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Regarding the journey, and never giving up. MICHAEL.

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posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 01:51 PM

This is a story like any other, in that it has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. But it is also unique, in that it tells a tale which has never before been told, or at least, never in history ever been real, fully real, in a way that is uncompromising, brutal, demanding of our attention, if only so that we will wake up to what is unfolding on the greater stage of our world as it is, not as we wish it could be. And again, all the elements of a traditionally good story are here.. There is mystery, love, adversity, tragedy, hope & redemption, and it will perhaps encourage you, causing you to reach out to grasp at the greater wonders of all Creation, to lead a life worthy of your calling, fulfilling your duty as a child of the Creator. This is a story about good versus evil – and yet, the characters in which those archetypal themes are made manifest are often confused, and the exact roles they play at various times, can be confusing. Ultimately, I hope you find something of humanity – both your own personal story, and the greater epic of our lives together in this marvellous, violent, fragile realm – in the details as they are worked out within the bounds of our time here together. This is the story of a child – later, a man – a strange & tortured soul, who spent thirty five years trying to comprehend his reality, until he finally felt ready to tell the tale – having spent the better part of twenty five of those years wondering who he could tell, and whether anyone would believe him.

This story necessitates a measure of selfishness, in that this story revolves around myself, and the life that I have lived – things I have learned, the people who have loved & hated me, the dreams & the visions that I have been privileged to know & continue to know on a nightly basis – and the glimpses of possible futures which have been revealed to me through the medium of those experiences. I apologise for being so bold as to write voluminously regarding my own experiences (this is a 26,000 word essay – perhaps more of a miniature autobiography). I would rather not write in this manner; however, I am now convinced that the time has come, that the greater awakening is upon us, and in the first instance, I must tell my story - so we can be ready for the future, as it unfolds. I will relate portions of what has been revealed to me, as clearly & faithfully as possible (I have composed a few threads recently which go into a lot of detail regarding certain very relevant prophetic dreams – please locate & read them if you want to get a feeling of the depth of these experiences, for I only refer briefly to the actual details in this particular thread).

I have decided to post in sections, waiting to see if people want me to add more in stages, rather than dumping a 44 page essay in your laps in one fell swoop. So please, vote with your comments & let me know if you want me to add more each time you're finished with one stage of the document. I hope you will find it interesting & thought-provoking, and I wish each & every one of you Godspeed in the days, weeks, months & years to come.

The time has come,' the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax,
Of cabbages - and kings...


My story begins on the day when I was given a mother. I remember thinking how exciting it was that I was going to have a mother, like the other children had. I had heard that having a mother was a lovely thing, and I was greatly looking forward to it. But it had been a bit of a surprise – I had lived to that point on the RAF (Royal Air Force) base in Eastern England knowing many caregivers, who had loved me & looked after me in their own ways, yet I had no special bond with any particular person, that I recall anyway. This vague pseudo-memory of having had many caregivers is something of a psychological inference, just a fleeting abstraction in my subconscious, nothing fixed in memory in an ordinary sense. But this was to be a special day, and here is how it began – my earliest tangible memories.

Firstly, I was playing football (soccer) outside the 'nursery' on the lawn, with a group of several older children, perhaps five or six of them. I was perhaps three years old at this point, and they seemed like giants to me, though they can't have been more than ten years old themselves. We played for what seems like perhaps five minutes, until I slipped on the ball & fell down with a bump, in the same way that a million other three year olds will step on the ball & slip over when they first attempt the game of champions. No harm done, I got up & walked around, I wanted to carry on playing – but one of the adult supervisors stopped me, and brought me into the reception area of what I was later told had been a children's nursery – but in truth, looking back, it bore far more resemblance to a doctor's surgery, with a waiting room & a high desk, behind which sat a receptionist. There were no other children present anywhere within the facility, and the older children whom I had been playing with outside had suddenly disappeared.

I was informed that I had broken my leg, which seemed ludicrous to me at the time, as I had no pain & could move around perfectly. But this was the context within which I was told that my new mother would be coming to collect me, to take me to the hospital to get my leg fixed. Thoughts of having a mother pushed all other thoughts about my leg out of my mind, as I began to wonder what she would be like – would she be nice, caring & friendly, like in the stories read to me in times gone by? I was told by the receptionist to go outside & sit on the low wall by the road to await the arrival of my mother. The whole area was now devoid of any other people – it was just me & the wall. I sat there fidgeting, looking around at the trees & the landscape, until suddenly I saw her, coming into view rising up the hill, with a glorious sunset behind framing her in soft golden light. As first memories go, this was a keeper – everything about the experience seemed designed to be memorable.

Mother & Family...

