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The Rebirth of the Illuminati as a Satanic Society

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posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 07:07 PM
Considering the historical origins of the Bavarian Illuminati as being branded Heretics by the Catholic Church because of their views and studies of Philosophy, the Sciences and various other practices that did not jive with the Order of the day thus making them go into hiding to preserve their meetings and efforts and then the eventual "disappearance" of the group until around the 1990's when the Modern Incarnation of the Illuminati as a Satanic Cabbal of 13 Luciferian Families bent on World Domination and control surfaced.

When do we return to the original premise of Enlightenment and using science and proper care to help advance the Human Species with food, water, medical care and land management and allocations with education and all the HIgher Virtues at the center of the practice.

I'm still sicked with the perversion of the original premise and goals of the group.

Search Illuminati imagery and it's either Luciferian/Satanic, Masonic (which is cool with me, the Masons rock) or else some form of Egyptology.

What happened to the representation of the Subgenius, the light hearted "Illuminutty" and other more laid back fun loving variant sof Grey Lodge practices.

Why does everyone focus on the actions of the Black Lodge and ignore the White Lodge?

Doesn't this piss anyone else off for lack of representation of the Humanitarian Light Path?

At least the Masons work with charities which is why I respect them!


edit on 10/15/21 by GENERAL EYES because: fixed spelling error

edit on 10/15/21 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 07:32 PM
Maybe their satanic symbolism is because they know something we dont, it was the serpent aka Satan, who tempted humans to eat from the tree of knowledge after all.
Maybe Satan wanted us to know what God didnt.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

He definitely corrupted the experiment somewhat.

It's caused trouble ever since and he's been punished by the Fall.

It is said that Lucifer is in control of the Earth and free to influence creation as he wishes, and it is Man's responsibility to accept or reget him

Don't get me wrong, I have a side of me that LOVES knoweldge and learning, but I can't get into the Satanic #. It runs counter to my nature.

So for those (like the Masons) who refer to Lucifer as the Lightbringer and regard him as an illuminator and teacher, and all the demons that helped man develop skills and technologies over the ages of humanity because they sympathized with their plight and wanted them to develop with the arts and so forth I have no cause for concern.

Lucifer is just who he is.

He wanted to "be like God" and God gave him a place where he was free to reign and do as he pleased.

As long as his adherents leave me the # alone in my sanctuary, I have no issue.

I'm just mystified why it became a Satanic thing.

Illumination and the whole path of the Illuminati is about attaining full enlightenment and wisdom.

And now it's all about Darkness.

It's an ironic paradox.

Suppose it's just more attempts of Satan to corrupt things.

Poor guy.

I wish I knew what was driving his Ego to be at such odds with Creatiion.

Jealousy maybe?

I wish I could help comfort and heal him.

He must be in so much pain.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Right off the bat the only reason the Catholic Church would brand any
organization heretics? Would be to help them go under ground. That's
as far as I got.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Randyvine2


I had never considered that before.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:12 PM

Death to anyone who speaks against them!

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

So I take it you are in support of the Satanic Cabbal or am I reading this wrong?

No judgement here, just trying to understand your position.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: visitedbythem

So I take it you are in support of the Satanic Cabbal or am I reading this wrong?

No judgement here, just trying to understand your position.

I support the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jacob, and David. He is my friend, and I know him personally. He looks upon me through his son Yashua, and forgives me of all sin, past present and future. My family has walked with Him, for at least over a century, and likely much longer. Its even been suggested that part of my family may have crossed paths with the Apostle Paul in Macedonia, just after Christ walked the Earth. My family has been protected, and was moved from the base of mount Ararat in Turkey, through prophecy, just 3 years before the Armenian holocaust. My family member ruled in Turkey during the Ottoman empire ( Pasha) at Gods pleasure. My family member allowed Jews to purchase land in Israel, when it was completely illegal for a Jew to own land ( see the book of Ezekiel, These dry bones)

Any other questions?

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

That's absolutely beautiful!

No further questions.

May peace and prosperity be blessed upon your House.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:48 PM
Every Yang has its Yin.

The Serpent technically isn't ever really named Satan in the BoG, and only in a passage in Revalations. If anything, Satan by name, is actually Samael, where Satan was a generic term for anything not Kosher.

