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The Anunnaki and the Matrix of Lies. The Missing Links.

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posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Interesting . Good to see you Back again . I thought maybe you took a Trip to Valhalla .

To be honest, I almost did. Though I had a heart attack, dam smoking.............. I have cut way back. Should quit entirely...

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Sorry to hear that . I Consider You Family here on ATS my Friend . Maybe See You on the " Other Side " one Day , I'm Buyin' the Heavenly Drinks .....*)

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Question - Could Liberalism be Considered a Neanderthal Trait ?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

First, the video. They assume there has been no "Intervention", where as I conclude it is a ongoing reality. Neanderthal without question was a physical brute compared to us, and would put up a good fight if anyone tried to enslave him. The rest of the video is unfounded and only speculation.

In as far as traits go, each species has its own abilities, and instincts.

Could Liberalism be Considered a Neanderthal Trait ?
I wouldn't think so. I would consider it a trait of, possession!

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Seems Interbreeding was a One Way Street . Male Neanderthal's were not Mating with Homo Sapien Females thus Reducing their Gene Pool . As for their Culture , The Lack of " Forward Thinking " was the Main Contributor to their Eventual Extinction along with their Hunting Technology not changing much over the Last 35 Thousand Years of their Existence IMO . I am also of the Belief that Neanderthal's were a Failed Breeding Experiment of Higher Intelligent Life Forms involved in the Process of trying to Create Higher Intelligent Creatures to Inhabit Planet Earth . What do you Think ?
edit on 16-3-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 01:52 AM

edit on 16-3-2024 by joejoebaby because: To long and got crossed up during the text

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

""roughly 4 times the DNA we Homo Sapiens have. They are, water born, but able to live on dry land with some precautions. (Hand Bag?) ""


posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Definite yes to the higher, more knowledgeable, hidden, intelligence's.

What your inferring is a more acceptable "Meat Bag" for the eternal Spirited Soul to inhabit on a limited timeline? One that is chosen via a long history of trial and error? Sure, no argument here. But failed? There is really no way to tell that seeing how we have no first hand accounts to the reasons for their demise, and or replacements.. Their lives may have been heavenly, compared to the rat race we live in now... (It may have been a misunderstood downgrade

Which made me think about "Instincts", or those instructions we are born with/out. Animals have excellent instruction sets to hit the ground running as far as life is concerned. They require very little training from their parents compared to human beings. We are born, defenseless and quite ignorant (with the exception of limited reincarnation experiences) and require extreme amounts of care from our parents for us to survive and operate. What information packages were the Neanderthal born with, compared to ours? Were they born with more than us? They had the same size brain as us. Did those "Intelligence" withhold certain information from them, where it was supplied to us?? Thereby allowing our species to excel....

When ever I consider these subjects I must balance it from the perspective, of a Eternal Soul. There is little doubt that the Soul's genesis, time wise, goes back an unfathomable amount of time, thereby learning everything their is to know. And would put that soul in a eventual state of meaninglessness, or extreme boredom. When there is no more to learn, then, there is no reason to continue.... How does one escape that fate??? Being born into a ignorant existence for a time?? That would certainly explain why we are born to the level of ignorance we see. Life becomes a challenge that in reality, is a divine gift............

You must admit, Earth, is a exciting place, with all the variations of "Meat Bags", not only human, but the Animal Kingdom, as well. Its a Spiritual Amusement park to the Soul....

But to be honest, life is not limited to the external surface of this planet, that just sits in the "Habitable" zone of the Solar Sun. Jesus came to try and educate the other species of humans, the homo capensis, which has a brain much larger than the Neanderthals or Homo Sapiens. And as a result of that difference come to rule this surface, but not the surface Jesus came from. Yes, the truth of the Dome of Heaven. A truth that is guarded at all costs, and as Jesus said was hidden by the Pharisees (Canaanite/Homo Capensis).. It seems as though this secret is hidden by both sides. One, to keep ignorant, tortured slaves out here, serving their masters, and Two, to continue to supply Meat Bags for those Souls that are bored to death (Literally). It seems as though both sides benefit from the ignorance..........

What do I think? Tooooo Much.........

Just think of the things I think, that I do not share lol lol lol lol............

Jesus, was just one of us.............

edit on AMSaturdaySaturday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago55310 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I just came across this Forum Board with some very Interesting observations concerning Homo capensis Traits . Please let me know what you Think of them ......

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I just came across this Forum Board with some very Interesting observations concerning Homo capensis Traits . Please let me know what you Think of them ......