She was kind, friendly it seemed, and she took my hand & walked me off towards her car, waiting nearby. I don't remember the car itself, or the drive to the hospital, but I remember bits & pieces about the hospital after arriving there. In the children's waiting room was a rocking horse, and the usual assortment of 1980's toys. At some point I was sat down in a chair in front of a circle of chairs filled with doctors, at least ten of them, all men & of various ages - but I couldn't see them properly, it was as though looking at them through cloudy water (this hypnotic suppression of visual memory happened again later in life during MILABs). They kept me there for some time, asked me various questions about I don't recall what. I remember thinking that none of them were interested in my apparently broken leg.. And then at some point someone came & put a cast on my leg, just like that. No x-ray, and I'm fairly sure I would have remembered that unusual medical procedure if it had occurred in the context of remembering other unique facets of the experience. Hypnotically suppressing the memory of the x-ray would be counter-productive, only making it likely that i would one day put the pieces of the puzzle together. Unless that is what they ultimately wanted...?


edit on SeptemberWednesday2219CDT01America/Chicago-050055 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 01:51 PM
There are photographs of me with my little cast on my leg, signed by all sorts of people who knew the family of my guardians, the people I regarded as my natural parents for many years. My 'father' was an RAF officer, my 'mother' was younger than him, and adopted the lifestyle of a housewife - they had met through their mutual interest in music, both being players in a brass band. In terms of ordinary family life, there were several very kind & loving people in the family, there were no members who were in any way nasty or abusive, some were a little formal or 'off' with me as I got older, and after I hit around 12 years old there were numerous 'weird' experiences, moments of disjointed/ discontiguous dialogue, conversations which seemed out of place, comments that were bizarre. The more I came to learn about such matters when I began to uncover some of the deeper truths of this world, I began to suspect that I was being subjected to certain forms of mind control, though it was definitely a 'soft' form, seemingly intent on subtly, carefully inducing me to make decisions which became self-destructive.

There was never an attempt to outright hurt me, as far as I can consciously recall - but I have come to the conclusion that after I reached a certain age, there were 'orders' to lead me into compromising decisions which were conveyed under duress, at least at first. I also imitated what I saw of certain aspects of my father's lifestyle – he was a big drinker at frequent party events; he was 100% functional, and I wouldn't ever have called him an alcoholic at any stage – he just liked a drink, and frequently took it to excess, with myriad excuses to do so - at brass band functions & at railway functions. He was a railways enthusiast, steam railways in particular – a big part of my life growing up was involvement with heritage steam railways. He was an engine driver on a preservation steam railway in Wales, here in the UK - we spent whole summers there, several trips each year, and at one stage we owned a small house there. In some ways it was idyllic – when I recall the smell of the oil & coal fires, the welcoming warmth of the engine shed in the early morning (especially wonderful after walking up the line itself, trudging in the snow from the volunteers' accommodation at the first station on the line). Unfortunately, all the joy of the Christmas & New Year's parties, the barbecues & all manner of excuses to get together & have a drink rubbed off on me, and I forever sought after the joy of inebriation, believing I could find whatever was important in life through those means alone.

After a certain point, I had no time for religion (though technically we were Anglican/Methodist in my family) – I remember the moment I gave up on it completely, at 9 years old, when I realised that according to what I had learned about genetics, Adam & Eve couldn't have produced all the genetic diversity we see in the human race. I then did what many children do on realising this, and threw the baby out with the bathwater, deciding that Christianity must be bunk because of its reliance on this strange Creation myth – and that was the start of my true rebellion, and my eventual slide into near self-destruction.

Oddities of memory & psychic triggers/ anchors..

Before I forget, there were a few stand-out experiences when I was very young that were downright weird, which I later came to think of as having to do with the sort of trauma-based mind control & medical experimentation which bad actors have used against children in the many averred cases of MILAB child abuse that have been relayed to various researchers over the past couple of decades. In one example, I was approximately three years old, it was very soon after I had been 'given' a mother & father, having joined them at their home on the air force base. My mother was folding sheets in my bedroom, and I was wandering around doing not much in particular. I walked over to the window, which was one of those which tilts open at the window sill level, technically it would have been very easy for me to climb out & fall to my death, thankfully that didn't happen. However, just behind the curtain, on the interior window sill, was a #ing giant tarantula. And look, I was a biology whiz later in my childhood, I literally read whole encyclopedias of various types of animals in the many hours when I was sitting around bored during my father's brass band rehearsals. This thing was a real, honest to goodness tarantula. It's central body was almost as big as my little hands were at the time, its legs spread out further than the spread of my fingers. It was dark in colour, with extremely dense hairs all over its body & legs, and it raised its forelegs when I brushed the curtain back to see what was there (I could see its legs poking out from behind the curtain, which is what got my attention in the first place). I screamed & ran over to my mother, shouting about the 'big spider'.

I ran out of the room, hiding just around the edge of the door frame, not daring to look. After a moment I got up the courage to look back into the room, and I saw my mother walking away from the window towards me. I asked if she had killed the spider – she said “There was no spider there darling”. I peered around her body nervously & sure enough the window sill was empty – but the window was also opened much wider than it had been beforehand. At the time I remember having a crisis of trust – I simply KNEW that there had been a massive, living tarantula on the windowsill – and she had lied to me about it. It was the first time I ever distrusted one of my parental figures, which brought with it a psychic shock to the system, which combined with the drama of the incident to heightened effect – the world had changed, suddenly.

That distrust was amplified over the coming years. My next major childhood memory was at the age of four – it was the moment that my mother told my father that she was going to divorce him. I have scattered fragments of memory from before then, but nothing concrete. Looking back on the divorce incident, with the benefit of hindsight & an implicit distrust of the circumstances of my life at that time, I am drawn to the conclusion that the whole of my early life was nothing more than the execution of a script, with certain incidents being so highly charged, emotively, and so potent in their direct personal impact upon myself, that they were designed to stick in my mind like burrs on the fur of a dog running through the fields in summer time, causing specific psycho-social harm which even the players on the stage did not appreciate was actually happening, at the time.

