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Could the COVID vaccines possibly lead to demonic possession?

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:36 PM
The idea that a secret cabal of elite is using entertainment to brainwash and mock the masses via subliminal and esoteric messages has gained more traction over the years. Recently, I watched the movie The Invasion which might contain such messages. The movie has some coincidences related to the COVID vaccines and I thought it was worth writing an article about them. The movie is based on an infectious fungus that gets unleashed on Earth from a crashing space shuttle and the people who get infected become possessed by an alien force, leading them to become mind-controlled and to attempt to infect others with the fungus. It’s basically the same premise as the Body Snatchers, the famous 1954 movie produced by Walter Wanger. One of the characters that gets infected early on is Tucker Kaufman, a CDC director — who once becomes infected, hurriedly develops a vaccine and slips the fungus into it, so he can infect as many people as possible. So, millions of people that line up to get their vaccines get unwittingly infected by the fungus and become possessed by the alien force. Horrible, right?

One of the scientists discovers that the fungus (which they slipped into the vaccines) can change the host’s genetic expression: “What we’re dealing with is a complete intelligent entity that’s invading people’s bodies, integrating with their DNA and reprogramming their genetic expression”. This is where some coincidences start to arise. In this movie, people are receiving vaccines that were rushed out and didn’t undergo proper trials (similar to the COVID vaccines) with the alien fungus in that can reprogram their genetic expression. Well, coincidentally, some researchers have warned that the COVID vaccines are reprogramming our genetic makeup. Molecular biologist, Andrew Kaufman, says that the COVID vaccines will genetically change us. In the video here, Kaufman talks about how the COVID vaccine will provide a vessel to “inject genes” into humans, by a procedure known as “electroporation”, in which an electric current “create holes in our cells that allow the DNA to go into our cells”, essentially changing our genetic makeup.

Here’s where the rabbit hole gets darker. As mentioned above, the vaccines in the movie not only genetically change people, but possess them, leading them to become mind-controlled. Well, coincidentally, when we apply the backwards syntax of Biblical Hebrew, the word COVID becomes DIVOC, which is a Hebrew word meaning “possession by an evil spirit”. Translated into English, DIVOC becomes “dybbuk”. According to Yoram Bilu, a professor of anthropology and sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, dybbuk describes a demonic spirit responsible for possession: “The term dybbuk was used in mystical circles to designate a spirit of the dead that took possession of a person. Dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent had to be expelled”. So, to recap, in this movie, vaccines that were rushed out and didn’t undergo proper trials can genetically change people and leads to possession. Well, some researchers say that the COVID vaccines, which were rushed out, will genetically change us, and when we apply the backwards syntax of Biblical Hebrew, the word COVID literally becomes “possession by an evil spirit”.

Personally, I believe that demonic possession is possible and resist reducing it to a psychological or biological categorization. In March 2013, an article appeared by investigative journalist, Sola Ogundipe, in which he said: “A disease condition known as “anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis” that exhibits symptoms similar to demonic possession is increasingly striking women in the United States. Teresa Conrick explains how a 2010 study (Caroline Hofmann et al 2011) identified a link between the condition and vaccines. Symptoms of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis were observed to appear not long after children received their routine vaccinations, suggesting a connection”. Demonic possession caused by vaccines goes hand-in-hand with spiritual disconnection, which is something Rudolf Steiner warned about (in a quote that has been much circulated over the last year, so many reading this could already be familiar with it): “Children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course in the eyes of materialists”.

The idea that people could be possessed by demons existed in many parts of the ancient world and in many societies. This belief would continue through the Middle Ages, Renaissance Europe, and until the time of the Salem, and Massachusetts. Interestingly, vaccines have been associated with possession before, and so this is not just a loose connection to a movie. In the book ‘Annual Report Upon Vaccination in the N.W. Provinces’, it descibes how vaccines can cause “serious and dangerous symptoms”. When these serious and dangerous symptoms would arise, the parents of a child would sometimes “send for the inoculator who administered various heating and cooling medicines, as the case required; should these fail, a goat was procured, and the evil spirt which is supposed to have taken possession of the child was, by the process of the “jaru”, transferred from the child to the goat”. Could vaccination be the prerequisite for possession by a dybbuk? By the act of vaccination, could the vaccine-injured possibly lose self-control vis-à-vis external authorities and accept unprecedented circumscriptions on their freedoms?

