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Ridiculous 3:33 A.M. Pesterings

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posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Hi Peeps. Hmmm ... thanks for making me think.

I'm not spooked as I long ago deduced "spirits" exist in some manner and so far, have not run into one that had the power to really threaten me ... at least in an obvious, short term way. I hope that remains the case.

My reaction was, in fact, to assume it to be an outside intelligence and I mocked it as a dumb bully and told it to find a better, less obnoxious way to exist. Then I laughed at it ... I was cranky and sick of this thingy (or kind) bothering me ... for decades. Then I felt very sorry for it.

I pictured some piteous, warped, jealous lump of woo that bides its' time, collecting any spare bits of energy and watching my clock for when my time zone hits the hour certain zealots think means something, then marshaling it's less-than- awesome power to psychically nudge me awake, make a "bang" sound and freeze the electrons flowing in my t.v. for a moment... for what possible reason? Loneliness? Neglect? A ruse?

Now, at rare times over these past years, I feel "alien" thoughts come into my mind ... thoughts that are invariably paranoid, isolating, alienating to the human condition and poor (as in low quality). They are distinct from my inner monologue and as such, easy to differentiate. It is not really possible to tell if they are truly alien, or organic /psychiatric dysfunction, but my "gut" tells me it ain't me.

I would offer it hospitality and kindness if it weren't so hell bent on petty scare tactics and parasitic mind manipulation (if such things truly exist, of course). Heck, if it were mildly interesting, slightly helpful or benevolent... or dusted, I'd set a place for it at the table.

But ... I was not submissive.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I'm beginning to think what we deem paranormal might be more normal than we realize.

Amen, brother. The synchronicity is dazzling lately, too, for moi.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Caver78

Yeah, I suppose any attention is better than cosmic neglect... except when trying to sleep!

But sure, (to ether) "Thanks thingy for making the effort.

Now... work on dusting and cleaning and we can talk."

Hmmm ... maybe it's time to tape a mirror on the couple mirrors, here... or threaten with a bug zapper! That never occurred to me ... thanks, again, Caver.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Baddogma


Part of life is “frame of reference” and this seems strange. And outside you. The time of morning sux!

Here is a thought, do you think that it might be the company that you keep?

I am going through some shiz where my friend’s dog is dying (actually, she got the injection today). So your weirdo friend in Alaska is overwhelmed with emotional stuff. Who else do they pick on?

Well, sorry that “dog” has made some kind of connection!

But they can’t talk to me, so have access to this site... anybody here has heard from Revverbs?? Peeps has chimed in.

Hey [ATS], you know the thread, how is your para-abnormal experiences been??

Beware of the company that you keep!!

edit on 2-2-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: clarity

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 12:15 AM
For many years now I have been experiencing a number thing, don't know what it means but I don't think there is anything bad in it. I have gotten used to it and a long list of interesting electrical phenomena which sometimes seems connected.
I came across this the other day, what one person thinks who is having the number thing too.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

What about your family history? The "Asian approach" if you will?
Just a possibility to consider.
I would always first try to establish some very easy, hard to misunderstand "parameters of communication" one=yes two=no.

And stay polite, because not every "personality" responds well to threats. That's a gamble that doesn't seem worth the risk.
Don't escalate it.
Don't panic.
Humor works very well.

...but ey right? Your choice. Let us know what you do and what happens.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 07:43 AM
Here is an easy experiment to try that will rule out biological or psychosomatic or other prosaic explanations for what you are experiencing.

1) Set your bedroom clock fast; maybe 10 minutes fast (all of mine are +5mins to help avoid being late)
a. adjust any alarms you have to wake you up for work etc, accordingly to not mess with your schedule

2) Now go to bed //at your regular time of [day|night]// , disregarding the extra 10 mins you added to your clock. So let's say you usually go to sleep at 10pm. Continue to do so, although now your bedroom clock says 10:10pm

3) The next time you're awoken in the middle of the night, check your "fast" bedroom clock:
a. if it says 3:43AM, well, there is likely some reasonable explanation. Your body is on a clock, and Circadian Rhythms are the gears. Maybe you always wake up 5.5 hours after you fall asleep to take a wiz, or you have sleep apnea, so on/so forth.
b. if the clock says 3:33AM....then I would maybe start getting a little more excited or anxious, depending on what lens you're viewing this through.