In that divorce incident, my mother stormed into the kitchen, and addressed my father: “Is it going to keep happening?” To which he replied blandly, “Yes.”, to which her retort was “Then I have no choice, I'm leaving, I have to divorce you”. She then stormed out. My father didn't really react, to this very day I don't know what he had allegedly done to result in this outcome. I now believe the answer is 'nothing' because the entire relationship was a role play, contrived to provide me with a specific life path, planned & laid out carefully, for me to follow along with as I grew up. The emotional impact of the divorce scene was astronomical, immediate, and it cut like a knife.


edit on SeptemberWednesday2219CDT01America/Chicago-050057 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 01:52 PM
I was four years old, yet I knew what divorce meant. This incident sparked a downward spiral of ever-increasing loneliness, sadness, mental anguish & mistrust, even hatred. I relay this incident not because it was unusual in itself, more to give you an idea of where things became markedly different in my early life, and to offer the suggestion that some of the events were indeed scripted, potentially designed to cause a certain level of trauma.

I will just emphasise my suspicions that my mother was only involved in the 'relationship' with my father for the purposes of having a scripted role playing mother to myself. I believe my brother also was adopted, I do not believe that my mother & father ever had a real relationship. The fact is that my mother already had a romantic relationship with another officer on the RAF base where we lived, and this was later confirmed to me by a source who knew the details. So the relationship with my father was bogus, and at a fixed moment in time they went through the role play incident described above, to imprint an event in my memory at which time their 'relationship' ended. She moved out immediately, and eventually married the man she'd been having an 'affair' with, who became my stepfather.

That relationship between my mother & stepfather was & remains real, they have two sons. My father later married again, to my stepmother, whom I believe was on a pre-agreed tasking from MI5 to play the role of his wife – they divorced a few years later, after the bond between her & my brother & I had been cemented. Let me be clear – almost the entirety of my family circumstances from the age of two years upwards was contrived, arranged by what is effectively a secret society operant between members of the UK military forces (specifically the RAF, and possibly the Navy – my paternal grandfather was in the Navy) & military intelligence services, and the Church of England. Everyone in my life (family, friends, supervising adults) was 'read-in' to the tasking of raising me quietly, without drawing attention, attempting to raise me well (key family members & friends were actively practising Christians), and directing me towards the objective of becoming an officer in (probably) military intelligence when I was old enough to sign up. I say this partly because the computerised testing at school in the careers office consistently told me to apply to become a Royal Marines officer - every time I sat the test, even when I tried to spoof it. Unfortunately, I fell off the rails as a teenager, as described elsewhere in this OP, and so did not become an officer as I had intended. Also, later in life, when I went to offer myself as a potential recruit for the Military Reserve Forces, their computer system displayed something which the officer manning the office had never seen before, in many years of doing his job – I had been 'pre-approved' for military intelligence work, with a five star aptitude being logged against my details – though I had never (to the best of my conscious knowledge) completed any aptitude testing for this purpose. I suspect I may have been tested when under the influence of hypnosis at some point in the preceding years.

Next heading will be: First MILAB incident

Please comment if you'd like me to continue...!



posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Great read, looking forward to more.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 02:56 PM
Yes!! Bravo, FITO, more please! a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 05:11 PM
That was excellent! Mixed emotions here. Im feeling sad for you now. I put my PC on read aloud, so I could kick back and close my eyes and visualize the story as it was read.

We currently have a strange incident going on with a DNA test a hidden family member apparently took recently. Multiple family members were contacted by "23 and Me". So there is quite a bit of family chatter going on between multiple members as to what is up. Im wondering if you ever took a DNA test, and what you might uncover if you did. I wonder what information biological family of yours might have for you.

Ready for another installment of the story!

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I'd love to hear more FITO!

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:05 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind comments - I will now add some more. As noted this is 46 page monster thread, I never attempted such a full exposition of what has transpired in my life before, owing to the difficulty of pulling it all together, making sure I recall all the important bits, making sure it reads well. I can promise you that later on there is a reveal which will cause many to say that I'm utterly crazy. I hope I can convince a few by presenting how much of my life made little to no sense if we draw any other conclusion, and how none of it could in any way be considered 'normal' - that there was always a hidden, occulted narrative (through experience & by referring to the arc of vivid, complex, scripted dreams over a thirty five year period - pieces of the puzzle, dropped in non-sequentially, only forming the full picture when enough pieces have been provided, in order for the puzzle to be re-assembled in waking life). This hidden narrative shaped my life experiences & the activities & words of those around me. I am certain now that God has confirmed to me the conclusion I have drawn, with family members & official church leaders also confirming it explicitly over the years, as I will describe.

Thanks again - feel free to add questions along the way.



posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:09 AM
MILAB experiences...

