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Odd encounter today

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posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:01 AM
Might be in the wrong place, feel free to move it or just delete it, I am more just putting it into words than anything else to try and make sense of it.

I live in Fairbanks, there is a drug/alcohol problem up here no question.

Took my Staffordshire terrier out for a walk downtown, beautiful day partly cloudy light breeze about 75 degrees F.

My Staffy Kira is very well behaved when it's just me and her (otherwise she is hyper vigilant if our old husky is with us), every interaction she has had with people up here has been awesome.

So, I am walking up to an intersection and there is a guy on the other side of the street, we make a right and continue to do our normal walk. All of a sudden, she pauses and alerts on the guy across the street. I look and he is staring at us, I give her a little tug and she responds by following. we go about a half a block, and she alerts again on the guy who is matching us across the street with a stout stick he started banging on the light pole just glaring at us. I shift my stance so I can keep him in view (open carry state and yes I am carrying) we get to the end of the block and I see him stop and pick up a good-sized rock couple pounds.

So at this point I break off the walk and take a zig zag path back to the apartment.

Now I say all of that and will follow up with I grew up in an area in florida that has a metric ton of drugs coming through so encounters with people whos minds are fried, nothing new. (Admittedly I am ignorant of side effects with the newer drugs)

Had several encounters with drunks up here, no big deal, been in the middle east downtown off the beaten path and felt people glaring hate and wanting to hurt me given a chance.

This felt different the guy flat creeped me out, it wasn't just threatening it felt malevolent towards me and my dog, drunken drugged out friendliness no problem, threatening I can manage it this threw me for a loop.

I get odds are high it was just someone drugged out on some new designer drug, but I work with a guy who is fairly religious, and we have had several interesting discussions about the spiritual world, and I imagine this is influencing my thoughts a bit because his favorite description for things like this is demonic presence.

Anyways thats all, hopefully this takes the edge off so I can sleep.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I shift my stance so I can keep him in view (open carry state and yes I am carrying)


If there's a next time, be sure that he's not the distraction.

edit on 31-7-2022 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:20 AM
Can you imagine how you would have felt if you were unarmed ? Some idiots get off on instilling fear in others they perceive who are weaker. A protective dog and a side arm is just insurance for whatever situation the idiot wanted to bring to the game... GAME.... yes the game of life and maybe death.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Be safe, Irishhaf. You are correct to wonder about that encounter.


posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I looked at your past threads and I can see you have a former military background.
Could you have leaked something you where not suppose to ?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I've had that experience once when out an about, not exactly a believer in possession but that's the words everyone was using.

Some guy walking down a busy street in the middle of town acting really weird and aggressive with people picking up things and throwing them on roofs etc. He wasn't attacking people though but he was doing his best to create a confrontation. When someone across the street did shout at him he just stared at him for a few seconds did a slitting of the throat gesture and proceeded to punch a lamp post full force.

And I mean bashing the hell out of a steel lamppost, the cops couldn't get cuffs on him his hands/wrists we're all mashed up.

I assumed mental breakdown and hard drugs but yeah, surreal is an understatement and he seemed possessed. This was a busy street and everyone was freaked, can't imagine how I'd feel alone with my dog.

She's a good dog, usually not the one to say it but maybe that needs reporting. Nothing good comes from people acting like that.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Damn that’s freaky.

My son had a weird encounter a few months back that is stuck in my head.

He and a couple friends were headed to Maine from Massachusetts. Right before they hit 95 North at the New Hampshire turnoff, this van that had black words painted spooky on side of it, which appeared to be driving way too close for sometime, the van finally goes off the NH exit.

Flash forward about an hour, a tire comes off his friends vehicle, so they are on the side of the road waiting for help and guess who pulls up behind them. Yup, it’s spooky van. My son was horrified, his friend grabbed a machete he had in the car fully expecting to have to use it when Thank God the state police pulled up 🙏🏻

Spooky got back in vehicle and took off.

The logistics of how this was possible is mind boggling. The dude would have had to get off NH exit and drive 100mph to catch them again!

Thank you Maine State Police! My next donation will be to you guys 💙

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 07:01 AM
Something like that happened to me back in the early 80s. I wasn't too long out of high school and had my first real job doing dishes at a restaurant on 8 Mile road near Gratiot in Detroit, right on the border. Next door was a motel where working girls took their Johns.

I had parked at the back of the restaurant parking lot and was coming around to the front when a car pulled up with two nasty, seedy looking guys that jumped out. The driver was pretty big and had a billy club strapped on his waist. He looked crazy and was accusing me of throwing something at his car.

I talked my way out of that situation somehow and I remembered thinking he must have been a drunk with DTs and had hallucinated that I threw a rock or something. Those guys were aggressive and ready to beat me down, but it was confusion I sensed not evil. It wasn't like they were out to victimize someone, just out of their minds it seems. I was able to convince them that I wasn't their guy throwing things.

