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The Stars They Watch Me, And They Love Me

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posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:07 PM

An outward thing that may help you spot a narcissist is their tendency to obsess over Astrology. I've observed this in several of them now. And with little effort you can pull up papers and articles about the links between all this stuff.

Real hard cases, some will have huge books on the subject, like the only book they even own. Others, they'll binge watch astrology videos on Youtube. Get tarot cards and all that. The cases I've encountered, it all seemed extremely out of character for them. And like they know its a scam, and yet still cant get off it either.

The Youtube thing is really crazy. What the hell tarot cards have to do with horoscopes I still cant wrap my mind around. To me, fine, maaaaybe there could be some thing like or to the general idea of it, and there's very special people that can sense it or whatever. Lets go with there is. In the 1990's there was the 900 number craze, and over the phone readings was surely a hit.

Are we believe that even if there are such magicians, they're so magical they can do it over phone lines? Without some electrode even attached to each others skin? What's the connection here?

And now it's even crazier, astrologer makes a horoscope video for the month. And they do one for each "sign". Say 20,000 people watch it. Well if it were purely the basic premise of a horoscope, like in the newspaper, then fine I guess it'd apply to everyone. But not here, instead they've hybridized it with a tarot card reading. Where even if that were a thing, you're sitting there with them, the magic is in the air and you shuffle it and viola a magical card reading. But now its not even in person, usually not even live, they shuffle the deck, and then somehow this card reading applies to the 200 or 200,000 people that might click on the video whenever.

Tarot cards? How are they even magical? Was it magical paper? Magical Ink? The printing press was magical? Where do they get their power from? And how much per gallon is the ink?

Yet the craziest part is these people will binge watch this stuff all day, and I'm not even talking just the videos for their personal sign, not even the most current ones. And watch out, after a hardcore bender there might be an assault coming your way later that night.

But why would they binge watch any and all of it?

The answer is simple: "The stars they watch me, and they love me". That opening scene from They Live (1988), where he's watching the TV through someones window, and the 80's lady on screen is lustfully carrying about:

Sometimes when I watch TV
I stop being myself. I'm a star.
I have my own talk show. Or I'm
on the news getting out of a limo.
All I ever have to do is be famous.
People watch me.
And they love me.

...kind of narcissism. Is what's at play here, this idea the stars (FAR away planets & solar systems & galaxies) are preoccupied with blessing us or whatever.

The Surprising Link Between Narcissism and Belief in Astrology
As for other drivers of individual difference of belief in astrology, factors such as age, gender, education, spirituality, thinking style, attitude, personality, and cognitive ability could play a role. This brings us to a recent study by Andersson and colleagues from Sweden, to be published in the March 2022 issue of Personality and Individual Differences, which suggests that belief in astrology is associated with higher narcissism and lower intelligence.

Why higher narcissism? Perhaps because the focus on the self and one’s special place in the universe appeals to narcissists. In addition, certain paranormal and superstitious beliefs—such as narcissists’ beliefs concerning their own supposed superior abilities (e.g., “I’m psychic”)—may also make narcissists feel special and superior.

The best, when googling this stuff, is how many pages about astrology and narcissism come up from astrologers. As if they're trying to flood the search results so that you cant get to any actual science about them.

A combination of one or more challenging planetary positions in a birth chart can contribute to pathological narcissism.

Disclaimer: One planet alone can never decide a person’s entire personality. Nobody can be labeled as a “narcissist” with just one poorly placed planet in the natal chart. An extensive astrological analysis of the entire birth chart is necessary to confirm full-blown pathological narcissism.

You might consider speaking with a spiritual advisor to break down the intricacies of your birth chart.

So which planets are the good guys? Which ones are straight-up evil?

And on and on that noise goes.

On the broader stage of society however, todays Millennials are hands down the most narcissistic generation of all time. Although, how many have proper Narcissistic Personality Disorder, good luck gettng that data. But to gain more sense on the matter this citation should be helpful:

Are Millennials The Most Narcissistic Generation Ever?
“First, to clarify, when we talk about narcissism, what we’re usually talking about is something in psychology which we call ‘grandiose narcissism’,” explains W. Keith Campbell, a professor at the University of Georgia, who has written three books about generational increases in narcissism. The personality disorder, which is largely defined by self-centredness and exaggerated feelings of self-importance, has become a catchphrase of sorts over the years, in a similar way to how people will describe themselves as obsessive-compulsive, just because they’re orderly and detail-oriented.