Moving on (fittingly) to the first MILAB experience.. When I was six years old I went to sleep one night in my bed in Manchester, England. At some point in the night I came to consciousness to find myself strapped very tightly into a dentist's chair of some sort (it was designed for restraining people, specifically small children). I couldn't see very clearly – there were several tall men in white coats, but it was as though I was seeing them through cloudy water, I couldn't see their faces. I became aware in an instant of what I can only describe as the most paradoxically delicate, precise, horrendous, thunderous, electrical storm of 'exquisite' (the worst possible) neuropathic pain affecting my left arm. Someone was using some sort of machine to bore into the radial nerve of my left arm, with some sort of actuator which was manipulating the fibres of the nerve at a very fine scale. With hindsight I recall some sort of machinery was mounted there so I believe it may have been done using the guidance of a microscope of some specific design, made for this exact purpose. The nerve fibres were being pushed, pulled, twisted & spliced, and at the time I had no idea why they were doing it.

With the benefit of hindsight, I believe they were creating an artificial 'bridge' of functioning nerve fibres which connected the internal radial nerve to a point on the outside of my epidermis – basically spooling/ grafting the nerve fibres in such a way that they created what I have considered to be a 'conducting port' which exited my skin in a very tiny, barely visible nodule of active nerve tissue. The reason I believe this, is because in the years since, when scratching my arm absent-mindedly, at that exact location above the elbow on my left arm, I would scratch over a tiny bump on the skin, barely visible even on close examination, which instantly creates an extreme lightning bolt shock of neuropathic pain which fires up & down my arm at the speed of (unsurprisingly enough) light itself.

As a kid I couldn't figure out what was going on. However, a few years ago I gave it some thought, and realised that if they had used some sort of nanomaterial as a lattice/ scaffolding, they could have cultivated the growth of (or directly implanted/ grafted) conducting nerve cells along that path, possibly by applying aspects of advanced stem cell methodology. I carefully investigated more recently & discovered that yes, the exact nodule which I had originally chanced upon as a kid, still exists, and when scratched hard enough (it really doesn't take a lot, you just have to catch it with your fingernail), it still yields the lightning bolt of horrendous neuropathic pain up & down my arm.

As to why this was done to me? I believe it is an aspect of the mind control methodology – to cause someone to dissociate you need to torture them to an unbearable level, and ideally, you need to do it without leaving marks on the body, particularly if you are abusing & fracturing the mind of a young child who needs to remain in an ordinary life with the appearance of being an ordinary child, one who does not suffer abuse, whose mind isn't fractured or controlled in any way. If there was a snake in the garden, forming the dark heart of UK military counter-intelligence, I suspect they created this bridge to the radial nerve of my left arm, so that by using a very simple mechanised actuator – or even a fingernail - they could, in tandem with hypnosis, cause me to dissociate quickly due to the trauma of the severe & lasting nerve pain. This would be highly effective torture against a young child, and it wouldn't leave even a scratch on my body. They could do this repeatedly, across months or even years, perhaps hidden from the sight of other members of the military oversight committee & security services desk, and my family. If they combined this with the typical hypnosis which is used in cases where MK-Ultra style programming is in operation, then there is no way on Earth that I would know that it was even happening – until such a time as I began to reflect on my life in detail, as I have done in preparation for this thread.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:10 AM
Interestingly, over the course of many years, I have had 'dreams' which were extremely real, with none of the usual dream weirdness (I am extremely familiar with the mechanism & expression of dream environments & characters, dimensional shifts or symbolism which typifies the vivid dreams which many of you here on ATS will know I experience, as a dreamer who dreams intensely every single night, several times a night, for what seems like hours at a time). My 'sleep score' on my new smartwatch is terrible, because most of the night is spent in REM stage sleep, with barely any deep sleep at all..!! The ratio is something like 3:1 - REM sleep vs. Deep sleep. These unusually realistic dreams I refer to, which are not like the vast majority of my dreams, usually take the form of an interview with a military leader, perhaps also chatting with soldiers of the special forces, or having discussions with a psychotherapist character (in some cases including an excursion to military training camps, weapons & equipment stores or outdoor training locations – such as one in particular when I visited the Brecon Beacons in Wales, where the SAS were doing endurance training at the time). In some of these MILAB 'dreams' I am treated almost as a member of the team, with banter & laughter abounding, whereas in others I seem to be treated as an information source being mildly interrogated by a commanding officer. There have been been no MILAB torture events except for the very first experience related above.