It seems the authors of that article and I agree on certain realities, situations. Im not alone lol
(By the way, I had no knowledge of this site, or others who have the same opinions, with the only exception of Lloyd Pye, we had a email friendship).

I suspect the Psychological condition of Narcissism would classify a Homo Capensis, where as Adult Child Syndrome would apply to the Homo Sapiens. The Symptoms are virtually identical. For one exception, The Adult Child can be rehabilitated with the proper TLC, where as the Narcissist will never change, regardless.

Before the flood this bloodline was what I believe were the "Demi Gods", the direct cross breed of the Anunnaki and Homo Sapiens. This was the "Chosen" bloodline of the Lord God of the Old Testament, which connects them to the "Canaanites". I also believe this "Meat Bag" is the preferred body to incarnate into by the Souls of the Anunnaki because of its
Superior attributes.

Through time the very large skull has been lessened due to successful cross breeding where the Skull has leveled off into a tall forehead. Though it was suggested that their bloodline has a higher degree of "Alien" abduction, so those changes could be due to their interventions, biologically manipulating the bloodlines so the skull is not so obvious.

It is also interesting that their bloodlines were sought after by the Intelligence agencies. Really? lol lol

Though I think the greatest problem with the bloodline is their childhood education. Those raised in the Talmud believe themselves to be , Gods, and can do what ever they wish, to include world domination. But having a selfish instinct, the absolute best they can achieve, is global destruction.

Are all of them Evil? No. Its from their efforts who have revealed ancient history, but only to further their own individual agenda's, not realizing they were exposing their own genesis, reality.

It appears Jesus, who was born with total recall knew who they were. After tying to reason with them (Pharisees/Canaanites/Homo Capensis/Imposter Jew) they rejected him and his efforts. Though, not all of them turned on him. And I suspect some of his disciples actually were, Canaanites. But even then in the Gospel of Judas Jesus predicted they too would go bad in time.

Generally speaking they are very good at imitation, and in the Narcissistic fashion have no problems with creating false narratives. They make exceptional "Snake Oil Salesmen" and as Jesus pointed out vulgar on the inside (Whited Sepulchres).
Jesus's condemnations would seem to indicate that the life force/spirit in them that guide them, was evil and associated with "Satan". Of interest the word Pharisees means "Separate Ones". Jesus also points out that the Pharisee Scribes were just as evil. They would be the ones who wrote history to that point, or, the real writers of the Old Testament, and its God. (Lord God translates to Baal) Its not clear if Jesus was calling the Old Testament god Satan, but, it is to me. For that god announced that he favored the Canaanites and actually were, his chosen (7 fold retribution to those that would slay them). You can not argue the nature of that god, full of vengeance, genocide, murder, betrayal, War, etc. Then compare the nature of the New Testament God, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, love. Polar opposites. And as a extension, the Homo Sapiens and the Homo Capensis follow their spiritual possessions and instinct packages. I would suppose.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
If your expecting the same ones who caused the issues to fix it, its just not going to happen.

They suffer from the same thing we do. Garbage in, garbage out.

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: [post=27333241]All Seeing Eye[/post

" Jesus also points out that the Pharisee Scribes were just as evil. They would be the ones who wrote history to that point, or, the real writers of the Old Testament, and its God. (Lord God translates to Baal) Its not clear if Jesus was calling the Old Testament god Satan, but, it is to me. For that god announced that he favored the Canaanites and actually were, his chosen (7 fold retribution to those that would slay them). You can not argue the nature of that god, full of vengeance, genocide, murder, betrayal, War, etc."

That is very Interesting . I have read that in some interpretations of the Old Testament , The God of the Old Testament Israelites was called " Yahweh , Adonai , Elohim " and was Considered a Vengeful God who Ordered the Israelites to Genocide their Enemies down to Every Man , Women , and Children . A Nasty Deity indeed . A Capensis Mindset there ? Hmm..

edit on 18-3-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

That is very Interesting . I have read that in some interpretations of the Old Testament , The God of the Old Testament Israelites was called " Yahweh , Adonai , Elohim " and was Considered a Vengeful God who Ordered the Israelites to Genocide their Enemies down to Every Man , Women , and Children . A Nasty Deity indeed . A Capensis Mindset there ? Hmm..

Yes, quite evil. And he raised his people with the same mindset. Jesus pointed them out for this. For he saw no true humanity in them.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And as I pointed out, the god of the old testament took favor with the Canaanites, because, they are of his bloodline, demi gods. "Gods true Chosen". I firmly believe Jesus saw the god of the old testament as, Satan.

