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The Secret Life Of Fairies

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posted on Apr, 24 2021 @ 11:19 PM

edit on 24-4-2021 by Rikku because: bs

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Thank you for deepening in on how to navigate. I'm now confident enough to say i probably know that dimension too.

The thought of Russian dolls was interesting insofar that it begs the question... how many more untapped layers are there?

With practice we don't need the mirror. Our own boundary of self becomes the looking glass, the bowl of ink, the surface of the pond.

That surface can be observed from within and without
edit on 25-4-2021 by Terpene because: Samies

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Thank you for deepening in on how to navigate. I'm now confident enough to say i probably know that dimension too.

No worries Terpene, sometimes just comparing notes is probably the best thing in learning.

The thought of Russian dolls was interesting insofar that it begs the question... how many more untapped layers are there?

I have wondered about that too, and honestly I wouldn't know. The fairy folk can create them and it is a natural part of what happens when women get pregnant.

The Russian dolls has validity in practice, just add networks of Russian dolls, and it is a practical mind map that works.

That surface can be observed from within and without

Yeah, I think you've got it. I find the laws of optics are applicable in a practical manner when it comes to the boundaries. Once one has the knack of it, I think the rest comes down to learning to stay out of trouble and how things work in the other world.

What I wrote to Baddogma about the (deceased) girl was an eye opener for me. From her perspective I am a warm ghost in the presence of which she feels safe. That was enlightening.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 10:08 AM
There is a point at which stories and reality touch.
This has been well known.
Some stories are darker than others.
So are some realities.

There does seem to be 'places', and 'people' in dreams.
I'd be cautious professing to know the substance of them.
There is very real danger, without protection.
The only protection is Truth.

Have you seen anything else, while lucid ?
are there any non-euclidian messages ?
Are the narratives an adaptation to your desires ?

edit on 00000041029410America/Chicago25 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: rom12345

'day rom, Yep,there are a lot of dark things and practices "out there" I quite agree. It is the same in this world though.

Most cities have places where a young girl on her own would disappear in minutes. In one way or another modern life is set up so we prey on others. The smile on the door to door salesman's face hides an ulterior motive. That woman smiling ever so sweetly across the restaurant table is hunting a husband.

I think this one is the more dangerous world.

Most folks reading my words would not follow in my footsteps. If they find this an interesting read, I am content with that. Perhaps they may think about it and discover something new for themselves, That is all well and good.

I try to concentrate on being street-smart and learning the ways of the neighbors (fae). That is what I share here.

Why? Because I am interested in them and how they interact with people. To know and understand their nature first hand.

I also simply enjoy the company of fae. Their consciousness is so different to the human. Just working out how they perceive and consider a human is a challenge. If one wants to feel secure in one's view of this world, the philosophies are there.

I love the company of the (deceased) human youngsters about the house. They fuss over me and make sure I eat well, we even share meals. They keep me company. In return we work upon their traumas, and their fears of ever being born here again. I care about them.

Truth in it's ultimate form, if indeed true truth exists at all, isn't of any importance to me. So I leave it to the philosophers to disagree over and re-imagine in ever increasing splendor.

edit on 25-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
There is a distinct "Historical" temporal component.
like yesterdays overgrowth, highly organic and complex, yet dying, and hungry as much as to seduce.
Beware of the Garden Path
edit on 00000041104411America/Chicago25 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: rom12345

Have you seen anything else, while lucid ?
are there any non-euclidian messages ?
Are the narratives an adaptation to your desires ?

I must have missed your edit.

There is a distinct "Historical" temporal component.
like yesterdays overgrowth, highly organic and complex, yet dying, and hungry as much as to seduce.
Beware of the Garden Path

I am sorry rom, I do not understand at all.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 11:16 AM

I am sorry rom, I do not understand at all.

These realms are dangerous without a source of objective truth.
I am not saying they are not 'real' in a supernatural way,
or perhaps "ante" natural or "post" natural

Rip Van Wilnkle
edit on 00000041140411America/Chicago25 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: rom12345

Beware the garden path

As in being lead down the garden path?

Well yes some of them do that. I am always wary. If one knows one is being led down the garden path then it can become a fun game. On the serious study side, I learn about them.

a reply to: rom12345

Ahh, now I understand.