Like the Abomination of Desolation, turning a Jewish temple into a Pig Roast.
edit on 15-10-2021 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Proto88

I follow.

From what I understand Satan simply translates as "adversary".

I usually try to make a distinction between Lucifer and Satan.

Luciferianism more about Light and Illumination whereas Satanism is about corruption and perversion, subversion and lies.

And to make mattes even more complicated, the Church and Temple of Satan is actually more LaVeyan.

There's a HUGE difference between a simple lighthearted Hail Satan between LaVeyans and the stuff that corrupts and destroys the sanity of the practioner.
edit on 10/15/21 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Yea I forgot, alot of depictions of Satan are based off him. Tbh, both Satan and Luicfer have their own root meanings, that just ended up being synomonous.

Thing is Satan gets loosely used where it was used by Angels in the Torah, then to being a singular, Zeus like being in the Book of Job that causes calamity. Luicfer was more of a title, and might of not been much different then a Great or a Caesar. Prince of Air another title, and even refer to the fall of the Babylonian King.

Yet, Jesus claims to be the Morning Star, which was Venus.

More political then anything really.
edit on 15-10-2021 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: visitedbythem

So I take it you are in support of the Satanic Cabbal or am I reading this wrong?

No judgement here, just trying to understand your position.

I support the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jacob, and David. He is my friend, and I know him personally. He looks upon me through his son Yashua, and forgives me of all sin, past present and future. My family has walked with Him, for at least over a century, and likely much longer. Its even been suggested that part of my family may have crossed paths with the Apostle Paul in Macedonia, just after Christ walked the Earth. My family has been protected, and was moved from the base of mount Ararat in Turkey, through prophecy, just 3 years before the Armenian holocaust. My family member ruled in Turkey during the Ottoman empire ( Pasha) at Gods pleasure. My family member allowed Jews to purchase land in Israel, when it was completely illegal for a Jew to own land ( see the book of Ezekiel, These dry bones)

Any other questions?

Absolutely love it. You could have stopped with the first sentence, for me. lol

Now, can you have your family members tell us about the times before the "Flood"? The times before there was a need for secret societies? I think people, at least me anyways, need to know the truth of those times. The demons scream bloody murder if those times are brought up. Seems to me it is a hing pin, to today. Pull the pin, and the house of corrupt, criminal cards come falling down. My opinion, any ways.

They wont let me give you more stars for your Kennedy post

I wasn't in your family, was I? I cant seem to remember, much lol lol

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Proto88

I think Jesus calling himself the Morning Star in honor of Venus (named after the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty) is very appropriate.

I haven't seen her in the sky for so long and I miss her dearly.

posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

We are from Noah's son Japheth, but also have some Shem in the mix, and possibly a small percentage of Ham.

The world was very different before the flood. The atmosphere was quite different than it is now.

I misunderstood my grandfather when we discussed this subject in 1965, as to where the ark was/is. He was in his 60s at the time, and was born at the base of Ararat. He did discuss at length the condition of the Ark

My dad just told me a couple weeks ago that our people used to go chip pitch from the ark to save as a keepsake. He also told me that Ararat is not where it is located. He said there was a translation problem long long ago that made early Christians believe it was there. Its not. Its located around 15,000 ft elevation on a mountain in Iran according to dad. Grandfather said it was frozen in solid ice year round ,and not visible, except for times when there had been at least 15 years consecutive drought. At those times, the stern would be visible. My people had visited it over the centuries, and had possibly been in it, from time to time. It was enormous, and petrified. The timbers were very thick. There are people who have artifacts from it.

Not only was the atmosphere different previously, the Earth surface was wrecked, and changed drastically. It looks nothing like it did back then. The flood was worldwide, and not only contained to certain areas. The waters came from both outer space, and up out of the Earth. The world was in upheaval. When the Raven was released, it went too and fro, and eventually didn't return. It likely landed on a carcass. The dove was then released. It wont land on death. That was the signal.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
We are from Noah's son Japheth, but also have some Shem in the mix, and possibly a small percentage of Ham.