And now Christians are being captured by those trying to convince them that the god of the old testament is the same as the God of the new. Converting them from Christians into Judaeo Christians. And therefore will never see the true meaning behind Christs warnings..

2 Corinthians 4:4
4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
I would add, the God of the New Testament. A God who has been hidden by the creator god, Satan. And his bloodline minions.

The man created and documented in the old testament is not the homo sapiens, but his bloodline, the homo capensis.

As your article pointed out, in groups they can cause trouble, but singularly they can be shown to be, "Dicks" lol lol lol

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

YHWH was the Great Serpent ?


edit on 19-3-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

YHWH was the Great Serpent ?



First video
Elongated Nostrils.. This comes to mind. Dragon/ Dagon/ Dogon... (Igigi)

This description of a fire breathing creature may actually be describing a ancient weapon system that could fly and emit flames like a flame thrower.


"Canaanite god of Metallurgy?" The plot thickens....

EL=Anu The Allotments were the same as the Allotments of Atlantis. The Bible is a re packaged telling of the Sumerian records that describe two ancient reptilian based life forms that involved itself into the human societies, at first to use as slaves, then slaves and worshipers..

The Present UFO situation is those forces who have hidden themselves from us, yet, control us, from the dark places where the sun does not shine (Underground, under water, and, in the moon).

Very informative video.

The second video pretty much confirms my suspicions. The American Eskimo's stated that their folklore said "They Came From The North". Not much exists north of Alaska, unless, you consider the Ancient folklore of Hyperboria.

Adam and Eve were expelled from the "Garden", and if you study Hyperboria you would learn its quite a "Garden". So naturally Adam and his descendants would have populated the Northern areas first.

The Basques and Catalans are the real sacred race, but the impostors hid the truth
Oh yes, they hid much!!! They took great artistic license with history, turning it into a product to be sold, not caring about factuality or truth, only their personal profit! And as was stated, no truth is in them.... And as stated in the first link, the trouble starts when they group up, as in Masonic groupings to sell their "snake oil" to a ignorant population.

YHWH was the Great Serpent ?
Im not certain on that point as the ancient gods and the lesser gods worked against, and with each other, so its a mixed bag. I do know the "Lord God" of the Old testament was "Baal"(Enki) the father of the Canaanite race, species....

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

What does the Bible have to do with the Annunaki ?(whatever is meant by this name)

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

What is hyperboria?

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Hankervild
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

What does the Bible have to do with the Annunaki ?(whatever is meant by this name)

Good question. If your the average person you would have little to no knowledge of this subject. Many, many records written on clay tablets (Stone) are being discovered, recovered, and translated, that are being found in the Middle East. In some situations these tablets must be dug out of deep buried situations. This on the face would indicate they predate, the Great Flood...

The translations are always open to debate but one thing can not, they exist. In many of the records there are stories that almost parallel the stories in the old testament, not verbatim but close enough to assume safely that these tables are the original stories that were later edited into the Bible. The problems are that the names have all been changed. The Flood story is but one example. This in itself would strongly suggest a group took great artistic license with history,

The tablets speak of ancient gods that ruled this world for at least 280,000 years. So as you might realize this would challenge the present power structure if it were to be known widely. This ancient culture was also said to be "Technologically Advanced" beyond our present state. And, it would be a logical conclusion to consider our present day UFO phenomenon a result of this ancient power, still in power from the shadows. Etc.

Pre flood we have the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets, post flood, we have the highly rewritten Biblical stories. In the Preflood writings the Anunnaki were the high gods and the Igigi were lower gods...

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Hankervild
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

What is hyperboria?

Hyperboria is the first recorded name of the 1st estate. It is at the bottom of the "Rabbits Hole" figuratively, and, Literally.

It is recorded in the most distant Greek writings, so old it is considered to be fiction, fantasy. Bits and pieces of its existence are scattered in many ancient writings, but not so you could recognize the entire original subject. It seems as though its contact with our world ended with the great flood. The reasons for this "Divorce" escape me. I do have some trains of thought about that but nothing, no evidence to support them.

