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The Biden Administration Will Recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan's Legitimate Government.

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posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: carewemust

So now the weakest member of Congress is considered high-level?

Good luck with your impeachment efforts.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 07:48 AM
And just like that . . . the war in Afghanistan is over.

And better still, no war in Ukraine, or Syria, or Yemen, or Libya, or Somalia or Iran, or Iraq, or Lebanon.

World Peace.
(well, except for the war on corona)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Is this really ant different from the Taliban recognizing Biden, after blah blah blah stop the steal, blah blah blah?

The Taliban are there, and it doesn't look like they are going anywhere.

At least by recognizing them you get some kind of access which means that you can offer them things in exchange for them not being a terrible government.

I tend to find that bribery is much more effective than threats when it comes to both small children and governments you don't like.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 08:10 AM
Pretty disgusting.

The wests media will fall silent on Afghanistan very soon so all the evil they do will not be seen or heard.

What's the bet some USA companies get rights to resources there and the poppy fields will be allowed to flourish.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Pretty disgusting.

The wests media will fall silent on Afghanistan very soon so all the evil they do will not be seen or heard.

What's the bet some USA companies get rights to resources there and the poppy fields will be allowed to flourish.

China, Russia & Iran already control most natural resources in Afghanistan now.

Poppy fields are a major concern.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: ToLiveIsToDie
a reply to: carewemust

In my country we actually have leaders of political parties saying that we cant be in a coalition with countries who just do whatever they want without even consorting with there "allies".
Iam suprised, cause not many years ago they where saying that if the USA told us to jump of a cliff, they would do it! (those who said that is not in goverment anymore lol, people voted them out after that)

I couldnt agree more, what is happening now in Afghanistan is horrible, and it is a decision made by the USA alone. Iam not suprised at all that none of the USA goverment wants to take responsibility and that they actually support the Taliban...
And iam also not gonna be suprised at all when the USA begins to lose its allies...

I'm sorry.

Don't know what else to say.

Many of us saw this coming, and fought it as best we could, but tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Will eventually rid the world of this evil American Fascism.

That was extremely difficult to write.

And as honest as I can possibly be.

No need to be sorry, we cant do much as "normal" people, and my leaders do suck to

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: carewemust

Hey now,

They are just as legitimate as he is.

I had the make the funny. It was right there.

EDIT: Come to think of it, it isn't that funny now is it?

FYI: There is a high-level effort being mounted to IMPEACH our incompetent President.

Republican Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene says she's working on articles of impeachment as President Joe Biden faces steep criticism over his administration's Afghanistan withdrawal strategy.

On Monday, Greene appeared on Real America's Voice' War Room Pandemic with host Steve Bannon, where she revealed that her team is currently drafting articles of impeachment against Biden.

"I have my team right now working on articles of impeachment," Greene said. "Because I'm so disgusted with Joe Biden. You know I've already filed one set of articles of impeachment. But his failure as a president is unspeakable."

It's just a matter of time before Joe Biden is no longer even a figure-head President. The sooner the better.

C'mon man. You don't actually believe Biden is gonna be removed do you?

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: face23785

Before 2024?


Because of what joe just did?

Not if the leftwing comments on ATS are any indication.

They still blindly support joe.

Don't even realize what he's just done.

To Afghanistan.

And the world.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: carewemust

So, what happens when the Taliban proves that they are incapable and/or not willing to meet the Biden admin demands for recognizing them as a government?

We already know that the Taliban is...

1. Incapable of organizing a "united" or "representative" government that's willing to "protect the rights" of the people.

2. Unwilling to protect the "rights of women and girls".

3. Are not capable of adhering to the demand not to "harbor terrorists" because they ARE the terrorists.

Will the Biden admin accept them anyway?

They're not real demands. They're lip service. They probably told the Taliban beforehand they were gonna say those things and not to worry about it, they don't really mean it. It's just to appease the "inclusiveness" crowd. There's no way they actually think the Taliban is going to listen to any of it. But look, we "tried."