Interesting you brought this up

Is your family name Kohen, Cohen, Cohn, Kohn, Khan, Korn, or some variation of this? If not, you may be a descendant, but you are not a direct descendant

Cohen / Kohen lineage

The male-lineage family name directly cognates the Egyptian Khonsu (Ancient Egyptian: ḫnsw; also transliterated Chonsu, Khensu, Khons, Chons or Khonshu)

Khonsu / Khons - The Traveller

It also cognates the word "Christ"

The name/word (depending on the variation of it) means "Conscious/Conscience/Consciousness"

Or a parallel word with a slight variation in spelling and meaning (though, all relative to a root meaning of something like "an internalised core, or seed")

My family name is a variation older than the Jewish Cohen/Kohen. It is one of the oldest (recorded) family names on Earth

My first name is the Romanised version of Shem

Which, technically, makes me Melchizedek; the righteous King of Salem (Jerusalem)

The most interesting cognate of all the variations of these names and words, is "Corona/Crown"

"Christ is King" (Crown is King)

"Conscious, is everything"
edit on 16 10 21 by Compendium because: Formatting

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I remember Bill Gates saying about his divorce
'the family will get through this"

The Family are everywhere, politicians, celebrities, royalty, they are all from the same blood.

So If the Family exist? The illuminated ones!!!

Who's the war with, who is their enemy.

And why did that stout old lady give me a wry smile before dissappearing into thin air.

Hahaha you think I'm joking, I just experienced myself as individual consciouness traversing a kaleidoscopic universe of ever-changing patterns with piss taking annoying voices with the cracks leaking the substance of eternal light.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

We live in a reality that is built from opposites. Up down In out Black White

We have assigned names to identify these opposites.

God meaning all things that are good, pleasant, nice.

Satan meaning all things that are NOT good (bad), NOT pleasant, NOT nice.

And we cannot have ONE without the other IN this reality.

But that does NOT mean that I must engage in both. I have always chosen the good; because I have learned what choosing the bad means.

I have made my mistakes here, because it is not common for a baby to stand up and walk without first falling down and learning of balance.

Equally, it is not common for a human to be only good without first falling into the pit of selfish mistakes.
I feel bad for those who have lingered in the negative zone.

But why does the illuminati have TWO websites almost identical to THIS website….
1) Above op secret . com
2) Above top secrets . com

Really ?

I didn’t linger long on their website page… but I noticed that my vpn was dismantled both times I visited their website (by mistake).

But THE BOTTOM LINE is that….
… the 13 families are toast. Not completely burned from our Earth… but they are on their own demise and will be dwindled to few, and driven underground and no longer allowed to RUN OUR SHOW HERE… for a long, long, long time.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 11:12 AM

Not only was the atmosphere different previously, the Earth surface was wrecked, and changed drastically. It looks nothing like it did back then. The flood was worldwide, and not only contained to certain areas. The waters came from both outer space, and up out of the Earth. The world was in upheaval.

Yes. I have been researching the Great Flood for some time. I have been able to identify the method in which it was executed. Those things you mention are correct plus a few more things. The Earthquakes and extremely high winds. The east coast of all the continents were hit the hardest, thinner areas like Japan completely wiped. Wider continents "West Coasts" may have escaped any devastation or a very minimum. From many global accounts there were survivors around the globe who were able to gain high ground. The waters, actually did rise up and its not unreasonable that underground aquifers came up to the surface, gushing upwards in certain locations. Water appearing to fall from space is also not out of the question because of the method of flooding and its mechanization's.

It seems mankind, individually did survive other than just folks in the Ark. What didn't survive was the organization, governments, Pecking Order, rulers and leaders, Religions, the, Way of Life. That was completely destroyed. Though today some information of the before times is being recovered, more needs to be understood. For the greatest lost to mankind, was the history.

This was my question to your family. What do they know of the "before times". What are they willing to share...

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

According to the encyclopedia britannica (lowercase fully intended) article on the Bavarian Illuminati:

Perhaps the group most closely associated with the name illuminati was a short-lived movement of republican free thought founded on May Day 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt and a former Jesuit. The members of this secret society called themselves “Perfectibilists.” Their founder’s aim was to replace Christianity with a religion of reason, as later did the revolutionaries of France and the 19th-century positivist philosopher Auguste Comte.

Therefore, I see no Satanic or evil goals in the origins of the Bavarian Illuminati.

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