In Greek mythology, the Hyperboreans (Ancient Greek: ὑπερβόρε(ι)οι, pronounced [hyperbóre(ː)oi̯]; Latin: Hyperborei) were a mythical people who lived in the far northern part of the known world.[1][2][3][4] Their name appears to derive from the Greek ὑπέρ Βορέᾱ, "beyond Boreas" (the God of the North Wind), although some scholars prefer a derivation from ὑπερφέρω (hyperpherō, "to carry over").[5]

Despite their location in an otherwise frigid part of the world, the Hyperboreans were believed to inhabit a sunny, temperate, and divinely-blessed land. In many versions of the story, they lived north of the Riphean Mountains, which shielded them from the effects of the cold North Wind. The oldest myths portray them as the favorites of Apollo, and some ancient Greek writers regarded the Hyperboreans as the mythical founders of Apollo's shrines at Delos and Delphi.[6]

Hyperborean, in Greek religion, one of a mythical people intimately connected with the worship of Apollo at Delphi and of Artemis at Delos. The Hyperboreans were named with reference to Boreas, the north wind, and their home was placed in a paradisal region in the far north, “beyond the north wind.” They lived for 1,000 years; if any desired to shorten that period, he decked himself with garlands and threw himself from a rock into the sea.

Does the above passage not describe the Biblical long lived Patriarchs? It is also said they are tall in stature. Does not the Bible speak of Giants?

The Hyperborians are also said to be highly spiritual in nature. Thus even being able to incarnate, reincarnate?

The Land of Hyperborea: 7 Interesting Things To Know

30 Things You Should Know About Hyperborea; The Mythical Home of Gods

If you had noticed all the previous materials referencing Hyperboria as nothing more than a Fiction, myth. Where as very few people understood Jesus's own words, concerning, Heaven, and our inability to travel there, physically or spiritually. Jesus also hints at its location. He also tells us, who hides it from us. Could Hyperboria be a superior garden dominated by peace, long life, advanced sciences, to include spiritualism? And the home where Jesus came from, and went back to?

What if, its not fiction, at all. But the worlds top secret, enforced by the modern day Pharisees?

Matthew 23

13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

What if, Jesus was actually a emissary from Hyperboria to remind, to teach mankind lost knowledge? To teach us the truth about death and resurrection. How to live in peace and harmony, with love for all?

How many of us took that plunge from the rock into the ocean, to be reborn into the world of the "Pharisees"? To see first hand the pain and suffering that is inflicted on a daily basis? How many are waking up to their hidden, spiritual past? Ask why the religions do not teach these things.....

I should stop there.........

posted on Mar, 22 2024 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

This guy Ryushin Malone Scares me Because he May be Crazy Right about some of the Things he Professes here.........What Do You Think ?

edit on 22-3-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2024 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

46 min mark, People Eaters. "They" taught their own bloodlines this, cannibalism, because, they are not the same DNA, therefore its okay, to them. Their bloodlines Homo Capensis/Demi gods/Canaanites/Pharisees/Imposter Jews/ and now, Zionists(Global Elite).

Balls of light (white light orbs), Merkaba. He stated they have been here since 2016. Ummmm, sure, but actually they took a proactive position in 2000. But being here? I know they were here in 1978, and Pho fighters in WWII, and, in ancient art.

Anton Levy Hollywood Satanist/Mason.

As far as Orion being the origination point, at this point, it really doesn't matter. Though, I do agree someone came from somewhere millions upon millions of years ago to plant the seeds... I have another train of thought concerning that topic..

Movies. I brought this up years ago where some of them seem to be divinely inspired in part or in whole. I would think it could be associated with Muses, and musing. As far as being a reality? Yes. "The Matrix" "They Live", and as they pointed out "The Time Machine" with the Morlocks. Not to mention Twilight Zone Episode "To Serve Man" etc. Another movie "The Wizard of Oz" has to do with, well, you know.......

Him being EB3? Well, no man shall know the future...

Shape Shifters? Two people have shared their experiences with me. That could be part of the movie "Avatar". I have no personal experiences, but do not doubt it, especially after reading the Emerald Tablets. Could be a cross between technology and biology..

Looking glass? Psysop. Again no man can know the future. Sure, you can have predictive programs and even contact with the "Other Side". But just one "Fart" lol in the wrong place at the wrong time, throws it all out the window....

For instance, some clown on FB deciphers Genesis 1:6-8. Well, that would defiantly throw everything, out the window.... You can try to censure that clown, but that clown knows how to circumvent the censures lol lol lool Maybe he thinks its time for the card game to have its final "Call"... Its kind of like forcing some folks to "show their cards"........

He corn holed NASA? lol lol lol Good for him lol lol lol lol LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Illl shut up lol lol lol lol

I stopped at 1:30. At first I thought that was "Fat Jerry" lol lol Sorry
lol (Name trump gave Jerry Nadler)

Generally he and I could be brothers, there was nothing he brought up that was new to me. I have been invited to do a couple of pod casts to which I kindly decline. I have my reasons.....

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