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posted on Aug, 27 2022 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2
a reply to: ChiefD

Should have stayed in the car and started going "OHHHHH MY NECK! OOOOOHHHH MY BACK!"

Hahahaha, I know, right?

posted on Aug, 27 2022 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

I've thought about it, just can't bring myself to actually do it. Just doesn't feel right to me. I'd rather make my fortune being an honest person.

Glad you're alright. Sooner or later this guy is probably going to end up really hurting or killing someone, and the cops being the way they are are going to say there wasn't anything they could have done about this repeat offender while the victim(s) family and friends and the rest of the community once again wonder why their beloved police didn't do anything to prevent it from happening.

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