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Meet Muggs (Muggles)

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posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:20 PM
Just thought I would share a few moments of our dear departed friend Muggles. At 90lbs with the jaws and teeth he had he would have been truly dangerous if aroused. Alas, he had the patience of saint. He never snarled, growled or snapped at anyone, well except his little brother Ares who we call "Little Napoleon" who has 2 small scars to remind him not to keep harassing larger dogs than you. Muggs helped raise everything from tiny kittens to baby chickens.
Muggles and Skitters:

Muggles and Ares Day 3:

Muggles and Lucy's introduction:

As you can tell his favorite game was tug (he always won so he learned to lose to keep his opponent playing). Why his name? He had a big mug and was very ordinary; a true Muggle. He taught us so much about how to make the best of everything. He loved be helpful, herding chickens, dragging tarps full of leaves or bringing in pieces of firewood (heavy pieces!). He was afraid of 2 things; thunderstorms and our disapproval. If you raised your voice even a little he immediately became downcast. He never begged and only whimpered in pain the night before he passed. Saddest sound I will ever hear. We knew he was trouble. I can only be grateful for ever finding him and getting to share his life. If dogs could be saints I would petition the Vatican for him.
I'll add more videos if I come across them.
By the way Kong toys are not indestructible. The only ball to survive his chewing is a tiger ball made for zoo animals.
edit on 29-5-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-5-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

He seemed like a great friend. Sorry for his passing, but who knows, you may catch another glimpse of him. Watch the eyes.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Glad I caught you.

Really wanted to give you especially my sincerest heartfelt condolences. I saw this a couple days ago and had no way to chime in.

Muggs looks so gentle with the chics. Good soul in those eyes.

Again, my absolute sincerest condolences.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:36 PM
The video of Muggles and Skittles is so adorable! He appears to have been highly intelligent, learning just how each of his mates liked to play.

My last dog was a Dane that lived to 13; she gave me enough beautiful memories to last a lifetime and I have no plans of ever owning another dog.

I look forward to more videos as you come across them!

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:43 PM
Condolences and thank you for this great tribute to him!
Your love is amazing.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Did Muggles even KNOW he was a big dog????

Playing with Skitters was such a joy to watch!
And I always loved your profile picture with him and the baby birds.
Truly, a saintly dog.

And, I am so very sorry for your loss.
The ATA Household must be very sad.
edit on Sun May 29 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

The name you gave the cat gave me a lol ,over this side of the pond it is a slang term for having bad diarrhea .

I left it for many years when my dog died to get another two and a half years ago I basically got one forced on me from a dogs home for my birthday, best thing ever as I enjoyed getting out and about during the lock down with him which really miffed the local cops off

And I seem to have named this one I got well Muttley as he is as daft as heck but very good natured
the other animals in your house will miss him as much as you do so go visit the dog pound

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Lol, you nailed it. Muggs didn't know his size, lotta puppy in him. His first friend at the dog park was a Great Dane he could stand underneath of but they played together excluding all other dogs. Funniest looking pair ever wrestling.

He became the heart of house without trying. Big and always near at hand. In fact he liked laying in strategic spots forcing you to step over him but never the kind of dog to keep begging for attention. He simply made himself "available".

My dad loved dogs and we were with him when he passed. When dad was in bed Muggs came and sat beside him to get his ear rubbed and dad passed while rubbing his ear. The personal qualities of my dad have been very much in Muggles since, it's amazing really. Friendly, open, sincere, honest, enthusiastic, helpful, etc..yet really easy going and never pushy in any way. Never negative either.

How we found him:
Somebody foolishly left Muggles at the pound when he was a few months. I went looking and there must have been 50 dogs up for adoption. He was in a cage with 2 other dogs both of whom were jumping at the bars like "take us home!" while Gunner (his given name) sat in the back against the far wall with a "what's the use?" look. I knew he was the dog for us.

Did I get forewarning?
I had a grey fox come right up to my back door last week around 4 am. Also had a titmouse fly in to the sunroom this morning and grab a few spiders before leaving. Maybe 3rd bird in a dozen years to come in the house.
All our pets are behaving uniquely in response.
Trying to keep everything upbeat to reassure them ( we have a second cat - Scrams).

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Such amazing, loyal and loving animals, i prefer the company of Dogs over most humans i know.

So sorry for your loss, i know that pain, they become part of the family.

Your videos made me smile.
edit on 29/5/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Awww, absolutely loved the videos! Animals are so great, way better than people most times. He looks like he was a great family member!

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Heartbreaking news.

I loved the videos!

RIP dear sweet Muggles. Run free through open fields and rest beneath tall trees and moonlight.

So very sorry for your loss Hun. I've been there and know how you feel. HUGS!

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