will see the pattern. That might encourage you to do a bit more research, a lot more in fact, so you finally might have a chance of understanding what I'm talking about.

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