It would seem that narcissism has become the go-to diagnosis for people that we don’t like. It’s been used to explain the behaviour of bad boyfriends, and justify egotistical tweets by the likes of Justin Bieber and Donald Trump; the latter, of course, enjoys boasting about his wealth, portfolio of luxury golf resorts, and soaring poll numbers, to say the least. 
A buzzword often used to describe Instagram celebrities who are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power, beauty and brilliance, the term ‘narcissism’ has been rendered meaningless. “They [narcissists] are extroverted and attention seeking,” educates Dr. Campbell, “and they have a sort of inflated positive view of themselves.” The psychologist furthers that the similarities between self-confidence and narcissism aren’t as significant as people might suggest. “It’s actually pretty modest,” he reveals, before confirming that they’re “completely different things.” Self-esteem and tenacity is largely life-enhancing, whereas narcissism is an unhealthy obsession that ultimately results in unhappiness. “The main difference has to do with this interpersonal callousness,” explains Dr. Campbell. “People who are narcissistic tend to think that they’re better than other people. They tend to think that they’re smarter, more important, and they tend to see other people as beneath them.”

edit on 16-10-2022 by godsovein because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:07 PM

Those with the condition have 
little or, in some instances, no
 desire for intimate or meaningful 
relationships, yet they constantly crave and seek admiration from 
others. They are also thin-skinned, and react angrily when challenged
or ignored. “People who have high
self-esteem are a little different,”
argues Dr. Campbell. “They may 
think that they’re more attractive
 than others, for example, but they also tend to be, on average, better people. They’re more morally-focused.” But while few women knowingly blind themselves to empathy, it can be challenging to prioritise others when surrounded by a society that places importance on trivial achievements and superficial success.

And as such:

Why are Millennials so into Astrology?
In the decades between the New Age boom and now, while astrology certainly didn’t go away—you could still regularly find horoscopes in the back pages of magazines—it “went back to being a little bit more in the background,” says Chani Nicholas, an astrologer based in Los Angeles. “Then there’s something that’s happened in the last five years that’s given it an edginess, a relevance for this time and place, that it hasn’t had for a good 35 years. Millennials have taken it and run with it.”
What horoscopes are supposed to do is give you information about what the planets are doing right now, and in the future, and how all that affects each sign. “Think of the planets as a cocktail party,” explains Susan Miller, the popular astrologer who founded the Astrology Zone website. “You might have three people talking together, two may be over in the corner arguing, Venus and Mars may be kissing each other. I have to make sense of those conversations that are happening each month for you.”

Yeah, definitely lady!

So there you have it, this could be a valuable insight in being able to spot little demon people.
edit on 16-10-2022 by godsovein because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:24 PM
I wouldn't describe such people as narcissists but as scared and desperate animals using their very colorful imagination to play reassuring games with themselves. Homeopathy takes many diverse forms and there's no harm in tarot or astrology.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:27 PM
I dated fish-woman several times and everything that is said about fish birth sign was true about her.

Because she made it so. She read daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes and believed in them. If it said she's going to have a nice day, she'd focus on the nice things and vice versa.

I don't believe in horoscope but I think that birth signs may have some truth to it. It might be just the climate / time of the year. I was born in summer and I dislike the cold. Bit like this.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

there's no harm in tarot or astrology.

There is but in different ways. I went to tarot laying two times. The first time I heard accurate things about me. So the second time I got the chance, I acted different person I really am / held myself back.

Tarot laying people I met are just good readers. They search for your fears and try to estimate you, then go from there. Everything the lady told me was wrong the second time. For me it was a good lesson to learn that many (not saying all) like to influence other people or get a kick out of that to feel mysterious or important.

Just like that old gypsy woman said. But don't take me too serious, I worship nature and the moon.
edit on 16.10.2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: godsovein

I despise horoscopes but that's only for me. Nothing like jamming in some things to draw confirmation on.

You can apply every horoscope to every day in some way. Tarot cards no different. Heck, you can turn on a Pandora shuffle mix and draw confirmation from what songs are chosen. Special synchronicities for special snowflakes.

You can always force art to imitate life and vice versa.


Q: What tarot card best represents


The Magician: Mastery over word, mind, and matter. The ability to turn ideas into actions, handle problems, and control one's life. The initiation of new projects, great works, or a new way of life. Eloquent and moving communication. Arcane and eldritch technologies.