There have been specific torture dreams which are separate from these 'MILAB dreams', which occur alongside dreams of intense spiritual persecution - some of which I wrote about recently on ATS, regarding a Satanic interpretation of the Tree of Life Qabalah system, involving travel into or through non-Euclidean realms or dimensions known to occultists as the Tunnels of Set, which are basically portals into the Netherworld/ Hell dimensions, places populated by demonic powers & principalities (“spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms”). In such places, I was subject to heinous psychological, existential & even physically painful torture of the most unbearable nature (which include fractal derealisation of the soul & other spiritual persecution, along with real, tangible, physical pain of an horrible nature, which I experienced frequently alongside the psychological torture, locked into the experience so I couldn't wake up even despite the pain). Had I not been actively shielded from the worst aspects of such torments by the LORD, I would have simply ceased to exist as a sane entity, due to the mind-shattering Hell which it led me into. I believe I had those experiences so I could testify as to the real nature of that spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms, to warn people of what it is that plots & schemes in order to attempt to destroy the lives & souls of humanity. As I said in the thread describing these events, God actively shields almost all people from the horrors of those realms, they will never have to experience their full expression. But there are some who dance with the Devil who know not what they do, and they need to be warned of exactly what Hell is all about, hence I am given the experience so I can relate the terrors it induces, causing people to re-evaluate their choices, if they work on the 'dark side' in this world.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:10 AM
But comparatively, relative to all the wild spiritual dreams of both a positive & negative nature, the 'MILAB dreams' have been a consistent, if infrequent experience of a totally real nature, having absolutely no traces of warped dream realities. On reflection, I have decided that there is simply no other interpretation except that I am remembering, potentially under the direction of post-hypnotic suggestion (or simply accidentally), incidents from my life when the UK military would have had the opportunity, ability & motive to literally abduct me without the knowledge of my current nuclear family, and also earlier in my life when my adoptive 'parents'/ guardians would have had no choice but to stand by &/or enable those abductions willingly, for reasons of pre-existing agreements relating to national security.

Interestingly, when I awoke in my bed following the first MILAB experience in which my radial nerve was manipulated (& when something was injected into my right eyeball, a terrifying experience which caused me to dissociate & black out) I found that as I gasped for breath on awakening, my father came straight away into the room with a saddened look on his face - expressing genuine concern, he asked me if I was alright.

He had never before, and never since did he ever enter my room to check on my well-being during the night – it would have been impossible for him to hear me awaken from his own room, which was too far away to hear me simply waking up – I know I didn't scream on awakening, I simply woke up, breathing heavily. Looking back, it is an absolute certainty that he had been waiting outside my room for me to come round from the knockout I had experienced on dissociating after the MILAB torture. As soon as he heard that I was awake, he came in quietly to check on me & reassure me that everything would be okay. He didn't refer to the MILAB experience, neither did I, barely anything was said at all – he wasn't panicked like most parents are if their child awakens screaming in the night, he was quiet & pensive - with the benefit of hindsight, it is abundantly clear to me that he knew something terrible had been done to me.

Interestingly, having been strapped into a dentist's chair during the MILAB encounter, you may be surprised to discover that my father was in fact a dentist in our National Health Service (since he left the RAF), and indeed he had his own clinic nearby to where we lived at that time. As a result, I am convinced that I was injected with a knockout substance while already sleeping in my bed, before being transported to his clinic for that neural surgery to be carried out overnight, using advanced methods known only to the cutting edge researchers in secret government R & D organisations at the time. I want to believe I was awoken accidentally, that they didn't intend to traumatise me in that way – but it is indeed possible, in light of the nature of the surgery & what it achieved (a means of causing me to dissociate under the effects of trauma) that they deliberately woke me up using a cocktail of paralytic & stimulant drugs, so that they could cause me to dissociate when they injected the centre of my eyeball – with paralysis meaning there was no risk that I could shut my eyes or even move my eyeball itself during the experience.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Fly, I haven't read your entire thread but I skipped to the dreams and paralysis part and your mentioning of the Lord. I cant comment on the military end but all is plausible in todays world as it was back in the day. As an Empath I can also feel your pain in what you have wrote as that's my supposed "gift" in life along with several others. However because of our gifts we do not lead a fulfilled life as we never achieve our full potential as we are here to assist others in their journey.

I have had Sleep Paralysis almost my entire life. It began at age 6 and I never understood what it was until ATS OP Sled735 wrote me in 2019 on her thread in Paranormal. You can read many of my experiences as its like a diary. Rest in peace Sled735.

I also have vivid dreams in color daily. Some so real one cant discern them from real life. I can also feel in my dreams. So when I have a recurring dream that I am a Confederate soldier fighting in battle and I am bayoneted I feel it and awaken.

What I can write is that I am mentally sound with an 88 percentile IQ. I am considered spiritually gifted at the extreme right side of the Bell curve by the Catholic Church and was told by Father Robert Morey of The Catholic Diocese of
Charleston in 2021 that I have been under spiritual attack since age 6 as a "curse" was placed on me. He told me what to do and said I would be under the protection of the Catholic church. I am not born again or some sort of religious zealot. I am an engineer by education, former executive in business and I am pragmatic.

That being said I have had visitations by the 7' faceless hooded entity while in Sleep Paralysis. He is referred to as a Gatekeeper. His visits began to accelerate in 2018-2019 so I began to pray to God. He hasn't returned since and its September 2022 as during several SP episodes I began seeing a brilliant white shield floating up to my right in my bedroom in 2018 just before Christmas. It took me a year of research but that was the Armor of God or Shield of Faith.

This week I was interviewed by Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London via zoom call. It lasted for almost 2 hours. I made contact with her via Dr. David Hufford. I will continue to work with them so as to publish and document my experiences.

What I can say is that in my opinion we live on after death. We also reincarnate and yes there is a Supreme Being as in God. My last Sleep Paralysis episode was in January of 2022. It was a beautiful woman in her 30's but I was still terrified such that I said in my mind "Jesus help me". She disappeared in that instant and NO sleep paralysis since.

I now pray and use a rosary. I never thought I would be where I am at today in relation to religion. That's now my life.

