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Padmanabhaswamy temple

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posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:25 PM

So why is this not talked about often I rarely see it mention even in the mystery shows like ancient aliens . We have things like Oak Island followed every step . But not this vault - It's a vault we know where it is it can be breached with modern technology but yet nothing no one even trying.

I could get in there with the right equipment in less then a day . Opinions?
edit on 11-1-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:28 PM
'Your kung fu is weak. Post some links.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Paschar0

"Vault B is believed to be sealed by chanting a powerful Naga Paasam mantra, and can only be opened by a priest who has the most accurate information by saying the Garuda mantra, according to local beliefs.

The vaults are not the only centerpiece of attention. The main idol in the temple is of 12,008 Saligramams from the Gandaki River in Nepal. It is believed to be held together by a paste Katusarkara Yogam which also protects the deity, as believed by common folklore.'

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Paschar0

He’s talking about a door that’s supposed to be able to open itself up if a group of monks use a special chant no one knows. They don’t force the door open because they respect this prophecy.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

If it is the one I am thinking of there are a whole raft of YouTube videos on it and it has been mentioned on the site in the past and if I recall one Indian youtuber claimed that the Indian government and temple authority's had indeed opened the vault and that there was supposedly a huge treasure within it and there is now an ongoing dispute between the temple, Indian government and former royal family of the area as to whom actually own's it, the treasure is said to be huge, gold, jewels and ancient carvings and statues of Indian Gods made out of precious materials and possibly worth in the upper billions in todays money.

There was also a claim however far out it may be that there was an ancient flying machine found in one of the vault's and that there are many lower vaults below the ones closest to the surface, that the symbols and carvings on the door represent both life with the snakes possible representing DNA and danger with the demon over the door warding against both entry and warning of danger.

Since time immemorial rulers have placed there treasure in places were they thought it would be safe, in a religious society religious prohibition can be more affective than guards.


Sorry that was another temple called Sriangam were they supposedly found an ancient Vimana or some kind of object that has been claimed by some to be that.

But here is a short video on that door made by yet another youtuber.

(there are loads of videos about it on youtube as you would expect)
edit on 11-1-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

So we should violate their religious beliefs and rob their temple?

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yes religion is the bane of society. What if there are answers that benefit society behind that door . We violate religion everyday . If we found a vault of a lost religion we would open it violating that religion.

Behind that door could be answers or disaster just like the oak island vault .
edit on 11-1-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Did you even search ATS?

The Mysterioys SEALED Temple....

Hindu Temple Yields Treasure

Here are a couple, the second one is pretty good.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Yes there are spaceships millions of years old .. and you claim you hate religion. There is no lost religion, it doesn't belong to you. At least you admit you only care about what you want so you have no problems violating their property and rights and stealing what isn't yours.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Argue with yourself this is a scientific inquiry. Not here to be trolled if you do not have anything productive to say please go to another thread.

Thank you

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Apparenrtly they didn't.

All doors but 1 recovered treasure by gov.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 10:46 PM
I’m staring and flagging because THIS actually intrigues me. I remember the old threads. Maybe this one didn’t present anything new. However, at least it’s not about vaccines, mandates, masks and all the other compounded insanity of a world we all live in.

This is why I’ve been enamored with the ancients and their remains. They take my mind off the fu##ed up world we actually live in.

🍻 to another AC thread!

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 11:49 PM
If it's the temple guarded by a curse, or a p.o.'d naga, not so very long ago I would have probably followed suit of the English colonials and poo-pooed it as utter callowwalloping balderdash... but time has made me wonder if ALL the legends had something to them.

If so, I could do without homonculi ... creepy stuff, there, but as for the vault holding a deadly Naga and enough bling to make a billionaire blush?

I know a person here who may have an unprovable, yet fascinating insight.
edit on 1/11/2022 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/11/2022 by Baddogma because: (if it's just a treasure vault with exasperated gods, then I've got the wrong Indian temple)

edit on 1/12/2022 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yes religion is the bane of society. What if there are answers that benefit society behind that door . We violate religion everyday . If we found a vault of a lost religion we would open it violating that religion.

Behind that door could be answers or disaster just like the oak island vault .

I wouldn't want you opening any of my doors.


posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Harte

Time and time again I've learned I'm not as slick as I think I am.
This could be a sacred belly button mother-daughter thing that shouldn't be touched ever!

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:14 PM
this is an excellent video about vault b... in the comments one person suggests that there is so much gold in it that it would plunge precious metals prices across the worlds stock market. this may be why india declines to open it for fears it would increase the countries net worth versus its GDP. if that makes any sense.

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 10:50 AM
I'm getting mixed signals has vault be been opened or not according to my research it has been opened in the 1800's

For documentation purposes, these vaults have been designated as vaults A, B, C, D, E and F. Subsequently, two additional subterranean vaults have been discovered, and they have been designated as Vault G and Vault H. Vault B has not been opened since at least the 1880s.

Rai, in his report in 2014, told the Supreme Court that Vault-B had been opened at least seven times to his knowledge since 1990. Referring to the records and receipts maintained by the temple authorities, Rai pointed out that Vault-B was opened twice in 1990 and five times in 2002.
edit on 19-7-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2023 @ 11:15 AM
Hi all.
Posting not nessarily about vault B, although my opinion is if Hindus and the government do not want it opened this should be respected. Sanskrit and Hindusim pre dates and establishes ancient teachings and theology worldwide and can teach the western world through their ways. I have visited and travelled in India the experience exploring ancient carved temples is more valuable than any material treasure..

I would suggest too watch Praveen his voice is unique and takes a while to get used too. He deciphers carvings, and explains ancient technolodgy relating to the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Also explores tunnels under temples and questions the Western/Eastern timeline of Hindu history.
edit on 19-7-2023 by Psychonaught because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Psychonaught
Praveen is a joke. An utter buffoon, or a con man - take your pick.


posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

So we should violate their religious beliefs and rob their temple?

Solid gold idols is not religion or religious beliefs, but a sign of the folly of days gone by. Perhaps that's why they keep the place closed off. Embarrassment at their forebears worshiping idols.

It's better to keep the place locked up rather than let today's money worshiping greedy tyrants from getting their paws on it. The Indian government may not be all good, but just imagine western leaders (today's idol worshipers) having access to this wealth what would happen.

Look what the Smithsonian did with the Grand Canyon discoveries for an example.
edit on 30-7-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: eta

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