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Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021 Would Be 25 years Ago

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posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: chr0naut

COVID-19 has potentially been another one of those


Nearly all of the people that died in hospital were put on ventilators and subsequently murdered.

The rest that weren't killed on ventilators died from something else with covid.

How many people died in the safety of their own home with covid?

Genuine question.

I don't know those numbers but I do know someone who was a pastor in Fiji and was turned away from the hospital when he and his family contracted COVID-19. He died at home, and he died of COVID-19. He was 58 and as far as anyone else knows, was otherwise healthy.

In first world countries where hospitals have expanded to accommodate all severe COVID-19 cases, I doubt that there would be very few among the million or so dead from COVID-19 in the USA, who died outside of a hospital ECU ward.

edit on 22/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You doubt because there is nothing to draw upon.

There is no data of people dying at home from this "killer" virus.

Have you even heard anything non-anecdotal about people dying at home from Covid?

I'm not saying that the guy didn't die at home from Covid but even if he did, that's literally the first time I've ever seen someone recall an account of someone dying at home from Covid.

Do you have only one example?

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: chr0naut

You doubt because there is nothing to draw upon.

There is no data of people dying at home from this "killer" virus.

Have you even heard anything non-anecdotal about people dying at home from Covid?

I'm not saying that the guy didn't die at home from Covid but even if he did, that's literally the first time I've ever seen someone recall an account of someone dying at home from Covid.

Do you have only one example?

Of the people I know personally, he is the only one who has died of COVID-19.

I do know many who have had COVID-19 (even in my own family), and I have been informed of others who died, but with whom I have no direct acquaintance.

I am living in New Zealand, where very few have died of COVID-19 compared to other countries. For instance in the US, with a population of 334 million, there have been more than a million deaths from COVID-19, i.e: one person in 334 people have died.

In New Zealand, with a population of 4 million 900 thousand, there have been 1,350 deaths from COVID-19, i.e: one person in 3,630 have died.

So it is less likely that I would know someone who died, than for someone in the USA.

edit on 22/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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