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:41 PM
Don't think so. I think a certain amount of new born have the innate gene just to be " evil ". I think teachers are the first to notice this due to the fact they usually see them through 1st thru 6th grade. By 6th grade the natural traits of kindness show and also the signs of a demented mind may become apparent by then in some children. You can also see something amazing in the school playground about leadership and the bully type of person.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:43 PM
Well sometimes possibly.
Like the demon of smugness: "I'm so vaxed, cower at my feet ye mangy mortals"!

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 05:52 PM
Absolutely 100% Very Possible !!!!!!

Satan has slithered in to some important and influential places 😈😈

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Nathan-D

My wife is vaccinated, this is beginning to make a lot of sense.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:05 PM
Demonic possession has nothing to do with flesh and bone but is spiritual however once the demonic spirit inhabinates the body, it starts to destroy the body by unknown medical analysis. Example - perfectlyy healthy person then shows signs of years of damage to heart, liver and kidneys out of nowhere.... can not be explained by doctors....

Demons bring sickness and death unless it is a perfect possession - where the human accepts and follows the evil spirit...then later comes suicide.

a reply to: Nathan-D

edit on 10-1-2022 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Nathan-D

I do no think soo, but you never know it could end with mental illnesses and paranoia can be mistaken for demonic possession.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Nathan-D

Well the elite are definitely more than interested in the occult sciences and particularly in satanism as they probably believe that it generates power and control over the material dimension.

Well reported and interesting. Thanks.

- H

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Nathan-D

My wife is vaccinated, this is beginning to make a lot of sense.

Oh that's just nasty.... be careful, if your wife sees this she may put a spell on you.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Demonic possession has nothing to do with flesh and bone but is spiritual

In some religions, the exorcists say that the demonic spirit often uses flesh and blood attacks (sickness, injury) as a first move. If they can physically weaken the person enough, it's easier to manipulate them and move on to the spiritual attacks.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 06:53 PM
Demons were believed to cause all kinds of physical ailments during the dark ages; now we know about things like germs and viruses and improper sanitation.
They're still looking for the cause of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, which seems to affect women a little more often than men. Right now, a link between vaccines or a virus seems to be the most likely. If it was caused by demons, I'm sure my MIL would have it by now.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:03 PM
Could the COVID vaccines possibly lead to demonic possession?

originally posted by: musicismagic
Don't think so.

well do you now not believe that the vacine is a mind control drug?

originally posted by:
musicismagic a reply to: Prisoner60863 Remember I mentioned there will probably mind control substance in these vaccines and I was " hey MIM , what have you been smoking ". Its becoming clear we are all fkd that have taken any of these vaccines . I would say in 9 months, we'll probably see some harmful behavior among the masses worldwide. Sadly , I know someone personally who has both jabs of Pfizer gene therapy jab.

only 4 months to go based on that post....doomsday is coming
edit on 000000p3107America/Chicago110202211 by UpThenDown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown
I wouldn't put it passed them to introduce some mind control substance in these jabs, have been thinking along similar lines how this mRNA tech could be severing the heart/mind connection.
This could explain the irrational behaviour we are seeing... not to mention to what lenghts some will go to protect these jabs, even to the point of jabbing their kids to convince themselves their choices were the right one, regardless of the data to the contrary.