Good luck, and let us know how your experiment goes.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 04:29 PM
How does he not run into furniture?
a reply to: rickymouse

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
How does he not run into furniture?
a reply to: rickymouse

Cats, like people and especially Bats....have the ability to seee things by echo location. But unlike Bats, our cat runs into things when it gets excited, that part of his brain is not as good as a bat has. He relies on smell, memory, and echo location to get around, but cannot judge distance and if he cannot sense it or feel it he gets stuck on high things. We have the house pretty well blind cat safe, but still it cannot ever be totally safe for him. He has been blind since birth so he is used to it.

I have been practicing echo location and with my eyes closed I can even picture the things hanging on the wall, shapes but not what a picture actually is of.. I started this about twelve years ago after reading articles about the possibility and often close my eyes when walking around. From articles I have read, people actually have a pretty decent ability to utilize echo location, and the military trains some people to use it. Indians have used this other sense for a very long time. but until about five years ago science denied it as pseudoscience...not even attempting to research it they discounted it as unreal. That showed me that science is not real, it is clouded by opinions.

A blind man taps on the floor with his/her cane and it allows that person to visualize what is out there. But I think there is more than that, everything has a frequency to it when exposed to heat or light and that reflected frequency might also be able to be used with echo location instead of from any type of source could possibly work, which from my own research and practice actually explains things. There is always sound everywhere, and that sound could be used, bats make sounds to utilize their echo location, but we cannot even hear that sound and identifying a mosquito would be extremely hard if that was the only factor, heat sensing and variation has to be in play there too. Or the bats would starve on a breezy evening.

I can get around in my house pretty well, even sensing things in the way like the vacuum cleaner the wife leaves in the middle of the floor most times, but I just stop because I cannot recognize what the out of place thing is, so I open my eyes to see what it is.

I think that there is way more than just the ears registering the info too, possibly with the cat he can use his eyes to identify sounds, or even his skull or nose. He goes into hiding with thunderstorms, he can sense them twenty miles away, going under the recliner, we cannot use the recliner during thunderstorm season. They really mess up his senses and he only crawls very low when he moves to get to the recliner or area where he feels secure.

I like investigating things and test on myself all the time....I got used to doctors experimenting on me with my epilepsy so I figured I would learn how to do things. It does not always turn out well when I experiment with supplements, I learn evaluating things properly takes time and with the aid of my genetic data I can figure out why with lots of research.

A good alchemist will experiment on himself or herself before drawing a conclusion, that is what I am doing. And trying to figure out why something that works for me but not for others requires me to study metabolics and epigenetics and gene expression among different cultures.

According to two different vets, the cat is probably blind because his mother did not get enough taurine, or he personally could not utilize taurine. Heart problems...congested heart failure I think is another problem, and he has that problem, he is real sensitive to food, he gets really sort of asthmatic and cannot get oxygen sometimes. So I give him taurine, a small amount of a multimineral containing molybdenum, l-lysine, and some bromelain to break up muccus. Also he has to take a small amount of augmentum twice a day in his grassmilk, grain fed milk is actually bad for asthma, but grassmilk is an antioxidant and good for asthma. The three slices of bacon every day just helps with his happiness, it probably does not have much medical benefit. He eats about a pound of bacon a week, it gets a little expensive but makes him happy.

His life expectancy is reduced according to the vets and the internet, he is supposed to be dead around six or seven, but he is still doing alright, he will never make it to ten though, so buying him bacon is not bad, he only has another three years to live. Unless my treatment works, but that treatment is already considered at ten years. I am doing this just to prove the vets wrong.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Poor little guy.

On a lighter note, when you are doing echolocation you are walking around your house squeaking? SHOW US YOUR SQUEAK VOICE! hehe

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: rickymouse

Poor little guy.