All I can say is keep an open mind.

edit on 15-9-2022 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 15-9-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 03:15 PM
I listened to it all. Im still processing the story. It is very interesting, that's for sure.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Thanks for sticking around, as I say I have plenty more to post, but I'm hoping that people will chime in & request that I continue, otherwise I'm just shouting into the wind.. The story gets varied, and then it gets weird. But I need to know that people genuinely want to read/hear it before I post each section. It's not an ego thing, it's more of a self-reassurance & protective thing, knowing that there are people on-side, waiting to listen.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:01 PM
Here, hear! (The misspelling's on purpose).
I'm listening. I like your writing style and it's quite the interesting life story. Thanks for sharing.

edit on 15-9-2022 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
Ill be here for the rest of the story!

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:10 AM

Why would they bother with me at all? Well, in more recent times I have been kept alive because I appear to be what some refer to as a 'Totem', a term which refers to an 'information carrier' in the world of espionage & intelligence operations – an unusual one, because the information I carry relates generally to the spiritual condition of the UK, the world at large, and the destiny of Mankind (though I have also received information in my dreams which had significant relevance to the defence of the United Kingdom & its citizens, as well as Israel/ the Middle East & on a couple of occasions, the USA). I have no conscious paranormal abilities, I am not a remote viewer, I am unable to carry out telekinesis or psychic interrogation – but I regularly, consistently receive information from a high level spiritual source which is authoritative & accurate, in a repeatable & testable manner, given enough time & the freedom to inquire on a range of subjects at my leisure.

The source of the information is, to my mind, unequivocally the Almighty, God - YHWH Adonai, whom the Masons refer to as the Universal Architect, whom I refer to simply as 'Father'. The intellectually honest & righteous Masons in the military command structure of the United Kingdom (known colloquially as 'Journeymen'), no matter their exact personal beliefs, respect the fact of the reality of the Supreme Being. Although there are certainly people who mock me personally, who disdain me as a worthless individual because of my disability, or because they disagree with my Christian beliefs, or because they know the depths of my foolish hedonism as a younger man - there are a great many who tentatively respect what I stand for, even if they think I'm a bit of an idiot on a personal level. Undoubtedly I'm a 'damaged' individual as a result of the experiences I've had over the past thirty five years of my life – but I know God, I have an assurance of His presence in my life, and in the lives of my immediate family members, and I hold out hope & trust Him that the world is actually in His care, that many, indeed the majority of people here are shielded from spiritual wickedness by His grace, and that the remnant of the people who are struggling psycho-spiritually for whatever reasons are largely doing so because there remain active & as yet unbroken spiritual contracts between world powers & dark forces, which corrupt the systems & social infrastructure of the world, leading to vast chains which bind the people to the principalities of darkness which they are caught up with.


Please bear with me as I refer (once only in this thread) to my personal belief system, re: why it's valuable.

I believe that at least a part of my personal mission here is to assist in exposing the depth of evil which is extant throughout the political & spiritual systems of control & oppression here upon the Earth, and in the local heavenly realms, the astral & the dreamworlds, the netherworld & so on, guiding as many people as possible to the light of Christ. But no, I'm not going to ask you to simply recite a three line prayer - then hey presto, all done.. No, the problems we face are deeper than the platitudes of a potentially disingenuous televangelist. Though I will say this: The only thing you need to do to secure your spiritual well-being over the long term future in this world, and evermore in the hereafter, is to make an honest commitment in your heart to trust in the salvation work of Christ, to have faith, to be willing to (potentially) submit your will to His will, knowing that you are forgiven for your faults & bad choices. Bearing in mind that you do not have to do so blindly, you are within your rights to ask Him to demonstrate to you (in whatever way He so chooses) the reality of His existence, and to show you how He is able to bring you to full spiritual & material provision, security & blessing, in a relationship with Him, the infinite Lord of Creation (thus infinitely concerned with the destiny of every single human who ever lived) - in the wondrous realms of His kingdom. It is a kingdom based on faith, so that it is equally accessible to the little children as it is to the esteemed philosophers. You need only believe, and trust Him, and you will see the outworking of His grace in your life.

The state of our world..

I'd like to inject a few thoughts regarding the current state of the world, as I feel that a second part of my personal mission is to help in developing awareness, strategies & networks which will enable the defence of the freedoms of the people of the world more generally, in the face of great darkness spreading across the Earth at this time. I believe that as the premier home of alternative theorising on the internet which is moderated & well respected, and which is certainly monitored in a deeply organised manner by the Five Eyes security services (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia & New Zealand), ABOVETOPSECRET.COM has a significant role to play in the currently unfolding & highly necessary revolution of what we could consider to be the spiritual, political & military intelligence strategic operations oversight. They are the fifth column of loyal patriots who now sadly number as a minority in those intelligence services, yet they are the ones who have been chosen to defend the world against the corporate-fascist powers intent on unleashing a long-planned 'Great Reset' (which has been decades, even generations in the making). If plans for a WEF-inspired Great Reset succeed, the perpetrators will spiritually, politically & militarily liquidate meaningful human freedoms - depopulating the world & possibly destroying true liberty forever more. We cannot allow the perpetrators to succeed.