You remind me of something my very intuitive (ex yet still a friend) wife used to say. She said I would disappear one day. I am in my sixties and my family has grown up, so the idea doesn't bother me too much.

Rip Van Winkle ended up in fairyland for twenty years after falling asleep in a cave. Which in turn ties into fairy lore and what happens when one eats fairy food.

Joshua Cutchin wrote a book A Trojan Feast ~ The food and drink offerings of aliens fairies and sasquatch. It sits mostly unread beside Vallee's unread Magnolia upon my bookshelf. (Apologies again Mr Vallee, and to you Mr Cutchin)

These realms are dangerous without a source of objective truth.

I have always maintained that one needs a strong sense of self if one is venturing into these realms. The idea of "becoming one" with something, is not my cuppa tea.

I am curious, what might be that "objective truth"?

edit on 25-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added second reply

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

100% serious

I think you know I don't pick fun so please don't take my question as such.

how do I instigate or invite an encounter?

I have had experiences but never what I would call a two way interaction

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 10:28 PM
Sent you a message hun, Thanks

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: penroc3

how do I instigate or invite an encounter?

How to do that reliably, I do not know. They mostly find me.

Remember ATS member Skunkape? Skunkape used to have encounters all the time. He said something that caught my eye in a post one day. On how to attract their attention.

I'll paraphrase, coz skunkape had a unique sense of humor. Skunkape said to stop acting like a human, and they will get curious.

They do.

What Skunkape actually said was: Stand on your head buck naked and paint your ass blue and then they'll get curious.

Now if you mean those 'critters' that visit you and your video footage, then they are already visiting you, and obviously more than once.

Scary stuff. I had some 'critters' visit at two AM the other night and woke me up. As I laid there watching one approached and as it did a severe tingle spread up my legs according to it's distance. There is a bodily terror in the background one needs to control, so one can observe. When I got up with a torch, they all left the house and into a thicket of trees. They just watched me. So I had a smoke. I suggested they come out where I could see them, I had my phone ready to take their picture. They didn't, so I went back to bed.

A mystery similar to yours. I don't think they're meaning harm, as scary as those ones are.

The question is "why and what are they interested in?"

The other question is "What are they?"

edit on 25-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: shpellin mishtack

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: penroc3

Some thinking aloud here.

There are similarities with your encounters, your thread on RATS, and what I have seen.

They are perhaps a yard (metre) tall (though size doesn't often matter)
They are shy critters.
They back away to a refuge when noticed.
They come in the wee hours of the morning.
They are terrifying up close.

While in Indonesia back in the 1980s, I awoke and stared into the eyes of a little guy with huge oval eyes like looking at sandblasted steel. I yelled and he disappeared. He scared the crap out of me.

My severe tingle in the legs the other night was relative to the position and movement of the Being. That suggests a field surrounding the little fella. Get too close to him and terror is the result? From the trees they were not frightening.

The distance from where the little fella stood at the bottom of my bed, to the limit of the severe tingle at about my waist is four or five feet (1400 mm).

Interesting . . .

edit on 26-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Another thing I'm curious about is....

When you let them into your self, can you feel them inside your body, i can feel them like a pressure or knot along my energetic lines.

I have no problem crossing over, but i noticed if I'm there somehow it attracts beings to my body. They seem to realise that there is an open bridge with no one there...

My issue is more about getting unwanted visitors out of my body.
So far I manage to keep them below my solar plexus.

I'm not keen with them getting to my heart or third eye because I feel like they mess with my chakras, there is something about the heart chakra that seems to be very attractive to them...

I never managed to effectively identify any of them, i don't converse with them either, although I'm sure they understand me, I'm having a hard time to do the same.

Sincerely ..
edit on 26-4-2021 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Terpene

angelchemuel is someone who would know more about chakrum than I ever will. The chakrum are a subject that has never come up (for me).

Usually when things get rowdy and I get to the point where I have had enough. I say sternly and loudly: "Enough! OUT!". They scatter. If you don't want them there, tell them.

Edit to add: Suffice it to say it is (deceased) human girls who are allowed to cross my boundaries. Those I trust, who wouldn't break that trust. It is actually for their safety.