Mass Formation Psychosis amplified by the vax.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: Nathan-D

a that people could be possessed by demons existed in many parts of the ancient world and in many societies. This belief would continue through the Middle Ages, Renaissance Europe, and until the time of the Salem, and Massachusetts. Interestingly, vaccines have been associated with possession before, and so this is not just a loose connection to a movie. In the book ‘Annual Report Upon Vaccination in the N.W. Provinces’, it descibes how vaccines can cause “serious and dangerous symptoms”. When these serious and dangerous symptoms would arise, the parents of a child would sometimes “send for the inoculator who administered various heating and cooling medicines, as the case required; should these fail, a goat was procured, and the evil spirt which is supposed to have taken possession of the child was, by the process of the “jaru”, transferred from the child to the goat”. Could vaccination be the prerequisite for possession by a dybbuk? By the act of vaccination, could the vaccine-injured possibly lose self-control vis-à-vis external authorities and accept unprecedented circumscriptions on their freedoms?

Fork and knife was possessed long before COVID, since then we have been thrice vaccinated, and free from COVID.

In conclusion,
My fork and knife is still possessed and liable to stick a chicken dipper in my back at any time...there is no guarantee this will give me wings though, or at least without proper propagation of bullshiite!

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:10 PM
Some months ago I began commenting that January/ February 2022 were the months to watch. Jan/ Feb 2020 was when I had covid while working 12 hour shifts. It was pretty bad, and I called my son to say goodbye just incase. I haven't been sick for 2 years. Last week I had a scratchy throat, and a night sweat. I was tired two days. I suspect that was covid Omicron. I used my super human broad spectrum antibodies to annihilate it in short order.

There is a purpose for the injections, and it certainly is not the stated purpose. Think about that.

As far as possession... Ive been discussing this with friends and family for several weeks. Unknown. Graphene...

One more thing to add...

People weathering the tribulation, are in severe pain and agony, yet are unable to die. Why? Does another being have control of their body? I dont know.
edit on 10-1-2022 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:29 PM
Well, depending upon the exact definitions and a boatload of unknowns...

it's not impossible.

I've experienced a few things that make me think "possession" is less laughable than most modern secularists think. I've had first hand experience with a mental patient who had uncanny knowledge and occasional PK incidents around her. I've also lived with seemingly invisible intelligence and had a couple instances where I was pestered and once was seemingly overshadowed by a "dead" personality at one residence, which ceased when I moved out.

Once one really explores the literature, like Wickland's 30 Years Among the Dead, and some of the newer tomes by modern psychologists like Fiore, Peck, etc., it's apparent that it not only may exist as people have asserted for centuries, but might be more common than modern society generally believes.

As far as readying people for it via vaccine... all I know is that the real purpose for the program is not being told to the general public. Since the people leading us use occult symbology to a bizarre extent that seems to preclude humor and irony, I would only be 90% shocked if it were to make a home for transient spirits in our meatsuits. Add the "coincidental" UAP disclosure that speaks of elder gods, angels and demons and it gets weeeeeeeeeird.

I can't help but imagine a near future world of demonic possession and peevish elder gods striding across the cityscape, kicking buildings over like anthills. I jest... but only about 85% worth.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:50 PM
Imagine in a normal time when a virus would have been dealt with using care and kindness, and honesty by all-everywhere.

A question like this would never need to be asked or thought of.

However right now, after seeing the innate wickedness happening, the gigantic amounts of deceit and trickery for so many long months, and it's still getting worse.

It isn't so much the vaccines leading to evil as it is those who have been deceived and are now the initiators of deceit upon others, means those pushing these vaccines so hard to the point of wanting to use force are close to being possessed themselves.

They certainly resemble what one would traditionally expect coming from possessed people with the torments they are foisting on the populace.

Just getting the vaccines won't open a person up to possession though. IMO. Anyone can pray and ask for spiritual protection from our very loving God.

Everyone on the planet needs it in a big way right now. (Whether they believe it or not).