To discuss a core problem associated with the spiritual aspect of the issues we currently face, I had formerly (even until recently) been an implicitly accepting believer in the validity of some sort of dispensationalism, the organised theological belief that Jesus would personally return to the Earth – but only after a period of chaos seemingly predicted in the Book of the Revelation of St John, to execute judgment against the nations which rebelled against Him & against the impending rule of God's kingdom.

Part of me still believes that there is a likelihood that some such monumental events will, in some manner, unfold after the patterned suggestion of His literal return AT SOME POINT. However, I have recently begun to give more credence to the idea that dispensationalism could have been deliberately hyped up & exaggerated by the enemies of the church in the late nineteenth century, as a means of creating endemically weakened Christians the world over, suffering spiritual, political & military procrastination & even laziness amongst the ranks of Christian societies throughout the world – thereby ensuring that when evil men (& women), with their Satanic schemes, became increasingly evident, increasingly blatant, and increasingly destructive - as is the case currently with regards the COVID-19/vaccine bioweapon & the linked plan for a Great Reset – then Christians & indeed all Western societies would hesitate to act decisively to stop these behaviours, because they hold fast to the notion that there is no need to do anything about it, except to pray, because ultimately, isn't Jesus supposed to return & set everything aright..?


posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:10 AM
This is naturally tied together thereafter with the inherent risk that such evil men & women, in their scheming, would gain control of society at every level & amplify their control of technologies that would so embolden & empower them as to serve to enable the utter & abject enslavement of the rest of Mankind at their hands (at least, those who are left after the depopulation attempt), potentially forever, if we do not awaken, arise & conquer them before they have a chance to destroy every source of meaningful resistance which could feasibly be mounted against them. If only there were a means of breaking the grip which they already hold tightly over the vast majority of the world's resources! Because what we have is a gradual mergers & acquisition strategy agglomerating all the world's evil #ery, over the course of centuries, under one banner, the banner which is currently being waved by the World Economic Forum, overseen by the BlackRock & Vanguard corporations, and some slightly lesser foes, which seemingly are all operating together at the helm of the entire operation, turning the rudder of the United Nations & firing the engine of NATO as the second & third powers which exist to exert control over the West more generally, and by their combined efforts, over the entire world altogether.

How we can fight back..

As Jesus said, if you want to break in & rob someone's home, first you must tie up the strongman who would resist your efforts. Once you have him subdued, there is no way for the other members of the household to fight against the superior strength, numbers & taste for violence which the robbers possess.

However, there is a metaphorical caveat which applies to our current situation – if you can alert the neighbours to what is happening, a superior force is suddenly brought to bear upon the situation, leveraging the householders' will to resist with the combined power of an entire community working together to overpower & destroy the robbers.

I believe that we, the truthseekers & oathkeepers, here on ATS & elsewhere in our online haunts, populate the premier online spaces designed for exposing the deeds done by wicked people in the dark corners of this world – with ATS we have a forum which is perfectly suited to long form essays that are richly replete with information, videos & cross-linking of informational sources, capable of inspiring & fuelling debate which can then spread more widely on the internet generally, in all manner of alternative forums, through messaging apps & social networks designed to counter the numbing & dumbing-down effect of the mainstream media & social media sites/apps.

Through alternative services such as Telegram, Gab & many others, we can pollinate the world wide web with information that can be carefully assessed not only by ordinary citizens, but also by those operating within sensitive military & civilian intelligence roles, such as will have the capability, if the motivation is high, to act in tandem with existing fifth column organisations, so as to cautiously take preparatory actions which will ensure the best possible defence of the freedom of the people, our cherished institutions & infrastructure, and the very soul of humanity, launching a coup d'etat when a suitable opportunity presents itself


posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:11 AM
Phase transition boundary...

It is my hope that we are now beginning to approach what could be seen as an event horizon, a boundary where the phase shift of increasing worldwide civilian awareness will happen, which means that the controllers of the conspiracy for a New World Order - those eugenics-loving cretins from amongst the ultra rich & 'the establishment', the social elites of many nations - may now be reaching a point of lower confidence that their plans will be achieved successfully.

I was reminded the other day by another ATS member that these elitists do not 'panic' in response to our actions, rather they plan alternative paths carefully, using highly intelligent strategists & nuanced psychological warfare techniques to dominate the information war which is unfolding. However, the fact that they released propaganda via the United Nations a couple of weeks ago, which seeks to crush any notion that people should entertain conspiracy theories which suggest what I am suggesting here (that the elites have a secret plan to control the world). To any sane, thinking person, the fact that they released that propaganda now, even demanding that people inform the authorities regarding anyone who shares or promotes such alleged 'conspiracy theories' – proves that we have entered that stage of phase transition, the period in which there is a chance that their plans could flounder (even more than they arguably already have done, to some extent). Bear in mind also they just blamed a household murder-suicide attempt on QAnon conspiracies, so soon after the first United Nations propaganda launch - it is clear they are stacking the deck agains those in the alternative Truther communities (even though I don't follow the QAnon community/ narrative, many legitimate conspiracies are highlighted in those forums/threads, hence it is yet another attack onn conspiracy theorists as part of their grand strategy.