On a lighter note, when you are doing echolocation you are walking around your house squeaking? SHOW US YOUR SQUEAK VOICE! hehe

Maybe people actually can't get as good of a result with it as us mice can.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Over the years I have responded with everything except terror and awe.

I may be confused regarding the "Asian" thing... do you mean animism, Buddhism, yummy msg laden DNA or ancestral reasons for current spiritual attention? No way to know about family as my ancestors are all dead, and, so far, not effective post death communicators. Please explain if I missed it.

I would be more likely to attempt engagement if I felt it was less belligerent. My intuition tells me to be wary.
Heh, my intuition also suggests that I burn the residence, put it out with holy water, place relics in the ashes then salt it all and join a monastery.

I've experienced some weird crap and am not necessarily afraid of currently unexplained things (for others reading this- i know you know). This thing, if it's the same one that's been visiting, had me weirded out. So much so that I was moved to semi-publicly discuss it.

I don't get any "good vibes" from whatever it is; though, admittedly, I don't get the same intensely wrong feelings that other presumed encounters with unknowns have given me in the past, either.

It's hard to initiate communication with something that appears on it's own crappy schedule, usually when I'm trying to sleep.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Good idea, but it was sort of done already.

Months ago, my bedroom's clock had been knocked out and reset by a power outage and I was awakened and saw it blinking at a different time (like 1:44 or something) and when I went into the main room I saw the time had actually been 3:33 a.m.

I seem to remember a few times where "it" was off it's time mark, but I have no notes and memory is fickle. .. and people can wake up for many reasons.

This presumed "thingy" is not doing it very frequently. At it's worst, it's a few times in a week... say thrice? Then declines for a while. I should keep notes.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Hi Seaworthy. Long time no read!

The number thing seems to exist, as does the "name game" when it comes to high strangeness. It's all a seemingly big mess of interconnected consciousness 'round here.

Being a "weird chaser" I've heard the almost ubiquitous opinions from new agers, occultists, evangelicals, Catholics, and the myriad other people with one ear to the ether, that we're in for a wild ride.

It's a pretty sure bet that "stuff will happen."

I'm hoping it's nice stuff ... and not all of us agnostics and free thinkers getting dragged to Hades!

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Mmm ... I'm just reminded of a story of a guy with a doggy that had as terminal a cancer as possible. His vet told him to take the doggy home and feed it some nice meals and bring it back when the pain got too bad in a couple days or weeks.

The guy started boiling a whole chicken every day for the beloved, soon to be gone doggy. The dog really liked chicken.

Medium story shorter, the dog was still alive eleven years and thousands of chickens later at age 21.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 12:40 AM

'Sup sup!

The company I keep in these plague times is my own! I have very little interaction with other physical humans (or others). So, nobody's fault but mine.

I'd love to blame someone else, though... pointing fingers is good exercise, they say.

I hope Reverbs is ok. Nice kid.

I am very sorry about Karma, though. I am something of a misanthrope, but doggies melt my heart and are some of the few beings that make me sure of a benign creator intelligence. Cats, however, are proof of the devil! (kidding kidding)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Heh, my intuition also suggests that I burn the residence, put it out with holy water, place relics in the ashes then salt it all and join a monastery.

That's of course always an option.

I've meant the ancestral attention to what the current carrier of their DNA is up to.
I could make several suggestions how to approach it, all of them for sure at least a little bit silly.
I mean looking at the anecdotes surrounding similiar phenomena I'd still say key is avoiding escalation, whenever people get hysterical or obsess over it ... whereas others who just tolerantly accept it, stay able to laugh and be friendly 'live together' without further inconvenience.

Personally I would say it's super interesting to see if you can make this a full-blown poltergeist/demon infestation. But that's from far away... so in your shoes you probably don't want that.
It wouldn't hurt if you take it as your grumpy uncle with some personal problems currently couche surfing. Give the guy not too much attention, but small signs that you're generally friendly. If you're having a drink put out an extra glas with a little sip for your guest in it.
Stuff like that, appeasement so you can eventually start setting boundries, like changing the super-fun-haunting-time to a more convenient hour.