I have been around people who seemed to be possessed, but I felt the pure evil and couldn't even look them in the eye because I didn't want them to focus their attention on me. Those two guys were at a local bar I frequented. Maybe a week later I found out they raped and killed a young girl from that bar, only a few blocks from where I lived. Apparently they told their landlord that they had raped and killed before, liked doing it and we're going to do it again. Those two were possessed in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

The fact that your dog zeroed in on the guy across the street, not once but twice... that would be enough to convince me! I don't know about you, but I feel like dogs are amazingly good judges of character and will alert the owner when something isn't right. Good job zig-zagging home in case he meant to throw that rock. What will you do now? It would be difficult to figure out exactly what to report to the local cops, besides they guy seemed menacing and glared and picked up a rock like he meant to throw it at you. Yikes... real tough situation. I hope the guy moves on and you never see him again.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:25 AM
I live near Chicago so I also see my share of drugged out nut-jobs. And there are others besides the mayor too...

One thing that definitely happens in this area, especially when you have a pitie or staff, people try to get bit so they can sue you. They know they can jerk the dog around without actually assaulting you and then say your dog is a viscous animal and they never touched you. It happens more often than you might think.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

A friendly comment: As a fifth gen family of sensitives...that were too.

Always follow your own "sensitivity. And your dog's.

edit on 07220131America/ChicagoSun, 31 Jul 2022 08:43:01 -050043202200000001 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

We don't really have the right words for what your Son experienced, but "Cruisers" describes the behavior. It's very different than just a couple of kids driving around cause they're bored.

Not going to say it's like possession, but it's more like "Something" is using a couple of humans who inadvertently left themselves open an that "Something" is the driving force while the humans are functioning on autopilot. Your Son's intuition was dead on the mark.

The thing is there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why a "Cruiser" decides to practice hunt a certain human. Irishalf's experience was different, that guy was itching for physical confrontation. Cruisers if confronted are shocked and you can actually see the difference as the Human being used realizes they have no idea why they are where they are or why you're telling them to Phaff-Off.

Without getting too deep, Cruisers are like the "Hitchhiker" effect except they aren't tied to place. The last thing you want to do is go directly home dragging it along with you. I'm certainly no freaking expert, just telling you the bits I know.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I hope this does help you sleep. There is a lot of crazy out there. More and more synthetic drugs. Evil is just that, evil. If someone is going to throw a rock at you they are evil and possessed by the stupid demon.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Wow! That’s interesting and sounds logical too me! Thank you, I’m going to research that cruiser effect.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 12:28 PM
I always pay attention to my dogs, I trust them much more than I do people and they have never let me down.

Much later I walked my old husky through the same area and I saw the rock he had picked up in the middle of the road, it was big enough it could bash a head in of dog or person.

I will say I hadnt been keeping my head on a swivel enough prior to this, moving forward I will let the paranoia out a bit more.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

Nope no opsec violation the comments on turkey were from 25 years ago, while not there now I would wager nobody is getting downtown trips since probably the heyday of ISIS.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Hey 19? (Loved that Steely Dan tune!) I carry an eyes-front and center only, never to give away Im armed.

I have more than a few times, opened my shirt ...not more than a few in 35 years. You did right.

ETA: One instructor told me always keep your eyes on target or threat, while peripherally glancing your exit strategy. Good you were across the street.
edit on 07223431America/ChicagoSun, 31 Jul 2022 15:28:34 -050028202200000034 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

You mentioned continuing on "Your normal walk".
Maybe time to switch it up? I'm not overly vigilant but neither am I a fan of "patterns". Being predictable is prey behavior and leads to trouble. JMO

Despite having enough room for my guy to run amok at home dogs get bored too, so I'd pack him up for a walk. Not being a fan of dog parks or the mandatory conversations you get trapped into I would pick from a couple of parks with trails for him to get his ya-ya's out. It was much easier to notice "who didn't belong" in places like that. You may think no one notices but at one park I hadn't been to in a couple of weeks some dude actually came over and asked me where we'd been?

Yep....and that park was out of my rotation for the rest of the year. While being creepy isn't a crime, that's what solidified the idea Me & Pup were being too predictable. I'm sure this all sounds stupid, but it's how I think.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:58 PM
My folks inherited a mutt that my husband had tried to take care of right when we were just out of college. He was a huge black and tan almost shepherd-looking dog. People used to cross the street when I'd come along walking him. He was an absolute doll though, and he LOVED kids. He never, ever did anything to hurt a kid.

Well my dad would take him out to the country fair grounds at night to run around and get a good sniff. It was always off-leash because no one was ever around. Bud would do his thing, poke all over and never get too far away, and the place was only a couple blocks away over the train tracks in a smaller town. Ideal.

One night, my dad set off with Bud to go do the walk and poke at the fair grounds, and they got halfway down the last block toward the tracks. The fair grounds were just over the other side, and all of a sudden, Bud interposed himself right in front of my dad, blocking him. There was no more friendly demeanor either. His head was low and his tail was out. He actually started growling. Dad to a step or two to the side, and Bud kept blocking him.

So dad decided to give up and go back home. He never did see anything, so he doesn't know what set the dog off. And Bud walked up there hundreds of times before they all moved out to the country. He only ever did that once, never again.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Oh my gosh, I would have been scared out of my wits! As new_here mentioned, dogs can definitely sense people, can tell what's good and what's evil. I'm glad you had your dog, and am glad you were armed. Something had taken ahold of that guy, and it was something evil. And yeah, he was probably strung out on something. If you see him again, call the police. God only knows who else that guy may be stalking. I'm glad you and your dog were able to get away before anything happened.

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