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 11:08 PM
I thought about the movie Serenity when they gave a dose of the chemical agent G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate, "Pax" for short. The government tried to make everyone docile like sheep, but it turned some into animalistic zombies.
By the way, one of Phizers new covid drugs is Paxlovid, "Pax" for short.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Very very well said! Echoed my thoughts exactly.

When looking at these things it's sometimes hard to decide how here one thing ends and another begins

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 03:48 AM
This has been an interest of mine for a while now. That ordinarily intangiable contaminates can sometimes arrive by the injection route.

The (very neglected) esoteric aspect of western medicine has bothered me for a while now. Particularly with two (now adult) children who were hit hard by the vaccines in early life. One of which was taken to hospital two hours after getting the vax last week.

Here in Western Australia we now have to have the vax if we want to keep our jobs and have any sort of normal-ish life. Of course we have the freedom to become homeless and starve through non-compliance.

So, with some experience with the unseen side of life, and the deceased for that matter, the idea of esoteric contamination of what we consume is not unfamiliar to me.

Alcohol. I grew up in an old house and every night deceased alcoholics would walk through the house on their way to the brewery to soak in the alcohol of the fermenting vats.

The brewery made a beer that was popular with the working class back in the day. We called it "the ol' wife basher". Men would get on the grog and become nasty when they went home to the family.

There is a similar problem for some wineries and distillaries.

The alcohol sometimes has dead alcoholics soaking in it. Personally I wont drink any thing except gin and tonic.

So why gin and tonic?

Because gin is made from a recipe of herbs that have anti-parasitic qualities.

* Gin has the juniper berries.
* Tonic water has quinine.

For that matter, the liquor absinthe has the wormwood herb. Wormwood of course is used for getting rid of parasites such as thread worms.

So my educated guess is; if we go back a few hundred years, someone , probably someone who could 'see' the dead saw the dead alcoholics using fermentation vats and casks as the equivalent of hot tubs.

So the sensible thing there is to work out a recipe for a liquor that is repulsive towards the deceased alcoholics. Gin and absinthe are two examples in my mind.

After clearing a house, particularly nasty ones, I'll have a few medicinal gin and tonics and will feel better in the morning.

It is not hard to understand that alcohol will attract the deceased alcoholic.

In certain circles this is known but is kept quiet for commercial reasons.

So what about modern medicines?

How would something similar happen?

Vaccines and a few other modern medicines are made from cultured living cells in large quantities.

Instead of alcohol as the attractant, we have unguarded life as the attractant to dead things that may have the desire to live again.

So if we raise a problem, we should provide a resolution.

So here is the solution I have come up with for my family and myself.

As always we have the disclaimer that this is not medical advice, is experimental and is intended for research purposes.

Persoanally, I don't have the time to empirically trial over a few years and present the results to "peers". Why the heck would I even want to?

(img: my own work)

So what we have is mebendazole plus gin with the herbs wormwood and thyme in the form of a tincture.

* Mebendazole is ordinary worming medicine for kids and adults.
* The gin is about 40mls with a teaspoon of wormwood and thyme soaking in it. After letting it soak for a day, I'll just strain it and bottle.

The strategy is to take a worming tablet straight after getting the vax. The tincture of herbs is long term to shift any lingering esoteric contaminants from the body.

The strategy takes into account the idea that childhood vax may contain esoteric contaminants still residing in the body that cause the long term post vax complications.

I see no reason why the tincture cannot be watered down to say one quarter strength.

So when ready, I will take a worm pill, and start taking the tincture as a few drops on the tongue four times a day. When the next "booster shot" becomes due, I'll simply take another worm pill and continue the drops.

Cheap and easy to make at home.

The prophylactic approach.


I would add that, in my opinion, the pharma companies probably wouldn'y even think of the posibility of esoteric contamination.

Esoteric contamination would explain the different batch effects and wierd and often unexplainable side effects of vaccines over the years. Esoteric contamination would differ from location to location.

That said, this is just my two bob's worth on an interesting subject.

edit on 11-1-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and one lousy spelling mistake

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