See told you it will all sound a bit silly? Ultimately it's all up to you. You've done research in that area as I understand, so you know what not to do I hope.
If you escalate it will escalate.
That's the only for-sure-thing we know. Everything else ... depends on how whimsical you feel.

edit on 5-2-2021 by Peeple because: mysterious case of a missing a

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 01:57 AM
Interesting thread, brings back memories both good and bad.

Why is "it" bugging me? I wish I knew. I've spent some effort being innocuous and keep to myself. I lived in a couple massively haunted rentals and had some intoxicant experimentation in my youth but I'm not some impressive prize in some cosmic struggle! At least I fervently hope not as that would mean this reality is much more screwy than it seems... and it seems pretty screwy.

Sometimes one simply can't do anything about it.

When my mother passed on I spent a fortnight staying at her home, and every morning about 2AM a noisy religious parade passed through the house as if it wasn't there.

Another house, when I was a little kid. Every night the dead alcoholics would pass through on their way to the brewery.

So yeah, probably more often than not, we are unimportant.

On the other hand, bored children like to 'help' about the house.

edit on 5-2-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: Ty-poe

Edit to add:

When strange things happen, someone might be helping out. It depends on how one interprets what is going on in the beginning.

Here is one ATS thread with a fairy tale ending (probably):

Disappearing Object Phenomenon and The Tale of Missing Contraceptive Pills

edit on 5-2-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added edit

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

not a long post

but most night i wake up on the dot of 3:33 or 3:34

no sure what its all about but sometime ill get up to get a glass of water not even realizing the time and when I see the clock in the bath room 3:34 or close to it, there have been a few times if i have gotten up to get a drink or what ever I actually run back to bed.

ETA it should be said that the power of hypnopompic hallucinations are very powerful and(just waking up and seeing something) is not that uncommon and like I said I wake up around that same time my self, maybe we have trained out self to be up at that time with out even knowing it.

edit on 5-2-2021 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: rickymouse

Mmm ... I'm just reminded of a story of a guy with a doggy that had as terminal a cancer as possible. His vet told him to take the doggy home and feed it some nice meals and bring it back when the pain got too bad in a couple days or weeks.

The guy started boiling a whole chicken every day for the beloved, soon to be gone doggy. The dog really liked chicken.

Medium story shorter, the dog was still alive eleven years and thousands of chickens later at age 21.

When I was young, the saying was that pet food was probably healthier than the junk food in the store. That is not the case anymore, most of the ingredients for the pet food is imported from China and they put it in bags. Sure there are regulations, but just because vitamins, minerals, and taurine is added to the mix does not mean it is bioavailable to a cat.

We went through many brands to find one cats do not puke up all the time. Every day we were cleaning up puke, doesn't matter if it was expensive or cheap...they puked it up. They would not eat science diet, after all what does a cat know about science, anything that says science on the label on the front should be avoided. We found one produced by a local vet and marketed around here, the cats are healthier, probably because they don't puke every day. But allas, the older cat has tumors, but even though she is fat and full of lumps, she does not appear to be sore and they have stopped growing I think we are all right. She hates the vet, they told us if they get worse four years ago we should consider putting her down. They did for a few years, but she is a sweetheart then we changed the food and she stabalized. I do not think the sprinkle of multimineral, taurine, and L-lysine for her lifelong epilepsy are doing anything with that, she was getting lots of seizures and with my knowledge, I decided to toss some molybdenum in her breakfast treat, and for five years now she has not had a seizure. The multimineral contains an active form of molybdenum, which is necessary for creating sulfite oxidase in the body.....Taurine needs sulfite oxydase to work and taurine is a neuromodulator which is actually medically recognized as antiseizure. The taurine in the cat food doesn't do any good if it can't be utilized, the cat probably has a MOCO deficiency, so supplying molybdenum allows it to be able to make more of the MOCO enzyme to be used to utilize the taurine if given twice a day. It works, and she used to have grand mall seizures, not petite like I have. I discovered over fourteen years ago that molybdenum reduced my seizures, but didn't think it would help the cat....I could have helped her five or six years earlier if I would have tried it.

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