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:38 AM
Well it looks like the Gore sites will have new material for the years to come.

Imagine the horror going on at this very moment .
edit on 17-8-2021 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

Refusing to follow the democrat's lead into street violence is not surrendering.

Our side still believes in the rule of law.

But I frequently feel exactly as you described.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

Refusing to follow the democrat's lead into street violence is not surrendering.

Our side still believes in the rule of law.

But I frequently feel exactly as you described.

If you guys honestly believe the elections are rigged, what's your alternative? You're not gonna change things by voting then. The Founders did give us a way to fight tyranny.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: carewemust

This is going to cost us for decades. We armed the most radical group of Muslims you can find. They now have a secure area for training and I suspect they will start with Europe. I predict the next huge terrorist attack will be France or Italy. And they will have no option to retailiate.

I doubt they will wait for permission to defend themselves if French or Italian citizens are actively endangered. There's being neighborly and there's being cowardly while your constituents are dying.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Afghan kids love to play with the hairs on their legs

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Pretty disgusting.

The wests media will fall silent on Afghanistan very soon so all the evil they do will not be seen or heard.

What's the bet some USA companies get rights to resources there and the poppy fields will be allowed to flourish.

Turns out the US gets to keep all the Afghan governments funds are they are held in USA banks.

Good side of that is the taliban won't get all 9 billion of it.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

Refusing to follow the democrat's lead into street violence is not surrendering.

Our side still believes in the rule of law.

But I frequently feel exactly as you described.

If you guys honestly believe the elections are rigged, what's your alternative? You're not gonna change things by voting then. The Founders did give us a way to fight tyranny.

That really is the big question. How to resist. Experts and officials at the Lindell Symposium were adamant that it starts at the bottom with a grass roots movement, aka we the people have to organize and mobilize. You can see for yourself how well that's going here on the forum, not to mention IRL where society is largely blue pilled into ignorance and submission.

edit on 17-8-2021 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

Refusing to follow the democrat's lead into street violence is not surrendering.

Our side still believes in the rule of law.

But I frequently feel exactly as you described.

If you guys honestly believe the elections are rigged, what's your alternative? You're not gonna change things by voting then. The Founders did give us a way to fight tyranny.

Right now the best we do is pursue an honest accounting of 2020 election.

If audits prove fraud we have some additional tools.

If they prove no fraud, then we can work to ensure more transparency in the future and move on to focus on joe's disasters.

Violence is not an option.

Let history record the democrat's shameful tactics.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
There’s not really much choice. There is no one else claiming to be the government of Afghanistan. Even the ousted leaders of the now defunct puppet government didn’t run away to the same place to try and set up a government in exile.

So that means we'll be sending tons of U.S. taxpayer dollars (aka "Aid") to the Taliban terrorist group now? (They are who they are...regardless of if they're running a country.)
edit on 8/17/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
tyrannical fascists now control our country and we have no ability to change that right now.

Sure we do. We're just rolling over and taking it.

American Patriots have not, and never will surrender.

Unfortunately, we did.

Refusing to follow the democrat's lead into street violence is not surrendering.

Our side still believes in the rule of law.

But I frequently feel exactly as you described.

If you guys honestly believe the elections are rigged, what's your alternative? You're not gonna change things by voting then. The Founders did give us a way to fight tyranny.

Right now the best we do is pursue an honest accounting of 2020 election.

If audits prove fraud we have some additional tools.

If they prove no fraud, then we can work to ensure more transparency in the future and move on to focus on joe's disasters.

Violence is not an option.

Let history record the democrat's shameful tactics.

Given that our predecessors let progressives take over academia (along with almost every other major institution in this country), I wouldn't count on history accurately reflecting any wrongdoing by Democrats. It already doesn't. They teach young people all the wrongdoing by Democrats in the past was actually done by conservatives. The ole party switch myth.

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