See, totally checks out... Probably.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Good stuff.

It's even worse, though.

Astrology, it's not just some 'concept' perhaps worth getting into.

It's a language. Which is entirely the most hell bent ever, fine, as much as one could be, bent on manipulating people.

Check it out, like that, if you're all in to understanding this stuff. Hopefully you're on the good side.

edit on 17-10-2022 by godsovein because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 12:16 AM

I don't know about ya'll, but mine was incredibly accurate.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 12:34 AM
It can seem like complete hooha but messages come in many different forms. You can't believe everything and anything but once you trust your own guidance, it's easier to let in what is for you. It wasn't meant to make sense in this life time for many. To shun this as complete bs is understandable yet revealing yourself as not there yet.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: godsovein

How much can you love your neighbor if your not a narcissist?

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: godsovein

Yeah and babies shouldn't crawl because man can fly now.

Astrology is pretty much what astronomy evolved from or did you never wonder why some stars wander as a kid? From astronomy our ancestors got maths, this is archeological fact. I could go on but I doubt you want to hear it so let's just mix it all together as wishy washy magic and call the millennials woke

I know narcissists well, it's a hat we can all wear and we probably don't wear enough hats!

Are we better than hats?

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: godsovein

What RAY1990 said

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: godsovein

Yeah and babies shouldn't crawl because man can fly now.

Astrology is pretty much what astronomy evolved from or did you never wonder why some stars wander as a kid? From astronomy our ancestors got maths, this is archeological fact. I could go on but I doubt you want to hear it so let's just mix it all together as wishy washy magic and call the millennials woke

I know narcissists well, it's a hat we can all wear and we probably don't wear enough hats!

Are we better than hats?

It's not much different from what we try to do with AI today: find something that helps us make decisions and the future predictable.
It has really nothing to do with narcissism on the contrary it's a sign of profound insecurities.

edit on 17-10-2022 by Peeple because: of

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 01:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: godsovein

What RAY1990 said

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: godsovein

Yeah and babies shouldn't crawl because man can fly now.

Astrology is pretty much what astronomy evolved from or did you never wonder why some stars wander as a kid? From astronomy our ancestors got maths, this is archeological fact. I could go on but I doubt you want to hear it so let's just mix it all together as wishy washy magic and call the millennials woke

I know narcissists well, it's a hat we can all wear and we probably don't wear enough hats!

Are we better than hats?

It's not much different from what we try to do with AI today: find something that helps us make decisions and the future predictable.
It has really nothing to do with narcissism on the contrary it's a sign of profound insecurities.

Profound insecurities is one of the best two word combinations you could use to describe whats driving personality disorders.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:36 AM
who doesn't like fortune cookies?

[Verse 1]
The stars up above that play with Laughing Sam's dice
They make us feel that it was the world for us
The Zodiac grass and dreams will come through the skies
It will happen soon, for you


Alright now, everybody just keep it together now
Away we go!

Thank you very much
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you very much
And now we would like to bring to you our one and only friendly neighborhood experience maker
Right now, listen
Thank you very much

[Verse 2]

The Milky Way express is loaded, all aboard
I promise each and every one of you, you won't be bored
Now these next lines will keep everybody honest and straight
What I'm really singing about is my brand-new pair of butterfly roller skates

Thank you, thank you
And now watch me ride

Thank you very much
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you very much
And now we would like to bring to you our one and only friendly neighborhood experience maker
Right now, listen
Thank you very much

[Verse 2]
The Milky Way express is loaded, all aboard
I promise each and every one of you, you won't be bored
Now these next lines will keep everybody honest and straight
What I'm really singing about is my brand-new pair of butterfly roller skates

Thank you, thank you
And now watch me ride

I'd like to say that there will be no throwing cigarette butts out the window
No throwing cigarette butts out the window thank you, thank you
I hope all of you got your toothbrush
Now to the right you will see Saturn
Out of sight, really out of sight
And if you look to the left you will see Mars
I hope you brought your parachute with you

jimi hendrix.

Hey look out!
Look out for that door
Don't open that door
Don't open that door
Oh well
That's the way it goes
Now we're coming through the Milky Way section
Green cornflakes and stuff like that, the Milky Way
Yeah, everything's alright and out of sight
If you look around you, you will see a few minds being blown
Exactly - assembly, baby
I hope you enjoy your ride - I am

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: lol, made a mistake, i corrected it i hope.

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