To explain: The spiritual world has absolutely nothing I want or care for, I can't be enticed nor bribed. So the only recourse the spiritual world has to control me is to kidnap one of my girls. The saints and masters are not above using (deceased) kids as leverage.

That is why I have a general dislike towards the spiritual worlds of man and their works. Why I hardly bother to mention them. Not because of what they are, but for what they sometimes do.

edit on 26-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit to add

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 05:29 AM
A curious thing that has come to my mind, so I think it worth mentioning.

A page or two ago in this thread, I mentioned a young (deceased) girl in a reply to Baddogma.

The young lady is shy and does not speak to me often. That is understandable, she was only ten years old when she died.

What is interesting is her description of me:

'A warm ghost'.

She stays with me because "she likes to feel safe":

'A protective warm ghost'.

A ghost she can talk to, and who talks to her:

'A talking protective warm ghost'.

Does that sound familiar?

I wouldn't be the first to wonder if we are their paranormal.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Interesting... Would you say, some humans incarnate or deceased, have tried to implement a hierarchical societal structure in the land of fae?

Or is our society the mirror of theirs?

Are there fairies controlled by humans?

Looking at the time line it seems their consciousness has arisen before that of humans, the stepping stone into a fully materialised experience, where ideas once expressed aren't mouldable anymore.

I'm also of the impression that this place presents itself according to the observers expectations, why diffrent lores have diffrent themes but the archetypal forms remain.

The more i think about it, the more it seems as a sort of sandbox where ideas get tested if they are stable enough for our density, they get implemented.

I'm a very good observer, and like to deduce from my observation, I've grown weary of 3 hand information, and i wouldn't make an excuse for fairies.

But I enjoy what you bring to the table, you seem to have a good and benevolent relationship with these girls, so I'm more than willing to listen.

Thanks for this thread

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Interesting... Would you say, some humans incarnate or deceased, have tried to implement a hierarchical societal structure in the land of fae?

That is kinda the way it looks to me. I get the impression that man is interested in societal structure. Whereas the fae seem to be gardeners of man.

So how many gardeners might there be among the fae? Looking at human society throughout human history across the world, taste in gardens varies greatly.

That's the way I look at it, from my limited experience and knowledge.

I often think that the fae are interested to see what life on Earth might become with a little culturing here and there.

Are there fairies controlled by humans?

Humans have certainly tried. Those are some of the most horrible places in history I have seen.

Looking at the time line it seems their consciousness has arisen before that of humans, the stepping stone into a fully materialised experience, where ideas once expressed aren't mouldable anymore.

I'm also of the impression that this place presents itself according to the observers expectations, why diffrent lores have diffrent themes but the archetypal forms remain.

The more i think about it, the more it seems as a sort of sandbox where ideas get tested if they are stable enough for our density, they get implemented.


I'm a very good observer, and like to deduce from my observation, I've grown weary of 3 hand information, and i wouldn't make an excuse for fairies.

But I enjoy what you bring to the table, you seem to have a good and benevolent relationship with these girls, so I'm more than willing to listen.

Thanks for this thread

Deducing from one's own observation is wonderful I agree. That's what I like to do too.

You would probably like that little Indian fella Krishnamurti.

I read his biography and a few of his books a long time ago.

From memory:

Back in the early twentieth century Annie Besant and Leadbeater of the Theosophical Society were searching for the coming "World Teacher".

They found this boy in India. Besant and Leadbeater adopted, schooled and groomed him for his role as teacher.

When the boy was ready, they made him head of the Order of the Star.

Krishnamurti, asked if he was all powerful in his position. The reply was "yes".

So the boy promptly disbanded the Order of the Star and a little later left the Theosophical Society.

Krishnamurti said; "When you begin to follow someone, you stop following truth."

priceless : ) )

edit on 26-4-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added URL

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I read a book of him, very good insights.

I liked how he describes the state of the mind when thinking. as being here but thinking about there, where as the still mind is only concerned about the actual moment, not defining here and there but seeing the now between the here and there.

he obviously does a much better job verbalizing it

i didnt know about him dismembering an Order... nice move.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: Terpene

The "between two thoughts" is probably a home grown adaption of some of Krishnamurti's insights. Especially when it come to interfacing with the fae. Like the mind labeling and comparing.

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