In this period of phase transition, there is a chance that the awareness which has come to flower in the minds of a reasonably large proportion of the population of many nations could amplify exponentially – primarily due to the growing understanding & perception of huge numbers of anomalous deaths & injuries associated with the COVID shots, but also due to the major & incessant infringements of civil liberties around the world, with lockstep & wildly inappropriate policy decisions being made by major 'Liberal World Order' leaders, in the circumstances of the horrendously artificially inflated cost of living (all around the world, but particularly in Western nations) & deliberate deconstruction of societal infrastructure, such as the food supply chain, with those same cretins attacking farmers in the Netherlands (the second largest exporter of food after the Ukraine), effectively banning them from farming cows for meat or dairy produce, because of changes in the permitted levels of methane output which are generated by the herds, basically forcing the farmers out of business by excessive fines & penalties. Funny how the largest exporters of food are being destroyed, by two separate methods (war & executive policy directive), in a coordinated manner at the same time, during a known worldwide shortage of food. It is blatant, when you expose their actions. They've also been burning down food production plants all over the USA..!

And look at what they did to Sri Lanka! They literally destroyed the economy by banning farmers from using artificial fertiliser, allegedly in a bid to improve their environmental footprint – yet that action did nothing but ensure the failure of ALL CROPS in the country, which destabilised & crashed its economy as a direct result. It is obvious that they are testing their means of inducing famine & hardship, inflating costs & making essential resources scarce.

This is why these elitists are now loudly firing a shot across the bow of conspiracy researchers, so that people caught up in the mainstream culture buy into this belief that conspiracy theorists should be shut down, rather than listened to. Think about how vulnerable the perpetrators are right now in the information war. We need only expose how they are deliberately targeting the largest agricultural exporters in order to ruin the food supply chain throughout the developed world, and then the people will see that in actual fact, there IS a determined conspiracy afoot, which intends to deconstruct current social infrastructure, so as to supplant it with the “You will own nothing, and be happy” maxim of the World Economic Forum, launching their 'Great Reset', fully against the will of the vast majority of the world's population!!! In fact this attempt to tarnish the reputations of 'conspiracy theorists' is quite possibly the new Current Thing® which is to be vociferously & unthinkingly supported by celebrities, the mainstream media, and all over social media - until those rapscallion conspiracy theorists are no more..

In reality, we are the Truth Theorists, no less. We have the potential opportunity to tilt the scales in our favour, at this crucial juncture, as they try to shut us down, we should pile on the pressure & highlight their evil schemes.

Bible time:

”Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

Ephesians 5: 11

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 05:12 AM
The swing of the Pendulum...

Thankfully, as noted, their offensive shot adequately tees up the possibility that things will swing the other way – that people who were formerly on the fence will begin to question more deeply the narrative control which is being so blatantly exerted. Just as it is with any children, when the parents say “Don't do this”, “Don't touch the big red button” or “Don't think of a yellow elephant”, what happens? With any remotely rebellious child they are immediately liable to do exactly what they are being told not to do. In the case of any mildly curious/ adventurous child, they will instantly push the big red button. Any child interested in how his mind works will obsess over the yellow elephant which is now forcing its way into every waking moment.

It is my speculation that with some appropriate memes & the tactical placement of topic headings to act as triggers, on all suitable forums & across social media, even if many of the posts are taken down, we can initiate exponential awareness multiplication & ultimately the destruction of the cabal itself, as the peasants march on the castles with pitchforks & flaming torches.

Of course, the peasants would need to enlist the support of the armed forces of their nations, but seeing as the armed forces usually recruit from within the native population where the castles are built, and seeing as those forces members have family & friends, potentially spouses, children & elderly parents who have been injured by adverse jab reactions, having lost their livelihood, or even having died as a direct result of the mandated injections, it shouldn't be too hard to obtain their support, given the right circumstances to precipitate the launch of a spontaneous global coup d'etat (elegantly planned in advance, in absolute secrecy, awaiting the touchpaper moment necessary to garner the maximum support for the operation). It is my suggestion that upon the successful completion of such an operation, Libertarian & Christian values should be refreshed & adopted as the antidote to decades of the liberal world order scam of pseudo-democracy, which has dominated & polluted Western politics & society to our great detriment for such a long time.

The conspirators clearly are concerned with the possibility of failure, else they wouldn't have bothered to attempt to manipulate the mainstream populace into informing on their neighbours, friends & family members for sharing 'conspiracy theories' about a sinister group attempting to fully dominate & control the world – blatantly attempting to dominate & control the international narrative in the process of warning people not to believe that such a thing is happening - ergo blatantly attempting to dominate & control the world, defeating themselves by being over-confident in their assessment of the probability of success for this 'anti-conspiracy theory' strategy.

One suggestion I pondered is that we seek to enlist the support of the hacker group Anonymous in this endeavour, which is time sensitive & mission critical, if we are indeed to disrupt the narrative so much that their phase transition ends up coming down firmly on the side of righteousness, dumping those cabal mother#ers into the sea with millstones tied around their necks.

If we can disrupt their attempt to lead the world's citizens into a Stasi-esque culture of unashamedly grassing up their contemporaries for daring to assert that the world elites may not have our best interests at heart, then we can potentially cause a drag effect which will serve in a similar manner to that of a sea anchor, preventing the conspiracy from moving forwards despite the currents which they have initiated through their diabolical work to date.


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